God of Fishing

Chapter 1950: Undersea Mephit

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Surprisingly, the matter of siege the city and slaughter the king, a five-element sky, a dream weaving sky, is enough.

Even if Han Fei wants to continue to do this, no one is a fool. With the lessons of the Five Elements Heaven and the Dream Weaving Heaven, who dares to deal with Taiqing Wuji indiscriminately? Who will not step up the transfer of various resources and gather all the main combat power in their homes?

At least, Han Fei has no chance in this inner domain fairy palace. And Han Fei himself realized that he might have underestimated the power of the Lord of the Immortal Palace.

The reason why the fairy palace is divided into inside and outside is naturally because at the beginning, people have different chances and different cultivation potentials. In the open sea, the opportunities that were obtained at that time were not enough, or the roads were weak.

In the inner domain, a powerhouse at the level of a non-palace master, could even burst out the open-world realm combat power, which made Han Fei realize that perhaps more people have touched the threshold of the open-day realm.

When Han Fei returned to the Avengers, he looked at Song Kaiyuan for the first time and said, "Do you know who Wan Qingling is?"

Song Kaiyuan seemed to understand something. Before he was surprised, he listened to Mu Shui Sisi in astonishment: "It is Wan Qingling that fell?"

After a moment of loss, Song Kaiyuan immediately returned to his senses: "Wan Qingling, who was ranked ninth in the riots of the sea and the sea-breaking realm, is the teacher of Sazhimeng. It is said that his strength is no more than that of Shazhimeng. Once, one person fought alone The three kings of the Shark Clan are the only two."

Han Fei's eyelids twitched: "Ninth?"

Han Fei couldn't help being speechless, this ranking is higher than he thought! No wonder it was so powerful that the Emperor Sparrow had stolen half of her Open Heaven Realm power, otherwise it would be a complete round of attack, even if she was not dead, she would be seriously injured.

However, the fall of this Wanqingling is also a good thing, at least this proves that the strength of his side can slaughter the top ten of the sea. It can shock others. Whoever wants to attack the Sword God Fourth Palace and Yin Yang Tian should first weigh his own strength.

Of course, the fall of Wan Qingling will definitely offend Sazhimeng. But is Han Fei afraid of offending people? Obviously not afraid, otherwise, would he dare to oppose Taiqing Wuji?


Origin sea.

For the first time, Han Fei took Luo Xiaobai and the others out of the island he had circled.

When several people saw Han Fei's origin sea for the first time, they couldn't help exclaiming.

Zhang Xuanyu: "This...you really are Origin Sea? Are you sure it's not your treasure house?"

Le Ren Kuang: "Heh...I saw a spiritual orchard over there, my God, there are really all spiritual fruits planted in it, the number is as many as 100,000."

Xia Xiaochan: "What kind of ghost is that river? A long river composed entirely of spiritual springs? How many spiritual springs do you need?"

Luo Xiaobai was also speechless: "At this moment of effort, I can feel no less than ten spiritual veins. Do you need such extravagance for the stacking of Origin Sea?"

Among the few people, Xia Xiaochan is considered to have seen the world, but Han Fei's origin sea is too exaggerated. To put it bluntly, the resources in this original sea are dumped out, and I am afraid that the tens of billions of superb spirit stones will be completely unstoppable. Some rare things are simply not measurable by the best spirit stone.

Just listen to Han Feidao: "My exploration of the Origin Sea is not particularly clear. But what I can tell you clearly is the strength of the sea opening realm, the size of the Origin Sea, and the amount of chaos in the Origin Sea. The similarity between the original sea and the real world has an extremely important relationship. I currently have an inference. With the quality of my current original sea, if it continues to expand to 100,000 miles, it should be able to open the sky."


Including Luo Xiaobai took a breath: "According to your standard, one hundred thousand miles?"

The faces of a few people are green, is it so difficult to open the sky? If Han Fei’s standards were used, how many fairy palaces would they have to grab?

Originally, a few people were quite satisfied with the gains from this looting. Each of them has obtained tens of millions of resources, but now I have a look. For the practice of Pihai Realm, this is drizzle at all!

Han Fei also frowned and said: "I also find it a bit strange. The resources that practitioners need are too many. If a king opens the sky, he needs such a huge amount of resources, then this rioting sea, how many kings can open the sky? Where's the god?"

However, as soon as Han Fei’s voice fell, he listened to the old tortoise’s reminder: “The emperor thinks that your thinking is complicated. Although Yuanyuanhai wants to fit the reality as much as possible, you don’t really fit the reality. There are few in reality. Where a place can reach the level of resources like your original sea, you can say that there are treasures everywhere."

Han Fei: "Don't interrupt! Although the sea of ​​riots is good, but in ancient times, when resources were abundant, I was at most a little trouble. Since I want to take the strongest sea route, how can I be clichéd?"

Han Fei ignored the old Tortoise’s suggestion, but casually suggested: “Anyway, you can just know how much resources you can get. This is a later story. And, in the next year, I will adjust the training time here. .You have been stuck at the Venerable Pinnacle for so long, it is time to break into the half-king state, otherwise, when you return to the imperial palace, all of you will go to the half-king, and basically there will be no several half-kings. The strong."

Luo Xiaobai's hearts were horrified, too, now he was thinking about things after the Sea Realm, and he really thought too much. This year, if you can open the sea and become the king, you have already stood at the pinnacle of this world. Even in the rioting sea, how many people can open the sea?

Luo Xiaobai: "Our breakthrough is okay, what about Xiao Cicada's breakthrough?"

Han Fei's heart sank, and Xia Xiaochan's breakthrough must be to return to the mackerel royal family. The previous agreement with Chun Huangdian was that the mackerel royal family helped Yin Yang Tian and Shuimu Tian block Taiqing Wuji.

But now, Wuji Tian clearly had to wait until the imperial palace was about to open before allowing Yin Yang Tian and Shui Mu Tian to be born in order to force Han Fei.

Han Fei's heart moved: "You only need to practice cultivation first, and prepare to break through the half-king state. I will make arrangements for the girl to cross the catastrophe."

Suddenly, I heard Zhang Xuanyu say: "Yes, no, who is the one who was weaving dreams before?"

Han Fei paused: "You will naturally know in the future."


Asking Zhang Xuanyu and the others to go back to practice, but Han Fei moved his whole mind, and appeared beside the demon refining pot.

On the fifth small vine, the second small pill that Han Fei has been cultivating has changed after this trip to weaving dreams. With his massive supply of resources, this second Xiaodan was finally about to mature, and Han Fei couldn't help but feel a little excited.

Seeing the redness of the second pill, Han Fei felt that it might be time for him to cross the catastrophe.

after one day.

In the sea of ​​mist, somewhere off-route.

One person, one gourd, standing in the air. In the sky, the robbery cloud is rolling, this is the omen of the pill robbery coming.

Han Fei's thoughts moved. Shrimp Tiantian, Xiaojin, Licking Dog, Tufeiyuan, and Xiaoheixiaobai appeared around him.

Just listen to Han Fei said: "With me as the scope, within thousands of miles, any powerful creature trying to invade and kill without mercy."

It is almost impossible to fail in refining the demon pot through the pill. If a mere pill can break the demon refining pot, is it still the gourd that Han Fei knows?


When the first Pill Tribulation was shot down, Xiao Hei had already begun to do it. After all, this is a sea of ​​mist, and there may be a large number of powerful creatures here.

Xiao Hei found and killed a crab in the high-ranking state in the first time.

After that, Xia Ritian's void chain was activated, and two ferocious black fish in the middle-ranking state were nailed to the chain.

After all, this level of pill may also have great appeal to these sea beasts.

It's just that Han Fei doesn't care about those ordinary Venerable Realm attackers either. When the Sixth Pill Tribulation came, Han Fei felt that a behemoth finally appeared.

It is said that the giant beasts only swim in non-airline areas. This giant beast was actually a huge manta ray. It was undoubtedly a sea-breaking realm. Han Fei couldn't see how strong it was, but he was destined to become his own soul under the sword. His flesh and blood will irrigate his origin sea.

The manta ray and Han Fei were looking at each other in the void, and he hesitated a little, but still could not stop the temptation of the Second Divine Pill. I saw his mouth wide open, like a huge black hole hundreds of miles wide~www.ltnovel.com~ Only when Han Fei yelled coldly, "I'm looking for death."

However, Han Fei's golden light flashed, trying to directly jump over the boundless suction force and appear on the manta ray's back.

However, with just this jump, Han Fei felt in the void, even the void was distorted, and he couldn't escape the manta ray's suction.

In that instant, Han Fei directly used the strongest state of the golden light body technique, and got into the long river of time, avoiding this pulling force. Finally, it appeared on the manta ray's back.

The next moment, in Han Fei's eyes, information emerged.

[Name] Youhai Mobat

[Introduction] A giant beast living in the depths of the secluded sea has been swimming all its life, swallowing everything it sees and growing up, its speed is like star marks. Its swallowing power can disrupt the void and exterminate light. Anyone who is swallowed will fall into an endless void belonging to the sea mephit. Small bone spurs can be born in its flesh and blood, which is extremely poisonous and cannot be touched lightly.


[Quality] Ancient Alien Species


[Contains the air of chaos] 5649 strands

【Combat Skills】Fatal devouring, ghost **** thunder, star-scarred stinger, infinite magic wings

[Can be collected] Demon bone, secluded sea, colorful poison, infinite magic wings


[Remarks] Youhai mephit is extremely defensive and cannot be broken by ordinary attacks.

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