God of Fishing

Chapter 1994: Difficult start mode, don’t enter the worm nest

Hong Yue only took note of this place, but did not venture into it. It would be fine if it was someone else, but with this **** luck, he almost met Han Fei almost three times in a row.

The point is, every time I meet Han Fei, I see the king's fall.

The first time was when he and Huo Bulie went to the Wild Abyss. At that time, Han Fei killed Yu Meng, and the palace fleeed.

The second time, Yao Wangtian and Han Fei pretended to be the second sword god, Yijian, Yijian Tuwang, and he was right there.

This time, although Han Fei did not kill the half-king of humans, it was obvious that there was a sea-breaking monster, which was almost cut off by Han Fei. Sooner or later, it would be cool.

"Hey! Lao Hong, Lao Hong, what kind of luck is this? Why do you always meet Han Fei? If there is another chance, let's just surrender..."

Hong Yue ran away desperately, and Han Fei lived up to his expectations and had already sucked up the chaotic air of the Nine Infant Demon Insects. Now this is a dead insect.

Han Fei moved his bones a bit, and felt that the pain in his body just now was almost comparable to the heart-piercing pain when his cultivator was immortal.

It has to be said that even if it is the mixed blood legacy of the wild beast, the strength cannot be underestimated. Even in the face of such a king who can be called the top of the riots, these nine infants are enough to reduce their combat power by 30%. If you change to an ordinary person, I'm afraid you will have to reduce your combat power by 50%.

Moreover, this Nine Infant Demon Insect is good at divine soul attacks, and the divine soul strength is not enough, I am afraid that it will not be able to beat him.

At this moment, Han Fei drew his corpse back to feed the insects after absorbing the chaotic air of the Nine Infant Demon Insects. The body of this thing has been contaminated in a bad manner. Although it becomes a king, it will never have a chance to become an emperor in a lifetime.

When the Nine Infant Demon Insect died, the surrounding red magma seemed to have faded. And when Han Fei continued to go deeper into the crack, no creatures attacked him again.

After only about five breaths, Han Fei saw a vortex gate.


When Han Fei saw the Vortex Gate, he was dumbfounded on the spot, and it took so much effort for him to come here. As a result, he opened a black entrance for himself?

Han Fei always kept in mind what Han Xuan told himself, the door is divided into three colors, one is blue and black, the other is red, and the main body is divided into light and dark, and the other is black.

Among them, it is particularly emphasized that the black entrance, do not enter, it is almost a door of ten to nine deaths, which made Han Fei's whole person bad at that time.

Han Fei immediately took out the Vientiane Navigator and tried again. As a result, the Vientiane Navigator pointed at the black vortex clearly.

Han Fei didn't want to use the Jiugong Qi Luck Ruler a little bit, because the imperial palace is inevitably dangerous, so at this time, the Jiugong Qi Luck Ruler must have no good results.

Of course, knowing that Gui knows, Han Fei still tested it without believing in evil.

As a result, the Jiugong Qi Luck Ruler appeared in a form that Han Fei hadn't seen before, and he saw the indicator moving back and forth during the whole journey from the great luck to the desperate situation.

But shouldn't this situation show impermanence? How can you move in this way.

Han Fei couldn't help taking a breath. Could it be that the level of the Jiugong Qi Luck Ruler could not detect the danger of the imperial palace, nor could he break his own luck here?

Han Fei suspected that it was very likely for this reason. This means that the Jiugong Qi Luck Ruler also has an upper limit. The level of the human sacred artifact is originally not a divine tool, and it should be at the same level as Dinghai Foreign Treasure, but it is not for fighting.

Since the Jiugong Qi Luck Ruler has an upper limit, Han Fei doesn't know if there is an upper limit for the Multi-Navigation Instrument. But after all, finding a way should be simpler than surveying and transporting. Han Fei thinks that the space available for the Vientiane Navigation Instrument may be even larger.

Now, the Jiugong Qi Luck Ruler is useless, and the Vientiane Navigation Instrument clearly points to this black vortex entrance. What can Han Fei do? Although there are 10,000 people who don't want to enter, they have to do it after all!

Because, no matter how dangerous this entrance is, the Vientiane Mariner says it is the most suitable for oneself. Since it is the most suitable for oneself, maybe oneself can turn into good fortune.

After hesitating, Han Fei gritted his teeth and decided to enter. Although Han Xuan, as his own uncle, he should have no reason to lie to him. However, the existence of the black vortex entrance must be justified.

Moreover, Han Xuan also said that the higher the difficulty outside the entrance, the lower the danger inside the entrance. Obviously, from this aspect, perhaps in this black vortex, it may not be as dangerous as imagined.

Now that it has been decided, Han Fei is not going to change it. Anyway, no matter which entrance, he can always get in. It's better to get into the one that suits him best.


When Han Fei "brushed" it, he disappeared in the whirlpool. When Han Fei reappeared, the void stabilized, and Han Fei looked around for the first time.

This is a green woodland with many strange monster plants of various colors and huge pure blue flowers with white stamens spreading out in circles.

There are dark green plants that look like feather fans, like peacocks showing off their wings.

There are red and bright half-curved flowers, which look like a squid. There are many tentacles wrapped in the flowers, and the tentacles look like sticking stamens.

Han Fei wanted to release his perception for the first time, but in fact, perception was still ineffective, and there was no fart, so all he could see was what he saw now.


Han Fei shook his head slightly, it didn't look like it! Those trees do not look like trees. The tree has a peculiar shape, like a lantern, and a huge curved gourd hangs down from the leaves.

There are others. Although the whole shape looks like a tree, the leaves are strange, like broad leaves of seaweed. I don't know what kind of tree will grow like this.

Han Fei quickly calmed down and came here by himself, naturally, he found a chance. Han Xuan asked himself to be slow, don't rush, the implication is that every scene you encounter may have its meaning.

Han Fei didn't know what was here, but he was still going to ask Xiao Hei Xiao Bai to come out to see if he could show himself the way.

Today, the Vientiane Navigation Instrument has been used twice, in this unfamiliar environment. If you can't safely pass it during the use time of the Multi-Navigation Instrument, there is no need to use it.

Therefore, Han Fei naturally thought of Xiao Hei Xiao Bai.


As soon as Xiao Hei Xiao Bai was called out by Han Fei, Xiao Bai immediately exclaimed: "Dad! Many enemies."


Han Fei looked dumbfounded, there were enemies everywhere, why didn't I see any of them?

And just at this moment, I only saw Xiao Hei "swoosh" and jumped over Han Fei's head, where there was a thin vine. Han Fei saw this fine vine when it first appeared. It was hanging down from a large leaf that looked like a broad leaf above his head. It hasn't moved a bit until now, otherwise it would be impossible for him to find it.

However, Xiao Hei just took a bite when he went up and broke the fine vine directly. Han Fei just wanted to ask Xiao Hei when he changed to vegetarianism, but he saw that the fine vine was twisted.


Han Fei's eyelids twitched. It was not a tree vine or a demon vine, but a worm. There were flesh and blood. Although the flesh and blood had almost dried up, even in this case, the worm could still fight back.

Although I couldn't see where Xiao Hei was, the "vine" split into dozens of them in an instant and grabbed the direction where Xiao Hei was.

"Haw, haw!"

It's just that Xiao Hei's mouth, how can this Xiao Teng be able to compare, three times and five divides two, just give it a bite. Anyway, Xiao Hei can digest it.

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And Xiao Hei moved like this. It was like a fuse, as if a fire was lit in this forest.

I saw the few monsters that Han Fei had noticed just now. For example, the big pure blue flower, every circle of his pattern was torn from the flower like a sweater thread.

Looking at it again, the ball on the pattern actually moved and opened his eyes. Isn't that a bug? The ring-shaped bug was the first time Han Fei saw it.

There is also such a dark green feather-like plant, which looks like a peacock on the screen. In fact, every fine hair on that feather had all escaped and flowed towards Han Fei.

There are also the red flowers with bright white stamens, where is the squid, it is basically a round leaf, wrapped in a bunch of bugs.

Han Fei was not well at the time. Thinking of the place he came from, isn't it just a wormhole? Good guy, now it's the real wormhole.

Just what I can see with my naked eyes is all bugs. The key is that they can perfectly transform into the form of plants.

When Han Fei was suppressed by this scene, he saw the gourd on his head suddenly exploded. Yes, it exploded somehow. But if it blows up, it blows up. What's the matter with the millions of bugs that are ejected? Isn't this purely disgusting?


Facing such a scene, what is the difference between Han Fei and the ghost aphids just now?

With a move of Han Fei's heart, Xiao Hei and Xiao Bai merged directly. The endless water turned into a swirling storm, shattered countless bugs, burst into rain, and was sticky and disgusting.

The key is that this insect paste contains extremely poisonous, and the formation that Han Fei stepped on was directly corroded by dozens of layers in just two breaths.

With a casual glance at Han Fei's eyes~www.ltnovel.com~, you can see several kinds of bugs.

such as:

[Name] Burst Worm

【Introduction】A kind of worm that only conceives in the mother's fetus and never takes the initiative to give birth. The mother's fetus nourishes these bursting worms by absorbing the aura from the outside. Once the mother tire bursts, all the burst worms will spray out and burst within a hundred breaths afterwards. Its insect paste is super corrosive, and even the golden body can be corroded in the insect paste of burst worms for a long time.



[Realm] Shouling Realm

【Contains Reiki】481 points

【Combat Skills】None

[Can be collected] None


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