God of Fishing

Chapter 2040: Meet the Sword God

Thousands of years have passed since the original source, and the outside world has only been in the past thirty years.

Han Fei was holding a green gourd in his hand, and from time to time he raised his head and poured a sip of wine into his mouth. Thousand-year Wendao wine, as early as when Han Fei had just left the imperial palace, he started to drink it, and after drinking it for less than 50 years, he was drunk.

No, two thousand years have passed, but another pile is saved, which should be enough to drink for a hundred years.

To say that this questioning wine, indeed has its advantages. When Han Fei practiced Void Body Refining Technique and Void Viewing Technique in the early days, he had not been able to get started for ten years. He was drinking this wine every day.

But if you want to say that you can really help yourself understand the great way, it is not necessarily true. The effect should be of great use to the sea. To yourself! Because when you are in your own state, what you should comprehend is already almost understood, so you can't have a direction, right?

Thousand Star City, the central holy city.

When Han Fei arrived, many people had already lived here. However, the current conditions for staying in the Central Holy City are extremely harsh, and those who can enter are all in the Venerable Realm, which leads to not many people who can enter. Even if 30 years have passed, Yin Yang Tian, ​​Shui Mu Tian, ​​and the Monster Beast Alliance have only 621 people.

This is because after coming out of the original small world, I just came into contact with the new environment of the rioting sea, with so many resources.

Therefore, the increase in the number of this sage has already been rapid. Because of the depression of the small world, it is normal to grow rapidly after all the pressure is released.

Han Fei's arrival did not attract too many people's attention, only Ren Tianfei and other great kings noticed it.

Just let Ren Tianfei whispered and crookedly said: "After your own fairy palace became a ruin, you have never been here. Or I asked Luo Xiaobai to come over and fix your fairy palace."


Han Fei stepped to the temple and grabbed a spiritual fruit on the table.


Han Fei took a casual bite, and said, "There is no danger on it, why don't you go to the whole thing?"

Ren Tianfei hummed: "I am a big man, where can I get this?"

Han Fei rolled his eyes and said, "No, who will fix your Yuanyuanhai? I want someone else to fix it for you?"

Ren Tianfei shrugged: "You care about me? What's the matter, I came out after 30 years of retreat? Yin Yang Tian and Shuimu Tian have just arrived here not long ago, so you can rest for a hundred years. In this mere hundred years, Yin Yang Tian should not be affected Find."

Han Fei shook his head: "The bones are all stiff. I can raise them. If I raise them, I'll be scrapped. No more, no more. My resources have been exhausted and I have to look for them."

Ren Tianfei was speechless: "Didn't you just get back ten billion superb spirit stones ten years ago? No more?"

Han Fei said with a black face: "My Origin Sea has been developed to one hundred thousand miles, you don't think it costs money!"

Ren Tianfei; "..."

Ren Tianfei: "That's true. I guess that Origin Sea should be able to use more advanced energy to develop, otherwise, relying on the best spirit stone, the more difficult it will naturally become."

Han Fei: "I have tried it. The Qi of Chaos can be expanded, but it consumes too much. Moreover, the Qi of Chaos can maintain the overall quality of the Origin Sea. It is best not to use it to expand the Origin Sea. After all, the Chaos Sea is still here. The environment is so bad that he is under the imperial palace and cannot go to the outside world. Otherwise, if you get some mysterious yellow stone, that thing will have a great effect on expanding the origin sea."

"Xuan Huangshi?"

Han Fei: "If the Xuan Huang Qi of the Dragon Sky can be condensed into crystals or semi-crystals, it can probably become Xuan Huangshi."

Ren Tianfei: "This thing is indeed rare in the sea of ​​riots, and it seems that it is not very common in imperial palaces."

Han Feixin said, it's a pity that my millions of Xuan Huangshi have been swallowed by the demon refining pot, otherwise it would still be usable now. Of course, a million pieces may still be a bit small in number.

Anyway, because of the lack of resources, Han Fei couldn't even study the more powerful functions of the Demon Refining Pot.

Han Fei couldn't help holding four jade slips. When the jade slips were urged, only a few dozen breaths later, blue flowers bloomed here, and Luo Xiaobai had arrived.

Han Fei said in surprise: "Are you here so soon?"

Luo Xiaobai: "My original sea has been set up a long time ago. The sea grassland here is very suitable for my cultivation, so there is no need to stay in the original sea all the time."


I saw Zhang Xuanyu's "brush" appearing, and he smiled: Mainly because our origin sea is too small and the number of resources is limited. The chaotic air, the best spirit stones, and the mineral veins are thrown into it, and there is not much splash. , It's still foggy.

Following that, Xia Xiaochan and Le Ren Kuang arrived one after another.

Just listen to Xia Xiaochan's words: "This is also due to Xiaobai's discovery of a large-scale top-grade spirit stone vein, and a total of about 8 billion top-grade spirit stones have been dug. Otherwise, our growth will still appear to be very slow."

This is the first time Han Fei has heard that he has dug a top-grade spirit stone mine. However, exposing so many top-quality spirit stones in the sea, it is impossible for them to fall from the sky.

I want to come, but I never thought about mining in the past, maybe I can try it in the future, maybe it's faster than robbing myself.

Luo Xiaobai said: "In the sea grassland where we are, there are as many as 8,000 underground mineral deposits. It is not surprising that we encountered a top-quality spiritual stone mine. It is just that the veins were dug by us, which caused the concentration of the surrounding spiritual energy to decrease. It’s about 20%."

Han Fei shrugged and said, "When you lower it, you lower it! Ordinary people only need to draw aura from the void. But my resources are gone, we can't sit and eat, or the family will be gone."

Suddenly, Zhang Xuanyu and Le Ren Kuang had their eyes brightened: "How do you say? Which company are you going to shoot against?"

Luo Xiaobai: "Already have a plan?"

Xia Xiaochan: "How many people are needed?"

When Ren Tianfei was listening, he was speechless. If all the kings were as radical as these little **** back then, thirty-six Xuantian would be over early.

But Ren Tianfei was also curious: "You are strong now, but it is obviously not wise to act on Taiqing Wuji now."

Luo Xiaobai nodded: "The Taiqing Palace and Wuji Tian are not far away, and the Three Emperors are sitting in town. Even if we can fight, it will certainly create opportunities for the Hundred Demon Race and the Undersea Human Race. Even the Royal Family of the Mackerel cannot be trusted. "

When it was over, Luo Xiaobai looked at Xia Xiaochan: "Xiaochan's relationship is difficult to say. Maybe we may be fine, but the whole human race may be."

The corners of the musician's mouth twitched: "Are we going to be so aggressive?"

Han Fei grinned and said, "No! It's not against Taiqing Palace, and it's not Promise Heaven."

The corner of Xia Xiaochan's mouth raised slightly: "So, are we going to find Fengshentian?"

Zhang Xuanyu's eyes lit up: "Well, these **** chase Xia Xiaochan every day. It's time for them to pay the price."

Luo Xiaobai: "What about Huang Jingyuan? Didn't it mean that this person is very strong? There is also that Fengshentian and other gods descending techniques. It is said that this person broke out and could fight with Emperor Li Qing.

Han Fei smiled and said: "Huang Jingyuan is amazing, but we are not without allies! I still have a lot of unknowns about the Open Heaven Realm. I have to go to the Sword God Heaven."


Seven days later.

Sword God Palace, cast sword pool.

This is the place where the Sword God retreats, and ordinary people rarely come.

Han Fei had seen the Sword God before, and thought he was the king at the time. His initial impression was that although this person was cold, his face was gentle and he was not as sharp as a sword repairer. Moreover, at that time, the sword god, Liuli, and Lu You seemed to only get along with each other as the same generation, so they gave people the illusion that he was just a king.

But now that I think about it, maybe the sword **** has passed that fierce period long ago, and has reached the point where the sword rhyme is restrained and the front is hidden.


A million miles away from the Sword God Palace, Han Fei felt that he had reached this place. Outside the sword casting pond, there was a contending divine sword, which seemed to welcome Han Fei's arrival.

Just listen to the voice of the Sword God: "Rare! Come in."

With two leaps of golden light, Han Fei has fallen into the sword casting pond.

The place where the sword is forged is hidden in a cracked gorge.

The swords here are said to be made of one sword and one sword. However, there are very few people who are qualified to obtain swords. Outside the sword casting pond, there are many swords stuck on the cliffs on both sides.

Among these swords, the Dinghai Bizarre Treasure ranks no less than 20 ~www.ltnovel.com~ The strongest of these swords has reached the level of the best Dinghai Bizarre Treasure.

However, as soon as Han Fei came, the strong breath spurred these countless peerless swords, causing the swords to sound constantly.

"be quiet!"

A loud sound shook out in the Rift Gorge, and all the swords suddenly became quiet.

Han Fei took another step and appeared outside the real sword casting pool. There was a sword furnace that was wrapped in earth fire and laid a strange formation.

In the sword furnace, there is a black long sword, simple and unpretentious, it has not yet opened its front, and it seems that it has not been cast. However, he obviously couldn't feel the sword intent, but Han Fei always wanted to reach out and try the sword.

But seeing the sword **** coming out of it, his sleeves hanging down at random, he smiled lightly: "This sword has been cast for 3,333 years. I wanted to try to cast a sword that surpasses the level of Dinghai. Unfortunately, I have never encountered it. It is worth entrusting. For those of you, this sword won’t be out for a long time."

Han Fei raised his eyelids and said jokingly: "What do seniors think of me?"

Sword God: "No, the sword path has not been opened, this sword will not choose you."

Han Fei smiled and said, "That's a pity, I hope Jian meets his beloved and will be born soon."

The Sword God nodded slightly and invited Han Fei into the Sword House for a while.

The two sat facing each other, listening to the sword gods only: "Looking at your vitality, you seem to feel uncontrollable. Have you reached the threshold of opening the sky?"

Han Fei nodded slightly: "I met, but don't worry."

Sword God: "Young people, being able to fight steadily, this character is not easy. The old man really did not mistake you. If you can go here, the entire rioting sea should only be done by one person."

Han Fei was surprised: "Who?"

"You should have known it, the king of sharks, the queen of war. He was passed down as the son of the gods, cultivated the gods, and was invincible in the world. He once fought against the king of humans, if the king of humans took the Avenue of Apocalypse, he would have already lost.

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