God of Fishing

Chapter 2062: I

Below, Taiyuan and others are all fascinated, and they want blood from the emperor. Are you afraid that you are crazy?

However, many Tianyuan were thinking, I knocked Nima, why didn't I think of asking for blood from the Snail Emperor?

Because if you only need a drop of essence and blood, the problem is not too big. After all, you want essence and blood, but not a ray of soul. Pure blood, who hasn't lost it in battle? If the essence and blood can kill people, then countless people of the tens of thousands of people across the sea will be killed.

However, everything is risky. Who knows if there are any moths in it?

It's just that Han Fei swears on the great road as soon as he opens his mouth, and even the Snail Emperor is dumbfounded.

Just listen to Han Fei: "Senior Snail Emperor, my behemoth body must be invincible in the same realm. In the future, I will have stronger physical training, how can I forget you? Besides, what do I have with your blood? Use it? I, Han Fei, a majestic king, invincible in the world, breaking the sea and cutting the sky, my pattern, it is impossible to tolerate me doing anything wrong with your blood."

The old snail was stunned for a while and said, "You said that your external incarnation needs the blood of the emperor?"

Han Fei: "Yes?"

Old snail: "You are not the reincarnation of Xiu?"

Han Fei: "Uh...why should I cultivate the reincarnation since I can shape the external incarnation?"

Taiyuan was taken aback, and couldn't help but interject: "Han Fei, it's not a trivial thing to shape an external avatar. It is impossible to cast at will without the main body's load. This requires chance."

Just listen to Han Fei said: "I have a chance! I got a Demon Emperor Inner Pill in the imperial palace, and based on it, I turned it into a big vein. I also got some blood and flesh of the Master Breaking the Emperor from the Sword God. As an introduction, I cut off my own flesh and blood spirits, and added Huang Jingyuan flesh and blood spirits to supplement it, supplemented by the spirit of immortality, chaos, and breed the animal body... But now I feel that this body can go further... Hey, what kind of eyes are you looking at me? Senior Snail Emperor, help in the world, within a hundred breaths, if I can't blend into your old blood, the monster body will become a monster, and there will be no chance later."

To be honest, whether it is the old snail or Taiyuan, it will be blinded. Are you the **** incarnation outside the body? Are you creating a god?

Han Fei did not hide this secret, so they all heard the Toad Behemoth.

Suddenly, a group of giant king beasts were all dumbfounded, and they were shocked to hear it.

The demon emperor’s inner alchemy, the blood of the emperor and the blood of the emperor, Huang Jingyuan’s flesh and blood, even the special one himself has to be cut, and even the celestial energy is used, and now he has to follow the snail emperor to ask for the blood, this servant is for shaping An external incarnation, this is a fight!

Toad: "Goodbye, what do you think he has to build?"

Shui Dudu: "You are stupid! Either a snail or an octopus, or the one who left the Demon Emperor's inner alchemy."

One-horned female water dragon: "I heard that he was going to take Nirvana Avenue. At the beginning, he adjusted the starting point so high. What does he want to do next? Is it possible to cut the emperor to Nirvana?"

The behemoths: "..."

But let alone, this time, even the old snail and Taiyuan were bluffed. If Han Fei really did this, don't worry, just look at how powerful the creature he has created.

But the old snail is not a master who is willing to suffer. He only listens to him: "I can give you the essence and blood. However, you have to pay back the emperor's body-refining technique that is more powerful than the Wushen Profound Body. "

Han Fei's face turned green suddenly, and he cursed: "You are blackmail, the Wugou Profound Body is left by the emperor, you ask me to find you a powerful technique that is more powerful than this, and you will give you a drop of essence and blood. what?"


The old snail also seemed to think that it might be a bit too much, so he said: "In this way, if you can find such a strong physical exercise in the future, you will leave a copy for the emperor. But if you find it, but not..."

"One hundred thousand years."

As soon as Han Fei heard that the old snail was going to continue speaking, the whole person was not good. He said that I now have two better physical training techniques than Wusuji Profound Body. This old snail, if he let him speak out, and said that if he finds it but does not give it to him, it will affect him to open up the sky or something, then what do he do? Is it possible to give him another body refining technique before opening the sky?

Therefore, Han Fei directly roared: "One hundred thousand years, within one hundred thousand years, I will definitely get you this body refining technique that is stronger than the Immortal Profound Body. If I can't do it, unless I have fallen. Heaven swears, swears to luck, swears to the external avatar that I have created...otherwise it will make me immortal and unable to proclaim the Dao forever. Hurry up, it’s too late, senior, don’t chatter..."

When the old snail heard it, Han Fei swore so badly!

Upon hearing this, the old snail didn't hesitate immediately, and immediately threw a drop of blood.

When Han Fei saw it, his eyes lit up and turned into essence and blood. He "scratched" the ground and got into the sea of ​​his own origin, leaving behind the giant beasts including the old snail outside, and all stopped practicing.

As Han Fei said, if Han Fei's external incarnation is about to take shape within Baixi, then he will be able to see and see after a while. What magical thing did Han Fei's boasting external incarnation create?


The origin of Han Fei is domestic.

Han Fei hummed a little tune, smashed his mouth and said: "Small, with your IQ of a snail, you fight with me? Young master, I have lied to the south and deceived the north, and the big brother has talked with the former poor. I can’t flicker, I can write the word Han Fei upside down."

No, Han Fei shouted without hesitation: "Swallow."

Anyway, Han Fei is now open to nothing. Since he didn't realize it, and after practicing the incarnation outside his body, his strength has been compromised. It is no problem to stay in the original sea for another thousand and eight hundred years.

Instead, you can take the time to devour your blood to study your own avenue.

Thinking about it this way, it's not too beautiful.

Of course, I still have to go out to act in a later time. I just appeared outside my body, and once I walked on the way of the giant beast, he would become a member of the line of giant beasts.

And the line of giant beasts is the least likely to seize the house. If the old snail wants to take away his external incarnation, he has to give up his physical body in the open heaven realm and rebuild it all the way.

Moreover, what I said to the old snail, although the people who shape the incarnation outside of the body are all strong in the open world, they are only in the open world. The old snail himself had already opened the heaven, and it didn't make sense to seize the house. Unless he knows that in his bloodline of Zhang Daqian, there have been gods.

However, this kind of thing, even the old tortoise doesn't even know the undead medallion, how could his old snail know it.

Therefore, the old snail has ten thousand reasons that he will not take action against himself. Even, he would be nice to himself, because his identity as a human race is extremely aggressive. It is only a matter of time to destroy the Hundred Demon Race and the Undersea Human Race, and it is not impossible to unify the 36 Profound Sky.

Moreover, he has the Vientiane Navigation Device, so he can leave the riots. Therefore, he is most likely to carry forward the giant beast. And the power of the giant beast itself is powerful, will you use the giant beast? 80% will.

Therefore, from the moment Han Fei became a behemoth, the human race and the behemoth had a huge relationship. At this point, the old snail had ten thousand reasons to protect himself, but not one reason to hurt himself.

After adjusting to the Origin Sea for a while, Han Fei also studied the combat skills and personal comprehensive strength of the external avatar.

In terms of combat skills, when the undead ray bursts and shoots at Han Fei's body, Han Fei feels a pure and domineering annihilation force. The moment this power touched himself, it tried to disintegrate his body.

Of course, no matter how strong the Xundao Realm's attack is, it would be good if it can shake the Venerable Realm. Facing Han Fei's body, no matter what the rays are, he doesn't feel anything at all.

However, the body of the Undead Devil inherited Han Fei's power. So when Han Fei burst out of the power of the Undead Devil, he suddenly discovered that its strength was as high as 1506 waves.

What kind of concept is this? When Han Fei first entered the 76th level, if he remembers correctly, his strength should be less than 700 waves. Then got a chance, after reaching level 77, many chances, only to pass a thousand waves.

And 1500 waves, that is the power that Han Fei only cultivated when he was in the half-sovereign state. Even if Han Fei first entered the realm of nobles, his power was only 3000 waves.

The Venerable Ordinary has a thousand waves, or more.

In addition to power, Han Fei observed the part of the meridians in the undead demon barrier that he had tampered with. Some of them had been corrected, but the effect of the Yin and Yang grinding disc was still there. It's just that the effect is not so strong, it's less than one-tenth.

However, I didn't know how to create creatures in the first place, and the effect was only one-tenth, which was pretty good.

Regardless of this, that is to say, the power of the Undead Devil has reached the state of the nobleman, and it is not that ordinary nobleman. This one has not yet cultivated the divine way of the giant beast, it has become such a strong one. Then, if one has cultivated the divine way of the giant beast, what would it be like to be strong?

Thinking of this, the corners of Han Fei's mouth slightly aroused, and it was time to go out and perform a wave, otherwise the old snail thought he had cheated his blood for what he was doing.


outside world.

The kings were eagerly looking forward to see what Han Fei’s external avatar looked like.

There is a giant centipede: "The problem is that this person who has just created an external avatar~www.ltnovel.com~ shouldn’t be too strong? All powers have been transformed into the source, and the external avatar has been trained. He now estimates that it will also be transformed. The Demon Realm is similar to the Sea-Monster Realm, right?"

Seven Snake Dragon Snake: "Not necessarily, they are all the foundations of the Open Heaven Realm. Even if it is used to build the origin, the strength is not just as simple as the demon.

Toad: "I think it's possible that you have reached the Sea Spirit Realm. Then you only need to practice for a few years, you can be stable to the Taoist Realm, and within a hundred years, you will have the opportunity to become a deity. Maybe you can cross the tribulation and become a king in ten thousand years."

The kings couldn't help looking at the toad: "Isn't it? Going the way of the giant beast, how can anyone go so fast?"

Toad: "I think he has so many resources that he can't treat it with common sense."


Suddenly, he saw a thousand-meter-sized "small" black octopus appearing in his field of vision.

Then the octopus roared: "My Zhang Daqian, invincible in the same realm, who will fight?"

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