God of Fishing

Chapter 1878: Fairy

The old turtle's statement touched Han Fei.

Han Fei reacted at the first time: If what the old turtle said was true, he really did not feel the conflict of power...

Does this mean that these two forces can be stored in one's own body at the same time?

Han Fei murmured, "Could it be that this has something to do with my second spiritual vein?"

Although he knew that he had two spiritual veins early in the morning, the Demon Refining Pot had never been able to give two spiritual veins and specific information. Therefore, Han Fei himself did not know: What power do these two spiritual veins have?

Now, when he could contain both the chaotic air and the fierce air at the same time, Han Fei suddenly understood: Perhaps, his two celestial veins are very different in nature.

It's like: I have awakened a twin Yin and Yang spirit swallowing fish, and awakened a fierce emperor. If his two celestial veins are like this. Then I might be able to cultivate these two powers together.

Han Fei's heart moved: Now, he just condensed a fierce spirit. But the fierce and evil aura of these waves is even higher than the level of the chaos. Perhaps this does not tell whether the two conflict.

Therefore, Han Fei directly invoked ten strands of Chaos Qi and placed it in the yin and yang grinding disc.

But in a moment, ten wisps of chaotic aura turned into a kind of aura of heaven and earth with gleaming blue light.

"Fairy spirit?"

The old tortoise said silently: "You grinding disc, how can you extract the spirit of the fairy so easily? Doesn't it mean that you can use the power of the emperor in advance?"

Han Fei's heart moved: "The power of the emperor? The emperor uses this?"

Old tortoise: "What the emperor uses may not be as pure as yours. However, your strength is too slow to fight."

Han Fei's mouth twitched, ignoring the old turtle.

I am already in the experimental stage.

If you can have both powers, even if you don’t know what is the use now? However, in the future, I must know it, and it is impossible to have no benefit at all.

No, Han Fei controlled the spirit of the fairy and the evil spirit, and wanted to make the two intertwined.

However, a magical scene appeared: Although these two powers exist in their own body, they can even be very close.

However, when I wanted to entangle these two forces, I found that they are like two identical magnetic poles, and in any case, they can't touch them together.

Even if Han Fei tried his best to bring the two into contact, the two are like one black and one white. Even if it is misplaced, it just won't touch.

"Tsk tusk, it's interesting! These two powers can indeed coexist in your body."

Han Fei said speechlessly: "I want you to say it? Isn't it obvious?"

Just listen to the old tortoise: "However, no matter what, these two powers are not useful to you now. How much power did you consume to get them? I want to use them as ordinary powers. I don’t even dare to think about the strength."

Han Fei couldn't help but curl his lips: Old Tortoise was right. Now, it is indeed a bit difficult to obtain these powers.

It's just that Han Fei's heart moved: it's harder. However, these two forces are strong! If you can use these two powers as a hole card, then you can comfort yourself. What I have researched can still be used.

"Two mutually exclusive forces...Huh! Use as Yin-Yang Promise Sword? I don't know how effective it is?"

Han Fei does what he says.

The Yin-Yang Promise Knife uses the Yin-Yang Avenue.

However, this celestial spirit and fierce aura seemed to be two mutually exclusive forces. In a sense, they are somewhat similar to the Tao of Yin and Yang.

As soon as Han Fei's power came out, all of a sudden, only the world changed.

The fairy and the blood evil spirits soared into the sky instantly.

With a "poof", it directly broke through the ban of the Sky Meditation Garden and slew towards the sky.

Sky Meditation Garden, one of the three dignified holy places, the powerful seal has never been broken.

But now it's all right, and a hole is directly penetrated.

Han Fei hadn't sensed it yet, the yin and yang Wuji sword formed by the immortal spirit and fierce aura burst out of the sky for more than 300 miles.


Han Fei secretly said: Not good!

Suddenly, Han Fei chased him out, and ran away in no time.

However, at this moment, Han Fei wants to take back the Yin-Yang reincarnation knife, it won't be so easy. These two forces burst out, and it is extremely difficult to put them away by themselves.

At first glance, he was a little out of control, Han Fei quickly eliminated some of his controllable power. Then, deliberately broke these two forces.


Just look at the distant sky, the boundless trembling ripples sweeping across the sky. Flowing clouds in the sky were completely lined up. Ripples in the void are visible to the naked eye.

At that moment, countless people in Thousand Star City looked up at the sky. Some powerful people can see a person carrying terrifying ripples and being blasted straight down.

Needless to say, the person who was blasted down was Han Fei himself-the perpetrator of the explosion.

After more than a hundred breaths, everyone was relieved to see that the power had not fallen in the city of Thousand Stars.

It was Han Fei, his clothes shattered by the explosion, and his mouth was bleeding.

After throwing himself an apocalyptic magical technique, Han Fei stood up cursingly: "What a terrible power! Is this my own? A tortoise son, the power is a bit out of control!"

Old Turtle: "This is not a power you can control as a half-king. Even in the Open Heaven Realm, no one can have this power. I have to say that your Yin-Yang Avenue is indeed strange."

Han Fei leaned on his old waist and changed his clothes again. He breathed a long sigh of relief when he watched the automatically repaired formation.

Compared to the power erupted by the spirit of the fairy and the fierce aura, what is the dragon slaying technique? It's weird that you can't kill the dragon if you go down with this one!

At this moment, outside the Sky Meditation Garden, countless people looked up, feeling that something major must have happened in it.

But the next moment, Han Fei's voice fell: "My! This seat made a mistake and made some noise. The Sky Meditation Garden is still under reconstruction. Please be patient."


Someone patted his chest and said, "A false alarm, a false alarm."

Someone sighed: "Han Shuai, this time, the action is definitely not small. This power has already blown into the sky, it is not simple."

Someone said: "From this moment on, I must not leave the Sky Meditation Garden for one step. The first one to enter will have a great harvest."

"Agree, brother, I will stay with you."


Here, Han Fei re-entered the Sky Meditation Garden.

As he walked, Han Fei whispered: "This power is too strong! In terms of strength, it is no less than Dao Guiyi Sword. It is even better at the level of strength, which is more expensive than Dao Guiyi Sword. It's a pity, it can only be used as a backup, and cannot be used as a mainstream attack and kill combat technique. However, the name is obviously not suitable for calling the Yin and Yang reincarnation sword. Since it is the burst of fairy spirit and fierce aura, it is called immortal evil. ……perfect……"

Thinking about it, Han Fei entered the world of refining, and then extracted a fairy spirit and a fierce spirit respectively. After that, I stopped thinking about it.

In the refining world, Han Fei stayed for another year and ate more than 800 poisons. After taking the medicine, Han Fei spent most of the remaining time practicing "Fire Refining in the Void".

This is actually a refining technique, but it has the dual effects of refining body and soul. Moreover, the effect is excellent. Therefore, its ranking is also extremely high.

To practice this technique, one needs to enter the realm of the void and master the fire of nothingness.

Han Fei is also not sure: in the refining world, can he enter such a place?

As a result, it took a full half a year for Han Fei to understand: The so-called Void Realm is actually the void of the soul. The fire of nihility is actually the fire of visualization that the soul urges the soul, in the form of spiritual power, which is also called the fire of nihility.

Han Fei began to refining weapons when he started to refining fire in the void.

This fire refining technique also does not require forging, only materials are required.

For the first refining, Han Fei poured the fire of nothingness and cast a spiral shell. When the snail shell melts, Han Fei needs to reshape the soul with the power of the soul.

And his soul, as if it had become a mold. And mental power, the consumable power, becomes fuel!

In the first half, Han Fei needs to use the power of the soul to shape the shape. Extremely exhausting.

However, when the fire of nothingness really burned, Han Fei was shocked to discover: the fire of nothingness that had been burned had burned into his own body, and he didn't want to waste it.

Han Fei understood in an instant: the person who created this great art didn't want to waste a bit of his own power at all.

He used the spiritual power born from the soul to refine the weapon!

The remaining spiritual power of the refining device is used to blend into and nourish the flesh.

And the nourished body, in suffering, is practicing.

During this period, the soul has had enough rest, and the spiritual power can be reborn, repeating itself again and again. Mental power swells with exhaustion again and again, which represents the strengthening of the power of the soul.

And the physical body has also been refined and nourished, and it will naturally become stronger.

This practice takes more than a year.

Han Fei's soul power has not reached its limit.

Even said that the power of the soul has no limit. However, the power contained in the body was indeed too strong, so that Han Fei had already felt the imminent catastrophe in the Sky Meditation Garden.

At this time, Han Fei had to stop practicing.

Han Fei's current state, as shown by the refining demon pot, is extremely exaggerated.

Owner: Han Fei

Level: 89 (half king)

Genealogy of Canghaiwan: 2720986

Chaos Air: 2246 strands

Spiritual power: 378003

Perception: 250,000 miles

Strength: 39999 waves

First Spirit Vessel: Unknown

Second Spirit Vessel: Unknown

The first talent soul beast: twin Yin and Yang spirit swallowing fish [level 80]

The second talent soul beast: Emperor Sparrow [level 79]

Main practice: "Void Fishing Technique", the seventh layer, "Void Landing Technique" [king-level artifact]


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