God of Fishing

Chapter 1963: Go outside

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Nian'er is now in the half-king realm, and she is sleeping in Han Fei's original sea at the moment. Her cultivation is different from others. As far as Time Avenue is concerned, no one, including Han Fei, can give her guidance or advice.

Therefore, what Nian'er has been learning all the time has been ordinary people's fighting methods, and he followed everyone in cultivating Wushou Xuan Body. Fight with Zhang Xuanyu and the others, hunting marine creatures together. The Avenue of Time is like an instinct. When Nian'er grows a little bit and self-cognition improves, the understanding of the Avenue of Time will be deeper.

At this moment, Nian'er appeared outside, rubbing her eyes in a daze. Suddenly, the girl suddenly opened her eyes: "The taste of time."

When Nian'er opened her mouth and sucked, a large blue halo was sucked into her mouth.

When Han Fei watched this scene, even his scalp was jumping. It's so popular! Time Daoyun just breathed in like this?

"Huh! Brother, what is this?"

Without Han Fei speaking, Nian'er looked at the Dao Fruit of Time, which was enveloped by the barrier, with a look of confusion.

Han Fei: "A spirit fruit about time can understand the usage of Time Avenue after taking it, but it is very dangerous. Once the enchantment is touched in the wrong way, it may produce complicated time changes."

With that said, Han Fei kicked the bones all over the floor, indicating that Nian'er was dangerous.

However, Nian'er wondered: "Does the Avenue of Time need to be comprehended? Then this fruit is too useless?"

Han Fei: "..."

When Nian'er said that, Han Fei only felt that there were ten thousand ironhead fish in his heart. Do you know how many people in this world can comprehend the Avenue of Time? You said it was useless?

But it's right to think about it, time dragon carp can be said to control time, so it doesn't care about this fruit. However, ordinary people would only think that this is a treasure, and once this fruit is taken, a new and powerful road may be walked out. This is simply what countless people dream of.

Therefore, so many people fell here because of their greed.

Han Fei said in a bad mood: "Don't blow, see if you can break this barrier. Brother, I just felt it, but I couldn't detect the power of time in this barrier. I don't know what he is doing. The way is working. So, there is no way to crack it."

Seeing Nian'er crouched in front of the formation, her eyes turned blue directly, as if she could see the mystery of the formation.

Han Fei thought that Nian'er would spend half a day to crack this barrier, but after only about ten breaths, he saw Nian'er suddenly stretched out his hand.

Han Fei hurriedly said, "Hey hey..."

But at this moment, Nian'er's hand had turned into a blue light, and following Han Fei, he saw the enchantment suddenly shake. Nian'er quickly opened her mouth and took a breath, but saw that a small blue bead flew out of this enchantment and was directly sucked into her mouth by Nian'er.


Nian'er's food was slightly crispy, and the rhyme of time in her body was flourishing, and this time barrier had disappeared like this.

Han Fei: "???"

Han Fei didn't understand at all: "Nian'er, how did you do it? What is the bead?"

Just listen to Nian'er saying: "This is the spiral barrier of time. Time presents a spiral loop, forming a barrier. If you can't find the center of the spiral, you won't be able to crack the barrier. But even if you find the barrier. The center must also be penetrated by the pure force of time, otherwise it will be sucked by the spiral of time and eventually shattered."

But seeing Nian'er's body of time and Taoism flourish, she couldn't help but be surprised: "This enchantment may have existed for too long, and the crystal of time was born in it, brother, I want to sleep..."

Han Fei's heart moved, Nian'er looked a little upright now, her entire face was red, as if she was drunk, and she couldn't even walk steadily.

Han Fei's heart moved, and hurriedly said, "Then you go to sleep! I ate this fruit brother!"

Nian'er: "Brother eat! This fruit is useless."

Han Fei: "..."

Han Fei speechlessly sent Nian'er back into the Sea of ​​Origins, but when Nian'er appeared, he staggered and said, "I want to sleep."

Zhang Xuanyu couldn't help but said: "What's wrong with Nian'er? Isn't this because she called her out for a drink?"

Luo Xiaobai: "Don't talk nonsense. Seeing that she has a strong Taoist rhyme, she should have some chance."

Le Ren Kuang couldn’t help saying, “What’s this for? Didn’t it mean that we are going to release Yin Yang Tian and Shuimu Tian? We are all ready to go and wait, why are we still free to find opportunities now?"

Xia Xiaochan: "Maybe I met a chance on the way."

Everyone didn't know at this moment that the battle of the Wild Abyss had already been fought, and everyone was tense, and they were ready to fight at any time, even ready to sacrifice at any time.


outside world.

Han Fei didn't take the Time Dao Fruit immediately, because he didn't know the cost of taking the fruit. What if he would fall asleep?

Even if you want to take it, you have to wait until your new home is arranged before you enter the world of origin to take it.

At that time, the time chain is fully opened, and there are still decades to come, and he will never absorb a spiritual fruit.

No, Han Fei easily picked the next time Tao fruit, and there was no danger at all. Think about it, this is where the luck lies.

Han Fei smiled and put away Time Dao Guo and then strolled around in this entire abandoned city. It is estimated that the size of this place was at least 100,000 li, and it should have been an important human civilization.

Now that the barrier was broken, the time flow here has stopped. Obviously, the previous time flow was caused by this barrier. Now that the barrier is broken and the time path fruit is collected, the effect of time flow naturally begins to slowly pause.

It's just that if you want to wait for him to completely pause, I'm afraid it will take some time. Just now Nian'er took a sip of Time Dao Yun, Han Fei naturally also sat cross-legged, running the Time Avenue, this time Dao Yun of hundreds of thousands of miles was slowly introduced into his body.

Three days later.

When Han Fei recovered from his practice and left the city, where was there any time barrier?

Immediately, Han Fei grinned: "Really it is a great place! Once the time barrier disappears, the surrounding lives will gradually increase. At that time, there will be kings in Yinyangtian and Shuimutian, at least stable for a hundred years, right? "


Yin-yang sky and Shuimu sky.

For more than half a month, everyone has been waiting eagerly. Many people probably knew that Han Fei was fighting fiercely with others, but except for that day, there was still a little noise, and then there was basically no sound.

Countless people were uneasy. They didn't know whether Han Fei was alive or dead, and rumors arose all at once.

Someone said: "I heard that the King of Humans is fighting with a stronger person above the King. It is said that it is the Open Heaven Realm. I don't know what the result is at this moment."

Someone anxiously asked, "Does it mean that we are safe if there is no movement for such a long time?"

Someone sneered: "Safety shit! Now the sun and the moon are dark here, except for the two big cracks, there is darkness above the head. What kind of security is this?"

Some people firmly believe: "At least, the time has passed for so long, and we are still in peace. This shows that Ren Wang must temporarily save us."

And Ren Tianfei, Li Daxian, Tang Yan, Cao Tianzhi, Queen of Life and others have gathered together long ago, trying to listen to the outside world through that crack.

It's a pity that even the vague voice has disappeared since the battle, as if the battle had already ended.

Thug Academy.

Old Man Bai and Old Man Jiang looked serious, and Old Man Jiang said, "I don't know anyone else, but Han Fei's stinky boy will never fall. That kid is very thief, and he can't beat him, so he can definitely run away."

The old man nodded: "Yes, how long has he been a king? If you really meet that Open Heaven Realm, you can run away, Yin Yang Tian and Shuimu Tian, ​​it is not impossible to sacrifice, after all, this kid has done his best."

"Hey Hey hey……"


Han Fei's voice suddenly sounded in Yin Yang and Shuimu days.

I saw Old Man Bai and Old Man Jiang, his eyes lit up one after another, exclaiming: "It's okay, it looks okay."

Old man Jiang cursed, but his face was smiling: "I know, this stinky boy is very thief, do you think I'm right?"

The Queen of Life let out a long sigh: "Fortunately, there is no danger, it seems safe."

Tang Yan and the others also nodded slightly, relieved, this long wait is really like a year~www.ltnovel.com~ And Thousand Star City, or the God of Clouds Tree, directly went crazy.

"Oh! Ooh..."

"The King is invincible, and the King is still there."

"I know, who can stop my king?"

"Hahaha! I was scared to death. Every day I thought I was going to die, but Wang Guo really tried to find a way to survive for me."

Countless people even shouted directly at the sky: "Yes, King of People, we are all here."

The sound of the mountain whistling and the tsunami, the outrageous enthusiasm of the crowd, made Han Fei immediately feel that a lot of power of faith is growing.

To be honest, these days, Han Fei has received a lot of power of faith. Han Fei estimated that if he digested all the power of these beliefs, he could at least make his own strength soar in vain.

Of course, he naturally wouldn't waste the power of this belief. In his heart, he had already made up his mind to use them for physical training. This is one's absolute advantage, you must keep it down, get the strongest physique, and drop ten times in one effort.

Feeling the enthusiasm of everyone, just listen to Han Fei's voice in the small world: "Everyone, don't be afraid, we are safe. Later, this king will take you to the outside world. No matter what happens, Don't be surprised..."

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