God of Fishing

Chapter 1927: Paid

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However, thinking that I have expanded to the original sea of ​​30,000 miles, it is the time when resources are needed. After I open up a few more spiritual orchards, get a few ground veins and spiritual veins, and create a spiritual lake to run through the original source sea, it will consume half of it.

Calculated like this, the strong really eat resources! Especially the strong people in the sea-opening realm, the demand for resources is even more terrible. God knows where there are so many resources for the cultivation of sea-piping powers.

Han Fei caught his eye for a moment, and handed Xia Xiaochan five or six sun and moon shells, "Leave it to you to cross the catastrophe!"

Xia Xiaochan couldn't help being speechless: "Aren't you stupid? We all promised to return to the majestic royal family to overcome the robbery. Of course, we have the resources of the mackerel race. Is it possible to use our own?"

Han Fei's heart moved: "That's right! Then I'll pit a pure imperial canon."

When Han Fei heard that it was the truth, he stretched out his hand to grab, and the six starfish were pulled out. At this moment, there are six bubbles hanging on the six tentacles of the six-door starfish, and the boy is still asleep.


"Bang Bang Bang~"

But seeing the circle of bubbles shattered, the big eyes of the six star starfish suddenly opened: "Who, what's the matter?"

When Liumen Haixing saw Han Fei's face covered with black lines, he couldn't help but exclaimed: "I'm cultivating, and the cultivator is too absorbed, and I accidentally fell asleep. Look at my strength, at the top of the venerable, by leaps and bounds..."

The corners of Han Fei's mouth trembled: "Uncle Six, the next one will look like something. It's nothing more than stealing from Lingshi Mountain. I didn't take it seriously when you stole it quietly. You stuffed a sun and moon shell at a time Go in, what's the matter? That's my origin sea, don't I know? Bring it."

Six-door starfish's big eyes turned wildly: "Huh? Huh... Why is there a sun-moon shell in my door? Who put it in? It's strange..."

Seeing Liumen Haixing grabbing Riyuebei painfully, Han Fei took a look, and with a thought, everyone on the Avenger appeared in the courtyard.

Luo Xiaobai and Zhang Xuanyu gathered around for the first time.

Luo Xiaobai: "Is it done?"

Zhang Xuanyu: "What's the situation? Is there any pure imperial code?"

Musician: "Where are we now?"

Han Fei sighed slightly: "I'll tell you about this later. I asked you all to come out this time because you have run out of resources recently, so I will pay you some salary?"


They have long been accustomed to Han Fei's non-mainstream vocabulary. He and Zhang Xuanyu's eyes lit up.

As soon as the others came out, they naturally paid attention to Han Fei's side, and Nian'er even came over: "Brother, what's the salary?"

Han Fei thought about it: "The so-called salary is your dividends in the Avengers. In the past few years, your strength has grown too fast, and your resource consumption has also been fast. Many people are now running out of resources. If this continues, no There is a way. No way, this Wang Yan can see that you are exhausting resources for a small amount of time? Come... each person will send out 2 million of the best spirit stones first to supplement the resource consumption."


"Two million best spirit stones?"


Yi Xiyan looked sideways; "Brother, you can't spend too much money, right?"

Qu Jinnan: "Brother, are you sure we don't leave some for the principal?"

Insect King: "How many resources have to be sent out?"

Dashuai Wang: "Junior Brother, you know me..."

As for Xue Ning and Xu Can, they are all lost at the moment. Are the benefits of the Avengers Pirates so high? All the looted resources belong to the crew. Not to mention, the daily cultivation is all resources obtained from the non-airline zone. He can also be taken to places like Jiugongtian for trials. Do you still need to be paid?

Han Fei said: "Queues are expensive! Two million per person, all small money. In this Wudi City, maybe a walk around the super resource store is not enough!"

Luo Xiaobai was surprised; "Are we in Wudi City?"


Although everyone often heard the name Wudi City, it was the first time to land in Wudi City. After a while, everyone will explore their perceptions.

However, Han Fei was shocked and shattered all their perceptions.

Just listen to Han Fei's unpleasant voice: "Don't just perceive it when you are okay, the strong here can kill you with a single thought, don't make me trouble."

Yi Xiyan: "Brother, I heard that the super resource store in Wudi City has everything good, can we go and see it?"

Nian'er: "Brother, I want to go too."

Since Da Yin'er chose to stay in Jiugongtian, Nian'er is now mixing with the youngest Yi Xiyan and Gu Qi, and her personality is inspired by Yi Xiyan, so I like it now.

Han Fei hummed; "After all, I have practiced for several days, and I will rest for two days today and tomorrow. I will leave Wudi City the next morning."



Someone immediately approached Xue Ning and Xu Can and said, "Brother Xue, you have been to Wudi City before. You have to show us around."

"Brother Xu, will you show me my bookstore when you look back?"


But at this moment, a young man suddenly appeared in the courtyard. Just listen to the young man handing his hands towards Han Fei: "Master Han Fei, everyone on the Avengers has not yet been registered, and they need to be registered below."

Han Fei nodded slightly: "It's okay, I'll take a trip to the province. Register for me and receive my own unique ID badge. Next time I come alone, I think I have an identity."


After a while.

Han Fei alone gave 2 million top-grade spirit stones, and the eyes of the six starfishes looked green.

Looking at the wealth-greedy virtue of the six-door starfish, Han Fei shook his head slightly: "In the future, I will practice with the Avengers. I am afraid that the acceleration of time will make you accustomed to problems."

Liumen Haixing’s big eyes turned round and round: "Don’t! How slow is it to practice outside? Haixing still wants to swim in Linghu with Xiao Hei Xiao Bai."

Han Fei's heart moved, dozens of formations merged, and finally landed on the six-door starfish and directly sealed his mouth. Just listen to him: "It's okay, don't talk about it, let you experience it, just remember it, and get used to the good life, I'm afraid it will make you used to something wrong."

At this moment, except for Luo Xiaobai, everyone else has followed Xue Ning and Xu Can to the Chumen. The prosperity of Wudi City really needs someone to explain it.

However, Luo Xiaobai and several others looked at Han Fei one after another, and Han Fei also briefly explained the outcome of the matter to them.

Suddenly, only the musicians exclaimed wildly: "This is trying to find a shell with a turtle!"

Zhang Xuanyu: "So, now that you two have made the oath of heaven, we actually form an alliance with the royal family of the sharks? Haven't you discussed with other allies yet?"

Han Fei: "Others don’t care. This is my Yin-Yangtian transaction with the Jadeite royal family, and it’s no problem with other people. Okay, this is no way. If the girl wants to overcome the catastrophe, he can’t get around the royal family. Bo is actually not a loss."

Luo Xiaobai: "The question is, will Xiao Chan go to the Shark Royal Family by himself? Will the Pure Emperor Code represent the entire Shark Royal Family? Will Xiao Chan be dangerous?"

Han Fei frowned: "It shouldn't be. Only when the girl becomes a king can she draw out that ray of blood."

Xia Xiaochan said: "Since I know about this, I must pay back this drop of blood. But, at least I haven't gone yet. Then I have to wait for the Yin and Yang sky to be born before I go to the royal family. Fallen..."

Xia Xiaochan said, looking at Han Fei.

Han Fei sneered: "If you fall, there will be no shark royal family in this world."

The stronger, the better understand how simple the destruction of a race is. The strong are the rules and make sense. The strong want you to live, and you die to die. Since all this world adheres to this principle, Han Fei is no exception~www.ltnovel.com~saying.

This day.

The staffing information of the Avengers pirate group was immediately received by countless people.

When they saw that in this fleet of fifty-odd people, fifteen or six of the half-king powerhouses, the weakest one also came to the intermediate-level venerable state, they couldn't help but feel surprised. This force can be described as strong.

Of course, what has left the major intelligence personnel speechless this day is that the crew of the Avengers Pirates are so rich! These people wandered around the super resource store in Wudi City, consuming one million best spirit stones per capita. In just one day, it is said that this group of people consumed more than 60 million best spirit stones.

Of course, this can't be compared with Han Fei's initial consumption. But this is by no means a small number.

The main reason is that this group of people was dazzled. Looking all the way, it feels that even the garbage in the super resource store is a treasure. Although they did a variety of resource matching plans, they still spent a lot of money.

Among them, Nian'er and Yi Xiyan were exhausted, and there was not even a stone left on their bodies, so they called the two million best Lingshihua a clean.

Mainly! It was Su Daji who said such a sentence. She said: "Brother said, we can go through the back door."

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