God of Fishing

Chapter 1864: Why do you call your grandpa?

   When these strong men appeared, Jing'er stood in the air.

   Cao Tianzhi's complexion was solemn, Li Daxian also came with a black cloak, Ren Tianfei also came out of the Central Holy City, and came personally.

   At this time, someone needs to press the foot.

   Only seeing the void move, Tang Yan appeared in the eyes of everyone carrying the knife.

   Luo Xiaobai breathed a sigh of relief: Fortunately, the Yin-Yang sky still has a little bit of background. Otherwise, at this time, I really don't know what to do?

   Just when Luo Xiaobai was about to say something, he saw Han Fei speak first, and only listened to him: "Everyone in the Forest of Terror, just as soon as I got out of the cage, I will be aggressively attacking my human race? Isn't it for war?"

   only heard a crisp sound.

   Above the sky, Long Zhangshu's tentacles twisted. Ziluo's petite body slid down from the vine. The two sides were separated by thousands of miles. Ziluo said contemptuously: "So many people, are you talking?"

   Han Fei said leisurely: "On the knowledge of the cage, I am qualified. If I guess correctly, you are Ziluo?"


   Ziluo, Long Zhangshu and others were all surprised: We just came out now, how come there are people who can recognize ourselves?

   And Han Fei smiled and said: "Dragon chapter tree, big snake vine, sea bamboo man, void vine, Zilu, Qianlong, seven-color sponge... I think I should have admitted all the wrong."

   On the human side, everyone also looked at Han Fei.

   Anyone who is familiar with Han Fei knows: Han Fei is about to start fooling around!

   Of course, Luo Xiaobai hopes: The longer Han Fei flickers, the better.

   Ziluo couldn't help but said: "How do you know us? Some of us, but never even come out of the Forest of Terror, don't even know the Monster Beast Alliance, you have no reason to know us..."

   Han Fei smiled and said, "I have no reason to know you. It's just that someone took care of me in advance... If you meet you, let you find a way to help him in Shuimutian."

   Hai Zhuren squinted his eyes and said, "Who is this person you are talking about?"

Just listen to Han Fei said: "This person is naturally the Blood King! Now, the Blood King leads the crowd and is fighting against the Baibei King City on the other side of Shuimutian! We Yinyangtian and Shuimutian, you should know about it? Good. I can’t deceive you about this matter. If I deceive you, it won’t take a few days. As long as you visit a few people to see it in Shuimutian, you will know the credibility of my words."

   "Blood King?"

   Ziluo couldn't help but wonder: "The Blood King will tell you something? Are you a junior sage?"

Han Fei smiled faintly: "My Junior Venerable? My name is Han Fei, Half King Pinnacle, once the highest commander of Broken Star Island. What you see is just my external incarnation. My body is still in the water and wood. Go... how can I say nothing? Otherwise, are you all fools when you are the kings on my side?"

   Ziluo's thoughts moved, but did not spare her, so she said: "You continue...what did the blood king say to you?"

Han Fei said: "In Shui Mutian, the Blood Sea God Wood City, where the Blood King is located, and the Cloud Sea God Tree, where the Queen of Life is located, have formed an alliance and are attacking the Baibei King City. However, a day ago, the cage on the side of Shui Mutian cracked. A large number of powerful creatures rushed out. Monster Beast Alliance, don’t you know that? As soon as they came out, they fought with us, as if they had enemies with you in the Forest of Terror. However, on the other side of Shuimutian, it was Yao Zhi and In the land of the sea monster, there is now an alliance of monsters and beasts, which is completely disrupted. A few hours ago, I just returned from Shuimutian... The Blood King named and said, if the monster plant of the Forest of Terror is not in Shuimutian, then It must be a yin-yang sky. He said that the cage should be rotating and cannot accurately locate where you came out..."

   I only heard Han Fei.

   Luo Xiaobai closed his mouth unconsciously.

   Everyone showed a believing look on their faces.

  Although, they all admire Han Fei from the bottom of their hearts: This skill of blowing fish has been practiced to perfection! Just abruptly, a group of powerful people were all crippled.

   And Han Fei actually knew: Ziluo didn't trust the Blood King very much either. However, they did not completely deny the Blood King. After all, the Blood King was once the pseudo-king of their Forest of Terror.

  Han Fei even prepared for them to send someone over to take a look.

   Therefore, Han Fei has advanced the time when Shuimutian's cage is torn apart. A genius remembers 噺バ一Chinese m.x/8/1/z/w.c/o/m/

  Only in this way, can I use the passage as an excuse to tell them: It takes a day to go from Yin-Yang Tian to Shuimu Tian.

   This way, one time and one time is two days. At least, I can delay two days for Yin and Yang.

   I just listened to Ziluo: "Seeing that you know me so much about the Terror Forest and the Blood King, I believe you first. But what is the situation with you humans? Why do you all seem to be running for your life?"

Just listen to Han Fei said: "It doesn’t seem to be escaping, but it’s already escaping. This news also comes from the Blood King. Because on Shuimutian, only the Monster Beast Alliance exists. Therefore, the Blood King concluded that Hei The Black Brake Snail King of Blood City will definitely come to Yin Yang Heaven. He said that because of the Monster Beast Alliance and Black Blood City, what is the valley of life and death..."

   Ziluo reminded: "It's the Gorge of Life and Death."


Han Fei slapped his head and said: "Yes, it is the Gorge of Life and Death. It is said that the Monster Beast Alliance and the Black Blood City are facing each other in the Gorge of Life and Death. According to their location, the sea monsters of the Black Blood City will appear in my Yin and Yang sky. You say, Black Blood The city is here, I want to protect my human blood, should I run?"

   Ziluo and others heard that Han Fei’s understanding of the situation inside the cage was obviously correct. This can only be told to him by others, otherwise, how does he know?

   If Han Fei came out of the cage, it would be even more impossible. They have been in the cage for tens of thousands of years. Except for the Blood King, have never seen anyone escape?

   Han Fei, what is this? Even if his body is here, he is just a half king. Although a king and a half are strong, he can't get out of the cage.

   Haizhu Humane said: "In other words, Black Blood City, will appear in your Yin and Yang days?"

Han Fei said, "At present, they have not yet appeared. Therefore, I am not sure about this matter. But everyone, my human race, as well as the Yunhai Divine Tree, and the Blood King, have already formed an alliance. On our side, why not form an alliance? This cage It’s broken, the yin and yang sky is a big place, and in the future we can also share the same vein with your demon plants... Now, take a look over there, that is our land demon plants in the yin and yang sky, sky vine, sky survey sisal, hydrangea, The relationship between Tian Hongjin and my human race is also very harmonious."

   Zi Luo and others have just come out, but they are very uncomfortable to learn that the Black Blood City may also come to Yin and Yang...

That Qianlong was the first to communicate with Ziluo and Haizhu, "I think we can trust this kid for the time being. After all, if they deceive us, the consequences will be serious, he won’t know... if that black The blood city is really coming, it means that the Black Brake Conch King is about to be born. Our relationship with Black Blood City has faded a lot these days. Last time, the Conch Soul came to me and was forced to go back. Angrily. The other party has more pseudo-kings... I'm afraid we will either form an alliance with them, or we will have to go to Shuimutian."

Ziluo said, "Don’t go to Shuimutian. Look at these people who are lining up to go to the mountain, it should be the passage between Yinyangtian and Shuimutian. When I just came out, it’s impossible to be afraid of Heixuecheng. escape?"

   Qianlong: "The key is...The Black Chaluo King is a pseudo-king!"

Haizhuren: "The pseudo-king is actually not that scary. Just like us, if we pay three or even four half kings, he can't move us. The key is, why do we want to cooperate with humans? We are foreigners. Well, they are aboriginals. Now, to form an alliance with them is not to help them fight the Black Chaluo King?"

   Ziluo nodded: "This alliance is unnecessary... It's better to take a look first, will the Black Chaluo King come?"

   On Han Fei's side, when Han Fei fudged these people, Luo Xiaobai and the others already understood.

   Han Fei bought two days.

   In these two days, people who need to move as far as possible from Yin and Yang.

   And, in this case, hold the other person first.

   However, Han Fei just talked about this wave of monsters with his three-inch tongue. Suddenly, Tang Yan said, "People from the Black Blood City, come here."


   Including Han Fei, everyone's complexion changed drastically?

   Han Fei exclaimed: "So fast?"

   Over there, Ziluo also moved his heart: "Void Vine, go and take a look at the fastest speed."

The speed of    Void Vine can be said to be the fastest here.

   Moreover, his physical characteristics are that he can communicate with each other with his mind separated by a million miles.

   So, just less than a hundred breaths, Void Teng said in shock: "It is indeed here, Heisha Conch King, Yu Tian Ai, Conch Soul... No, we have to go."

   This time, Han Fei's face turned green: he can convince the Forest of Terror... That's because the demon plant of the Forest of Terror has no knowledge of the outside world.

   However, Black Blood City is different.

   Heisha Snail King, he personally scored a group.

   Moreover, Han Fei knew clearly: That guy is a pseudo-king. One person can hold one's side, at least three half kings.ァ新ヤ~⑧~1~中文网ωωω.χ~⒏~1zщ.còм

   Not to mention, Luohun and Yutian love those half kings. I don’t have enough manpower on my own side! Unless the people in the Forest of Terror are willing to help.

   At this time, Han Fei couldn't care much.

   Han Fei immediately looked at Ziluo and others: "Everyone, my human race and Yaozhi have always been closely related. Wait, are you really ready to die?"

Ziluo thought for a moment, but heard that Qianlong suddenly heard the voice: "Ziluo, don't be soft in your ears. You women are the most emotional. This alliance is absolutely impossible. We can't offend the Black Chaluo King. "

Just listen to Qianlongdao: "No! My Forest of Terror and your Yin-Yang Celestial Clan are not related to you, why do you want to help you? And ~www.ltnovel.com~The strength of the Black Shalu King, but the realm of the pseudo-king. I am. I advise you, it’s better to protect yourself now, rather than thinking about how to protect these people... You know, this distance, for the king, is only a few dozen breaths..."

   Haizhuren immediately shouted: "Go! Look elsewhere, first look at the situation."


   Heisha Snail King comes just after he comes.

   Haizhuren and Qianlong, they have already made a judgment: Even if they want to go with the Black Chaluo King, it is not now. The manpower of the Horror Forest hasn't arrived yet...Moreover, there are fewer experts in the Horror Forest than Black Blood City.

   Han Fei's face was sinking, he didn't expect the Forest of Terror to help. In this case, if you are yourself, it is impossible to help.

  Han Fei is thinking: In order to preserve humanity, do we have to sacrifice? Why not save ourselves and revitalize the human race in the future?

   Just as Han Fei fell into this entanglement, suddenly, Han Fei felt a little different.

  In my mind, there is information that is synchronizing.


  Han Fei immediately turned the corner of his mouth slightly. He looked at Luo Xiaobai and smiled softly: "Xiaobai, I have to say, you are really a genius."

   Luo Xiaobai looked dazed: "???"

   After more than ten breaths, suddenly, a roar resounded through nine days and ten places.

   just listened to the voice and shouted: "Han Fei child, come out to this king."

   When everyone was shocked, they saw Han Fei taking a step forward, standing proudly in the void: "Heisha Laoshao, what do you call your grandpa to do?"

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