God of Fishing

Chapter 2032: Finally, wait for you

  Chapter 2032 Finally, wait for you

  The brand of Taoism in Han Fei's mind represents the Void Temple.

  The so-called three chances can basically be said to be three free gold medals, or if you want to do something you can’t do, you can use this brand. This is already a great opportunity.

  Han Fei couldn’t help asking: “Brother, will our Void Temple meet regularly? How did I get here?”

  The big brother's voice is leisurely: "When you need to get together, I can open the door of the void for you through the imprint in your mind."

  Just listen to the fifth brother: "Little brother, this kind of trivial matter, don't ask the senior brother. Brother, I will explain it clearly to you."

   "Guru! Hiccup~"

   But seeing Senior Brother Gululu taking a sip of wine, Han Fei even smelled the wine. He just listened to him with a smile and said: "Our Void Temple is usually a small gathering in ten years and a big gathering in a hundred years. But if someone is in retreat or inconvenient state, he does not have to come. Even, You can also start a party yourself."


Senior Brother Five said: "You only need to use the power of the soul to light up the brand in your mind, and then you can tell the message to the big brother in a short way. Generally, the big brother will inform us. As for whether we will come or not. , It depends on what it is, or if there is time."

  Han Fei was surprised, this method is really amazing. Doesn't that mean that in this way, you can contact many seniors scattered around the world in a short period of time?

  Although this seems to be meaningless to me for the time being, I don’t know how to be strong, this method is awesome!

  Han Fei handed over: "Thanks to Brother Five for your advice. By the way, can I practice some basic exercises when I enter the Void Temple?"

With that said, Han Fei looked at the big brother, because the last time he met with the big brother in private, the exercises he saw were the basic exercises, but which basic exercise was ranked among the ten thousand clan in the sea, which is the top of the list. About ten people?

Big Brother    seemed to understand what Han Fei meant, and saw two gleaming exercises in the void.

   Seeing the senior brother and let it out directly, Han Fei was slightly relieved, it seems that there is no need to hide this matter from the senior brothers and sisters!

  Look at Zerzu’s Liushen Senior Brother in astonishment: "Are these two? Junior Brother, you are radical enough!"

   Senior Brother Qinglong: "Void refining technique, this stuff... is not very easy to practice."

  Senior Sister Kagura: "Void Viewing Heaven Art is good. If these two disciplines are cultivated, they will be able to defeat you if they are cultivated within the border of the sea. Indeed, there are very few of them."

  Feng Yu even said: "Hey! Big Brother, why don't you pass the first technique of the void to the younger brother, that's amazing!"

  Han Fei's ears cocked: "The first technique in the void? What kind of technique is that?"

  However, I only listened to the gentle voice of the senior brother: "It must be passed, it is not suitable. The so-called ranking of the exercises is only artificially deducted. When it is really used, it is not known whether it is strong or weak."

  Han Fei secretly licked the corner of his mouth. He didn't think there was any problem with what the big brother said. Indeed, the most important thing is the right thing. Besides, I have a refining pot, I can push it if it doesn't work! How can it be done overnight?

  This is already a great opportunity, I am afraid it is only available in the Void Temple, where can I find it elsewhere?

  So, Han Fei didn’t dislike it, and immediately said: “The big brother said that what suits me is the most important thing.”

   Senior Brother Qinglong said: "The younger brother has a good enlightenment, no matter how strong the exercises are, they can’t be used by people, or they can’t! No matter how bad the exercises are, they are still strong, and it depends on people in the end."

   Seeing Han Fei’s agreement, these two exercises were directly printed in Han Fei’s mind.


  《Void Guantianshu》【No Product】

  Introduction: The Void Temple is the founder of the gods, who enters the Tao of Tao with the original nature, and engraves the rhyme of the Tao, so as to teach future generations the way of spirits. Void view of the sky, the power is in harmony with the sky, clarifies the way of heaven, melts in the sky with the will of the gods, and accepts the temper of the way of heaven to achieve the effect of visualizing and refining the soul.

  Deduction: Cannot deduct

  Effect: Contend with the rhyme between the heaven and the earth, clarify the heaven and temper the soul

  Remarks: To practice this technique, you must be extremely resistant to stress


  《Void Refining Techniques》【Finless】

  Introduction: The Void Temple is the founding way of refining the body of the gods, tempering the body with the collapse of the endless void. When tempering, it is necessary to continuously display and absorb the chaotic energy to polish the physical body, so as to gradually replace the spiritual energy of the chaotic divine body.

  Deduction: Cannot deduct

  Effect: the flesh is immortal, life is better than heaven

  Note: To practice this technique, beware of entering the endless void by mistake.


  Although Han Fei has not tried it yet, just from the description of these two avenues, it can be seen that these two great arts are not easy to practice.

However, this effect is only literally understood, and it is obviously much stronger than the Wushou Xuan body and the like, because the Wu Xuan Xuan body is still using aura, and the Void Body Refining technique has been separated from the aura, and it is necessary to create it for yourself. A physique that only circulates the air of chaos.

  The Qi of Chaos, in fact, Han Fei doesn't use much at present. In the Venerable Realm, the Chaos Qi is mostly used to collect and open the Origin Sea. When the Primordial Sea is in the Piing Sea Realm, the Origin Sea is not fully developed, and the Chaos Qi must be used to fill and strengthen the Origin Sea.

   Therefore, even Han Fei has a lot of Chaos Qi now, plus the Chaos Qi just now has more than 70,000 strands, Han Fei is still hesitant to upgrade the time chain.

  Because the source of Chaos Qi is either killing the king or by coincidence, it is too slow to learn it slowly by yourself. Once oneself is over-consuming now, the chaotic energy in the source sea behind will not be able to keep up, which is not conducive to opening the sky.

  However, what Han Fei still wants is the ninth level of Void Fishing. The ninth level should be the last level of Void Fishing. Senior Brother once said that there is a Void Temple.

   seems to know Han Fei’s thoughts, and the senior brother’s voice is leisurely: "The time has not arrived, it is still too early. When you open the sky in the future, the last level of exercises will be given to you."

  Han Fei handed over: "Thank you, brother."

  At this time, the senior brother slowly said: "The introductory ceremony for the junior junior apprentice is complete. If you need to leave, you can leave first. If you have something to communicate, you can communicate."

  After the big brother said, the stalwart figure slowly disappeared. Senior Sister Kagura spread her wings high and chuckled softly: "Recently, there have been rumors about the mythical beast line, saying that it was the birth of the emperor bird. Those of you who are practicing outside, just pay a little attention."

  Han Fei's heart moved, what do you mean? The news of Emperor Sparrow’s birth is already known outside?

  But listening to Senior Sister Kagura, it seems that everyone doesn't know that Emperor Sparrow is their own gifted soul beast, otherwise they would not be reminded.

   Senior Brother Qinglong: "I have also heard about this, but you are wild and beasts, aren't they also very noisy, it seems that someone is fighting against the emperor bird?"

   Senior Sister Kagura; "The Emperor Sparrow dare not show up now, but when it grows up, it will have to fight with him, which is a bit of a joke. Okay, I'll just remind you of this and go."

   And Brother Undead said: "Recently, the Immortal Temple has been moving frequently, and it is deliberately incited to fight, Junior Brother Liushen, it seems that your Zerg is involved in it, right?"

  The insect next to Han Fei said: "Well! The Zerg has been fighting with the sea monster recently. Five or six of them have fallen from the Open Heaven realm. There is indeed a shadow of the Immortal Temple behind it. I will take care of this matter."

   "Guru! Hiccup~"

   Senior Brother Five took a sip of wine: "It’s okay, I will withdraw first. Junior Brother, you don’t need to listen to these messy things. The most important thing for you is to stabilize your cultivation base, raise your strength and strive for an early start."

  Han Fei nodded: "Gong send the fifth brother."


I saw a thunder mark in the sky, followed by a thick voice. It was Senior Brother Tianlei. He only heard him say: "Feng Yu, you have been too high-profile recently. Senior Brother heard that many people have hated you. Be careful."

  Feng Yu: "Thank you, Senior Brother Tianlei, for reminding you, it’s just a group of chickens and dogs, don’t worry about Senior Brother."

  Soon, several senior brothers and sisters finished their chattering, and left the void one after another.

  And Han Fei said goodbye one by one, feeling speechless, but he seemed to have heard many secrets. What kind of turbulence in the sea of ​​Nima seemed to be bigger than the riots in the ocean! How many of the Open Heaven Realm have fallen in a war?

  And ~www.ltnovel.com~ that is the territory of ten thousand races, the discussion of several people just made Han Fei hear the feeling of ten thousand races contending for hegemony.

   shook his head, discarded these so-called miscellaneous information, and left the Void Temple with a thought.

  This trip, I have gained a lot. However, although Han Fei also felt that this trip to the imperial palace was very dangerous, he always felt that the final test was actually not that difficult.

  When Han Fei walked out of the misty white light, he took a closer look, where are there any bronze doors?

  On the contrary, his current position is actually in a palace full of ancient and decadent atmosphere. The palace is not so luxuriously decorated, but it contains a cold feeling.

  On the walls of this palace, there are colorful murals, which are very full, as if they are describing wars. Han Fei saw one after another indistinct figures, branded on them, one by one like gods.

  Across from Han Fei, in the depths of the palace, there was a young man in a golden robe, slowly turning around: "Finally, wait for you."

    Third...Although there is a slight deviation from the planned time, don’t panic, this volume will not be very long...



  (End of this chapter)

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