God of Fishing

Chapter 1940: Surrender or fall?

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The sea of ​​mist.

In a certain space node, Han Fei stood in his own original world.

The strength of Bei Luochen made him realize that he is not strong enough now, so he needs to continue to strengthen his original world first.

Before that, information emerged in Han Fei's eyes.

Owner: Han Fei

Level: Level 93 (open sea)

Canghaiwan Genealogy: 980006

Chaos Air: 17,156 strands

Spiritual power: 665568

Perception: 700,000 miles

Strength: 183209 waves

First Spirit Vessel: Unknown

Second Spirit Vessel: Unknown

The first talent soul beast: Twin Yin and Yang Spirit Devouring Fish [Level 87]

Second talent soul beast: Emperor Sparrow [level 89]

Main practice: "Void Fishing Technique", the seventh layer, "Void Landing Technique" [King Grade Artifact]



Suddenly, Han Fei was stunned, he was a good sea-clearing state. But I was at level 90 before, but now it suddenly became level 93. I haven't looked at my own state for a long time, but this time, Han Fei understood something in an instant.

Yes, the cultivation level has not disappeared, but the calculation method within the territory of Pihai has changed. When it comes to the sea level, the level will be calculated according to the size of the original sea.

But Han Fei changed his mind, it seemed that something was wrong. Because he remembered that the Narcissus told himself that she was almost going to be the emperor after the catastrophe.

However, how big is the original sea of ​​narcissus? If you follow the ten thousand li level, wouldn’t it take one hundred thousand li to survive the catastrophe? Therefore, it may be that most of the strong people in the sea-breaking realm do not know the real cultivation method of the sea-breaking realm. It was just that I thought I could become an emperor, so I went to open the sky, but in the end, it didn't work.

In places like Yinyangtian and Shuimutian, talents are withered, and even history is not enough. Even if you cross the long river, you can't know this secret. Therefore, practicing in the sea-opening realm is like a blind person touching the elephant.

In addition, after opening the sea by myself before, the original source sea exceeded ten thousand miles, why didn't it show level 91? Does it mean that the calculation of the sea-breaking realm depends not only on the size of the original sea, but also on the amount of chaos.

Han Fei couldn't help but his eyes brightened. Therefore, if he is willing to use all the resources he has acquired to expand his original world, he can actually achieve rapid upgrades.

It’s just that Han Fei took a look at his current origin world, and some slight fog was growing, which made him realize that this was most likely the reason for the nearly 20,000 li he later developed without any layout, so the origin sea is not solid enough. , And mist was produced.

Thinking of this level of reason, Han Fei had no plans to immediately expand the source sea. Anyway, as long as you have energy and the best spirit stone, you can expand the origin sea. Who makes the refining world and your origin sea become one?

In addition to the level change, Han Fei suddenly understood how to quickly upgrade the sea level.

In addition, although the Chaos Qi has increased, his Origin Sea has also grown, although he really wants to try to spend ten thousand strands of Chaos Qi to upgrade the Origin Sea's time chain. However, if there are only more than 7,000 strands of Chaos Qi remaining to support 30,000 miles of origin, Han Fei can't help but feel a little worried.

Or wait for more chaos in the future, and then consider upgrading the time chain.

The increase in the power of the soul was expected, after all, he had slaughtered more than one king, and the elixir he got was not a few.

The increase in strength was due to the small achievement of Void Fire Refining Technique, which gave him a major breakthrough.

What surprised Han Fei was that the sea-clearing realm did not seem to have a power upper limit, even when he was in the 90-level first entry realm, he could still achieve 160,000 waves of power.

It seems that this level can only serve as a measure of realm.

But no matter what, until now, his spiritual veins are still unknown, and Han Fei is also used to it.

As for the emperor's breakthrough to the half-king, that was something long ago, and Xiao Hei and Xiao Bai did not slow down in cultivation. Even Xia Ritian and the others, after so many years of training, their realm has all been up, and even Xia Ritian surpassed Xiao Hei Xiao Bai and reached level 88. Xiaojin, Tufeiyuan, and Ligao also reached levels of 87, 86, and 86 respectively.

After all, they are all legendary creatures, and latecomers are the top ones, and with enough experience, they can still catch up.

It's just because the time given to them is too short, otherwise, if Han Fei is given another ten years, he is confident that they will be polished to the half-king state.

After reviewing his own information, Han Fei's heart moved. I saw the original world here, the ground in some places was collapsing, and the ground in some places was bulging; there were flaming rocks, as for mountain passes, condensing volcanic areas; there were strange peaks and high ridges, covered with cold crystals, turning into frost and snow. Snow-capped mountains; rivers emerge on the ground, and barren swamps fall on the surface. The sea is emerging, and the spring is flowing. The vegetation is overgrown, the garden is opened...

I saw a long dragon composed of top-quality spirit stones, placed in this mountain and river land.

Han Fei seemed to be caught in the thrill of creating the world. He hadn't realized that the fog in his original world was quickly dissipating.

Among the crew members of the Avengers who practiced in the Origin Sea of ​​Han Fei, the Insect King and Ziluo were the first to find something wrong.

Just listen to the insect king said: "Have you found that the origin sea of ​​the human king seems to be more agile than before?"

Ziluo: "Hey! You have this feeling too? I have it, but we don't seem to have changed much here. I feel an inexplicable vitality, it seems to be connected to this place where we are."

Among the others, Luo Xiaobai frowned slightly, trying to detect through perception, but found nothing.

Xukong Teng also said: "I didn't find any problems! The King won't let us leave this demarcated island, otherwise I can find out."

Zhang Xuanyu said in a bad mood: "Zhedi, Han Fei's Origin Sea is for you to explore?"

Xukong Teng hurriedly smiled: "Of course not, how can I dare to spy on Lord Ren Wang's origin sea?"

Zhang Xuanyu arrived at the Dile and said madly: "Do you feel something is wrong?"

Le Ren Kuang shrugged: "No! It doesn't matter if he has it, just turn around and ask him if it's fine."

When Zhang Xuanyu heard this, he immediately slapped the Le Ren with approval, and said to his heart, too, my brother, if there is anything to guess, just ask?

They didn't bother to think about it, even Luo Xiaobai felt calm after hearing this. Since Chongwang and Ziluo said there was a change, this change is 80% good. Ask directly then, Han Fei will say it anyway.

time flies.

Han Fei has been immersed in the creation of the world for more than ten days before he suddenly wakes up.

However, when Han Fei woke up, looking over the mountains and rivers here, I always felt that the world seemed a bit familiar.

But no matter what, after Han Fei returned to his senses, the first thing was to find that the fog had disappeared. Had it not been for the clear sky and the sun, Han Fei would have felt that this place was really a fairyland.

In addition to the beauty of the fairyland, Han Fei can also feel that his original world is slowly growing power, and the rhyme of Taoism seems to be born invisibly.

In addition to this, Han Fei felt enlightened, and felt relieved by his extremely powerful physique. It's not that the body isn't strong anymore, it's just that it used to be tight, but now it's much relieved.

It’s like a river filled with water before, but now it’s a river. With water filled with a river, the comfort is improved a lot, but it still feels a little tighter.

Han Fei seemed to understand that with his current strength, level 93 might not be enough, so he felt a little tight.

But when Han Fei wanted to use resources to explore the Origin Sea, he was dumbfounded. With his massive resources, except for the one that feeds the demon refining pot, there are only less than 100 million top-grade spirit stones left.

Han Fei couldn't help cursing secretly: "I knew that the best spirit stone, no matter what, there will be a shortage. It seems that I still don't have enough resources!"

The corners of Han Fei's mouth raised slightly, but it didn't matter. Now that he has many enemies, he can grab more.

He couldn't help wondering whether the powerful people of the Open Heaven Realm that had been born had understood this truth early in the morning, so they had already opened up the original sea in this way?

It is a pity that no one will tell him that this road always needs to be walked by himself.

After sorting out his own situation, Han Fei took out a fish skin map with the location of Wudi City in the center, marked thousands of routes, and noted the major fairy palaces, the Hundred Demon Races, and the Undersea Human Races. , Habitat of the royal family.

This is naturally the route map that Han Fei bought in Wudi City, which was slowly opened up from generation to generation by countless ancestors.

I saw Han Fei digging out the Nautical Vientiane, and in a blink of an eye, the Navigating Vientiane pointed to an area between Baihua Palace and Wandutian ~ www.ltnovel.com~ outside the Baihua Palace.

Three big ships engraved with flame icons are wandering.

On the ship, Xue Ran, the leader of the Red Fire Pirate Group, was shouting: "This trip to the Hundred Flowers Palace, remember to be fast and ruthless, this king will control Hua Qianyue. And you, you must quickly get me the cargo ship on this trip. ."

"Yes! Captain!"

In a yelling sound, Xue Ran hooked the corner of his mouth with satisfaction. Business is not doing well now, and the outer domain is getting more and more turbulent. Taking advantage of the chaos of the Five Elements and the frequent movement of the major immortal palaces, it should not be difficult to rob yourself and earn a lot of votes.

Just as Xue Ran was witty, he suddenly heard a voice in his ear: "Xue Ran, long time no see!"


As if a bolt from the blue sky, Xue Ran didn't even dare to turn his head back. In an instant, he only felt cold and sweat all over his body.

Hearing this voice, he knew who was coming.

At this moment, the three large ships of the Red Fire Pirate Group, all the sages, all silenced, were all frightened.

Xue Ran looked back with difficulty, and saw Han Fei standing on the mast of his Vulcan, smiling at him.


Xue Ran said with difficulty: "Han Fei."

Han Fei smiled slightly: "I! Give you a choice, surrender to me, or die."

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