God of Fishing

Chapter 1868: Everyone Gathers (Part 2)

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Cracks appear in the cage, and the spirit and energy in the cage will naturally pour out.

But, after all, the yin-yang sky is so big, this kind of energy pouring speed, want to double the aura and energy of the yin-yang sky? At least it will take a few years and even longer.

At this time, for Han Fei, the powerhouses, they actually felt the slight changes in the spiritual energy between heaven and earth.

Luo Xiaobai: "Now it seems that the cage is cracked, which is not necessarily a bad thing.

Han Fei thought about what happened after the prison was broken, and couldn't help sighing: "But it's not so good."

At the dinner table, the old man shouted with a smile: "You kid, I don't know how to go back soon... I rushed to order Luo girl to relocate the entire Yin and Yang sky, and then it appeared... Very exciting, isn't it?"

Han Fei: "It would be nice if I could catch up. Before, Xiaobai and I had speculated. Two years ago, the problem of cracks and cracks in the cage might have something to do with me. This time, the cracks broke, and it is likely to be the same. The same problem. Xu is because I went in and out of the yin and sun, which caused some uncontrollable factors. Therefore, the cage broke. But fortunately, this kind of crack is not too big now. At this rate, Maybe for decades or even hundreds of years, this wall of death will not completely collapse."

Zhang Xuanyu: "We Yin Yang Tian, ​​what exactly is the Dragon Lake and Tiger Den? How difficult is it to get in and out? In other words, after you went out, how did you find Xia Xiaochan?"

Old man Bai also looked at Xia Xiaochan and said, "This girl, now that she has grown up, she is not as skinny as before."

Xia Xiaochan blushed and said immediately: "I don't know, our Thug Academy will have so many students all at once."

Just when Han Fei was about to introduce Mu Qingchuan, Su Daji and others to Xia Xiaochan. After only hearing the "swipe", Star Turtle came to the Thug Academy.

Just listen to Xinggui: "Han Fei, two demon plants have come, do you want to meet?"

With Han Fei's current state of perception, how can he not know that someone is coming?

Just listen to Han Fei: "Let them wait and see how busy I am? How can I be free to talk to them?"

This is the strength, and naturally have the confidence to speak.

However, Luo Xiaobai still said: "You still go. There is no shortage of strong people in this forest of horror. We are not unacceptable. Besides, although you are strong, the human race needs to grow, and you need someone to protect you. , Can’t just rely on these strong people in the current Yin and Yang sky."

The old man Bai said, "Girl Luo is right. In this forest of horrors, although Shicai did not join us, but he did not do anything. After all, it is much better than those of the Black Chaluo King."

Han Fei shrugged and said: "Then I'll go, you guys eat first."

Luo Xiaobai: "I'm with you."


In the waters outside Broken Star Island, the three half kings of Terror Forest Ziluo, Haizhuren, and Qianlong have been waiting for a long time. Of course they knew: With Han Fei's ability, they already knew that they and others were here.

But, after all, the identities of the two parties have now changed.

With strong people like Han Fei, even if they returned to the Forest of Terror, they were no longer safe.

Instead of this, it is better to come to accompany a sin and ask humans to accept it.

Although Han Fei's strength was unreasonably strong, the number of ordinary sages on the human side was still too small.

Qianlong: "I still feel that we are a little bit self-influenced..."

Haizhuren: "No! Look at the island, hundreds of millions of people, through the blood rain, the spiritual breakthrough. And when we first came, you can feel the thinness of the spiritual energy here, and the prisoners The cage is not the same! In my opinion, humans need support and helpers."

Ziluo: "I agree. Look at these humans, the average strength is not even a hanging angler. It can be said that there are no strong ones except for a few strong ones. The realm of explorers is extremely lacking. If all the power in the cage comes out and the strong don’t take action, how can humans be the enemy? But we can help them.”

"You are willing to help me humans?"

As soon as Ziluo's voice fell, she saw a man and a woman suddenly appear in front of the three of them. Come, who is not Han Fei?

The three Ziluo were surprised: How could the sound transmission between the three of them still be heard?

Goodbye Han Fei, where is this weak person in the primary state? With this momentum, if you don't say anything, you think you have become a king?

Han Fei and Luo Xiaobai appeared, Xue Shenqi and Chen Sanbai had already been here.

However, obviously, the big and small matters of the Yin and Yang sky at this moment can only be handed over to Han Fei. This level of power is no longer what Xue Shenqi can handle.

When the three of them saw Han Fei, they didn't put on airs, and they all bowed their hands.

Haizhu Humane said: "Suitable, I have eyes and do not know Mount Tai in the Forest of Terror. But please rest assured, my Forest of Terror is different from the Black Blood City. We are not interested in killing and fighting, we are just monster plants. If possible, My Forest of Terror is willing to form an alliance with mankind, just to occupy a place to survive in this cloudy and sunny day."

The corners of Han Fei's mouth curled up, and he smiled slightly: "First of all, don't call me Your Excellency. My name is Han Fei, the lord of the Yinyang Heavenly Immortal Palace. You can call me the ninth immortal lord. In addition, it is not an alliance, but an attachment. Sen belongs to my human race and gradually becomes a part of my Yin and Yang sky, rather than the so-called alliance. You are not qualified yet."

At this moment, Han Fei was very tough. Want to form an alliance now? Give you a face?

Qianlong's complexion immediately became unsightly.

Just listen to Han Fei’s cold voice: "I’m politely telling you that the previous remarks are just that the immortal lord’s body has not returned, so I just made up to fool you. The so-called blood king, and the whole blood The Seagod Wood City has been flattened by this Immortal Lord. I... By the way, a few years ago, the Blood King flicked you away from the Forest of Terror, and you didn’t go. Everyone who went was swallowed by the Blood King. There is no one to live. Speaking of this, the immortal lord is still your benefactor of the forest of terror. If the immortal lord is not for the blood king, once he becomes a king, none of you in the forest of terror will survive."

Ziluo: "???"

Haizhuren: "???"

Qianlong: "???"

In just a few words, Han Fei made a huge wave in the hearts of the three of them. Because from the beginning, they didn't think the Blood King was a good person. Therefore, they did not choose to go out with the Blood King.

As for the fact that Han Fei fooled them just now, the three of them directly ignored it. They already understood this matter. However, the matter of the Blood King really made them excited.

Because Han Fei had no need to deceive them.

Yin-yang sky and Shuimu sky are connected, and sooner or later there will be an answer. Moreover, with Han Fei's strength, there is absolutely no need to cheat them.

At this moment, Han Fei raised his eyebrows and glanced at the three people: "Since you are here, you should know that you only have this opportunity. Either you will be attached or you will fall. There is no third choice."

The three Ziluo glanced at each other at the moment. Although ten thousand people want to refute, they dare not!

Han Fei chuckled: "This immortal lord is not unkind. I will give you three days to inform the other monsters in the Forest of Terror. Three days later, I will give this immortal an answer."

Haizhuren: "Thanks to the Ninth Immortal Lord."

When it was over, the three looked at each other and then retreated one after another.

Luo Xiaobai said: "Before, you said that although the Forest of Terror is not as good as the Black Blood City and the Monster Beast Alliance, its strength is not weak. Once we completely take them in, we must have the capital to look after them. At present. , The only person who can see them is you alone."

At this moment, Xue Shenqi stepped forward and echoed: "Yes. I need to suppress Demon Zhi, or I need to grow my own human race! At present, there are still too few strong men in Yin and Yang Tian."

Han Fei nodded: "This time, I will not leave in a short time. In these two days, I will be outside the wall of death. I will first lay down a great gathering of spirits to draw the power in the cage into Yin and Yang smoothly. Heaven. But even so, it would take decades for the Yinyangtian Heaven and Earth Aura to catch up with the cage. However, it is still possible to increase it by two or three times."

Three feet of freezing is not a day's cold. Although Han Fei is strong, it is impossible to make everyone stronger at once.

Xue Shenqi: "That's fine."

After bidding farewell to Xue Shenqi, Han Fei and Luo Xiaobai returned to the table after only five minutes.

Han Fei suspiciously discovered: Xia Xiaochan was sitting between Bailu and Yi Xiyan. The three were whispering ~www.ltnovel.com~ Seeing Han Fei came, Xia Xiaochan immediately said: " You are not allowed to eavesdrop."

Han Fei: "???"

Han Fei's face turned black at the time: Bailu was fine. However, Yi Xiyan is a big tongue. What can't you shake out? Although most of the things in these years, I have already told Xia Xiaochan.

But Han Fei still looked at Yi Xiyan and threatened: "It seems that the five of you have been slack in the past two years. Qu Jinnan, how do you teach your younger brother and younger sister? Is it so easy everyday?"

Qu Jinnan was sucking crab legs. Hearing Han Fei suddenly talked about himself, he suddenly looked confused: What's the matter with me?

Amidst a burst of joy, everyone was satiated.

After all, Xia Xiaochan took Yi Xiyan and the others, and went to whisper. And Han Fei and Tang Ge found a coast and went fishing.

On the cliff.

Tang Ge said: "Back then, when I was a child, I still remember it very fresh. Unexpectedly, in less than 30 years, you will become the lord of the Immortal Palace."

Han Fei smiled and said, "People of the whole world, two brothers. Anyway, we are still brothers! At the beginning, you got my soul-swallowing fish soup. Seriously, I still don’t like to drink fish. soup."

Suddenly, the two looked at each other and laughed.

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