God of Fishing

Chapter 1888: Self-proclaimed king

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Han Fei was happy when he saw his message.

Finally, the heavens paid off.

His own strength has skyrocketed several times. In terms of strength, he directly climbed more than three times.

Remember, Lao Yuan said at the beginning: What is his strength after opening the sea? More than 80,000 waves. This is beyond the reach of ordinary people.

What about yourself? A full 120,000 waves. A little bit of practice, 130,000 waves are not a problem.

With this strength, if you re-enter the sea of ​​riots, what ten pirate groups? What Bei Xuan Bing? What love heart orchid? Not even a single one.

Of course, in addition to the improvement in strength, Han Fei found that his bloodline had doubled growth.

This time, it really doubled. From 2.72 million to 1.32 million, a terrible number of 1.4 million has been raised.


Han Fei swallowed at the time.

Han Fei knows: These 1.32 million people should already be an extremely terrifying number.

Pihai became king, he was such a terrible calamity that he could reach this rank. It can be seen that among the tens of thousands of seas, how many bloodlines are there among the strong?

This list of the Canghai Ten Thousand Clan also made Han Fei realize that he is not yet the top existence among the Canghai Ten Thousand Clan.

Therefore, I must continue to work hard.

At this time, the easiest way is to directly swallow the blood.

No, Han Fei's heart moved, and information emerged.

Ten Thousand Seas: 29620223

Owner: 1321219

Nearby bloodlines: Ancient Canglong, Time Dragon Carp, Golden Crow God Blood, Twin Yin-Yang Spirit Devouring Fish, Emperor Bird, Six-door Starfish...

Recommended bloodline: Ancient Canglong

Upon seeing this information, Han Fei's mouth trembled at the time: The ranking gadget, the most suitable bloodline, turned out to be the ancient Canglong bloodline?

This means: the bloodline of the six sea stars is stronger than the ancient blue dragon?

This is quite unexpected to Han Fei. The six-door starfish basically doesn't cultivate, so does Quante rely on inheritance? All special mussels female massage...

If it wasn't because you met yourself again, and you beat it every other way, could this guy still lie down? There is nothing more enjoyable than the six starfish.

But it is this product whose blood is stronger than the ancient blue dragon?

This surprised Han Fei. What level are these mysterious creatures?

Before, Han Fei also encountered a mysterious one. However, compared with Uncle Six, and Xiao Hei and Xiao Bai, that's a far cry.

Now, the Emperor Sparrow has also become a mystery.

Ordinarily, the emperor is the first beast in the wild. That was the perversion that led the group of fierce men to war with the beasts for 3000 years. But, this guy is going to be mysterious?

I don’t know what is good about this mysterious category?

Thinking of the Emperor Sparrow, Han Fei suddenly felt shocked: In the last Heavenly Tribulation, the Emperor Sparrow actually made a move to help himself kill the Heavenly Demon?

Listen to the meaning of Emperor Sparrow, it is a demon? Is this guy the devil? It's only half respect...hey wait...

Han Fei looked at it again and suddenly discovered: Emperor Sparrow is already level 80. This is the respect? When did you get the honor?

Han Fei couldn't help being surprised: Could it be that just now, when he merged with the Emperor Sparrow, this guy also swallowed Thunder Tribulation? So, just enter the respect?

This speed has actually caught up with Xiao Hei and Xiao Bai.

Han Fei couldn't help being speechless: At this rate, in a few years, will this guy also become king?

In addition to the increase in power and the ranking of the Canghai Ten Thousand Races, Han Fei discovered that his power of soul has increased by about 100,000 points.

Compared to power, the increase in the power of the soul is not much. The power has tripled, and the power of the soul has increased by about 30%.

However, Han Fei is already very satisfied.

After all, this is my first entry into the sea. Once you wait for yourself to stabilize the power of the king, your combat power will not only increase by this number on the bright side.

After reading these basic information, Han Fei felt a bit: What he possessed in his body was actually aura. However, the quality of Reiki is very different from before.

Moreover, it is Dao Yun that dominates the operation of these pure auras, which is the Dao Yun that oneself accumulates.

Suddenly, Han Fei was a little surprised: Why didn't his chaotic energy decrease, but increased instead?

Han Fei couldn't help but his eyelids jumped: Crossing the robbery, won't the chaos gas be lost?

Just listen to Han Fei: "Old Yuan, can you hear it?"

The old tortoise's voice sounded slowly: "I can hear it. When the tribulation appeared, I had reduced all my breath. This is the purest sun thunder. As long as there is a trace of contamination, I am afraid that I will be directly wiped out by the ashes."

In fact, the old tortoise was still amazed now.

How did this guy survive this level of catastrophe?

When the old turtle saw the purple thunder in the sky and the bright red thunder, he even felt that he was going to be cold. He even wanted to remind Han Fei not to resist.

Who knows: Han Fei dared to be true, so he resisted?

Needless to say, Han Fei's power, spirit, perception, and all aspects at this moment must crush him back then.

Because Han Fei had come here in a real fight, he absorbed the most power from the Heavenly Tribulation. How many people can do this in this world?

However, Han Fei doesn't care about this.

Just listen to Han Fei: "Old Yuan, what's the matter with my origin sea?"

Old tortoise: "I don’t know about this. Your gourd world is integrated with the original sea. In other words, the two are originally connected. Specifically, if you ask me why, it is better to ask gourd... this, I really Can’t answer. But..."

Han Fei: "But what?"

The old turtle said: "If the gourd space becomes the original sea, this should be a great good thing. In the original sea, you are the master. Unlike in the gourd space, you can even use the time here. Of course. It can only be determined according to the range of time acceleration in the gourd space, and cannot be exceeded or shortened."


Han Fei couldn't help thinking: Sure enough, Yuanyuanhai's time has accelerated and it has become tenfold.

However, Han Fei was only surprised. When I think about it carefully, I feel that this is an accumulated skill. My own origin sea, I must be able to accelerate at full speed!

Han Fei said again: "Old Yuan, this Origin Sea belongs to me. Then, can I enter the Origin Sea to practice?"

Old tortoise: "Of course. The Origin Sea is the most mysterious place for everyone. Of course, when you come in, you need to be in absolute silence and immerse your mind. Not like you did before, as long as there are three breaths. , You can easily enter the gourd space."

"Huh? Is that so?"

Han Fei couldn't help frowning.

If this is the case, it would be inconvenient to escape. If it is in battle, it is not as convenient as before. Therefore, you have to be more careful in the future.

Han Fei: "So, when I enter the source, others can't perceive it, right?"

Old Turtle: "Theoretically, this is because others cannot find your Origin Sea. However, when you enter the Origin Sea, the space node you leave behind is fixed. Therefore, you can only come out from there when you come out. . Moreover, if there are really strong people in that kind of space avenue, it is possible to dig out your origin sea directly from the space nodes."

Han Fei's heart sank: It seems that after entering the Origin Sea in wartime, I am afraid that I can't use it indiscriminately. Otherwise, it is easy to be squatting. If you still can't beat it, then it's over.

Han Fei: "The last question, why isn't there any chaos?"

Old Tortoise: "The Qi of Chaos is used to support the existence of the Origin Sea. The more the Qi of Chaos, the more the Origin Sea looks like a normal small world. A normal small world can not only store your own Taoist rhyme, but also It can breed new power of Taoist rhyme and feed it back to you in case of emergency."

Han Fei raised his eyebrows: "It sounds like he is creating the world."

At this moment, above the Yin-Yang Immortal Palace, the energy and aura that had been used to support the Eye of Heaven was basically consumed by Han Fei at this moment.

What was not swallowed, basically escaped with the blazing white haze.

It can be said that on this day, the aura and energy in the sky above Thousand Star City were directly richer by nearly ten times. All smart people have already sat down and practiced at this moment.

In Thousand Star City, there are countless breakthroughs.

Han Fei looked at a desolate and ruined fairy palace, and took another look at the courtyard protected by the natural array of heaven and earth. Han Fei held the array pestle in his hand and suddenly realized that he seemed to be able to leverage the true power of the natural array of heaven and earth. Up.

At this moment, Han Fei's eyes, and even the speed of his brain, were much faster than before.

At this moment, Han Fei found out that a picture appeared in the natural formation of heaven and earth directly through the ban. This is the geographic map of the entire Yin-Yang sky.

According to the location of this geographic map, Han Fei discovered: This thing actually seems to be real-time. In other words, it can reflect the current situation of Yin and Yang in real time.

This feeling made Han Fei think of Dinghai Tu for the first time.

At the beginning, I and others were watching the changes in the stars in the Dinghai Chart. At the beginning, when I was looking for the star map in the pool of the floating island in the picture, as long as my mind moved, I could appear in the place where it should appear through the picture.

Han Fei's heart moved, and a projection fell directly into the picture. As a result, the next moment, Han Fei's projection appeared on the third-level fishing ground.

"Sure enough."

With this thing, it means that as long as you are in the fairy palace and have a natural formation of heaven and earth, you can instantly reach any place within the yin and yang days.

Han Fei's heart moved, and there was a plan in his heart.


The white mist did not dissipate so quickly.

Therefore, at this time, there are still only some people who can see Han Fei safe and sound. Most people keep their eyes closed, unable to open them, and can only open their mouths and shout.

"Who knows what's going on?"

"Han Shuai, has he broken through?"

"I don't know! Han Fei didn't speak either."

"Hey, this white haze~www.ltnovel.com~ doesn't seem to be that dazzling anymore."

"I can see some already."

"Hi~ Look at the sky."

Many people, squinting or covering their eyes, looked up at this moment.

I only saw where the fairy palace was, filled with clouds and mist, full of fairy spirit.

Han Fei's heart moved, and the sound of the great road spread all over the sky.

Just listen to Han Fei's words: "My fellow human beings, I am Han Fei. This time to open the sea, I have a lot of insights. I dared to tell the world human race, I am Han Fei, today I call myself the king of human... Especially in the deep and hot water, we are still trapped in the cage. Outside the cage, there are thousands of enemies. There, kings rise together, the venerables are everywhere, and there are countless explorers... I have become a king, and naturally prosper with the human race. . One day, we will go to the outside world. One day, I will make everyone like a dragon..."


"Break the cage and go to the outside world."

"Man King, Man King, Man King..."

Hundreds of millions of people are crying, and their willingness is gathering.

Whether it is the Forest of Terror, the Immortal Human Race, or the Monster Beast Alliance.

At this moment, everyone is dumbfounded...

And the people who are familiar with Han Fei looked strange: Self-proclaimed King? I'm afraid that only Han Fei can do it, right?

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