God of Fishing

Chapter 1853: The 3 chances of Wudi City

   "Cang Tian Wu Shen body?"

  Han Feixin said: Just listening to the name, you know that it is very unusual.

   As expected, this seems to be the ceiling of the Dharma Body Realm. This level is clearly equivalent to the "Void Refining Fire Technique" he is coming to.

   Insert an app: Perfectly reproduce the old version of the book-chasing artifact that can be replaced with the source APP-Mimi Reading.

  There are thousands of families in the sea, tens of millions of families, this time I can be regarded as suffering and willing to come and have a head.

   But when Han Fei saw that it would take 100,000 wisps of chaos to make a deduction, the whole person was not good.

   Are you special, who are you kidding?

   Even if it’s the demon refining pot to upgrade the time chain, now there are only 10,000 wisps of chaos. This thing will cost one hundred thousand at once? I have that resource, so I will upgrade the time chain first as soon as possible.

   didn't care about this.

   With great skill in mind, Han Fei closed his eyes and wandered quickly, and quickly studied what kind of martial arts body. Then, Han Fei looked at the golden villain in his mind several times.

   Han Fei tried, calling on the power of the golden villain, and he saw a giant more than 50 meters tall emerge from behind him invisibly.

   The body of the **** of war, the law body displayed, is no longer the kind of giant that the invincible golden body transformed into.

  Han Fei’s Dharma body looks like a brawny Buddha. The suffocation on the body condenses, and the blood is surging.

   When this Dharmakaya came out, Han Fei felt that he could control the Dharmakaya and his own body at the same time. The difference is that the Dharmakaya that I feel is a character with extremely strong physique and fierceness.

   Although in terms of appearance, it looks very similar to that of King Wu. However, Han Fei didn't know why, he always felt that his own statue seemed to be very fierce. The fastest computer terminal of the new 81 Chinese website: https://www.@x81zw@@

  Han Fei’s body of the Dharma Body is squeezing his fists, feeling the surge of energy in his body, feeling the flow of Tao Yun, and feeling the mobilization of the power of the soul.

   said bluntly, now if someone uses ordinary spirits to attack and kill himself... you only need to slap that person's spirits to kill.


   With a move of Han Fei's heart, the Law Body dissipated.

   "Huh! Dharma body, a magical body that relies on inheritance and appears... I don't know, who is his prototype?" First published https://(www) https://m/.x81zw./com/

  Han Fei knows: Now, to study the prototype of the so-called Dharmakaya? premature.

   It’s just that this inheritance process is too simple! When a beam of light comes down, one can obtain the method of Law Bodies cultivation?

  Han Fei stared at this huge statue for a long time, but couldn't form any great art in his mind.

  Han Fei is only certain: It is estimated that the difficulty of the trial is too high. Therefore, when accepting inheritance, there is no difficulty at all, just a beam of light.

   Han Fei glanced back, and did not leave immediately. In Han Fei's eyes, another message emerged.

   "Fire Refining in the Void" [No Fret]

  Introduction: The art of controlling fire refining equipment can be used as a minor in the cultivation of spirits and physical bodies. It is also possible to control fire refining equipment. To practice this technique, one needs to enter the realm of the void and master the fire of nothingness. When cultivating, beware of the unity of mind and spirit, and devote all your energy to the cultivation.

   deduction: not deduction

   Effect: When controlling the fire and refining, it is also when refining the body.

   Remarks: To practice this technique requires a very strong body and soul

Before   , Han Fei failed to take a closer look at the "Fire Refining in the Void". Now, I have time, I have time, just to take a look.

   It's just that the more Han Fei looked, the more profound it became.

   This great technique gives a detailed explanation of the Void Realm and Void Fire.

   It doesn’t look like it can be studied thoroughly in a while. Now, what I lack the most is time, so let’s wait for the yin and yang days before doing research!

   A moment later, when Han Fei repeatedly confirmed that there was nothing left in this Martial Emperor's inheritance... Then he left this place reluctantly.

  Although Han Fei has left, it is estimated: This Wudi inheritance is still there.


   When Han Fei reappeared on the top of the tower, Emperor Wu was waiting for himself.

Seeing Han Fei coming out, I just listened to him: "The inherited thing is the Dharmakaya. But I think that better things should be in the bronze gate. Now, you have the Dharmakaya, and the gate has gone. Yes. Said, as long as you become a king smoothly and fight steadily, your achievements in the future will only be higher than mine."

   Han Fei said: "The trial of the Void Temple is not over yet, I am still not a beginner disciple."


   King Wu couldn’t help looking at Han Fei: “You’re not even considered a beginner disciple even if you enter two bronze gates?”

   King Wu may have entered the bronze gate once, but apparently he failed to enter the second time. Because he couldn't get in, he didn't know if there were any other bronze doors behind it?

   He hadn't thought about it that way before.

   However, Wudi City's intelligence is the top riot in the ocean, and he didn't know that there was a bronze gate...

   Therefore, he only thought: Only by passing the trial of Emperor Wu's inheritance and entering the bronze gate can he truly pass the trial of the Void Temple.

   Upon hearing Han Fei's words, he was still not a beginner disciple, and King Wu immediately let out a laugh: "Sure enough..."

   King Wu confirmed his thoughts.

   Over the years, he has been thinking about the Three Gods Temple.

   In the sea of ​​riots, knowing that the Three Temples are pure, extremely rare. However, scarcity does not mean that there is no trace.

   The original intention of King Wu to build Wudi City was to collect information from the world, and that was the purpose.

  Who knows, I didn't find out the information I wanted, but Wudi City is getting stronger and stronger, becoming almost the most powerful force in the riot sea.

Just listen to King Wu said: "You have obtained the inheritance of Emperor Wu. If there is no accident, you should be the best achiever. Ninety-nine percent of the completion rate has indeed never been achieved. But the Emperor Wucheng can give you Help is to help you three things. This help is to bond with you... But don’t think too much about it. Bonding is not to please, let alone that you have not grown up. Even if you have already opened the sea, it is not worth it Wudi City pleases. You know, how did I build Wudi City?"

   Han Fei shook his head slightly: "How?"

King Wu squinted his eyes and said: "Although I failed to join the Void Temple, I got a gift from Emperor Wu. If you enter the Void Temple, you should have the opportunity to contact Emperor Wu. And Emperor Wu City is the place of protection for Emperor Wu. Because of the existence of Emperor Wu, some special forces from outside, although they can descend into the riots in some special ways, no one dares to riot. This is the deterrent of the emperor."

   Han Fei's heart moved: It turns out that Wudi City really has a connection with Emperor Zun. With the blessing of Emperor Zun, it is no wonder that Emperor Wu City can easily suppress the riots.

   Of course, the strength of this king of war is unlikely to be weak. The existence of being able to claim to be the King of Wu and sit in the Emperor Wu City is definitely a powerful person in the Open Heaven Realm.

   Otherwise, who can tolerate the mere kings and suppress the entire sea of ​​riots in places such as the Shuren tribe, the Taiqing Palace, and the Hundred Demon tribe?

   Han Fei didn't try to guess the strength of this king of war. He is still in the critical period of seeking growth. Only by successfully breaking the sea and becoming a true king can he be qualified to win a place in the sea of ​​riots.

   As far as I am concerned, although I am full of treasures and have constant opportunities, he is not the king after all. There is still no way to meet a strong person like Pure Emperor Code!

Han Fei immediately stated: "I, Han Fei, are not ungrateful people who crossed the river and demolished bridges. This time, if I get a chance in Wudi City, if I have a chance in the future, I will naturally repay. As for the three wishes of Wudi City, I hope that the first one The wish is to **** me into the abyss."

   Before Han Fei came, he hadn't thought: In the end, he would leave the riots in this way.

   Before coming, Han Fei was ready and dragged Chun Huang Dian into the water. As for whether it can be dragged into the water? How far can it be dragged? Han Fei will do his best.

  Even, Han Fei still has a back move, but now, it shouldn’t be needed anymore.

   King Wu nodded slightly: "Yan Meng told me. You don't need to worry about the pure emperor's code."

  Han Fei suddenly breathed a sigh of relief. I am not afraid of the pure imperial code of the king's realm, but I am afraid that the pure imperial code hides the realm. Xia Xiaochan didn't lie to Yan Meng about this, she really doubted it.

   Han Fei faced Pihai Realm, but after all, he still had a way to escape. But if it is really an Open Heaven Realm, you can only rely on luck.

   Han Fei saw that the important matter had been decided, and then said: "Master Wu, the second thing..."


  Han Fei returned to the wilderness in the mountains, only to realize that three days had passed.

   In other words, three days have passed since the moment I accepted the inheritance.

When the Eight Great Kings saw Han Fei's return, some people couldn't help sighing: "Really envy this kid, Emperor Wu's inheritance! This kid is the second one after King Wu to obtain the inheritance of Emperor Wu. I don't know what the inheritance is? Yan Meng, you are. Director of the Intelligence Center, tell me?"

   Yan Meng turned white and the man said, "Dreaming."

   Four days later.

  Han Fei was sitting cross-legged and visualizing. Under the eyes of these kings, he couldn't enter the world of refining, so he practiced without fail.

   No, suddenly, a person "brushed" appeared.

   Han Fei originally thought: Xia Xiaochan would come out second. Because Xia Xiaochan's special bloodline and special identity background are extremely powerful.

   As a result, this second one was actually Wu's opponent.

   Han Fei was stunned: This "no opponent", is it so strong?

   It’s just, I don’t know the degree of completion of this star ball without opponents, what is it?

  At this moment, the moment the adversary Wu saw Han Fei, his pupils shrank: This guy, unexpectedly came out before him?

   Just as Han Fei thought, he heard Yan Meng say: "Taiqing Palace, Wu is the leader, the test is completed, 89%."

   Han Fei felt relieved when he heard of Wu's performance. It seems that if you come out fast, your achievements are not necessarily good!

   At this moment, Wu's adversary couldn't help looking at Han Fei, but he did not ask Han Fei's degree of completion. But, like Han Fei, he also sat cross-legged.

   half an hour later.

   This time, Jianhui came out.

   Han Fei was stunned. Song Kaiyuan and other smart people have not yet come out, Jianhui, this dull gourd ~www.ltnovel.com~ actually went on the 3000 floor?

   Just listen to Yan Meng's words: "Sword God Palace, Sword Repentance, the completion of the trial, 92%."


   At that time, Wu's opponent was a bit blown up, his eyes swept towards Jianhui, and his heart said: Such a thing, the degree of completion is higher than mine?

   An hour later.


   Li Xinghen appeared pale on the field. When he saw the star bead in his hand, his face became even more ugly.

   Yan Meng said, "Li Xinghen, the completion of the trial, 88%."

   followed, and more people came out.

   "Wu Emperor City, Ye Fan, the completion of the trial, 91%."

   "The royal family of Sharks, Lie, the completion of the trial, 90%."

   "Chaotic Heaven, Wu Hao, the completion of the trial, 88%."


   Xia Xiaochan is the ninth one to come out.

   When Xia Xiaochan appeared in the wilderness, Han Fei suddenly got up.

   And at the moment Xia Xiaochan saw Han Fei, she burst into tears and plunged into Han Fei's arms, crying and laughing.

   Han Fei looked dumbfounded, and quickly comforted: "Don't cry! What's wrong with this? Is it the last trial that made you realize what?"

   Xia Xiaochan wiped her tears: "I won't tell you."

   At this time, I only heard Yan Meng say: "The royal family, Xia Xiaochan, the completion of the trial, 94%..."

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