God of Fishing

Chapter 2083: Han Fei's choice

In other words, these three strong frogmen from the sea world, how would they think that such a terrifying strong would appear in a wasteland?

Under Han Fei’s terrifying coercion, the blood of the three of them boiled and their will was almost manifested. The three of them looked at each other and burned their blood almost at the same time. The chaotic air in the body burned wildly, even under the coercion of Han Fei. , Stood up again a little bit.


Han Fei couldn't help frowning. With his current strength, he was in the riot of Pihai, looking for an enemy of one, it was already difficult to reach the sky.

At such a close distance, under their own coercion, these three people actually resisted, which surprised Han Fei Shiwan.

Immediately, Han Fei's momentum broke out, and he didn't believe that he couldn't restrain the three of them.

However, when Han Fei's momentum was in full swing, the three of them seemed to have begun to use secret methods to try to break free from Han Fei's power suppression.

At that moment, only the three of them sacrificed their weapons at the same time, and the all-premium Dinghai Bizarre Treasure detonated in an instant. Even with the burning of jade and stone, Han Fei would be severely injured and he would create a chance to escape.

The detonation of three superb Dinghai treasures. It blasted through the time barrier and indeed shook Han Fei back. Even Han Fei was injured. Hundreds of openings were made on his body, his internal organs shook, and the corners of his mouth were bleeding.

But on the other hand, these three people are actually even more miserable. Their bodies were blown to pieces, and the three of them had to spend a huge amount of energy to reshape their bodies. Even so, they were seriously injured.

The three people thought that the self-detonation weapon could retreat Han Fei. At this moment, they were about to join hands to escape. They were swimming in the void, and their speed skyrocketed to the level of 100,000 miles. This kind of speed has reached the point of nearly 300,000 miles in a terrifying breath.


However, Han Fei would naturally not let them escape, and a golden light jumped in front of the three of them. A yin and yang reincarnation knife in hand, slashed it with one knife, and directly killed one of the guys who had not recovered.


Above the sky, cracks in the avenue disappeared in a flash. Perhaps this is already on the edge of the riot sea, and the scale of the astronomical outbreak is much smaller than the riot sea.

A frogman fell, and the remaining two immediately retreated. One of them shouted: Can't stop it, this person walks on the Avenue of Time, and his strength is too strong. Today, we are planted, but no matter what, I am unwilling to fall.

"Burning pulse, giant frog combat body."

After watching this scene, Han Fei couldn't help being moved. This person actually burned a body of meridians, including his soul, flesh and blood, bones, and chaos... Anyway, his body suddenly doubled its size and strength. Actually doubled.

This person used his arm as the blade and slashed at Han Fei. Han Fei had to marvel that this strength was already comparable to the 90% strength he had when he was not running the road.

This made him shocked and longing. If there is any king in the sea, if there is such a strong one, then if he has gone, what grade is he in?

Of course, Han Fei didn't keep his hand in the face of the attack on this person. He stretched his backhand with both fingers, Dao Gui Yi sword instantly defeated this person and completely cut him off.

At this time, a crack in the avenue just appeared, and the last remaining frogman wanted to blew himself up. But where can Han Fei allow it? The Line of Nothingness had already been prepared, and it was directly deducted upon seeing it.

However, after only hearing a "bang", this person still blew himself up, and even Han Fei's line of nothingness was broken into two pieces, and his soul was slightly damaged.

Han Fei couldn't help frowning, his face was serious, why is this so?

At this time, I saw the Beastmaster appearing next to Han Fei, and said lightly: "What do you feel?"

Han Fei: "It's very strong. If the outside world is strong in the sea-breaking realm, if it is generally of this level, the king of riots in the sea has gone out, I am afraid that few can be regarded as arrogant."

Beastmaster said: "Do you know why you can't control this person's soul?"

Han Fei looked at the Beastmaster in surprise, but then relieved that the Beastmaster had already proclaimed longevity. If he couldn't even see the line of nothingness, then what kind of emperor?

Han Fei shook his head, he didn't want to understand this.

Just listen to the Beastmaster said: "Because Dao Xin. His Dao Xin will be very strong, even if he falls, he does not want to be controlled by you. So he blew himself up, and your Dao Xin is not enough, otherwise he will never have the chance to blew himself up successfully. ."

At this time, the Beastmaster chuckled: "Now you know the problem with your Dao Xin? Empty-handed magical skills are not enough. Dao Xin is the foundation of the practitioner."

Han Fei was depressed when said by the Beastmaster, but the strength of these three people was indeed not weak.

It's a pity that Han Fei originally wanted to arrest someone for a soul search. But I didn't expect the other party to be able to resist the control of the Thread of Nothingness.

If it were before, Han Fei would definitely feel that the quality of the Thread of Nothingness could no longer keep up.

But now, Han Fei knew that the cause of the problem was his lack of understanding of Dao Xin.

Han Fei: "Teacher, have you never been to the outside world to take a look?"

Beastmaster shook his head: "The outside world is dangerous, and even the emperor covets the riots. I want to go as a teacher, but as you can see. Someone will break in every three to five. You can leave for the teacher, but all of them are holding. Hunting the mind here. If they really come in, how much trouble do you think the follow-up will cause?"

Just listen to the Beastmaster said: "Now as a teacher, I give you two choices, one is to go to the sea. The other is to return to the riots. There are many benefits to go to the sea. Your vision, cognition, comprehensive strength, and combat Fa, even the acquisition of resources, will go to a higher level, and of course, it will be even more dangerous. Back to the riots, what you need to consider is no longer your strength, but your Dao heart. How you choose whatever."

Han Fei took a deep breath, didn't think too much, but said calmly: "Return to the riots."

How many races are there in the riots? How many races are there in the sea world? The sea is so big, if you go there, you won't want to come back in a short time.

In the riots of the sea, he still has many things to do, the inner realm has not been resolved, the sky has not been rebuilt, and the division has not strangled the emperor.

Moreover, since there are still flaws in one's own practice, it is even less adventurous at this time. The sea world is where I will go all the time, so I don't have to be in a hurry.

Seeing Han Fei's performance at the moment, the Beast King was rather calm, and could not help but nodded slightly: "You still know how well you are.

Han Fei: "Teacher, how do I go back?"

The Beastmaster said leisurely: "Don't you have that navigator? Why do you want me to teach you when you go back?"

The corners of Han Fei's mouth trembled, and his heart said that he would come out again anyway.

It's just that I finally met the Beastmaster, and the Beastmaster is already an emperor. If I don't want any benefits, wouldn't I be stupid?

So Han Fei couldn't help but said, "Teacher, do you have anything to teach me?"


The Beastmaster shot Han Fei directly into the bottom of the sea with his backhand, cursing, "You can't teach you, where are you still short of things? You're almost rich, even more?"

The Beastmaster was so angry that he left, but he also left a mark. This is the way back.

He knew that Han Fei entered the origin sea of ​​others, and the resources of the three who fell just now were left to Han Fei.

Han Fei sighed leisurely, and his heart said he wouldn't give it. What are you doing? What kind of tantrums are all this?

After a while.

Han Fei appeared in the origin sea of ​​one of the frogmen. When he entered the origin sea, he was shocked to find that the origin sea of ​​this person had already opened up more than 60,000 miles, of which the distribution of resources was only less than 20,000 miles, and he was more than himself. The resources are much less.

As for the Qi of Chaos, it was surprisingly as many as more than 50,000 strands, which was the result of a lot of them being used up after the last eruption.

The other two people have an open source sea of ​​about 50,000 miles, and they also have few resources and much chaos.

In terms of the size of the origin sea, the origin sea of ​​these people is larger than the kings of the riots. Obviously, the resources they get are mainly used to expand the origin sea, so that the amount of resources in the layout of the origin sea is not enough.

However, what Han Fei is certain is that in the sea world, the source of chaos is definitely easier than the riot of the sea. Only these three people have obtained more than 140,000 wisps of Chaos Qi by themselves. This must be in the riots, and I am afraid that I have to kill at least 20 kings to get this number.

one year later.

The sea of ​​riots, the outer seas, the place where humans gather.

Today, the disappearance of Han Fei has not allowed the gathered fairy palace to be separated again. Because people have discovered that when the celestial palaces gather together, the relationship between each other is more harmonious. Whether it is trade, resources, or ontological power, they are all strong to the most prosperous time since the Age of Domination.

Among the many immortal palaces, the only thing lacking is Yin Yang Tian.

Because Han Fei is not there, no one can control the Yin-Yang Immortal Palace. However, in Yinyangtian and Shuimutian, many people came to study in Outland~www.ltnovel.com~ even if it is now Yinyangtian and Shuimutian, the overall strength is advancing by leaps and bounds. However, Yin-Yang Tian practitioners dabble in miscellaneous matters, and they are all the great arts and techniques of Yin-Yang Tian and Shuimu Tian. Therefore, they need to communicate and learn from other fairy palaces.

And those fairy palaces that disappeared in the early years are all tempted by the feeling of such a harmonious environment in the outer seas, and one after another, there are lost fairy palaces returning.

Just less than a month after the return of Feiyutian and Wujintian, the population here surged by one-tenth, all migrated from other immortal palaces.

Thirty-six Xuantians gather, and the admission requirements for the colleges under a good fairy palace are too difficult. Moreover, now that immortal palaces are gathered, population mobility is too high, and the source of students can easily be filled.

When Feiyutian and Wujintian returned, there were naturally many people who came here admiringly. For the two immortal palaces with relatively small populations, they are naturally willing to accept these people to settle down.

Just under Feiyu World, a place called Moonlight Town, a young practitioner traveled to this day, built a thatched cottage on the edge of the cliff, and planted a yard less than a kilometer away. After finishing work, lying in the moonlight, fell asleep.

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