God of Fishing

Chapter 1996: Difficult start mode, don’t enter the worm’s nest (part 2)

Looking closer, Han Fei had no data in his eyes, which meant that this person was not a bug.

However, this man looks very strange, as if he had tattoos all over, he should have carved some kind of curse on his body. Especially on the face, the normal skin is almost invisible, it is all dark green spells.

Han Fei blocked the power of this pair of swords, and at the first moment, the Line of Nothingness was launched, intending to control this person with the Line of Nothingness.

On the other side, the two knives circled the embroidery needles to make two blades and cut towards Han Fei.

The two people chose different attack methods, and what shocked Han Fei was that the line of nothingness was completely ineffective, which meant that this person might not even have a broken soul.

Almost at the same time, outside Han Fei's upper body, the blue light circulated, and two horrible blade lights cut directly into the time without touching Han Fei's head.

With this blow, Han Fei retracted the line of nothingness, and the opponent turned into a cloud of black smoke and retreated.

In the first confrontation, no one took advantage. Since the opponent didn't even have a remnant soul, he was like a puppet. But this kind of character is not afraid of life and death, and has no emotion. The fighting style continues the original fighting style, and it is also extremely powerful.

Han Fei quickly judged the strength of the opponent, judging from the strength displayed by the current blow, the strength of the opponent was less than 200,000 waves. However, this person is fast, can turn into smoke, and has a unique dual-sword use technique.

With this blow, Han Fei could also see so much.

No, the two of them split immediately, but then, the weird man seemed to feel Han Fei's strength. With one hand, he snapped a weird seal and saw the tide-like insects emerge from the ground.

Originally, there were no bugs in this area, and Han Fei thought it was a special environment. It seems that this is not the case, but that this person can control the insects. The reason why he does not let the insects enter this area is mostly to protect the bronze mirror on the altar.

At this moment, with Han Fei as an intruder, and his strength is not weak, so he used the means of controlling insects. So, this person's main ability is to control insects?

Although Han Fei is unwilling to deal with a lot of bugs, it does not mean that he is really afraid of bugs. In addition to the means to detonate the endless water, Han Fei has many means.

Only saw Han Fei stretch out his hand and grabbed a void crack.


Instead of using this space rift to fight, Han Fei crushed the void rift in the next moment. Tens of meters around, directly detonated, the turbulence of the void rages here.

With Han Fei's hands, endless water continued to turn into blades, and in conjunction with the void storm, the storm became bigger and bigger.

Han Fei grinned: "It's a pity that your bugs are too low-level, but as long as their strength can grow to the level of law enforcement, I won't be able to do it in such a simple way."


However, the weird man put his hands together, and only saw the innumerable insects that rushed crazily, entangled, and suddenly turned into hundreds, thousands of human forms. And how similar is the face of the transformation to the weird person in front of Han Fei?

"Can you still play like this?"

Han Fei couldn't help being surprised that after these intertwined insects turned into human forms, their strength soared. During the transfer, thousands of explorer-level powerhouses have appeared here, and these people are still trying to merge with each other.

Han Fei couldn't help his heart sinking. Following such a method of fierce reconciliation, wouldn't he be in the realm of venerable immediately?


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Han Fei directly projected a sea-breaking boundary, and the clone drew a knife in the void at will.

"Boom boom boom!"

In the blink of an eye, dozens of worms in the Explorer realm were cut to pieces. But at the moment these worms were chopped up, a large piece of worm's corrosive liquid drifted in the void and went to the worm pile.

Han Fei realized that behind the worm pile, perhaps a powerful worm man is being born.

Han Fei knew that this weird person must not be given a chance, otherwise it would not be impossible for so many insects to merge with each other and to create a strong person in the sea-breaking realm.

Therefore, Han Fei immediately dispatched himself in an attempt to actively find and kill the merging strong in the worm pile at the rear.

However, the strange man in front of him seemed to explode with all his strength, turning into a black smoke, enveloping himself. And in the blink of an eye in the black smoke, thousands of knives were cut, all slashing down towards Han Fei. At that speed, it made Han Fei feel a bit like Xia Xiaochan was making a shot.

However, it is precisely because Han Fei and Xia Xiaochan have fought too much, so they are very comfortable with this explosiveness. Moreover, this person has no soul, how can he block his time avenue?

I saw that a blue light curtain appeared unconsciously in the black fog. When this light curtain appeared, Han Fei could clearly see a dark figure in the black smoke, grabbing double knives in his hand, slashing frantically.

"Clang clang clang~"

Han Fei was like a copper wall and an iron wall. He was slashed hundreds of times in an instant, but he was also using the time of being slashed hundreds of times to directly lock the dark shadow, and the fairy stunned out of his hands. In the face of this kind of enemy, he can control hundreds of millions of Zerg. If Han Fei dared to neglect, wait for the worms to merge with each other and transform into a super power. At that time, it would be more difficult to fight.

The weirdo tried to avoid the fairy evil, but he was slowed down by time, and he knew he could only take it hard.


Seeing this person's side, seven void gaps were directly cracked, and a large number of large worms burrowed out of them, and the power of the fairy **** was naturally terrifying. However, this space was suddenly filled with big worms, and colorful longhorn beetles also appeared. In just one impact, hundreds of thousands of big worms and long beetles turned into powder.

The weird man was retreating, and a few tens of millions of bugs stood in front of him in order to take down Han Fei's blow.


Han Fei Avenue turned completely, turned into a golden light, and jumped in front of the weird person, only to see him poke with **** and the road into a sword, stab the weird person face to face.

The latter was still expressionless, even if he was about to be smashed by Han Fei, the two swords in his hands were thrown away, and the two swallows whirled and blew back, and the curse patterns on his own arms flickered, and he saw those two hands. , Turned into two hundred-meter-long super giant insects like Bobit insects.

If it were far away, it even looked like two blue dragons going out to sea.

However, how could he block Han Fei's Great Dao Guiyi Sword in this way, but he saw these two fat insect arms exploded in an instant, and his body was shattered by Han Fei's sword.

As for that Yan's maneuver, Han Fei hit the Yin-Yang Samsara Knife with a backhand, and knocked them into the air with one blow.

But Han Fei's face was not pretty, because just now, in a situation where he was almost mortal, he shed his shell like a worm in front of him.

At this moment, the black smoke gathered and the weird person appeared, but beside him, there was an identical figure appearing, which should be formed by the fusion of insects.

After that, Han Fei saw an extremely disgusting scene.

I saw that weird man suddenly opened his mouth wide, and swallowed it in one bite, and even ate the same body of the sea-penetrating worm.

"This is really a bug."

Han Fei's whole person was not good at the time. After the strange man had eaten the insect man, his strength directly doubled in an exaggerated manner. As it stretched out its hand, the two scimitars returned.

When he looked at Han Fei again, Han Fei's heart sank. In this sea of ​​worms, it was completely other people's territory. You can have as many clones as you want. If you can eat it like this, how much can it eat?

At this moment, there was endless rippling storms in the void, and the sea of ​​worms was wiped out one after another, and the fairy was still blocked by those beetles.

Han Fei took a deep breath: "If that's the case, it's time to decide the outcome."

Just when Han Fei was about to use all his big moves, he suddenly heard the old turtle say: "Wait a minute, the mirror seems to be shining on you."


Old Turtle said that Han Fei was horrified. Is the mirror shining on himself?

When Han Fei looked back, he saw that the mirror was already facing where he was.

"Am I being stared at by something?"

Suddenly, Han Fei's heart sank and he did not continue to reveal his hole cards. If anything is really staring at you all the time, it is the most unwise time to expose your hole cards now.

At this moment, the worm man continued to attack and kill the one who came up, which was completely different from the one just now. This person is faster, more explosive, and his strength has reached more than 300,000 waves.

Of course, although he is not his opponent yet, if he swallows a bug man in a while, God knows how strong it will become.

Therefore, Han Fei knew that this must be a quick battle.

At this moment, the Immortal Sha had just been killed, Daogui Yijian cut it and shelled it, and the power of the Yin Yang Samsara Sword was still there. Han Fei's heart moved, and he couldn't help looking at the sea of ​​worms where the immortal evil was. With a thought, the endless water detonated again.


The ripples of horror ~www.ltnovel.com~ blasted the hundreds of millions of Zerg into nothingness, and the fairy was able to break free from the sea of ​​worms.

That person seemed to know what Han Fei was thinking about, and intended to retreat to the sea of ​​insects. But Han Fei drew out the embroidery needles, and no matter whether the person went or stayed, he swept directly to the altar.

Upon seeing this, Han Fei didn't care about him at all, and all the curses on his body were immediately lit up. The speed soared to the extreme,

Brush the floor and block in front of Han Fei.

And Han Fei had already anticipated this scene, and the embroidery needle in his hand was already ready to go. A deduction of the heavenly gate directly exploded the insect man.

How can Han Fei feel at ease if the insect is not dead?

Just as the insect man turned into smoke, the body in the smoke had not had time to escape, the immortal slashed, and the yin and yang reincarnated to kill.



At this point, the worm tide stopped, and the worm man was eventually annihilated under Han Fei's attack.

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