God of Fishing

Chapter 2025: Endless corridor

  Chapter 2025 Endless Corridor

after one day.

  Navigation Vientiane has been restored.

  Naturally, Han Fei will not stay here, and Luo Xiaobai is no longer interested in this place because he has already obtained the highest grade Seven Leaf Yunmeng Fruit.

  Han Fei also deliberately searched it with the Marine Vientiane, and everyone knew that there was only one Qiye Yunmeng Fruit, which was the one that Luo Xiaobai had swallowed.

  After discovering that Qiye Yunmengguo was so rare, Han Fei actually didn’t even use a nautical universal instrument, and found a branch that pierced the void nearby.

  Think about it, the initial design of the imperial palace has already figured out how to enter and exit the major dangerous places.

  No, Han Fei and Luo Xiaobai entered the void together at this moment. Han Fei also gave the Le Ren Kuang and the others another jade slip that sealed a full blow.

If you give more of this thing, it will deplete the soul, essence and blood. As for the resources consumed, you don’t care, but the power of the soul is consumed too much, which is detrimental to practice. It is generally not good for people who are not well-connected or particularly valued. I will not give it casually.

  The four of them stepped into the void. Just now they stepped into the void. The entire dark void seemed to vibrate, and the void storm suddenly rose, trying to involve the four of them together.

  Han Fei was astonished: "It's the power to open the sea."

  Where can Han Fei dare to neglect? I saw that he used the avenue to return a sword, directly cut open a void storm, and then used the sword drawing technique to extract a avenue of void cracks to stabilize the way out, and then pushed the three of Luo Xiaobai out with a palm.

  At the end, I just listened to Luo Xiaobai: "The guess is correct, you should not meet us for the time being. Leave the bronze tree alone..."

  Luo's little vernacular was not finished, the two sides were completely separated.

  When Han Fei reappeared, there was actually a piece of white cloud and fog, and in this cloud and fog, there was a white jade stone road, no more than three to five meters wide, and the distance was endless.

  Beside the entrance of that path, a puppet is standing at the moment.

The reason why    is a puppet, is because his skin has dried up, but his flesh and blood are not rotten, and his eyes are still pale and very dull. Even so, it can't change the image of this puppet iron tower brawny.



  Han Fei couldn't help looking towards the small road, vaguely, from the other side of the road, he could hear the sound of the waves surging.

  At this time, I heard the brawny puppet speak, and said in a blunt voice: "The tester, the strength is beyond the scope of the ordinary trial, so as not to affect the normal trial, he enters the ultimate trial directly."

  Han Fei: "???"

  Han Fei couldn't help being speechless, is this the test after all? I didn't even need to find a way, so I just pulled myself over for the final test.

  Han Fei couldn’t help saying: “If I pass the ultimate trial, can I control this imperial palace?”

  However, the brawny puppet stopped speaking at this moment, as if he hadn't heard Han Fei's words at all.

  This made Han Fei suspicious, wondering if this puppet had his own consciousness.

  Han Fei asked again: "You have to tell me what this road is? Where does it lead?"

  The puppet still didn't speak, Han Fei tentatively asked a few more questions, but he didn't see the puppet making a sound, and he didn't even bother to move his gray pupils.

  Han Fei knew nothing about this so-called ultimate trial.

  Han Fei couldn't help taking out the Vientiane Navigation Device, and thought: "Look for other exits here."

  When this puppet appears, who knows whether it is good or bad, and who knows whether this road leads to the ultimate trial. Regardless of whether you are walking or not, let's see if there is any way to go.

  As a result, the Vientiane Navigation Device does not turn at all.

  Han Fei: "Where is the ultimate trial?"


  Only saw the Vientiane Navigation Device pointed directly at the path.

  Han Fei raised his eyelids slightly, and then said, "Where is the purpose of my trip?"

  Vanxiang instrument trembled slightly, still pointing to the path, unchanged.

  Although the three effects of the Multi-Navigation Instrument today were used up, Han Fei also relaxed. You just have to wait for one more day. Now that this so-called ultimate trial has come, I am not in a hurry.

  Han Fei sighed slightly, but regretted it a little bit. The Bronze Tree missed it and missed it. Luo Xiaobai's explanation was also correct. But his own resources could not be replenished, and this was the biggest headache for Han Fei. I missed so many kings' origins, and lost a lot of resources in vain. Otherwise, if they all add up, they might be able to make up for their losses.

  Now, even though his strength is at its peak, but the resources are particularly insufficient, I hope that the next final trial does not need to consume too many resources.

the next day.

  Since the puppet brawny dragged Han Fei here, he never said a word except to tell himself the reason for coming here.

  At this moment, Han Fei was already standing at the entrance of the narrow misty path. When one foot was about to step into the road, he heard the puppet suddenly say: "The endless corridor, once you step on it, there is no shore back."


  Han Fei smiled faintly, shook his head, and stepped into the path.

  Han Feixin said, is it useful to tell me this now? Is there another way I can go?

  Since there is no other way to go, isn’t this nonsense?

  The so-called final trial, only by being here can you know his horror. Han Fei had just stepped in and realized that the road in front of him was gone. Half a foot in front of him is the mist, he can't perceive, he can't see his fingers, and his eyes are here, which makes no sense at all.

  Han Fei glanced back, and the road was gone, as if standing alone in a mist.

  When Han Fei turned around, his pupils suddenly shrank, but the fog around him turned into a strange illusion. This was actually Bihai Town, the road from the original Mob Academy.

  In front of him, Luo Xiaobai and the four are walking side by side. Xia Xiaochan also looked back at Han Fei and said, "Hurry up and you will be home soon."

  Han Fei's mouth twitched: "Isn't this nonsense? Such a clumsy illusion."

  However, when Han Fei was in this realm, just stepping out, he felt a down-to-earth and extremely real feeling. This feeling made Han Fei feel terrified. What would happen if he really followed them back to the thug academy?

  Han Fei certainly does not blindly test.

  So, fortunately, Han Fei waited one more day before coming in, and waited until the Multi-Navigation System was reset.

  Han Fei took out the Vientiane Navigation Device: "Where is the road?"

  However, the Vientiane Navigation Instrument turned around randomly, and finally, the pointer pointed to Han Fei himself for the first time.


  The road is on me?

  Han Fei knew that the Vientiane Navigation Instrument could not point out the direction, otherwise it would directly lead itself out of here. But since the Vientiane Navigation Device points to itself, it may also indicate another possibility. That is, if you want to walk this way, you have to rely on yourself.

  Han Feilue was stunned, and the environment around him changed again. This time he appeared in the seagrass wall of the third-level fishing ground. He could even feel that the seaweed had touched him, which was extremely real.

  In front of me, the illusion is constantly appearing, but the original road is not there.

  Han Fei simply closed his eyes, closed his vision, and even closed his sense of touch.

   But even so, Han Fei's ears still heard the sound of tidal water.

  Fortunately, Han Fei directly closed his five senses and six senses. He sneered at the corners of his mouth, just trying to interfere with himself through these.

  However, seeing Han Fei stepping forward, he did not notice, hear, or see... This made Han Fei feel like a wandering soul, as if floating in the void.

   But moving like this, Han Fei always feels that something is staring at him, and even wants to face his opponent.

  This feeling was very strong, which forced Han Fei to open his eyes.

  As soon as Han Fei opened it, he saw a golden arm killing himself.

  "My Nima~"

  That kind of murderous aura, that kind of coercion, that kind of force that evokes vitality and blood, is extremely real.

   Just when Han Fei was about to strike back, there was a sudden movement in his mind. its not right! How could this golden arm appear here? And the surrounding environment, isn't this the place of five graves?


Han Fei had caress in his heart, and his surprise turned into confidence. He only listened to him with a sneer: "It's just a hand, my son, how can I be afraid of you? How can I be afraid of you? What can you do with me?"

  Only saw Han Fei grinning and opening his arms without any fear.


  Han Fei is 100% sure that this thing is fake.

  I only heard Han Fei sneer: "I thought there was something new, but the fake is fake after all."


  However, ~www.ltnovel.com~ At the moment when the golden arm hit Han Fei, Han Fei felt terrified, and blood soaked all over his body, full of cracks. With one blow, Han Fei was almost shattered, and the enclosed five senses and six senses quickly returned.

   "Huh? Really?"

  Han Fei firmly did not believe that this was true, but he was almost bombed to death, which is also an indisputable fact.

   "No, it's still fake."

  Although he felt the crisis of death, Han Fei knew that all this was fake. From the moment the picture of the Land of the Five Graves appeared, I knew it.

  But, the illusory scene here can be turned into a real attack?


  Apocalypse magic came, Han Fei blasted the golden arm back with a punch. Although he was sucked blood, Han Fei recalled the puppet brawny's sentence in his heart: "The endless corridor, once you step on it, there is no shore to turn back?"

   The second more...please ask...



  (End of this chapter)

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