God of Fishing

Chapter 1850: Realize death

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In the end, Han Fei is still conscious: Isn't this special, isn't it the trial of the Void Temple? How come here, there will be such a sentence?

"Everyone in the Void Temple deserves to die?"

This sounded like an enemy of the Void Temple said. Isn't it special for yourself? Couldn't it be the wrong trial field?

At this moment, although Han Fei was in a burst state, his consciousness was still very clear.

Han Fei felt: There is a powerful force that is wiping out his soul body.

Yes, Han Fei originally thought that if he rushed to the 3000th floor, he would be able to enter the bronze gate, which basically means that his trial of the Void Temple passed.

But now, the situation is clearly wrong.

Even if he rushed to the highest level, but encountered such a sentence, the other party would still obliterate his soul?

Han Fei's current state is extremely poor, and he is no longer in human form. On the body, it seemed to be pressed by infinite gravity, like a piece of paper.

And this is not the key, Han Fei felt: part of his soul body is slowly losing contact.

This really shocked Han Fei.

Immediately, Han Fei yelled: "I have worked so hard to get here, do you want to obliterate my soul? Don't even think about it... Roar!"

Han Fei gathered the soul madly, trying to dissipate the pressure on his body.

However, no matter how hard Han Fei tried, he couldn't shake the pressure.

Even after a full period of hours, Han Fei could not feel half of his soul body at this moment.

This means: at most, for a few more hours, all of his soul body will be wiped out. I will fall!

"Special mother! Little gourd, refining demon pot, put it on top for me."

However, this time, the Demon Refining Pot did not respond either.

Han Fei was angry. Want to communicate with the refining world, but the refining world cannot be opened.

Han Fei's thoughts moved and wanted to recruit embroidery needles, but this also lost contact.

But at this moment, among the remnants of Han Fei's soul, there was a scimitar, emitting a faint light.

"Blade of Hope?"

Hanfeidun time, looks complicated.

When everything is useless, there is still a blade of hope! As long as there is hope, the blade of hope will not disappear.

Immediately, Han Fei's soul body burst into laughter.

"Hope is not extinguished, this knife is not bad. I will kill~"


At this time, there are more than 500 people on the steps. However, in their eyes, apart from the bronze door, there are steps.

However, at this moment, everyone saw that under the bronze door, there were two beams of light glowing white, trying to rise into the sky.


At that moment, the most surprised was Song Kaiyuan.

As the second person to rush here, Song Kaiyuan and Han Fei had a meeting. It was precisely because of this meeting that Song Kaiyuan realized that the movement above was very likely to be related to Han Fei.

But what is that place? It was under the bronze door, and I had already passed 3000 steps.

After parting ways with Han Fei for so long, he only reached 2300 by himself. Song Kaiyuan knew from the bottom of his heart: This is so special, it is not a place where humans can climb.

Now that Han Fei has gone up, I am afraid that he has also got a great opportunity, right?

Xia Xiaochan's heart moved.

She is the 40th person who came here.

As soon as she got here, she saw Han Fei standing here.

Now, he has jumped over the 2200 level and surpassed many people, but he has not yet met Han Fei.

This shows that Han Fei is at a higher position. Now, the top is moving. The first thing she thought of was Han Fei.

However, unlike Song Kaiyuan's thinking, Xia Xiaochan felt that there was an inexplicable dullness in his heart. This feeling is very bad.

At this time, she gritted her teeth and hurried up to speed up.

Several other people, such as Wu Dui, Li Xinghen, Wu Hao, Cang Longyu, etc., all looked solemn at the moment. The pride of being a strong person does not allow them to fall behind so much.


Below, when everyone was struggling to climb up, under the bronze door, a pair of scimitars, full of fiery light, supported a place several meters wide near Han Fei.

At this moment, Han Fei's soul body had been wiped out ninety-nine percent.

Han Fei still has hope, at this moment, he is just trying to save himself.

But that kind of power has completely exceeded the range that the Blade of Hope can resist at present.

Han Fei felt: The light of the Blade of Hope is getting weaker and weaker.

Han Fei knows: This is no longer a question of whether there is hope or not, but this kind of power cannot be countered.


Han Fei gathered the last bit of strength and injected a ray of soul into the blade of hope.

Just listen to Han Fei: "Take a memory of me back to the Yin and Yang sky. My physical body is still there! One day, my external incarnation will come over, take back my physical body, and reach the top again. For thousands of years, what is there to fear?"

"go with!"

Following Han Fei's thoughts, the Blade of Hope sank directly into the blue color, into time. Escape from time, fly by to the wild abyss.


When the blade of hope flew out, a young man in a dragon scale suit suddenly opened his eyes in Wudi City.

He couldn't help looking towards the direction of Invincible Inheritance, and only listened to him muttering: "Escape time? Is this half-king, something that can be done?"

When the blade of hope flew away, Han Fei wanted to cast his gaze on the steps. If I could take another look at Xia Xiaochan, it would be great.

Facing death and fall, Han Fei discovered for the first time that he was not afraid at all.

However, he couldn't imagine where Xia Xiaochan would go after he fell?

"Hey! Girl..."


After Han Fei finished chanting this sentence, for a moment, the soul body no longer had consciousness.

It was also at this moment that Xia Xiaochan, who was climbing up nervously, suddenly stood still.

For some reason, tears started to flow in her eyes unconsciously.

"There is an accident, Han Fei has an accident."

Xia Xiaochan knew: something must have happened.

At the moment she was about to explode, suddenly, a drop of crystal tears flew past her.

Xia Xiaochan's eyes lit up when she saw that teardrop.

"There is still hope. The book says that the tears of the mermaid are the meaning of recovery in despair. Now that the tears of the mermaid are gone, there must be hope."

Xia Xiaochan couldn't help but stared under the bronze door.


Han Fei didn't know the spontaneous behavior of mermaid tears. He had no consciousness now, and his soul seemed to wither.

In the dark, Han Fei felt that he was standing in the darkness.

"Am I dead?"

In the darkness, a voice said: "How does it feel to fall?"

Han Fei was stunned for a while, and then said for a while: "I can still talk? Then, am I dead?"

The voice was leisurely: "I just wanted you to feel Dao Xin in the process of falling. Unexpectedly, you have a lot of babies...no, let's recover!"


Han Fei doesn't know what's going on either?

In short, suddenly, Han Fei was a joke.

Just now, those soul bodies that had lost consciousness, at this moment, all of a sudden, they all came back.

I only saw that Han Fei's soul body quickly gathered.

Han Fei stood up straight away. And beside him, there was a crystal clear teardrop.

Han Fei's face changed drastically: "Tears of the mermaid? Could it be that he really died just now?"

The tears of the mermaid immersed directly in Han Fei's soul, and then disappeared invisible.

Just when Han Fei was about to jump and scold someone, he only heard a "creak", and the bronze door slowly opened a gap.

When the dazzling white light leaked from the crack in the door, Han Fei's heart immediately moved: This trial should be over.

Although Han Fei didn't know what the fourth trial was? But ~www.ltnovel.com~Han Fei now, I have to go to the door and walk again.

Many of my senior brothers, senior sisters, the arrogant seniors, the seniors who shot the artifact: I'm here.

At this moment, Han Fei had no pressure on him. Taking the lead, quickly stepped into the door.


At the moment Han Fei stepped into the bronze gate, he might not know it, but Zhang Luotian and others from the outside world were all fried.

Zhang Luotian widened his eyes: "The ultimate trial, is it on?"

"No, the ultimate trial is over."

As he spoke, he saw a man wearing a dragon scale suit appearing in front of everyone.

"King Wu."

"Master Wu Huang."


According to rumors, Shenlong sees the head but fails to see the end.

In the sea of ​​riots, the extremely mysterious city lord of Emperor Wu, King Wu, appeared before everyone at this moment.

Just listen to this Martial King said: "The fourth trial is an epiphany between life and death. Someone has broken it. This person is the first pass in history!"

As the director of the Intelligence Center, Yan Meng couldn't help asking: "How do you know that the fourth trial has been broken? We have never seen the fourth trial for tens of thousands of years. Even just now, we have never seen it. It's on!"

King Wu smiled faintly: "There are some trials that can't be seen by anyone. The king, but it's nothing more than entering the road. There are some things that are not even accessible to the king. However, since someone has already lived and died. Close, then the bronze door should naturally open."


Everyone was astonished.

The bronze door is not physical, and they can't see it now. However, when Wang Wu said that the bronze door had been opened, who didn't want to witness it?

Just listen to Wu Wangdao: "Don't panic, wait a moment..."

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