God of Fishing

Chapter 2094: Origin of Life

When Han Fei saw this Chaos Qinglian message, he took a breath of air for a moment. Tiandi Lingbao? Live another life? Is this Chaos Qinglian so advanced?

Looking at the chaotic energy contained, Han Fei is speechless. I am so turbulent in the ocean, fighting life and death, slaughtering several emperors, and absorbing dozens of the king’s origins in order to get so much chaotic energy. .

   As a result, this Senior Sister Qinglian throws it at will, and it is such a treasure. How is this different from a divine tool?

  Han Fei couldn't help but his expression became serious. Such a friendship is worthy of being treated with caution. If it is possible in the future, it must always be returned. Even if Qinglian felt that she had just done a trivial thing.

  After solving Han Fei’s issue, the senior brother said: "The junior junior issue has been resolved. What else can be discussed here."

  I only heard the Qinglong: "The dragons have the Black Dragon Emperor in troubled times. This dragon is radical. It may be possible to lead some dragons and reappear the sea world. All of you should be careful when you encounter it."

Senior Brother Tianlei: "It is reported that the Protoss found an initial place in the depths of the Chaos Sea. It can obtain strange treasures and forge magic weapons. At least the level of Chaos Lingbao of the highest grade, may be higher. If nothing happens, the Protoss will be peerless. Tianjiao."

   Shadow World: "In the sea of ​​stars, traces of giant star beasts were found."


   After solving Han Fei's affairs, Han Fei is like a novice, who can't stop listening. This chat topic is too high-end, and it's completely impossible to talk!

   Black Dragon Emperor was born? The best Chaos Lingbao? Even this Chaos Qinglian is just an ordinary Chaos Lingbao. The best, what do you get?

   Also, Xinghai, the star behemoth? What the **** is this?

   After a while, when the senior brothers and sisters had finished communicating, and only heard a "buzz", the senior brother said: "Sit down, the preaching begins."

  Han Fei immediately refreshed. He came to this kind of big gathering. If there were no special circumstances, the biggest benefit he would get was the preaching of the big brother.

   After every big brother's sermon, Han Fei felt that he would gain a great deal. However, at this moment he is in agitated mood, how can he settle down?

   However, when the mysterious preaching sound fell in Han Fei's ears, he couldn't help but fall into an ethereal state.

   Every preaching is like an epiphany, Han Fei felt the joy that grew from the depths of his soul.

   At that moment, or possibly a long time of preaching, Han Fei seemed to have an insight, an opportunity to open the sky, and it seemed that he was ready to come out.

   It's like sleeping in a dream, I was about to poke my lips on a cake, dream, and suddenly woke up.

   Waiting for Han Fei to return to his senses, only then did he realize that the preaching time had passed, but he could only feel that a moment had passed.

   Of course, Han Fei didn't feel any pity either. At least, Xia Xiaochan's matter was resolved, and he was about to have a son. Oh no, maybe it's a girl.

   But whatever it is, it's the same, I haven't been a father yet.

   After bidding farewell to the brothers and sisters, the centennial gathering is over.

   Han Fei quietly appeared in the outside sea, the phantom of the bronze door disappeared, and the white mist gradually melted away. Han Fei shook hands with a green lotus and returned quietly.

the next day.

   Han Fei wandered around in the outer waters and reappeared in the small courtyard, leaving behind a projection still there.

try{mad1(\'gad2\');}catch(ex){}   I saw the projection integrated into the body, Xia Xiaochan was lying on the couch at the door of the house, and when Han Fei was back, she stood up and said: "You are back! What are you doing with a green lotus in your hand?"

   "Hey hey! You sit there for me, sit there and don’t sit down, did you get up like this? What's the difference between you and jumping?"

   Xia Xiaochan: "???"

Just listen to Han Fei said: "For my husband, I went to Yaowangtian and stood in front of Mrs. Qiu, and frightened her half to death. I had to confess that the riots were a place of spiritual treasure. No, don't underestimate this Qinglian. , This is the treasure of heaven and earth, this is the only one in the sea of ​​riots, it contains a lot of vitality and chaos. You sit there and I will break into your dantian."


   Xia Xiaochan looked dazed, so he went out for two days and got a heaven and earth spirit treasure out?

  What level of thing is the Tiandi Lingbao? It's something you can meet, but you can't ask for it. Although it's not unavailable in the sea of ​​riots, you found it in two days?

   That's it, Han Fei did not dare to say that this is not just a heaven and earth spirit treasure, but a chaotic spirit treasure, its effect is stronger than the ordinary heaven and earth spirit treasure 18 appearances.

  It’s just that Xia Xiaochan asked in doubt: "Even if it is a spiritual treasure of heaven and earth, why should I break into my dantian?"

   Han Fei said with a stern face: "Your body is deficient, and this thing has endless vitality. It enters your pubic area so that you will not easily move your fetus. Your son can draw the vitality and blood of the dog."


   Xia Xiaochan is still confused, what fetal gas? Where did my son come from?

   It’s just that, after a little stunned, Xia Xiaochan couldn’t help being shocked; "What did you say? You said I...I..."

   Xia Xiaochan couldn't help but looked down at her stomach and exclaimed: "It's impossible! I can't feel it at all. If you are pregnant, is there no sign of it?"

Han Fei held Xia Xiaochan's shoulders with both hands, and pressed her to sit on the recliner: "Mrs. Qiu said, it's because the blood we bred is too strong. Your son needs to draw enough blood from you to lay the foundation. I also said that when your mother gave birth to you, you were malnourished. If it weren’t for the protection of the pure imperial code, you might die before you were born. Well, from this perspective, I can bypass the pure imperial code. , He still has some use."

   Xia Xiaochan is still full of shock, as if he hasn't recovered from this blasting news.

Han Fei said again: "That's right, he said. Before you became a king, your blood was not enough, so you didn't go too perfect in every state before. If you rebuild, your foundation strength, At least several times higher than it is now. At that time, you will be the son of a real god, and the number one top powerhouse in this world."

   "Oh oh..."

   Seeing Xia Xiaochan's casual response, Han Fei knew that she heard it in her ears, so she repeated it.

   The second time, Xia Xiaochan said, "Don't worry, I can build a reincarnation. I can also merge in the future and add back the parts I lost before."

  Han Fei: "Don't worry about this, we have time. Don't move now, I will drive this Qinglian into your Dantian."


one year later.

   Han Fei reasoned that Xia Xiaochan was unwell, and gradually became less involved in matters concerning the size of Mingyue Village, and even rarely went to sea.


try{mad1(\'gad2\');}catch(ex){}   When a healing magic comes, Han Fei once again casts the apocalypse magic to continue to breed the blood of the gods. With Chaos Qinglian's help, Han Fei has rarely performed apocalypse magic this year.

   But in just one year, that powerful chaotic green lotus was slowly absorbed this morning.

   At this moment, after Han Fei performed the apocalypse magic again, he suddenly heard Xia Xiaochan saying in shock: "Here, there is a little bit."

   "Where is it?"

  Han Fei immediately rushed to Xia Xiaochan's body and put his hand on Xia Xiaochan's belly. Then, in his perception, he saw a grain of sesame seeds, which seemed to be wrapped in a weak light of green gold.

   After working hard for a year, Han Fei finally saw hope. It is said that human beings conceive in October, in fact, others are also like this, but it may not be that simple to open the sea. In one year, it seems that a foundation has just been laid, and a sesame seed has appeared.

   Xia Xiaochan was overjoyed, but was about to say that the blood of the gods was not consumed anymore.

   But, she saw Han Fei's whole body was dull, standing like a fool.

   just listened to the mouth muttering: "Origin, the origin of life."

   "Look at you, what do you have for breakfast this morning?"


   Suddenly, Xia Xiaochan realized that something was wrong and that Han Fei's state was wrong. When he looked at Han Fei's eyes, his face changed slightly.

   Han Fei, he has an epiphany.


  Han Fei has been in hiding for more than two hundred years, waiting for two things, the same, is to strengthen his Dao Xin, now, he has already seen through this road.

   The second ~www.ltnovel.com~ is to wait for an opportunity, waiting for an opportunity to open the sky.

   Actually, when Han Fei knew where Dao Xin was, he could already open the sky. But he who has watched the emperor's handwriting all the year round has been thinking about the way to return to the yuan that the emperor said.

  The fellow practitioners of Wandao, like Han Xuanzou, actually fit the so-called Guiyuan in a certain sense. But Han Xuan probably never thought about it this way.

   And Han Fei, even if he knows some speculation, he is not sure if Han Xuan is right.

   However, when he saw the child the size of a sesame seed in Xia Xiaochan's belly, he suddenly seemed to understand something.

   Why does Benyuanhai simulate the outside world? Since I knew this, I piled up resources in the original sea, and piled up countless resources.

   It seems that he has become very strong. However, a lack of Taoism can break one's own strength.

   Now, Daoxin has realized it by himself.

   However, he didn't find the opportunity to open the sky. If it was only to open the sky itself, he would have opened the sky long ago. However, Han Fei never found that opportunity, or the fusion of Dao and Origin Sea in the Emperor's Handbook.

   But at this moment, he suddenly understood.

   The origin of life, heralding a new life. The reshaping of heaven and earth, everything that conforms to the origin of nature, is a normal way of rotation of heaven and earth, which can carry all things in parallel. This is the so-called way of returning to the yuan.


   In Xia Xiaochan's surprised gaze, the seal Han Fei placed on himself, at this moment, suddenly shattered without warning.

   Please remember the domain name of this book’s first publication:. Apex novel mobile version reading URL:

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