God of Fishing

Chapter 2072: Behemoth 1 vein debut

For thirteen days in Outland, under the leadership of Han Fei, he killed Xiang Hundred Demon Race mightily, and of course he also suffered the suspicion of all kings. After all, Han Fei's current strength is strong, but after all, it is only in the Open Sea Realm, and it is still far away from the Open Heaven Realm.

In this case, is it appropriate to leave the trillions of people behind the human race there without asking?

And Han Fei responded to their words, naturally, everything is under control.

On this day, under the guidance of the Vientiane Navigation Instrument, Han Fei's expeditionary force broke through the wind and waves, and finally came to a ravine, a place full of deep vortexes.

Because Han Fei came blatantly, the teacher broke the emperor and was naturally prepared to deal with it.

At this moment, facing Han Fei and the others, it was a violent hurricane. Its coverage area is probably more than ten times larger than that of an ordinary hurricane, and the entire wind field can be felt from a distance of a million miles away.

I only saw the big ship of Jiugongtian jumping out, keeping pace with the Avenger, but seeing Han Xuan landing on the Avenger, he couldn't help saying: "Han Fei, there is a problem with the wind. The problem is not the hurricane, but the hurricane. The abnormal movement of the submarine veins, this is a killing array."

Han Fei was also a member of the formation, and naturally found that something was wrong, so he said: "The two armies are facing each other. Using this trick, it makes me look down on Master Pohuang and Kong Shen. I went to break him."

Han Xuan: "I'm with you."

On the way to the formation, Han Fei and Han Xuan made a move, and the others would naturally not stop them, because these two are currently the best at formation among everyone.

In a violent hurricane, perception will be blown away by the hurricane, so this hurricane must not exist. As soon as Han Xuan entered the wind field, the Thousand Chance Divine Ghost Disk changed. In a blink of an eye, thousands of formations were explored, and the water vapor in the hurricane was gradually thickening.

But after that, the violent hurricane almost turned into an endless wind blade, stirring the void, shattering the crushed water mist, and continuing to sweep through.

Just listen to Han Xuan shouting: "In the case of invalid perception, it may take several hours. It is not appropriate to break the formation one by one. The best way is to break the formation forcefully, penetrate the wind demon in the core area, and remove the sea breeze. Zhu, the hurricane will be destroyed. But 80% have an ambush."

Han Fei grinned: "The moisture here is too strong, it suits me, Uncle Xuan, you go back."

Han Fei was taken aback for a moment: "Are you alone? Maybe the teacher is waiting for you in the eye of the wind."

Han Fei grinned and said, "Then I will meet him."


After a while, a sword light ran through the core wind field of 80,000 miles, smashing more than 30 wind demon all the way.


The void flashed, and Han Fei's figure appeared in the wind field.

However, when Han Fei took a closer look, he saw that it was a middle-aged man in a Taoist gown with an indifferent face. This person seemed to have been waiting here for a long time.

Han Fei's eyes narrowed slightly: "The teacher broke the emperor? It's really you, don't you think this behavior is naive?"

When Han Fei arrived, he just listened to him: "You have a bit of courage, but you are not afraid of what happens to the outside fleet when you enter the wind field?"

Han Fei snorted: "Do you think my person is so easy to deal with?"

Shi Pohuang didn't expect that such a few battles would be able to bluff Han Fei. If Han Fei was so bluff, then he wouldn't dare to bring so many people to the door.

Just listen to the teacher breaking the emperor’s said: "Han Fei, as far as the emperor knows, there is not much power you can use? Even the sword **** is not in Outland at this moment. What do you use to fight the emperor? There is this power. , Why don't you go to trouble Taiqing Wuji? Instead, come to my Hundred Demon Race to find death first."

Han Fei grinned and said, "You waited for me for a long time just to say this?"

Shi Pohuang snorted: "This emperor is telling you that today, if you die, this emperor may let go of the old and weak soldiers you brought, otherwise, once this wind field opens, you will have no turning back."

At this moment, Han Fei's heart moved, and the void was sticky. Someone's power descended on the entire wind field, trying to lock the void and confining his inanimate body to it.

The emperor Shi Po also knew that Han Fei had discovered the problem, so he just listened to him with a smile: "Of course this emperor is not waiting for you to chat with you. You are so arrogant and arrogant, thinking that there is a Gemini Divine Art that can be vertical The sea. How do you know that this violent hurricane is to stop your fleet, not to kill you."


However, Han Fei was also stupid. As early as when he saw Shi Pohuang alone here, he knew that there must be a deeper ambush.

Therefore, the body of the black mist had already retreated with Han Xuan, and was on the edge of the violent hurricane at this moment. As soon as it was discovered that someone was trying to manipulate the entire space, it immediately detonated endless water.

Moreover, the endless water did not explode in front of the emperor's face, but had already dispersed with the rotation of the hurricane.


This detonation only saw Han Fei's body of white fog, not only did not retreat, but instead killed the Emperor Pohuang. A body of white mist can't be beaten naturally, but it is no problem to drag the teacher and break the emperor for a while.

I saw that the hundreds of thousands of miles in the void where the entire violent hurricane was located, shockingly, directly collapsed and fell into an endless void.

And Han Fei's body of white mist forcibly broke out the line of nothingness, with the ultimate speed, entangled the teacher and broke the emperor.


"Are you not afraid that even time will be blocked here?"

Han Fei shouted: "If you want to seal it, just seal it, and see if I'm not counseled."

In the distance, the entire fleet brought by Han Fei was stunned. Such a large void collapsed. If the fleet was inside, it would be eaten in a single wave!

Han Xuan just came back, with a spiked scene, his face changed drastically: "The teacher is so courageous to break the emperor, he actually tried to block time."

Xia Xiaochan: "Why didn't Han Fei come back?"

Luo Xiaobai, Zhang Xuanyu and others also looked at Han Xuan. They hadn’t even seen the shadow of the Hundred Demon Race. They had already made such a big battle. Han Fei Biete went to fight alone. That's it!

At this moment, before Han Fei's figure appeared, he saw a huge flying centipede, like a dragon going out to sea, rushing towards the human ship.

But above the flying centipede's head, I saw an old man holding a pitch-black scepter, pointing at the human fleet. A black cloud shrouded, surging violently.

But if you look closely, isn’t that a dense cluster of centipedes?

A king exclaimed: "That is Kong Shen, the king of the undersea human race,"

When the giant flying centipede swooped and attacked. On the Human Race side, I saw huge rotating spheres facing away. The spheres became larger in the void and rolled into a super water polo that spanned more than 800 miles.

On the human side, the kings looked dumbfounded, what is this? When will human beings have such power that can compete with the strong of the Open Heaven Realm?

However, thinking that Han Fei once said that this battle can be fought, and because the kings of the Yin and Yang heavens are all present, most kings can also calm down, and let's calmly see how this battle is done.

Kong Shen was also surprised. What kind of thing was rolling towards him directly? Moreover, the opponent actually has the power to open the sky realm.


The super water polo slammed into the flying centipede, Kong Shen bombarded with a palm, and the black cloud impacted.


I saw hundreds of millions of centipedes, directly crushed into powder and turned into nothingness.

Kong Shen was hit by this terrifying force and flew thousands of miles away.

"Crack quack~"

And at this moment, above the sky, another huge figure jumped out, a tongue like an Optimus jade pillar, wrapped around the flying centipede.

Look at it again, isn't that the giant toad that followed Han Fei? However, on the tongue of the giant toad beast, the barbs were like blades, and there was an unidentified milky white poison on the barbs. Under the tongue, it directly tore the flying centipede's body in half.


Kong Shen directly merged with the flying centipede, his figure exploded, and he shouted: "The line of giant beasts, why do you want to help humans?"

At this moment, everyone saw a cross blade light, almost ran out from the edge of the infinite void that had fallen.


Han Fei didn't use the golden light to jump vertically, but broke out at the limit of speed and forcibly rushed out. At that moment, the twins became one, and this is worthy of return~www.ltnovel.com~Get cash] Follow the vx public account [Book Friends Base Camp~www.ltnovel.com~ You can also get cash!

At the moment when Han Fei came out, the Dao ran around and Dao Gui Yi sword directly slammed Kong Shen.

As for Snail Emperor, he just repelled Kongshen and attached a layer of paralyzing mucus to Kongshen. Now Kongshen's body motility efficiency is reduced by at least half.

Under the impact of Han Fei's limit speed~www.ltnovel.com~, a big road was forced to kill with one sword.

Of course, the Open Heaven Realm is the Open Heaven Realm after all. After suffering Han Fei's avenue and returning to a sword, Kong Shen also took advantage of the force to dissipate the paralyzing effect of his body, and he exploded with a breath of blood.

Kong Shen retreated, and Han Fei didn't chase him either.

Just listen to Han Fei shouting: "rest in place, wait for the void to stabilize."


The first confrontation between Han Fei and the Kraken came to an end at this moment.

The two sides tentatively engaged in a confrontation, and Han Fei only exposed the line of giant beasts. However, Han Fei never wanted to hide the line of the giant beast, otherwise he would not let the toad follow from the beginning.

Moreover, Han Fei deliberately let them know that I have cooperated with the giant beast. On the one hand, he gave the Human Race information, at least the Human Race has strong support, not even an Open Heaven Realm.

On the other hand, Han Fei wanted to see how much combat power the Hundred Demon Race still had in the next shot.

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