God of Fishing

Chapter 2046: Into the origin sea

When Han Fei was fighting the Seven Gods, the Fengshentian King Zhan also fought hard.

Although Han Fei brought a lot of kings this time, half of them were not enough. They were just newcomers. In the real battle, such as Mu Wuhua, Jing'er, Xiong Chaoshuai, etc., they found that they could not kill a half king with a single blow, which made their hearts cold at that time.

Therefore, during the war, he worked harder.

Of course, the half-king is only the half-king after all, and even if the **** descending technique is used, there are very few who can pass the five breaths under the king's hand.

This led to an almost one-sided crazy slaughter on the battlefield.

However, this time, it was different from Han Fei's raid on Weaving Dream Sky with the four major pirate groups. That time it was purely a fight while grabbing resources.

But this time, it was mainly fighting, and by the way, grabbing resources.

Because Han Fei's ultimate goal is to smooth the entire Conferred God Heaven, so that all its kings will fall, and even he will slaughter the emperor.

Therefore, under Han Fei's explicit warning, even the four major pirate groups did not looting at all, they were simply killing the King of Gods.


Wang Zhan, for Han Fei now, it is nothing more than a question of time.

The appearance of the Seven Gods is meaningless to him. Han Fei's only opponent now is Open Heaven Realm.

When Han Fei entered the sword domain of the Sword God, before waiting for what happened, he was washed away by the interlocking celestial spirit and biting sword intent to cough up blood, and dense white marks appeared on his body.

Fortunately, the power of Void Refining Technique allows Han Fei to remain unbreakable under the offensive of the Open Heaven Realm.

Just Yu Wei cannot hurt Han Fei.

With a thought of Han Fei, the Blade of Limit slew towards Huang Jingyuan. Compared to the billions of swords of the Sword God and the supreme sword aura that erupts frequently here, the Blade of Limit has an absolute advantage at least in terms of speed.

Although, every time he was only close to Huang Jingyuan, he was actually blocked by the armor of the celestial aura on his body, but one point was always consumed.

The sword of the sword god, the blade of the triangle **** print, twists the ground around the fairy palace, forming a void storm. The three are fighting in a void storm.

Han Fei saw the stalemate on both sides, glanced at the endless water in his hand, and saw that his heart was cruel: "Senior Sword God, help me."

For the exploration of endless water, Han Fei never seemed to really understand, from the initial transformation of the knife, to the subsequent self-destruction, to the understanding that endless water can cut the way, and its power seems to exceed the level of the sacred artifact on earth.

Draw a picture of the sword in front of the sword god, with a large sword phantom for 30,000 miles, condensing the sword into a shadow, and killing Han Fei's position.

Just listen to the Sword God said: "In his fairy palace, as long as he doesn't come out, I can only consume him, and I can't beat him. If you can cut Dao, you should try your best."

Han Feixin said that of course I have to try. This time I came to slaughter the emperor. If I don’t try, how can I know if I can slaughter?

Han Fei stepped on the great sword, covered with endless water, turned into a sword, and Han Fei blended into it with the power of the soul. I saw that endless water was desalinating and slowly turning into nothingness. Except for Han Fei himself, no one else could see its existence anymore.

But Huang Jingyuan is not a fool. Han Fei dared to kill him. Although it is ridiculous, what if he hides his backhand?

In front of Huang Jingyuan, under the fairy palace, a black chain emerged from the ground, entwined with the sword of the sword god.

The black chain is like a snake, and Han Fei is indomitable. At this time, he couldn't hope for the golden light to leap, where the turbulence of the void is madly breeding, and if one does not leap well, he will be plunged into the turbulence of the void and rolled into the deep no man's land.

With one hand, Han Fei prepared endless water, with the other hand, the spirit of the fairy and the fierce aura were intertwined. When the big sword collided with the chains, Han Fei took advantage of the momentum and continued to kill Huang Jingyuan.

"Huh! Just trying to open the sea, but also trying to get involved in the open war. Han Fei'er, you are looking for death."

Huang Jingyuan raised his hand, and the triangle seal of the gods broke out. A golden triangle of light revolved in the void and became larger, as if it had become a huge shield.

However, when he was about to touch the triangular seal of the seal, a blue light flashed in front of Han Fei, and he disappeared after Han Fei.

Avoiding this blow from time, Han Fei was consciously perfect, but when he first entered time, he saw a glare of phantom light, rushing into time, and slamming right in front of him.



Immortal Sha collided with the mysterious beam of light, and the terrifying power was poured, and Han Fei immediately used time tricks.

In an instant, it was equivalent to Han Fei making up another immortal evil, and the two powers were superimposed. Under the impact, Han Fei could withstand the terrible blow.

At this time, when Han Fei came out of time and returned to reality, his face changed. Can Huang Jingyuan still see through time?

Huang Jingyuan was also surprised. In the approaching time, he just got the memory of just now. In the past time, he used Xu Tianzhi on Han Fei, but he was defeated by this kid.

Huang Jingyuan was puzzled, where did this kid's power break his own imaginary finger?

I only saw that Han Fei, who was beaten out of reality, raised his hand again with an immortal evil spirit. Han Fei was determined to rely on this immortal evil spirit and Huang Jingyuan to compete head-on.

But this time, Han Fei didn't dare to enter time, because the other party could take action against time.

"Han Fei'er, your trick may be useful to others, but to the emperor, it has no meaning at all."



I saw Han Fei suddenly cocked the corners of his mouth, and the next moment, beside Huang Jingyuan, a large swath of thick black water burst out suddenly.


A terrifying explosion erupted above the fairy palace. It turned out that from just entering the sword domain until Han Fei was beaten out of the long river of time, it was just a body of white mist.

The real black mist body, at the moment the endless water turns into the water of nothingness, has already left with the water of nothingness.

If it were normal, the body of the black mist would naturally not be able to get close to Huang Jingyuan.

However, the Sword God is erupting, and Han Fei is also erupting, and it can be regarded as an Open Heaven Realm combat power somewhat.

Two big Kaitians shot at the same time, and Huang Jingyuan could be distracted to penetrate time, so he would have missed something. This omission is Han Fei's black mist body.

However, Huang Jingyuan obviously felt a great danger when the endless water cut towards Huang Jingyuan Avenue, so he held fast to his soul in the first place.

At the moment when the soul was touched, Huang Jingyuan gave up part of the soul and directly penetrated the endless water, which caused a terrifying explosion.

And Han Fei's black mist body was also directly destroyed by this blow.

But fortunately, under the twins, Han Fei immediately performed apocalyptic magic on himself.

As for the endless water, Han Fei didn't take it back either. After the explosion, he immediately triggered the smelly liquid, turned it into a knife, and killed Huang Jingyuan.

"Clang clang clang~"

"Ding Ding Ding~"

Unfortunately, after the endless water burst once, the strength is greatly reduced. Even more unable to penetrate Huang Jingyuan's defense.

After all, the smelly liquid did not even contaminate Huang Jingyuan at all.

Han Fei was repelled, and the Great Sword and Spiral Chain collapsed at the same time. The combined blow of the sword **** and Han Fei only hurt Huang Jingyuan's soul. Moreover, for Huang Jingyuan, this kind of injury is at best half a loss of the soul. Although regrettable, he can accept it.

Just listen to Huang Jingyuan's words: "Han Fei, you are still too weak after all. If it is another thousand years, you may be able to destroy my Fengshentian. But now, you are coming early. You really think that Fengshentian is self-proclaimed. , There really isn't a trace of stronger power behind it?"

As he said, under the Fengshen Palace, a strange altar with a black background and orange Dao patterns appeared.

On the altar, the Dao pattern flickered. Behind Huang Jingyuan, the Seal of God turned faster and faster, as if he couldn't wait to open a door of space.

However, Huang Jingyuan staggered slightly at this moment, and he stared at Han Fei suddenly with a bad look.

Just listen to Han Fei shouting: "Huang Jingyuan, do you feel cold in your body, slow in your blood, and hundreds of millions of bugs biting?"

Huang Jingyuan's face changed slightly: "Did you use poison?"

Han Fei smiled and said, "Congratulations, you guessed it right."

Huang Jingyuan's heart was shocked. It was when Han Fei hit his soul just now. It turned out that he didn't expect that blow to penetrate his soul, he was just to send in a piece of soul poison.

Han Fei and Sword God glanced at each other, and the two nodded slightly. I saw that the sword **** came personally. But this time, the sword **** sacrificed a black ancient sword, which was the sword of the sword god.

"Thirteen sword styles, sword breaks galaxy."

The Emperor's Life Sword, Han Fei did not expect that the sword **** would lose his blood.

Han Fei didn't want to give up the opportunity created by the Sword God. When the Sword God's natal sword was cut out, Han Fei's hands burst out with an immortal evil spirit.

Although Huang Jingyuan had already pointed out this trick, it was useless, but Han Fei’s strongest was this trick~www.ltnovel.com~ No matter how strong he was, he would have to explode the artifact and lay down his life.

But when I saw Han Fei, holding a nautical universal instrument, a finger in the void, the Emperor Zun's natal sword, hovering in the center of Huang Jiangyuan's forehead in the blink of an eye. However, this sword did not kill, on the contrary, it shook Huang Jingyuan's soul.

Han Fei finally infiltrated Huang Jingyuan's soul poison and weakened his combat power, just to create this momentary opportunity.

Huang Jingyuan's expression changed suddenly, only to hear him scream: "Han Fei, you don't know what you are doing."

Han Fei sneered: "If you can't get rid of you from the outside, then start from the inside. I heard that the original sea carries the avenue. I don't know if you can be distracted and use it to prevent me from breaking your original sea."

The origin sea of ​​living people, if you want to break into it, it's not as simple as looking for the void node in the void, you need to enter from its soul, is it so easy to enter?

However, Han Fei created this opportunity abruptly.


When the void cracked, Han Fei made a vertical leap and flashed in.

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