God of Fishing

Chapter 2081: You can't teach a child

Han Fei's guess was not wrong. Even when he listened, he felt that the road of the Beastmaster was too smooth, and it went smoothly to the point where it was heinous.

Possibly, the Beastmaster has also experienced a lot of things, but at least what he expressed is that there are many opportunities, waiting for him to pick it up.

In the sea of ​​riots, although there are a lot of opportunities, it doesn't make sense to have so many. Isn't it such an exaggeration?

At least, from the current description of the Beastmaster, everything sounds reasonable, but very unreasonable.

Han Fei thought that if the Beastmaster was taken away and his memory was taken away, it would be terrible, so he didn't dare to believe it completely.

However, he would never show it on the surface.

Since the Beastmaster is not malicious now, he will definitely let himself go back. Once you return to the rioting sea, you just need to ask Chu Hao.

Once Chu Hao confirmed the Beastmaster's remarks, then the Beastmaster would have no problem.

Han Fei and the Beast King also chatted about the current state of the gods and the narcissus. When he asked about the war giants, the result was that the war giants almost fell in the initial battle of the sea monster. At that time, my heart sank.

But thinking about it, it may indeed be the case, because the population of the war giants is not large, and the probability that they will still be alive when even the beast king has to escape to the east is indeed not great.

After Han Fei accepted the fact that the Beast King was still alive and proving Dao Emperor, and he was still alive, and was saved by the Beast King, he couldn't help but said, "Teacher, how long have I been in the endless void?"

Beastmaster said: "Seven days."

"Just seven days?"

Han Fei was dumbfounded. If the Beastmaster didn't tell him, he would feel that he had slept for 700 years. It seemed that it was an extremely long time.

Just listen to the king of beasts: "It’s not bad that it can last for seven days. But your kid’s Taoism is really not good, don’t you have that navigating device? If you use it again, you may be able to find the target. , I ran out, but I was stunned for seven days, so my teacher almost got into the endless void to find you."

Han Fei couldn't help but exclaimed: "Teacher, can you enter the endless void?"

The Beastmaster hummed: "As long as the passage is open, there is no problem in entering for a period of time. The real danger of the endless void is that it can kill the soul of the person who enters. Those who are not strong in the Tao will enter it. After a long time, they will sink. Mian, I feel that my soul will be assimilated by the endless void."

Han Fei nodded again and again: "That's how it feels, but I feel that my Dao Heart is firm enough!"


The Beastmaster looked at Han Fei with contempt: "If your Dao Heart is firm, with your strength, you can definitely stay awake in the endless void for seven days, instead of falling asleep on the first day."


Han Fei couldn't help but took a breath, his Dao Xin was already firm like this, how come to the Beast King's mouth that Dao Xin is not strong anymore?

Han Fei said, "How long can the one with firm heart persist in the endless void?"

This time, the Beastmaster shook his head: "It’s hard for you to be a teacher, but you will definitely be able to hold it for ten and a half months. In the endless void, you can't feel the concept of time and space. All you can experience is chaos. . Endless Void is the best source of Chaos Qi. The best way to gain Chaos Qi in the Open Heaven Realm is Endless Void. By accumulating a large amount of Chaos Qi, through the circulation of power, slowly refining, you can Transformed into the spirit of the fairy."

"How does Open Heaven Realm cultivate?"

Han Fei couldn't help but understand. He wondered why there is so much chaos in the body of the strong in the Open Heaven Realm, and the chaos in the Venerable Realm is pitiful even if it is in the Sea Boundary Realm. Among the many kings he killed, there were not many with more than ten thousand strands of Chaos Qi.

However, at the Open Heaven Realm, if they can absorb the Qi of Chaos in such a simple way, no wonder their combat power is so powerful.

Seeing Han Fei was slightly stunned, the Beastmaster snorted: "This time, it can be regarded as a loss and a gain of wisdom. Although your strength is indeed not weak, your great road is not firm enough. Even, as a teacher, you are I don’t understand what path you are going to take. It’s no good to go on like this! The light strength is strong, but your avenue weakness is too obvious. Once discovered, the consequences are unpredictable.

Han Fei couldn't help being bluffed by the Beast King, and said in surprise: "Is it so serious?"

"Serious? Even though I have never really been to the sea world as a teacher, I have intercepted countless sea world powerhouses who tried to enter the sea of ​​riots. You may not believe it. There, even some venerables, have a Taoist heart. If you are strong, you are not necessarily weaker than you. Do you know what this concept is?"

Han Fei took a deep breath: "Venerable?"

Han Fei didn't believe me a little bit. I was firm, so I could preach to Xia Xiaochan and the others. Why can't I?

Beastmaster: "What do you think is the most important thing on the path of practice? It is chance, talent, combat skill, technique, blood, or what?"

Han Fei is so weak: "Aren't they all important?"

Beastmaster shook his head: "Of course not. All of these are just assistance. Even if your blood is the first in the world and your Dao heart is incomplete, you will not be able to achieve the Dao Dao. Even if you have the resources of the emperor, your Dao heart is not enough, you are not at all. Cultivation can't continue. Even if your talent is unparalleled in the world and your Dao heart is not enough, people can accumulate and surpass you... Now you have talent, opportunity, cultivation techniques, combat skills... but you are alone, and your Dao heart is not enough. In this way, when you really arrive in the sea world, you will be compared to a supreme arrogant who is truly like you."

Although Han Fei wanted to deny it, his heart said that I am still a disciple of the Void Temple. The entire Void Temple plus myself are only 12. I can't help others to accept it?

However, Han Fei changed his mind to think that the Beastmaster said this matter so seriously, I am afraid it is not unreasonable. At least, he said that he hadn't figured out his Dao Xin until now, but he hadn't even figured out what his avenue was.

Suddenly, Han Fei couldn't help saying; "Teacher, Dao and Dao Xin, are they the same?"

The Beastmaster immediately looked at Han Fei like a fool: "How can you ask such a stupid question?"

Han Fei: "..."

Han Fei couldn't help but bit his head and said, "Although the question is stupid, what if it is an opportunity for my epiphany?"

"Heh! What do you think of epiphany, you will be enlightened when you say enlightenment?"

The Beastmaster couldn’t help shaking his head: “The avenue is the avenue, and the avenue is the way you want to walk. It is a kind of power direction you choose. Fundamentally speaking, the avenue belongs to the category of power. But the Dao Xin is different. The Dao Xin is the Dao Xin. It is the heart of the Tao. For the real strong, death cannot stop the heart of the Tao, the suffering of the flesh, the flogging of the soul, and the destruction of all laws, even if you are frustrated and ashes, even if your soul is scattered. As long as the Tao heart is strong enough, this world There will be a ray of your obsession. Maybe you still have the opportunity to regenerate."


Han Fei said in shock: "The soul is scattered, can I regenerate?"

Beastmaster said leisurely: "This is what the teacher saw on the emperor's handbook. I don't know if it is a guess. But Dao Xin is the root of a person's strength. Now you have too many opportunities and too many treasures. , Qi Yun added to the body. These additional external forces make you extremely powerful, so it underestimates the fundamental Taoism of cultivation."

Han Fei couldn't help thinking, when was the last Dao Xin comprehension? It seems to be... in the soul-relief tower of Baibei King City?

At that time, his eyes were placed beyond the rioting sea, and his goal was the endless sea.

However, Han Fei felt as if he shouted a slogan when said by the Beastmaster. A slogan supported his practice to the pinnacle of Pihai.

Suddenly, Han Fei thought: "Teacher, if Dao Heart can't keep up, will it affect the growth of strength?"

"Of course, Dao Xin is not enough. The most basic manifestation lies in your lack of will and the hollowness of your goals. This level of Dao Xin will inevitably hinder your strength and diligence."

Han Fei seemed to understand a little bit. Old Turtle had been emphasizing Dao Xin Dao Xin to himself before. He thought he had realized it, but it turned out that he had never realized it.

No wonder, after I reached the pinnacle of Pihai, even if his techniques and tactics were among the forefront of the tens of thousands of races in the sea, his strength was still very slow.

Because of the existence of Emperor Sparrow, Han Fei always knew that in the same realm, although he was very strong, he was not the strongest.

However, before Han Fei simply thought that Emperor Sparrow was known as the No. 1 in the wild and ferocious beasts. It was because of the bloodline problem that he was so strong. Therefore, the pursuers devour the blood, and strive to improve their blood and life level.

However, at this moment, Han Fei suddenly felt different. He felt that it was possible that he had comprehended it wrong.

Perhaps it was not because of the foundation of blood that made the emperor stronger, but because of Dao Xin.

For a moment~www.ltnovel.com~ Han Fei couldn't help but said: "Teacher, what is your Dao heart?"

The Beastmaster couldn't help looking into the distance: "The Beastmaster is withered, even if you save some, but it is still too few and too weak. Compared with the original Beastmaster Valley, there are many fewer species. Moreover, the Beastmaster Valley was only the Beastmaster back then. It’s just a very small part of it, but for the teacher, I have seen the entire rioting sea, and there are no orcs. It really can’t be called the great generation of the orcs. Therefore, the Taoism of the teacher is the rise of the orcs. To live forever, for this goal, to be a teacher, to prove the Dao, to live forever, and even to create a strong bloodline for the orcs, with my blood, start the beasts, and revive the orcs..."


Han Fei was dumbfounded at that time, is he so heartbroken? You just say that you want to become a god.

Just listen to Han Fei said: "Teacher, as long as the heart is big, then I want to become a god."


Han Fei was slapped out and rolled hundreds of times on the ground.

The Beast King was speechless: "Russ can't be taught, it's the original Xiao Wang Han and simple."

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