God of Fishing

Chapter 2020: Double pulse appears

Han Fei waited for almost a year and a half, and finally waited until the Demon Refining Pot was full and drunk.

This is also due to the fact that I have so many resources for the demon refining pot to suck. This is going to leave the general sea-pearing realm king, no one who can save so many resources for eight thousand years?

In addition to Han Fei's feeling that his spiritual veins were about to be truly revealed, Han Fei also saw the third fruit on the fifth small vine, which actually matured directly at this moment.

It's just that Han Fei was too overjoyed in time, because there are now two kinds of spiritual veins in his body that are running Zhou Tian. Judging from Han Fei's internal view, the two parts of the spiritual circulation flow method seem to exist together in a situation of one reality and one futility.

There are two kinds of spiritual veins, one is sapphire, and some places look as pure as colored glaze, and they look normal.

However, the pure part of this spiritual vein is relatively small, about one-tenth. Most of them are like sapphires that are not very transparent, with a hint of white inside.

On the other hand, the whole body of Lingmai appears black, and some parts appear blood red, and the blood red part is relatively small. Probably only one-tenth.

At present, within these two spiritual veins, there is power rushing from the left to the right, and the endless spiritual energy is constantly washing each part.

Han Fei was scoured by this kind of power, and subconsciously began to use the Void Fishing Technique. Inspiring the exercises, trying to absorb spiritual energy and other power, wash together.

That kind of feeling is as if the nose is blocked and I keep inhaling, trying to break my breath through air pressure. The key point is that the two spiritual veins are in the same situation.

Han Fei didn't even need to look at his own information to know that there must be something wrong with his two spiritual veins. In the past, I couldn't see and I couldn't see, and I didn't feel such a block when I couldn't see myself.

I can see it now, but I find that it is blocked everywhere. Only the one-tenth part is unblocked, and the other ninety cities are in a state of congestion.

Han Fei couldn't help being speechless. There was no such problem in his previous cultivation, so why are there problems everywhere now?

Although Sunday can still operate, Han Fei's intuitive feeling is that he could have completed a weekly operation in one breath, but in such a congested situation, it may take an hour to complete a weekly operation.

Only then did Han Fei understand that he had always thought that he was running the exercises very efficiently. Once the exercises were turned, the sky burned.

But in fact, I'm so special, the co-author has always been practicing at an extremely slow speed?

Understanding this, Han Fei couldn't help but smile. It seems that I will have one more thing in the future, and that is to open up my two spiritual veins.

Han Fei couldn't imagine that his spiritual veins had not been opened yet, and he already belonged to the category of heavenly veins. What would it look like if his two spiritual veins were connected at once?

This situation lasted for three full days. With the efforts of refining the demon pot and Han Fei's own efforts, the two spiritual veins, seven or eighty-eight, combined, barely opened up 10% each, for a total It is about 20% through, and the distance is completely opened up, but it is still far away.

But at this moment, the Demon Refining Pot had already retracted Xiaoteng, and returned to its normal form.

And Han Fei finally regained her freedom.

Seeing the misty appearance of the Origin Sea, Han Fei couldn't laugh or cry, wondering how long would it take to grab this special self?

However, the thought that Han Fei sighed only appeared for a short time, because Han Fei's eyes had already turned to his personal information.

Owner: Han Fei

Level: Level 96 (open sea)

Canghaiwan Genealogy: 980006

Chaos Air: 43495 wisps

Spiritual power: 810026

Perception: 850,000 miles

Strength: 301560 waves

First Spirit Vein: Primordial Vein

Second Spirit Vein: Vein of Eternal Darkness

The first talent soul beast: Twin Yin and Yang spirit swallowing fish [level 89]

The second talent: Soul Beast: Emperor Sparrow [Level 91]

Main practice: "Void Fishing", the eighth layer, "Time Fishing" [Imperial Artifact]


Han Fei didn't pay attention to the data in the first time, because the original sea is in a mess now, and the strength is not reduced, it is considered good. On the contrary, those two spiritual veins finally revealed their real names.

"Primary Pulse?"

"Eternal Dark Vein?"

Han Fei was immersed in his mind, looking for specific information about the two.

As a result, this look immediately changed Han Fei's expression.

The original vein, the beginning of chaos, heaven and earth shaping vein, the beginning of life, one of the most mysterious blood veins in history, Wanmai God List, ranked 800. Possessing this vein, the strength is poured out, which is rare in the world. The speed of practice can be in the sky of the sea, the forefront of the ten thousand races, few people have reached it.

The Vein of Eternal Darkness, the beginning of nothingness, the end of death, one of the most mysterious bloodlines in history, the Ten Thousand Veins, ranked 3000th. Possessing this vein, the strength is poured out, which is rare in the world. The speed of practice can be in the sky of the sea, the forefront of the ten thousand races, few people have reached it.

Han Fei's face is weird, right? How terrible are these two spiritual veins? Canghai Wanyu, Wanmai God List, one ranks 3000 and the other ranks 800. Isn't this from the moment I was born, I was destined to have stood at the pinnacle of the speed of cultivation in the riotous sea.

Unfortunately, I always thought it was the result of my hard work. When I was practicing Immortal Body in the past, I felt that although my meridians hurt, but it didn't burst, I thought I was strong enough.

Co-authored, none of it is because his spirit veins are of too high grade, very high. Therefore, even if there was only a tenth of the transparency that was less than one-tenth before, one could cultivate to the present state in such a short period of time.

Han Fei couldn't help being speechless, his spiritual veins were so good that he didn't even know what to say.

Han Fei can only tell himself that now his dual veins are not yet clear, and he certainly does not have the high ranking of Dadao. And wait for the spiritual pulse to be opened up in the future, hehe... at least it is not difficult to prove the Dao for longevity?

Han Fei comforted himself, and glanced at the third **** pill that appeared on the demon refining pot.

This pill name is the ever-changing technique, comprehending the law of heaven, feeling the impermanence of all things and the infinite changes in the palm, and incarnate all things in the world.

To put it bluntly, this is better than the seventy-two changes?

I used to think that humanizing fish and fishing people is how difficult it is. In fact, there are countless people who have devoted themselves to research generation after generation to figure out this way.

And this ever-changing technique is amazing, and all the creatures you see can change. This seems to only play a supporting role, but if the Gemini Divine Art is added, it can be said that his escape level has reached a terrible state, even Han Fei can't think of how to break it. Unless there is a magical pupil technique that is more powerful than the golden eye, you may not be able to find yourself.

Moreover, committing crimes latently, illusioning others, everything is unknowingly, so this technique still has to be learned first. If you had done this technique before, then at the time in the wormwood forest, you would turn into a worm at will. With those low-level worms, how could you find yourself?

Comprehend a kaleidoscope technique, should it be similar to that of Fa Xiang Tiandi, right? If you eat God Pill, you should be able to master it quickly.


About 20 days passed by outside time.


However, above the top of the bronze tree, the blue ball of light broke apart with a "pop".

As soon as Han Fei appeared, he saw the blue light **** around him, four missing. Moreover, Han Fei keenly discovered that two of the blue light **** had changed positions.

Although Han Fei didn't know whether the disappearance of the ball of light ~www.ltnovel.com~ represented the fall of a person. But the sphere of light whose position has changed means that two people chose to continue exploring after obtaining a certain treasure.

The two positions change, one is Baiyue and the other is Huang Jie.

But anyway, no one has come out here yet.

Seeing under this bronze tree, my heart suddenly moved. Under this bronze tree and the place of the five graves before, I don't know if it is still the same place.

Han Fei couldn't help but drew out the Vientiane Navigation Device, and at the same time performed the Gemini Divine Art. As Han Fei's thoughts moved, he watched the Vientiane Navigation Device rotate.

However, what surprised Han Fei was that the Vientiane Navigation Instrument pointed to the tree, which meant that some of the kings who participated in the treasure hunt had fallen, not the fallen king in the land of the five graves.

Han Fei couldn't help frowning slightly. No matter what, he was seriously short of resources now, this tree full of treasure, he lacks interest now. Anyway, there is still a long time for the imperial palace to open, and I have time to continue capturing treasures.

However, before that, I need to get as many resources back as possible.

I saw Han Fei breaking through the void with a finger, and the black misty body penetrated directly into a sea area. There is no land here, but the seabed is full of sandy beaches, coral reefs and holes full of seaweed. There are still various remnants of crab shells. In addition to these, there are a large number of deep sea areas.

Obviously, this is the origin sea of ​​the squid lady of the line of giant beasts. From now on, it should be dead.

The origin sea of ​​the squid lady is not small, with more than 7000 miles vertical and horizontal, and the color of the fog is relatively shallow. The origin sea is rich in materials, which shows that its strength is not weak. Although she had been hiding her strength, she fell on the bronze tree without revealing it in the end.

No need to call Han Fei, the Demon Refining Pot was already out to work.

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