God of Fishing

Chapter 2060: 1 gasification 3 clear

The old snail didn't like to move, and he had actually accumulated a lot of resources for so many years, so from the very beginning when he cultivated Wushou Xuan Body, he couldn't stop it.

It was a long-lost feeling of strength growth.

Whether it is the old snail or the Taiyuan, after obtaining the Wushen Profound Body, they all know that this is a super powerful body refining technique that far surpasses the Chaos Demon Body. Even this exercise technique consumes too much resources.

And one of the reasons why Han Fei passed down this technique was his intention to let Chaos Tian stand on his side.

If this is the case, then he is equivalent to the three emperors, and in this turbulent sea, he has become an unshakable superpower.

At this moment, on the back of the Origin Divine Body, the old snail was cultivating the Wushen Profound Body, and the remaining spiritual energy on his body was spraying out all the time.

Except for the old snail, many sea-breaking behemoths are all undergoing the same practice. This kind of weird situation directly caused the aura of Origin to reach an unimaginable level.

When Han Fei saw this, he couldn't help taking a breath of air-conditioning. This spiritual energy was rich, and it was probably seven or eighty times stronger than the place where your yin and yang sky was.

To put it bluntly, one day of cultivation here is equivalent to one hundred days of cultivation in other places in the riots.

The appearance of Han Fei did not distract the kings, and everyone was actively consuming the resources they had accumulated. After so many years, who hasn't saved billions of superb spirit stones?

So, naturally there is no time to talk to Han Fei at this moment.

And Han Fei ran to the old snail and saw that the old snail did not respond, so he patted the snail shell: "Senior Snail Emperor, I have a question. I saw a road called Nirvana Shinto in the Great Beast Shinto. I want to ask, why is there no one walking on this avenue?"

Although the old snail was cultivating, Han Fei was here, and he was naturally aware. Hearing Han Fei asked this question, the old snail was not surprised at all.

Just listen to him: "No! There are a lot of people walking this road. The early practice is okay, but the later stage is too difficult for Nirvana. For example, if you want to go directly from the sea-clearing state to the nirvana to the open sky state, you It may take many kinds of heaven, spirit, and earth treasures, and even different exotic treasures to carry your body recovery after Nirvana. The level of this exotic treasure will continue to rise like this, where will you find it in the end?"

Han Feixin said, "Just because the resources can't be found? Don't take this path?"

Old snail: "There is another extremely important reason. For every nirvana, the new body is at least 30% stronger than the old body. If it is less than 30%, the way of nirvana will eat you back, so the resources prepared for each nirvana, The level must be improved by at least 30% or more."

Han Fei couldn't help frowning, why is there such a weird routine?

Before Han Fei could think about it, the old snail said again: "Also, Nirvana requires conditions. After you have stabilized your cultivation level and reached the limit of this body, you need to find someone You kill. Use the hands of others to help yourself to Nirvana. You need the anger of others. Only when others are extremely angry and angry, you have to absorb his anger as one of the important resources of Nirvana, so you still Can't find your friends. But once you find your enemy, but if the enemy is too strong, it can kill you before Nirvana, and you may also kill you after Nirvana."

When Han Fei heard this, he was straightforward, and as expected, every avenue was not easy to walk!

On the Avenue of Nirvana, the first difficulty is resources, the second difficulty is to prevent backlash, and the third difficulty is to arouse the enemy's anger and kill yourself.

However, despite these harsh conditions, it is not impossible to solve them.

Just listen to Han Feidao: "Senior has such experience, is there anything else to talk about in addition to this behemoth divine way, that I didn't share with the younger generation?"

Old snail: "I don’t have much experience, it’s simply because there are so many people walking along this path. As a result, one after another, no one left. Look at the giant beasts now, none of them walk the Nirvana Avenue. , I just feel that I can't sustain Nirvana a few times."

But Han Fei thinks that 80% of the boundaries are too small, right? If you are outside, there are certainly many people who take this route.

Anyway, Han Fei is not a body practice, even if this way is not working, that's all right, but what if it works? At that time, all the avatars outside of the body will be attributed to their origins, and it is hard for oneself to imagine how much their strength will rise to.

No, after Han Fei inquired clearly about the various shortcomings of Nirvana Avenue, he immediately returned to the Origin Sea.

Now that the avenue is selected, there are two more things below.

One is to choose the creature you want to transform. This time, Han Fei couldn't choose Human Race. If the size of the human race is really too big, it will be fatal everywhere. Even if you overcome the fatal point, you will become a super giant. Why, do you still want to break the ground?

In fact, when Han Fei was studying Dadao, he had already had countless ideas. However, Han Fei finally set his sights on the creatures of the octopus like Tufeiyuan.

Take Tufeiyuan as an example, a tortoise son can directly unload 90% of his strength. Under the same circumstances, Han Fei didn't think anyone could use physical means to directly get rid of the soil and fertilizer. Unless, in the same environment, someone has ten times the strength of soil, fat and circle, that's possible.

Secondly, the giant beasts are already refining their bodies in their veins. If they choose creatures like octopuses, they will not only unload their strength, but also have strong defenses, then they may have to be twenty times their own strength in the same situation to hit themselves killed.

Third, the regenerative ability of Zhangyu creatures is too strong. They can control their own flesh and blood at will. Even if they are broken, they can quickly recover from the wound through muscle peristalsis and contraction of blood vessels and meridians, so there is basically no bleeding. . Hurry up, and the broken limb will grow out the next day.

Han Fei pondered for a long time, and it seemed that unless he was suppressed by absolute strength, choosing the octopus as a creature seemed to be the most perfect creature he knew.

Moreover, when he killed Zhou Bai in the imperial palace, he happened to get a Demon Emperor's inner pill, which was the inner pill of the Open Heaven realm. This thing serves as the basis of the external incarnation, even before Nirvana, the strength of this octopus body will hardly be weak. As for what will be used as the physical body to carry after Nirvana in the future, let's look at it when the time comes! Anyway, the practice of incarnation outside the body is not a matter of one or two days.

After quickly finalizing the body of the external avatar, there is only one left, and that is the external avatar.

It is naturally impossible to use the "Nezha" one for the external incarnation. That one had already stepped out of its own way, it was purely a road of fighting and killing, and even understood the way of swordsmanship, and cultivated a powerful method like "Opening the Sky Sword Genesis".

However, his path will not be on the path of sword repair. Because Nezha's external avatar has been fighting, fighting, fighting, and killing since childhood. He is proficient in all kinds of weapons, even if he understands the way of swordsmanship, it is difficult to embark on the road of sword repair.

Since Nezha's external incarnation is not needed, Han Feizhi is full of confidence and naturally still has plans.

Once, in the Palace of Ideals, I obtained "All Things Three" so hard.

Because I was missing a page of the golden scroll at the beginning, the last thing I came up with was not a complete version, but a broken version.

Because for a long time, Han Fei felt that he didn't need to use an external avatar. Then, using the body of the Narcissus by mistake, he trained an external avatar, and Han Fei naturally has no shortage of external avatars.

In Han Fei's view, before coming to the place of origin. The avatar outside the body is not very useful. Even if it is Nezha's body, he has not yet opened the sea yet, even if his strength in the Venerable Realm is already extremely strong.

However, it is still too difficult to tie the body.

Therefore, even if one has mastered the magical technique of the Three of All Things, if only to create a few external incarnations similar to Nezha's body, it is not very meaningful.

However, the behemoth divine path is different. This is a avenue that can communicate with the gods. The moment Han Fei saw it, he knew that this path must be taken. This moved his mind to use the Three of All Things.

Of course, to use all things three, we must first continue to deduct it.

From the incomplete version to the full version, only 10 wisps of chaos are needed. At the beginning, when I didn't even have a ray of chaotic air, 10 wisps of chaotic air were already an astronomical number.

But now, it can be said to be drizzle, not worth mentioning.

In his mind, Han Fei thought: "Deduction."

Just over ten breaths, the full version of "All Things Three" came to mind.

"All Things Three" [No Fret]

Remarks: One person can be completely separated into three people. Two external avatars can be shaped. Following the mind of the cultivator, let the external incarnation re-practice from an early age. Moreover, the body with the avatar does not communicate with the subject.

Deduction consumption: 1000 wisps of chaos

Disadvantages: If you choose not to communicate with the subject's soul, the body will easily give birth to your own will.

Note 1: The body can choose to consume the power of the body's three cost sources, so that the external avatar can inherit the body's blood base and air transport foundation.

Note 2: Depending on the subject's bloodline and potential, the external avatar can ignore hierarchical barriers and the catastrophe in a certain sense.

In fact, after arriving here, Han Fei frowned slightly, consuming his own three sources of power, which meant that he weakened the power of his body.

Although it is optional, if one's own body loses 30% of its strength, it means that one's own strength is greatly reduced. Moreover, if the external avatar gave birth to its own will, if the time comes, it refuses to return, or does not listen to it, or even competes with itself for the body, wouldn't it be the same as the original blood? In order to create a blood mortal, in the end even the body was eaten?

Fortunately, this technique can continue to be deduced.

The second time, thousands of wisps of Chaos Qi were consumed. The name of the technique was "Dao Sheng III". The disadvantages of this technique were greatly reduced, but the avatar outside the body still had the possibility of giving birth to its own will. Moreover, the original consumption has reached as much as 20%.

The third deduction consumes 10,000 wisps of chaos.

This time, Han Fei's eyes emerged:

"One Qi Transforms Three Clears" [No Product]

Remarks: One person can be completely separated into three people. Two external avatars can be shaped. Following the mind of the cultivator, let the external incarnation re-practice from an early age. Moreover, the body with the avatar does not communicate with the subject.

Deduction consumption: unable to deduct

Disadvantages: One qi transforms three clears, and the second external avatar must continue to be transformed, and finally the two external avatars are in the same realm with the strength of the deity before the three clears can be unified.

Note 1: The body can choose to use its own blood and spirit as the guide ~ www.ltnovel.com~ to avoid the birth of its own will by the external incarnation.

Note 2: The ontology can choose to consume the power of the ontology, a cost source, so that the external avatar can inherit the ontology's blood base and air transport foundation.

Note 3: Depending on the subject's bloodline and potential, the external avatar can ignore hierarchical barriers and the catastrophe in a certain sense.

Remark 4: After the Sanqing reunification, the basic strength of the deity has a minimum increase of three to nine times.

At this point, All Things Three is directly in a state that cannot be deduced. And this can only be Han Fei's final choice.


"Three to nine times the strength increase?"

Han Fei touched his chin: "One source of power is not much, it's all because of a small boast! Although it is a bit difficult to integrate the three cleansings into one, but the rate of return is too high."

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