God of Fishing

Chapter 1914: Looking for the 9th

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The battle against Yaowangtian triggered the entire riot.

First of all, Wang Yijian re-entered everyone's vision. The title of Yijian Tuwang shocked many people again. Even Taiqing and Wuji have to be treated with caution.

And Han Fei's looting Yao Wang Tian and taking away the Nine-Rank God Pill also shocked the world.

Moreover, he can escape safely in the surrounding. Han Fei's name has become a taboo in the riots.

Every day, many people in Wudi City are asking for information about the Avengers. However, the Avengers, as if disappeared, rarely appeared.

Four years later.

A starfish is breaking through on an abandoned waterway. There was also a young boy who broke through with Starfish, Xingyue who was once the weakest.

But at this moment, Xingyue's strength, at a glance, had reached the level of primary venerable. This time, it was a breakthrough to the pinnacle of the Junior Venerable.

And the six-door starfish, surrounded by spiritual storms, whirled wildly. Its strength has reached the pinnacle of the nobles.

For a total of five years, everyone was wandering and fighting at sea, day and night. Basically, everyone's strength has improved a whole step.

At this moment, the venerable members did not say that the half-king realm powerhouse, plus Song Kaiyuan and Xue Ran, had as many as 15 people.

The number of Venerable Peak Powers has reached the number of 9.

The number of high-ranking priests is as many as 20. Among them, Luo Xiaobai, Zhang Xuanyu, and Le Ren Kuang have all reached the pinnacle of high-ranking elders.

Once, this was an unattainable height. But now, everyone has come to the sea of ​​riots, but after five years, their strength has skyrocketed.

Because there are countless marine creatures, countless powerful men, like dancing at the tip of a knife every day.

But in these five years, three people have also fallen.

The reason is that the Avengers pirate group collided with the religious pirate group in the top ten pirate groups. During the battle between Han Fei and Li Hexie, they failed to take into account all the battles.

In such a battle, Han Fei realized that even the top ten pirate groups had some outsiders, and there were heaven outside.

That Li Hexie might have the strength of the top ten in riots.

Therefore, after a collision, Han Fei stopped in time. Apocalyptic magical technique saved seven or eight people before retreating safely. Otherwise, there will be more casualties.

But Li Hecra, there is no apocalyptic magic like Han Fei.

In that battle, the sect pirate group lost 13 Venerables, which was a small-scale defeat.

Since then, many people want to see: the scene where the Peace Pirates and the Avengers Pirates meet. See who can lay the top three positions?

Of course, their expectations are destined to be futile.

Because in five years, the entire Avengers pirate group has been searching for the location of the nine palaces.

If Han Fei had searched for it alone, he might have found it long ago. But he was dragging people in a boat. Therefore, Han Fei's speed was much slower when he was practicing while finding his way.

This day.

The six-door starfish and Xingyue have just broken through.

Just half an hour after the fleet was traveling, Han Fei felt something was wrong: the abandoned route disappeared, and they were lost in it.

After getting out of nowhere, the fleet directly encountered a giant sea beast. An extremely large seaweed, its size is more than 500 miles long.

Apart from Han Fei and Xia Xiaochan, as well as Xue Ning and Xu Ran, where else have anyone seen such a big creature? I couldn't see the side at a glance, and the whole person was dumbfounded.

When the huge sea dragon saw the pirate ship of Avengers, it roared, and the sound wave was like a knife, and it strangled directly towards the Avengers.

For this sea turtle, sound waves may be its unique technique.

If this sound wave is really overwhelming, it will be difficult to resist the higher sage.


I saw Han Fei stand to the bow of the ship, raised his hand, and saw a yin and yang saber. With Han Fei's current strength, even without the power of the Great Dao, it is not comparable to ordinary creatures.

The yin and yang reincarnation knife, like a broken bamboo, easily shattered the sound waves. But immediately afterwards, the power of this sword was shattered by the overlapping sound of shock from the sea turtle.

Of course, Han Fei didn't care, it was just a reincarnation.

As a result, the yin and yang reincarnation knife appeared again before the half breath.

That Haiying, only then discovered the horror of the Yin-Yang Samsara Knife. Just now, I barely supported the second reincarnation, and the third Yin-Yang reincarnation knife appeared again.


In an instant, Haifeng was injured.

Han Fei thought that he could easily win this sea turtle. But who knows, its body slapped a huge storm on the sea. Under the rain curtain, Han Fei suddenly felt a spatial change.

When the water curtain dissipated, Han Fei suddenly narrowed his eyes. The huge sea frog disappeared?


Suddenly, a group of half kings came to Han Fei's side.

Xia Xiaochan: "Where is the sea bird?"

Zhang Xuanyu: "Good guy, that thing is too big, right? Is this the so-called giant beast line? That mouth roared down. If it weren't for you, we might be able to yell at it."

Luo Xiaobai: "It's such a huge body, why did it suddenly disappear?"

Han Fei squinted his eyes and said, "Formation."


Everyone couldn't help but exclaimed, they couldn't help looking at Han Fei in surprise, and said to their hearts: How big is this formation to enclose such a large territory?

After discovering that this was a formation, Han Fei knew: He should have found the wrong position.

Jiugongtian, the best formation.

It just so happens that Han Fei ran out of the number of voyages of Vientiane today. Therefore, there is really no way to find a way.

However, Han Fei did not panic at all. The formation of this thing needs to rely on the aura of heaven and earth to maintain its operation.


Only saw Han Fei take a deep breath directly. Above this sea area, a large amount of aura and energy were drawn away by Han Fei.

Immediately afterwards, I saw Han Fei stepping on the Great Spirit Gathering Formation. I saw the "suddenly", the spirit gathering array flickered constantly, and the endless auras from all directions gathered.

Just listen to Han Fei said: "If you come, you will be safe. Your experience is almost over. It's time to meditate for a while. Give me all..."

In this scene, there are a total of 55 venerables, of which as many as 15 half kings, how terrifying is the amount of aura? One can imagine.

It just lasted less than a hundred breaths, and the formation here decisively changed.

Obviously, the existence behind this formation can no longer stand. So many people, eat the aura and energy at my door? If you continue to eat like this, no matter how strong the formation is, you will be eaten up!

This time, the formation changed, and the killing formation appeared.

The person behind is probably thinking: Since they can't drive away, and they have to swallow energy and aura, let's just start the killing array!

At that moment, only a thousand miles away, the fog began to cover.

A series of gray and white shadows appeared, and the sky and the earth were full of sword energy, and the sword light flashed. But there is only one sword that is aimed at Han Fei.

That sword seems to be brewing a lot.

With a sword coming out, the sky and the earth changed color, and the Canglang sea suddenly solidified, almost to the point where it was heinous.

Han Fei narrowed his eyes. But seeing the power of his great road running, his aura suddenly exploded, and the great road returned to a sword, instantly condensing at the fingertips.

However, even so, Han Fei especially felt that the other party's sword intent had been brewing for a long time and was too powerful.

Hearing only a low roar from Han Fei, behind Han Fei, a giant of Dharmakaya more than 200 meters high appeared out of thin air.


The horrible explosion stirred up a vortex of hundreds of miles, and the ripples oscillated for tens of thousands of miles.

Han Fei was shaken back for dozens of miles.

However, the Law Body of the Sky, reaching out the fierce flames, exploring the sea with both fists, arrived in front of Han Fei and the Avengers.

In this way, Han Fei was able to withstand this strongest killer move. And everyone on the Avengers, at this moment, is dealing with the sky full of swords and shadows.

Just listen to Han Fei shouting: "Nine Palaces has been closed to the sky for many years, is it true that you don't hear anything about the outside world? Even my Avengers pirate group, have to block?

As Han Fei spoke, with a thought, he picked up a sword in his hand and slashed into the void thousands of miles away.


Only see the fog here, quickly dissipating.

The sky, the sword, the light and the shadow of the sword, also disappeared in the ashes. At this point, the sea was calm again.

Han Fei couldn't help being shocked: It seems that the power of Jiugongtian is not weak, and it can force himself to use the sky law body! With this hand, Han Fei knew that Jiugongtian still had a strong presence.

Moreover, it is probably the kind of existence that can rival the top ten in riots.

To put it bluntly, Han Fei's current ultimate strength is definitely in the top ten of the sea.

However, the time to become a king is still too short, and Yuanyuanhai is still constantly strengthening. UU reading www. uukanshu. com now has eight or nine profound pills to cultivate. Most of the resources he robbed were used to feed Xiaoteng!

Up to now, the second pill has not yet fully matured.

Han Fei estimated that if he wants the second Xiaodan to be fully mature, he might have to feed it for several years. Because Xiaoteng is not so fast or so crazy now absorbing resources. Obviously, it also has a mature period.

At this moment, although the sea is turbulent, there is no formation to hinder it. The sea tiger before, don’t know where it went?

At this moment, the Avenger is floating above the sea.

Han Fei's perception swept across the world, an inch by inch across a radius of 100,000 miles.

Then, Han Fei discovered: This is a land of uninterrupted submarine mountains. Among the mountains, it seems ordinary, but Han Fei glanced at Yin and Yang, and immediately found that the layout of the veins here is very interesting.

Taking the earth vein manifold as the line, this whole large area, more than one hundred thousand li, was spread out into a large array.

The array is complex, surpassing all the large arrays Han Fei has ever seen.

Han Fei couldn't help saying, "Since I know someone is coming, do I still need guests to break the line, so you can't see it?"

After dozens of breaths of silence, there was a voice, and it sounded in the heaven and earth: "No need."

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