God of Fishing

Chapter 2022: Greedy punishment

  Chapter 2022 The punishment of greed

  Resources and treasures, Han Fei is also commonplace. From the previous high-quality pearls as treasures, now, billions of dollars are especially not enough.

  Han Fei needs resources, but he also knows that the future is the biggest opportunity.

  So, after reconsolidating the origin of the sea, Han Fei looked around. Above this void, stars flickered in the distance, and even a red moon was in the sky.

  According to normal thinking, Han Fei can naturally think that the red moon might be an exit.

  So, after a preliminary judgment, Han Fei immediately pointed to the way out with a voyage instrument. Sure enough, the Vientiane Navigation Device pointed to the red moon in the sky without hesitation.

  Han Fei couldn't help but grinned, and the exit has been revealed, but he can safely continue to search for resources.

  At this moment, there are still two opportunities to point the Vientiane.

  Han Fei's heart moved, letting Vientiane Navigation continue to search for the original sea of ​​the remaining king.

  But, this time, what surprised Han Fei was that there was none.

"its not right!"

  Han Fei couldn't help frowning. There were obviously four blue light **** missing, but Yuanyuanhai only had three. This means that if one person has not fallen, and he is not here, then he must have left the bronze tree.

  In other words, one has left from Red Moon.

  Han Fei’s first thought was that Bai Yue had left, because the blue ball of light that Bai Yue was on had disappeared. Maybe he continued to fight for another goal. Maybe, he went out.

  As Bai Yue said, Wudi City has no shortage of treasures. Compared to Huang Jie, he is more likely to go out.

  Of course, it could also be someone else, but Han Fei is more biased towards white.

  However, these are my own guesses, someone who can stop the temptation of the bronze tree. Among these kings, to be honest, Han Fei doubts that there is any, because he can't stop the temptation of the bronze tree.

  Since the Vientiane Navigator could not be pointed, Han Fei didn’t bother to look for it. He was not worried that the person who left would be ahead of the bronze door.

  If the Void Temple is so easy to enter, I don’t have to go through the Void Temple again and again.

  No, Han Fei's heart moved: "Point to the resources that are most suitable for my origin."

  This time, contrary to Han Fei's expectation, he saw the Vientiane Navigation Instrument pointing east and west. In the end, Han Fei discovered that there were dozens of directions pointed by the Vientiane Navigation Instrument.

  Good guy, Han Fei was fascinated at the time, so which one should I choose?

  Just when Han Fei hesitated, he listened to the old turtle: "Or, choose Xuan Huangtu?"

  Han Fei was surprised: "Mystic loess? The mystic loess that can make the original sea more natural and soft?"

  Old tortoise: "Yes, look at the khaki brick like the brick three hundred miles above you, that's it."

  Han Fei raised his eyelids: "Isn't that a brick?"

  Old tortoise: "Believe in this emperor, this emperor is the one who has obtained the mysterious loess."

  Han Fei couldn’t help but said again: “We’re not in a hurry, we can come one by one, but Lao Yuan, do you know Xuan Huang Tu here? Is there anything more powerful? Let’s make a mark first and take them one by one.”

  The old tortoise pondered for a moment: "The emperor knows a lot. But if you want to take them one by one, why don't you pull up the entire tree? Didn't you say that someone has pulled it before?"


   is really waking up the person in the dream with a single word, Han Fei directly forgot this. Why can't I think of pulling it out? It's because this bronze tree is really too big. It goes up hundreds of thousands of miles, maybe more than 300,000 miles high. It's a bit too big, even if it is unplugged, there is no place to put it.

   Therefore, I am preconceived, and I feel that such a big tree must be impossible to pull out!

  But, who said that such a big tree can't be pulled up? Even if I can't pull it out, can't I cut it open for him?

  Han Fei saw it, and there was no one around, so it's better to try it first. What if this tree is pulled by himself and Wanbao falls? Then don't you just post it yourself? Lao Han and Lao Niang did not just do this. Look, they got the Demon Refining Pot for the Eight Achievements, right?

  Since the predecessors had succeeded, Han Fei immediately swept under the bronze tree. In Han Fei's perception, the bronze tree was rooted in the void. Although I don't know how this root was pierced, it does not prevent Han Fei from trying to cut through the void.

   Therefore, Han Fei did not hesitate to move the road, and prepare the immortal evil, with a sword smashed to the root of the bronze tree.

  Han Fei’s purpose is clear, which is to break the void.

  The immortal shaman cut the void into a huge crack with a terrifying power, but strange things happened, and the power of the immortal shame gradually disappeared in the void. But the bronze tree was nothing, even Han Fei didn't even see its roots. The place where the bronze tree was rooted should not be the void of this world.

  Han Fei didn't find the roots of the bronze tree. He saw that his strongest moves were useless. I immediately thought of the simplest and most common trick, which is to cut trees.

   Just like the scene when I cut the 10,000-year-old red fruit, the big deal is to cut this ancient bronze tree into dozens of sections, and the original source sea should not be too big.

  I saw that the endless water turned into an endless huge circle, and it was a while against the bronze tree.


   "Clang clang clang~"


  Han Fei also really admired the hardness of the bronze tree. The endless water cut so violently, but there was no damage to the bronze tree. Instead, it was a runner turned by the endless water, and there were gaps everywhere.

   Just when Han Fei felt that cutting down the trees was not feasible, he still went to get them one by one. I only saw that a light blue air wave burst directly from the bronze tree. This terrifying wave instantly crushed the endless water. The wave shook Han Fei and the endless water hundreds of thousands of miles, and Han Fei only felt like his whole body. It's been crushed by a giant wheel, and his body aches and feels that his bones are about to break.

  At that moment, Han Fei was about to rush back, when a wave of air swept through, shocking him to retreat tens of thousands of miles.

  At this time, perhaps Han Fei was far enough away from the bronze tree, so Han Fei was able to see the true face of the bronze tree.

  Han Fei was surprised to find out, where is the bronze tree? It is clearly like a large complex intertwined vein network, like the meridians of the human body.

  It’s just that, before Han Fei took another look, Han Fei saw the blue light curtain in front of him receding. Following Han Fei, he found himself out of the starry sky and appeared under the starry sky and above the earth. The bronze tree has disappeared without a trace.

   "Fuck! Don't!"

  Han Fei was shocked, so what a mess? I just cut down two trees, why did I hit me above the stars?

  The old tortoise was also dumbfounded, and shut up directly, saying that Han Fei was afraid of getting angry.

Sure enough, I just heard Han Fei yelled: "Old Yuan, this is your countless bad idea. If I go to get the treasures one by one, will I not fragrant? Ah? Such a big piece of black earth, just keep your eyes open. It's gone, shouldn't you let me fight for treasure first?"

  The old tortoise felt Han Fei's anger, and couldn't help shivering: "Well, this is just a proposal. After all, someone has succeeded before!"

  Han Fei said angrily: "I failed this way? It's all right now. That's a tree-full baby! A tree-full!"

  Han Fei felt his heart trembling and dripping blood. I had already planned to get the baby one by one, how much do I have to get?

Just listen to the old turtle: "Actually, the emperor feels that although there are many treasures on this bronze sacred tree, it is not necessarily that one person can take it without restriction. Otherwise, once the strength is enough, wouldn't it be all the treasures? If it's all taken off, the emperor will definitely restrict it in this regard."

  Han Fei: "Fart, this emperor is obviously looking for heirs. So many things, if you don’t give him heirs, who will he give them? Is it possible to bless the sentient beings? Do you think the emperor has a hole in his mind?"

  Old Turtle is a little guilty, it seems that his statement is really not convincing.

  But the old tortoise immediately arrived: "They still have a group of people who survived. When you go out, look for them one by one. You can grab the resources they got..."

  Han Fei grabbed the Marine Vientiane: "Wait for a ball, I have to find a way to get in again."

   Seeing it, the Vientiane Navigation Instrument immediately turned, and Han Fei followed the pointer to break away at the fastest speed. Soon it landed in a place like an ancient jungle.


  Han Fei wanted to perceive and explore, and found that the perception was gone. This made Han Fei speechless, where should he go to this dense woodland?

  Han Fei had no choice but to use the Vientiane Navigation Device again, and saw the golden light leap forward, and Han Fei came under a giant tree in seven or eight breaths.

  But the moment Han Fei saw this giant tree, he couldn't help but feel a move. Why is it so like the sacred tree of the sea of ​​clouds?

   is this moment. UU reading www. Uukanshu.com Han Fei felt an extremely slight shock in the tree body, which seemed to have the aftermath of fighting, passed down through this big tree.

  After a while.

  Han Fei saw that on this huge ancient tree, there were many venerables vying for a kind of tender yellow fruit wrapped in a thin gauze.

  Han Fei looked at the fruit in his hand, and the message appeared in his eyes:

  [Name] Yunmengguo

  【Introduction】Grow the fruit on the Yunmeng God Tree, which can increase the power of the soul, strengthen the bloodline, and have a chance of enlightenment. The best one can obtain the Yunmeng Shenshu. This fruit is distinguished by the number of leaves, which can be divided into seven grades. The more leaves, the stronger the effect. The higher the growth position of this fruit, the better the effect. However, this fruit is often guarded by alien beasts and must be picked carefully.

  【Level】Executive Level


  【Contains the air of chaos】7 points

  【Effect】Improve the power of the soul, strengthen the blood, and enlighten the way.

   The second more...please ask...



  (End of this chapter)

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