God of Fishing

Chapter 2049: The admonition of time dragon carp

On the eve of coming to attack Fengshentian, Han Fei spent seven days in the sea of ​​mist.

In those seven days, Han Fei used almost all the resources in his body to rob Nian'er.

Nian'er has been following herself for decades, and when she took the Avenger to experience the riots, Nian'er has not been able to pull it down.

In addition to Time Avenue, Nian'er is actually equally good at fighting. Whether it is physique, power of spirits, or combat skills, it is not bad.

In the previous trip to the imperial palace, Nian'er relied on the Avenue of Time, although she did not touch the higher level of experience, but she did not suffer less.

In addition, Nian'er had lived for so long in the gap of time, constantly devouring energy, and what Nian'er lacked was only an experience.

Time Longli had no time to bring Nian'er, so it was handed over to himself. And after so many years, Nian'er has become acquainted with the normal life of the world without knowing it, and has been able to view the world dialectically. This is growth.

Therefore, before choosing to come to Fengshentian, let Nian'er cross the catastrophe. It's just Han Fei's last journey to bring Nian'er, this matter, time dragon carp already knows.

When Nian'er's figure disappeared in the long river of time, Han Fei looked up at the sky, and across the world's rift, stared at the emperor who occupied Huang Jingyuan's body.

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Take a breath.

Two interest.

Three breaths.

This world, after a total of about 50 breaths, finally couldn't hold it, the world collapsed, and the heavens collapsed.

However, when the world collapsed, watching that terrifying Void Sword Stream was about to kill Han Fei. Han Fei's soul surrounds the Mark of the Void, ready to activate at any time.

Fortunately, when the Void Sword Stream had just pierced this world, the blue halo on the sky was twisted, and the Void Sword Stream disappeared into the invisible in an instant. The void here tends to stabilize, and Han Fei naturally understands that the void here has been reversed in time and returned to what it should have been.

"From the Temple of Time?"

An Bai Rin should be a Void Sword Stream that exploded with a lot of power, and it was so lightly broken by people, and naturally he was in a bad mood.

He saw that he squeezed the triangular divine seal in his hand, and drank in a low voice: "God rune, break the barrier."

The triangle **** seal continued to kill Han Fei, but saw an extremely bright blue light appear, a big blue mouth spraying a pillar of time, and the magic rune was drawn into it.

I only saw that the magic rune ran across it for thousands of miles, and after all, it was powerless, the rune was corroded, and it was decayed into nothingness at a speed visible to the naked eye.

And the Pillar of Time did not stay, but covered Huang Jingyuan's body in one fell swoop, and saw that body was melting at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Just listen to that An Bailin said: "It doesn't matter if you are from the Temple of Time, but you have not yet proclaimed Immortality. Since you have prevented me from killing the evil species today, you will receive my emperor seal."


I saw that Huang Jingyuan's body burst open, and all his strength poured into a triangle of gods.

It was also at this moment that the sky-shattering crack appeared on the sky, like the sky bleeding, the scene was terrifying.

The fall of the emperor was the first time in the sea of ​​riots.

At this moment, the Quartet was moved.

At the moment when this seal was condensed, a beautiful woman stood in front of Han Fei: "Apocalypse magic, purify this seal."

When Han Fei heard this, he immediately lifted his spirits: "Apocalypse..."


The beam of light of the apocalypse magic, at the moment when the **** seal was wrapped, a large amount of black smoke dispersed, and Han Fei felt that his vitality was evaporated in an instant for three thousand years.

Three thousand years.

Four thousand years.


Eight thousand years.

Twelve thousand years.


Han Fei's whole person was not good at the time. If it hadn't been for seeing that **** seal melt away with his own eyes, he wouldn't dare to stop it.

A mere divine seal eventually consumed Han Fei's 18,000 years of life. I have never experienced such a big consumption in a wave of imperial palaces.

Han Fei's complexion collapsed at the time, and his heart said that it would be a good home, a good An Bailin, and it would cost my life, this Liangzi would be settled.

It wasn't until this **** seal was purified that Time Dragon Carp breathed a sigh of relief, and it seemed that even her was very jealous.

Han Fei just heard that An Bailin said that the time dragon carp is now only in the Open Heaven realm, not at the level of the emperor. Han Fei secretly said that he still guessed wrong.

However, this also shows the power of the Avenue of Time, that can blast the small world into a terrible force, and was wiped out invisible by the time dragon carp in a blink of an eye. This method is envied by Han Feina.

When the blue light appeared, Nian'er was dragged out of time by the dragon carp of time.

I only heard: "Mom, are you finished?"

Time dragon carp pet drowned: "It's over, your brother is fine now. But this time my mother has made a lot of noise. It may attract the enemy's attention, Nian'er, we have to leave quickly."

"Huh? But, shall we not stay?"

Time Longli arrived: "Nian'er, you have only completed some basic experiences now. We finally have to adapt to the life in the long river of time, and then mother will take you to experience more terrible experiences."

Han Fei's heart moved, even more terrifying experience? In the long river of time, it seems that there are still enemies of the time dragon carp!

Han Fei didn't know exactly who this enemy was.

Han Fei saw that Nian'er was a little bit empty and nervous, and couldn't help but said, "Nian'er, if you want to walk in time and reality as you like, you will definitely not be able to open the heavens. Your goal must be to preach longevity. This is my brother and me, including Your mother, everyone is pursuing. Only by becoming strong can you not be oppressed, can you live out yourself, and survive in this world as you like. In the first half, your brother will accompany you. In the second half, you have to accompany you. Your mother."

Nian'er naturally understands what Han Fei and her mother mean, but she feels happy to be with Han Fei. To be honest, being trapped in the gap of time for too long, Nian'er really doesn't like the long river of time.

However, reason told him that both Han Fei and her mother were doing her good.

So, Nian'er nodded heavily, and then looked at her mother: "Can we still come back and have a look?"

Time Dragon Carp: "Of course. But we need to complete the experience in the long river of time first."

While pacifying Haonian'er, Time Longli said: "Han Fei, I didn't expect that you are already starting to provoke the powerhouses of God's respect?"

Han Fei gave a wry smile, and said that this is not what I want to provoke!

Just listen to the time dragon carp said: "Fortunately, this is just a soul thought, otherwise I will only have to escape. This kind of thing, don't do it rashly in the future. This time I have me, the next time, it may not be the same."

Han Fei handed over: "Thank you senior for your life-saving grace."

Time Long Lei gave a hum and continued: "By the way, how is your Time Avenue?"

Han Fei couldn't help but smiled: "It's naturally worse than being a little light."

Time Dragon said: "That's natural. However, as you become stronger, you may be able to understand deeper and deeper. Still remember what I said, don't rush into the long river of time. In addition, there is something I have to tell you that in the future, if you really have to show the Avenue of Time and be seen by some people. Remember, don't enter the Temple of Time, don't go to this place. It's a pit."

Han Fei was puzzled: "Wait, senior, you say... Temple of Time?"

Time Dragon Carp nodded slightly: "Now that things have happened, you can also understand some things. The general trend outside, the strong are vertical and horizontal, in addition to some big clan strong, there are three super strengths, you must be cautious, that is, the three temples. "


Just listening to the quick words of the Dragon Carp of Time, it seems quite anxious: "The Three Temples, decibels are the Temple of Time, the Temple of the Void, and the Temple of the Immortal. I am not sure about the Temple of the Void and the Temple of the Immortal. Anyway, the Temple of the Time is not a good thing, I Many powerful people of the Time Dragon and Carp Clan have fallen to the Temple of Time. According to some other inherited memories, it seems that the Temple of the Void and the Temple of the Undead are not good things. If you encounter them in the future, you must be cautious. Okay, I have to go, this I can't stay too long at one time."

Han Fei quickly returned to his senses: "Senior goes well all the way. Nian'er girl, try hard to cultivate."

Nian'er shouted: "Brother, I will come back to see you."


Han Fei smiled and sent away Time Longli and Nian'er~www.ltnovel.com~ but his face became slightly cold. What does Time Dragon Carp mean? He seems to be very wary of the Three Temples!

If nothing happens, the danger mentioned by Time Dragon Carp should be related to the Temple of Time, and it hasn't run away. If you say that the Immortal Temple is not a good place, but what is wrong with my Void Temple?

Unfortunately, the time dragon carp went too eagerly, there was no time to ask. In fact, Han Fei didn't dare to ask just now, what if he heard that he was a member of the Void Temple, and Time Dragon Carp turned his face directly?

But no matter what, the Three Temples seem to be not simple, even if there are only twelve people in the Void Temple, it is not simple. Just like the big brother, it's definitely not easy at a glance.

It's just that now it's not my turn to take care of these things, anyway, I can be regarded as a member of the Void Temple. Even if the story of the Void Temple is not good, it is not bad for my family, but I have gained a lot of resources and precious treasures.

"You have other allies?"

When Han Fei was thinking about it, he heard the voice of the sword god, and when he looked back, the body of the sword **** was solidified not far away.

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