God of Fishing

Chapter 2000: Greedy jewelry skeleton

Waiting for Han Fei to approach the bronze mirror, the message appeared in his eyes:

[Name] Mirror of Infinity (Imitation)

[Introduction] This mirror is an imitation of Yin Yang Haotian Mirror, which can reflect the enemy and actively collect it into the infinite mirror to trap the enemy. The way to destroy the infinite realm is to have power beyond the limits of this mirror. Or, find a way to break the border. The Mirror of Infinity is only effective for casting in the same realm, and it can only trap one person at a time. If you are trapped for a long time, you will be mirrored after three years.

[Quality] Inferior artifact

【With Soul】No

[Effect] Infinite sleepy mirror



【Remarks】Because it is an imitation product, the function is very single.


Han Fei couldn't help taking a breath, inferior artifact? A fake?

If these are all imitations, how strong is the genuine product?

Han Fei's heart was shocked, and it is true that good fortune and misfortune depend on each other. This infinite mirror is indeed relatively simple in function. But just this single function is terrifying to the point of heinous.

What would ordinary people do if they were trapped here? Eighty percent is the first time trying to break this situation. Han Fei couldn't help but imagined the scene. It is true that all places are reflecting and attacking at you. If you dare to use your full strength, you can be beaten to death by yourself.

As for finding the way to break the mirror, heh, after he has comprehended so many things, he suddenly realized the way to break it. At this point, Han Fei felt that he was already very smart. If someone else was inside, he might have killed himself by now.

So, no matter whether this infinite mirror is a replica or not, as far as it is concerned, its function is so powerful that it can even be trapped by time art. This is already a magical skill.

Han Fei's heart was ready, but when he saw his heart moved, no matter what, he was recognized in this situation. If you are afraid that your energy and blood will not be as good, you have the chance to increase your energy and blood soaring.

Therefore, Han Fei pressed one hand on this infinite mirror, and the blood flowed through his body. But what Han Fei didn't expect was that the degree of blood flow was not so exaggerated. It was only that 60% of the blood flowed away, and this low-grade artifact was subdued by himself, and there was no hindrance to subduing it.


Apocalypse magic came, Han Fei's heart moved, and he put away the mirror of infinity. Thousands of spirit fruits appeared around him, and they collapsed one after another. They were sucked into his body by Han Fei several mouthfuls, breeding pure blood.

At this point, Han Fei felt that he should have also walked through this wormwood forest.

The reason why the Vientiane Navigator is pointing here is probably because it has gained the most benefits this time, so it chose this path.

But whether this road can be called a dead end, Han Fei feels that it is certainly not certain that he will die, but he is sure of nine deaths.

Even if he is so strenuous, can anyone else relax?

Han Fei couldn't imagine that if the other party was trapped in the mirror for three years and couldn't get out, the back would have to be mirrored and turned into a mirror.

And Han Fei remembered the mirror he saw in the Mirror of Infinity, hoping that it was not what he thought it was. If it was all human change, it would be too creepy.

After a while, when Han Fei finished replenishing his blood, he did not rush to explore the imperial palace. One, I have just experienced so much, to be honest, I have to digest it.

Another, he still has some questions about the Jasper Stone Bridge. He wants to wait two days to see if the Jasper Stone Bridge has stabilized and whether he can enter it again.

Today, there is another opportunity to use the Vientiane Navigation Instrument, and Han Fei thought: "Is there any chance that suits me?"

As a result, the Vientiane Navigation System did not move, and Han Fei didn't care. Because I have already got a lot of opportunities. More than 1 million catties of the essence of the earth veins and the mirror of infinity, only these two, this trip to the imperial palace is considered worthwhile.


Three days later.

The Jasper Stone Bridge still could not be summoned, but Han Fei tried to invoke the power of Yin Yang Dao. This power can be invoked normally without any problem.

In this case, Han Fei did not wait any longer. After all, the danger here is no longer a danger to myself. The insect tide that was once violent as a tide has now changed back to the appearance of a forest. Those bugs disguised themselves as flowers and trees again.

Since there is no chance of his own, Han Fei is not going to fight, is it going to find poison for himself?

As for how to leave, this one is also simple. The existence of the altar seems to be for teleportation. After Han Fei took the Mirror of Infinity, on the ground of the altar, lines of formation emerged.

Although it is not his usual teleportation array, Han Fei can still distinguish the construction of the teleportation array.

It's just that the places that the teleportation array can't understand are more like a specific coordinate and location. Therefore, Han Fei guessed that this is a directional teleportation array, and it should not be easy to teleport to the past place, because if you want to teleport to the past, you need to depict some more complex patterns.

Since I'm here, then this teleportation array, of course, I have to enter, and if not, I have to enter. Or, sit cross-legged on the altar for three years, which of course is impossible.

Therefore, Han Fei did not hesitate to light up this teleportation with aura after all.

As soon as the teleportation burst was lit, a void entrance was opened under the entire altar, and the enchanting light burst, and Han Fei's figure suddenly disappeared without a trace.

When Han Fei's surroundings just lit up, he only felt the golden surroundings, and the gorgeous light almost didn't blind him.

When Han Fei took a closer look, he saw that this was indeed a real palace, a hall of jewels.

Inside the hall, the dome is inlaid with gold and jade, all kinds of chalcedony treasures, the pearl demon pill, the entire palace dome is inlaid, and on the surrounding walls and pillars, there are also rare strange iron crystals, gold jewels and jade, sparkling diamonds and powder. .

Han Fei was standing at the entrance of the hall, behind a golden gate, and in front of him was a big ship with a length of more than 80 meters built by a baby. On this entire ship, the lowest level is the Venerable Sea-Monster's Demon Orb.

In addition to the big ship, there are also some gold corpses and their various gifted soul beast sculptures.

However, whether it is a human or a gifted soul beast, the whole body is golden at any time, but all of them are just a kind of sculpture, but they are too delicate. The reason why it is exquisite, even if you cover a mummy with gold and various jewelry, you will still think that the mummy is quite exquisite.

Anyway, in one sentence, this palace is magnificent, everything is shining, and it is invaluable.

Of course, perception still cannot use perception. But Han Fei heard someone shout: "Who."

Han Fei's heart moved, someone? It seems that I still meet people.

But anyway, Han Fei was not afraid that they were the emperor. If they were his opponents, then he would kill them all at once.

However, when Han Fei passed the big ship, he saw three people here from a distance. One of them is Liulitian Qiuyueming. Although he didn't fight with her at the beginning, he still had some fate.

When Qiu Yueming saw Han Fei, she was also shocked. Han Fei was here.

When Han Fei saw the other two people, they actually knew each other. That was when Bingxue Chuling introduced himself to the land of Wangyue.

A woman holding a flute is Liang Yin, the master of Brahma Yintian's palace. And that thin but energetic man was the palace lord of Lian Shen Tian, ​​Xu Lian.

The three of them were obviously not hostile at this moment, it can be seen that the three of them are still friendly and have no intention of taking action.

However, when Liang Yin and Xu Lian saw Han Fei, they were shocked and suddenly became vigilant. This murderer is here, will he take action against himself and others?

Although they have not learned Han Fei's strength, it does not mean that they are not clear. This is a guy who snatched Yinyangtian and Shuimutian from Beiluochen. This is a terrifying character who dared to rob Taiqing Palace and successfully forced him to return to He Daoyuan. This is still enough to dominate the riots in just a few decades. Peerless Tianjiao of Pihai Realm ~www.ltnovel.com~ However, Han Fei in their hearts is cruel and straightforward. They have always been single-handedly and straightforwardly the type of Zhonggong.

Look at the Five Elements Heaven, look at Yaowangtian, and look at Zhimengtian. Which one was not caused by Han Fei?

After seeing them, Han Fei looked at a throne not far behind them.

On the throne, there was a jade-like skeleton half-lying. The skeletons were dressed in gold and silver, rubies, sapphires, and emeralds, with six-color garlands on their heads, and they were dressed in gorgeous robes that seemed to be supported by some kind of gold wire, just like a generation of emperors.

Before the throne, there was a bronze table with some rare and exotic treasures from left to right, including Dinghai exotic treasures, exotic gems, top-quality spiritual fruits, and weird talismans.

Han Fei couldn't help asking, "Isn't this the so-called emperor?"

Han Fei came to these three people not far away, Xu Lian and Liang Yin showed defensive posture one after another.

Qiu Yueming: "Don't come close."

Han Fei tilted his head and glanced at Qiu Yueming, then nodded slightly: "Did you come here directly?"

After that, Han Feiyou looked at Xu Lianliang Yin and smiled faintly: "Don't worry, as long as it's not my Yin-Yangtian enemy, I won't make a move. I don't have the bloodthirsty rumors in this seat."

Xu Lian arched his hands slightly: "I have seen the Lord of Yin and Yang Heaven."

Liang Yin: "I have seen fellow Daoist Han Fei. Before I came here, I had already experienced three dangerous places. This is the fourth place."

Xu Lian: "This is the second place after I came in."

Qiu Yueming: "I also went through three dangerous places before I came to this place. Here, you will hear a voice later, I want you to ask for a rare treasure, as long as the grade of the baby satisfies this person. It seems that he will let him go."

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