God of Fishing

Chapter 1860: Wu Wang shot

   Han Fei is not worried.

  Since I’m here, I can’t hide myself anymore, so come all those who should come... Know all who should know.

   In the future, I might return one by one.

   Just listen, in this world, there is the sound of dragons. I saw dragon scales intertwined, and King Wu had quietly appeared in this world.


  Han Fei didn't think that King Wu would personally take action against Pure Emperor Code. After all, no matter how powerful the Pure Emperor Code is, it is not as powerful as King Wu, right?

   People suppress the existence of riots.

   Chun Huang Dian also squinted his eyes slightly: "Unexpectedly, the dignified King Wu came here in person? My face, it seems that it is not small!"

King Wu said indifferently: "You don't have enough face by yourself. Taiqing old monster He Daoyuan, Wuji old bug Beiluochen, Li Qingdi of the royal family... Since he is here, let's all come out! All of them have been reached. In the open-day realm, but bullying a junior of the half-king realm is too much of a loss of identity."

  Han Fei's face was much ugly at the time: Nima, are there so many people here? Moreover, they are all in the Open Heaven Realm? How many emperors want to attack themselves at the same time?

   Han Fei couldn't help being speechless: When did so many emperors emerge in the riots?


   Sure enough, in the next moment, in addition to the Pure Emperor's Code, three more people appeared on the void.

   It's not worth mentioning to them how powerful the pull of the Wild Abyss is.

  The three of the visitors, one of them was wearing a green robe, behind which floated a three-foot sword made of golden light. The man had pale hair and a delicate face.

   However, Han Fei knew: This is the so-called Taiqing Palace. What is the reason for the strongest?

  The royal family of Sharks, in addition to the pure Huangdian Han Fei, another middle-aged man, holding a spear in his hand. Wearing a fish-scale battle suit with rotating colors, it should be the Emperor Li Qing mentioned by King Wu.

   The last one is a hidden world powerhouse who Wuji Tian rarely shows up and does not even hold the Immortal Palace.

  Han Fei knows: The lord of the Immortal Palace of Wujitian is named Yuntianhe. And this person's name is Bei Luochen, and his appearance is similar to Bei Xuanbing, and Beitang Xuandu... I want to come, this is a family.

   Han Fei couldn't help being speechless: A family, one emperor, one king, and a strong young generation? This family is obviously extraordinary.

Just listen to Bei Luochen said: "Your Excellency King Wu, this is an entanglement between us and Yin Yang Tian. Back then, Jiang Linxian stole something and ran away. This nature does not matter which strength is stronger or weaker... This Han Fei, will he not return today? go with."

   He Daoyuan said leisurely: "I heard about the unparalleled fighting power of King Wu. I will be disturbing it today, and ask King Wu for advice."

   Li Qing: "Wu Emperor City, I haven't experienced a battle in too long. Today, is it possible to use one blow to counter the entire riot?"

   King Wu smiled faintly: "Yeah! Emperor Wu hasn't done it for a long time. But, with you, how can you represent the entire riot?"

   It's over, Wu Wang waved his hand, Han Fei's vision changed.

   Han Fei was directly promoted by King Wu for 100,000 miles.

   The last scene in Han Fei's eyes was the appearance of the sky law body. King Wu slammed four of them all by himself, leaving behind an extremely stalwart figure.

   Han Fei naturally took this opportunity to escape. As soon as the person appeared, he moved the world and ran for nearly 300,000 miles.

   As for King Wu, if Han Fei could still see him, he would be shocked by the power of King Wu.

  Only saw King Wu’s head, there was a hanging sword trying to press down, and there were tens of millions of revolvers in Bafang Wuji trying to cut. An euphorbia is reflected in the sky, and there are giants of ten thousand feet, holding the euphorbia and striking.

  The pure emperor's code broke the emptiness with one finger, and the world was pale.

   However, King Wu was in the middle of the storm and stood still. Hundred-zhang Law Body, hands together fists, beat with great force: "Annihilation Demon Fist."

   Almost instantly, a beam of light soared into the sky. Countless people can be vaguely aware of the terrifying power with a distance of millions of miles.

   Han Fei, who was rushing and fleeing wildly, also felt: Behind him, there is power swept in.

   Hundreds of thousands of miles away, you can feel the terrifying fighting power in an instant. What is the battle of the Open Heaven Realm like?

   And the Pure Emperor Code, since he can participate in the battle of the Open Heaven Realm, is his strength as true as Xia Xiaochan said, not the Sea Realm at all?

   There is less than 2 million miles from the center of the Abyssal Fissure. When there was only 1.8 million li, a Void Dragon Shadow flew over and headed straight for Han Fei.

   The shadow of the void dragon was transformed into the mid-air.

   Upon a closer look, it looked like a human form and stepped on the magical method of Canglong cruising.

  Han Fei's heart moved: the strongest man in the royal family, Long Youjun?

   The first time that person spoke, Han Fei confirmed his identity even more.

   I just listened to him: "Although my protagonist is not glorious, but it is not dead. You kill it forcibly, this is not the case."

   It’s just that, as soon as the words fell, a strong wind rose in the whirlpool. I saw a scholar holding a feather fan and patted easily. Who is not Zhang Luotian?

   Zhang Luotian glanced at Han Fei, and then looked at Long Youjun: "Longyou, I heard that you have always been unhappy with foreign affairs. It just so happens that I only like reading books and tasting tea. How good is it to be safe?"

   The moment Zhang Luotian came out, Han Fei ran away without scruples.

   After that, it will be less than 2 million miles.

   At such a distance, with all his strength, with Han Fei's current ability, it only takes dozens of breaths.

   However, when Han Fei approached the center of the abyss crack, only a million miles... all of a sudden, he flew by seven or eight sea kings.

   After a closer look, there are Ji Xuan who Han Fei has seen before, Bei Xuanbing who he has sniped, and a few others don’t know. However, they are all kings whose strength is absolutely impossible to be low.

   At the same time when these people appeared, Han Fei saw: the great kings who had seen Wudi City and supervised the trials of Wudi inheritance have quietly appeared.

   Only then did Han Fei know: How useful are the three conditions of Wudi City!

  Only this way, if it weren't for King Wu's visit, I would have been cold in the morning.

   Now, seeing the confrontation between the people, Han Fei did not hesitate to continue to the depths of the wild abyss and flee away.

   At this moment, Han Fei has already used the power of the Great Dao, and his strength is comparable to the king, and his speed is amazing.

   After more than ten breaths, Han Fei finally rushed to the entrance of the Wild Abyss. I saw Han Fei immediately took out the Multi-Navigation Instrument and started pointing without hesitation.

   However, what surprised Han Fei was that the Vientiane Navigation System did not move at all.

   "Oh, illusion?"

  Han Fei's heart sank at the time: He unexpectedly entered the illusion without knowing it? If it weren't for taking out the Multi-Navigation Instrument, I'm afraid it would be a disaster.


   Xiao Hei and Xiao Bai merged with themselves instantly, and the eyes of Yin and Yang appeared.

   At that time, Han Fei saw a man covered in fire at the center of the vortex, and a woman standing on the big squid monster.

   "Weaving Dream Sky, Yu Meng? Nightmare Sea Squid."

   "Golden Wutian, isn't the fire fierce?"

   The masters of the two immortal palaces are here, and of course Han Fei cannot be negligent.


   I saw Han Fei roar, and the golden light on the center of his eyebrows lit up.

   opened a golden eye in the center of his brow.

   At that moment, Han Fei's strength skyrocketed. First release www.(x81zw)m./x81zw/

Yu Meng squinted his eyes and said: "What a yin and yang divine eye, it broke my great dream realm all at once! Unfortunately, you are only a half-king realm after all. No matter how strong you are, how can you do it in a short time? , Break through the two of me?"

  Han Fei's face was solemn.

   Just as Han Fei was preparing for a battle, he only saw the sky in the sky, and suddenly two colors were separated, half of the sky, half of the blue light flowing, as if the sky was cut in half.

   After a while, Huo Bulie's complexion changed drastically: "No! The Heaven-Jumping Sword is the sword **** Liu Qing."

  Han Fei's heart sank: Liu Qing went off in person, doesn't it mean that he publicly supported me in Yin and Yang?

  In this way, it is bound to create a hostile state between the Fourth Palace of the Sword God and other immortals.

   However, Han Fei couldn't let down this opportunity.

   Han Fei did not linger, but "swiped" and continued to impact towards the center of the abyss crack.

   At the moment Han Fei left, a touch of sword light fell directly, blocking Huo Bulie and Yu Meng.

   At the same time, there was a cold voice that sounded in Han Fei's mind: "I waited for the fourth house. I was at odds with Taiqing and them. Sooner or later, there will be a battle. Today the imperial palace will be opened soon.

   Han Fei didn't have time to respond, swept tens of thousands of miles.

   Under the horrible pull of the vortex itself, after five breaths, Han Fei finally saw the entrance of the Wild Abyss.

"finally reached."

   Han Fei was overjoyed, controlling the Vientiane Navigation Instrument, and instantly rushed into the Eye of the Abyss. The fastest full text of 噺⒏⑴祌 んττρs:/м.χ八㈠zщ.còм/


  Han Fei experienced the huge amount of energy, but at that time, he couldn't understand it in detail.

   This time, Han Fei had already broken the barrier, and he felt that his whole body had been knocked to pieces.

   However, when Han Fei's Vientiane was pointed at a light spot, Han Fei suddenly saw a figure. Who is it that is not a pure emperor?

   When I saw Han Fei, I only listened to Pure Emperor's Code: "Guess, can you stop one of my projections? Or, hand over your Royal Highness ~www.ltnovel.com~ and let you go?"

   "Hand over to you uncle."

   I only saw Han Fei's hand, picked up a blue gourd, and shouted: "Old Yuan, give me a blow to him..."

   At that moment, there was a force in Han Fei's body. In the endless darkness, the demon flames surpassed the sky, a giant claw quietly emerged, and one claw slapped.

  Pure Emperor Code narrowed his eyes slightly: "The remnant soul of the emperor? Huh, the remnant soul of the devil's path is a mere attempt to be fierce?"

   I saw Chun Huangdian raising his hand, a finger of power burst out.

   The monstrous demon flame directly penetrated a hole.

   The power of that finger didn't even dissipate. At the big gourd that Han Fei was holding, it was a jab.




   At that time, Han Fei sprayed out a mouthful of old blood and flew out with the gourd.

   Just as Chun Huangdian's smile was faint, he suddenly turned his head and saw behind him, at the entrance of the light spot, a ray of devilish energy escaped.

   It turned out that Lao Yuan's blow was not to attack the Pure Emperor's Code at all, but to escape with Han Fei's black mist.


   The next moment, Han Fei who was knocked into the air disappeared, the gourd also disappeared, and a devilish energy disappeared in the light spot.

   In the void, a voice was left: "Chun Huangdian, you old miscellaneous hair... I will come back in the future, I will tear down your bones and cook the soup."

   Chun Huangdian's eyes were cold, and he muttered: "What a... Gemini magic."

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