God of Fishing

Chapter 2055: The ultimate problem that plagues the behemoth

Three days later.

On the edge of the sea of ​​mist, on the way back to the yin-yang sky.

Luo Xiaobai: "From a rational point of view, I think this trip is dangerous. The giant beast doesn't care about anything, but cares about a mysterious problem. Moreover, why does he want you to solve it? How does he know that you can solve it? ?"

Xia Xiaochan: "That's right, the old man has a problem at first sight, it's not enough to believe."

Zhang Xuanyu: "No! You are strong or strong, but the sky-opening behemoth cannot be weak! Listen to that, if you run faster, the void will collapse. This old man's strength may already be strong. It’s too ridiculous. I really want to have some thoughts about you, such as robbing you, how can you drop it?"

Han Fei sneered: "He can't take me away, take one to die."

Funky Crazy: "What if I want to eat you?"

Han Fei said in a huff: "You think it's all you! I want to eat everything when I see it?"

Han Fei said, "I have decided. I have found some clues in my practice to my current level. It is very difficult for my strength to go further. Even if I give me ten thousand years, I will improve by two at most. Into strength."

"Even so, when the time comes, it will only reluctantly face the Open Heaven Realm. It is still not easy to sweep Taiqing Wuji and the Hundred Demon Race."

"Now that you can find allies, why not find them?"

"Furthermore, if the emperor is slain as soon as possible, I can also obtain more resources from the sea of ​​their fallen origins and accelerate my practice. Therefore, this trip is imperative for me."

When everyone saw Han Fei's attitude, it was useless to know how to say it. Just listen to Luo Xiaobai's words: "Since you have decided, then we will return to Yin and Yang to wait for you. However, if there is something wrong, we need to leave immediately, and we must find a way to notify us if it doesn't help."

Han Fei: "Don't worry, if there is no danger there, I will contact you as soon as possible."


After bidding farewell to Luo Xiaobai and the others, Han Fei did not hesitate to directly control the Vientiane Navigation Instrument and head towards the origin of the giant beast.

As he said, if he wants to become stronger, he cannot wait passively or grow slowly by looking for resources.

In Fengshentian, he went to Huang Jingyuan's Origin Sea, and Han Fei forcibly inhaled more than 20,000 celestial spirits through demon refining. And this fairy spirit, after being refined by himself, although only increased his strength by half. But it makes the strength of the original sea to a higher level, and it can also expand the original sea.

The old turtle said that the spirit of the fairy spirit is a high-level energy that needs to be used after the opening of the heavens. Although it can be used now, the biggest role is to open up the original sea.

Because the spirit of the fairy spirit is quite rare, it only takes 10 or so to play a fairy evil spirit. With these 20,000 layers, oneself slowly accumulates the fierce evil spirit, enough to play 2,000 fairy evil spirits by himself. So Han Fei didn't dare to use it too much. However, thinking of the evolution of the giant beast line made Han Fei feel the idea of ​​consuming all of these fairy spirits.

He was wondering whether the origin sea opened up by this fairy spirit would be better than that created by spiritual energy.

However, Han Fei didn't do that. It was simple to open up the original sea, and filling the original sea was the problem. I should go to the place where the giant beasts originated first.

Seventeen days later.

Han Fei was shocked. If he really wanted to pass through the sea of ​​mist at full speed, one day would be enough. In the end, he spent 17 days going around, and the Vientiane Navigation System still pointed at it in a decent way. .

As early as the tenth day, Han Fei discovered something was wrong. Even in some places, it is impossible to accurately locate the location, but that is not the case. It took a few days to find other behemoths to achieve precise positioning.

But the place of origin of this giant beast line, it took so long. Until today, Han Fei had made a mark along the way, only to realize that he had been turning many circles around a place that was more than 500,000 li in vertical and horizontal directions.

There seems to be something wrong with the space here. Once you enter this area, you seem to immediately come out of this area. It's not that there is a problem with the pointing of the Vientiane Navigation Instrument.

However, the sea of ​​mist does not shield perception. But there is no problem with the result that I perceive, everything seems to be the same as the normal sea, and I can easily see the 500,000-mile sea area transparently.

"The space here is so weird?"

Han Fei couldn't help but smile. It seemed that the snail was also testing himself, presumably he wanted to tell himself that if he couldn't even find this, he wouldn't even think about leaving the riot.

How could Han Fei admit defeat? Since there is a problem with this space, just find the problematic place.

This time, when the Vientiane Navigation Instrument was turned again, it was different from the previous stupid rushing into it. The Multi-Navigation Instrument is only turning gently and slowly, although the amplitude is not large, it has been turning continuously.

This made Han Fei realize that the so-called space in this place is changing at any time.

This point is not the way to enter the place of origin, the place of origin is there. Han Fei should have traveled countless times, but the two do not belong to the same space, so it doesn't make sense to arrive by himself.

It is a pity that Han Fei penetrated the void several times during the rotation of the pointer of the Vientiane Navigation Instrument, and failed to open the entrance to the Origin.

As a result, Han Fei could only restart, and repeated this three times, although Han Fei still did not find a way to enter the land of origin. However, he discovered that it was the mist here that was rotating with the universal navigation instrument.


Han Fei couldn't help wondering. The sea of ​​riots is inherently difficult to discern the direction, so what is the meaning of this sea of ​​mist? Block the inner and outer domains?

It seems that Han Fei has discovered some secret. Could the existence of this sea of ​​fog have something to do with this place of origin? Although there is no pointing function of the Vientiane Navigation Device, Han Fei observes the reversal of this weapon. Finally, it was found that the fog will stagnate six times a day for a short period of time. When it is stagnant, part of the fog will go retrograde.

In the end, Han Fei found that the fog stagnated six times a day, each time less than one breath, and every time it stopped, a piece of fog would spread out, but it was actually diffused in the reverse direction.

When Han Fei retreated 500,000 miles to observe the weapon, he could no longer find that the weapon was stagnant, nor could he find that the fog had reversed.

Han Fei couldn't help but was shocked, because the breath time was too short. The farther away from the place of origin, the moving state of the mist caused by this breath time will be eliminated by the distance.

"Sure enough, this is the center of the sea of ​​mist, the so-called place of origin."

the next day.

Han Fei did not rush to use the Vientiane Navigation Device, but first performed the Gemini Divine Art, and only when the fog appeared stagnated for the first time, did he break through the void.

This time, a void appeared in the void, directly sucking Han Fei into it.

When Han Fei entered, he immediately found a completely different sea area. First of all, when Han Fei perceived it, he found that the environment here almost includes submarine forests, sand seas, sea grasslands, submarine volcanoes, coral reefs, salt seas, mineral veins, sea gobi, abyss cracks, and countless kinds of strange submarine landforms.

With Han Fei's perception, nearly 30 perceptions swept over, and there were more than 30 kings here. There are more than 3,000 Venerable Realms.

Han Fei glanced at the old snail located in the central area of ​​this room.

"Yes, to find the place of origin shows that you do have the ability to leave the riots."

The old snail exclaimed, and Han Fei quickly came to the center of the old snail under the gaze of countless huge behemoths.

However, what no one noticed is that the water waves here shook slightly, and a small black stone shook slightly.

The place where the old snail is located is a strange metal platform, which looks like a very high-level mineral vein.

Han Fei was alone, thousands of miles away, facing the old snail covering an area of ​​more than 800 miles, looking very small.

But I saw Han Fei hand over: "I have seen seniors, and now this place of origin has been found, I don't know what the problems seniors are trying to solve, what is the problem."


I saw that the figure of the old snail slowly shrank~www.ltnovel.com~ Finally, this one shrank into an old man, then he looked up at the stars in the sky, and then the wooden stick in his hand was on the metal Knocked on the giant mine: "Behemoth cultivation has the advantages and disadvantages of giant beasts. The advantage is that the growth and transformation of the behemoth line is only related to time and the amount of resources. The resources we need to open the sky may be you. Ten times as much as needed, or even a hundred times as possible. But..."

The old snail said leisurely: "However, the higher the realm of the behemoth, the larger the body. The further you go, the more you feel that the flesh and blood body you are carrying is a heavy skin, and the more you want to get rid of this flesh and blood. However, this road is obviously wrong. The giant beast takes more steps to refine its body, even if it is a demon plant, its flesh is extremely powerful, and the skin and flesh are removed, which directly denies the road that the giant beast has traveled in front of. Do you think, What's the problem with the cultivation method of my monster line?"

Han Fei: "..."

In other words, Han Fei was so confused at the time, I am not a behemoth, how do I know how to show you the way?

Han Fei couldn't help saying: "Senior, how do you answer the path of your giant beasts' cultivation?"

However, the old snail didn't take it seriously. He only listened to him slowly saying: "In the place of origin, you are the second human to come in. You know, why did the old man let you come?"

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