God of Fishing

Chapter 2103: Internal situation

The news of another expedition by the Terran Army of the God of Fishing Chapter 2103 Inner Territory Situation in Hanging Island, the God of Fishing, spread to Inner Territory a few days later.

   The Outland Fleet has just passed through the misty sea. I saw several big ships waiting here. When I look closely, they are all acquaintances.

   Zhao Jianglong and Liuli came to pick up Han Fei in person. Zhao Jianglong couldn't help but sigh, it is said that Han Fei has opened the sky, this son's cultivation talent is really an evil!

   Zhao Jianglong and Liuli: "I have seen the King of Man. I have seen the senior Snail Emperor."

   Even if they haven't seen the snail emperor, it is not difficult to tell.

   When Han Fei saw Zhao Jianglong, he couldn't help saying: "Brother Zhao seems to be doing pretty well now!"

   Zhao Jianglong smiled slightly: "Fortunately, I got a heart-cleansing mantra from Taixuantian. I practice it every day. After more than a thousand years, I should be able to fully recover. However, if you open the sky, I am afraid it is impossible."

   Han Fei nodded slightly, Zhao Jianglong's obsession was too great, and almost the entire Jianglongtian collapsed because of him. If this level is not passed, it is impossible to open the sky.

  Han Fei immediately looked at Liuli and sighed slightly: "The trip to the imperial palace, the fall of the autumn moon and the moon, I have nothing to do."

   Liuli handed over: "The emperor does not have to blame himself. The imperial palace is a nine-dead man. How can the king be an exception? Also, I heard that the emperor had rescued several times in the first place. To blame, I can only blame her for her bad luck."

   "Well! To make a long story short, what's the current situation in Innerland?"

   Zhao Jianglong: "Go! Let's talk while walking."

   After a while, the army moved on. According to Zhao Jianglong and Liuli, the situation in the inner region is far more delicate than what I imagined.

   It is said that He Daoyuan seems to know that the disaster is imminent, so he took the risk, it is said that he has been in the magic way.

   And, in order to forcibly grab part of the fairy palace in his hand.

   Taiqing Wuji, forcibly wrapped around the golden crow, dream weaving, medicine king three immortal palaces.

   After all, the unification and great victory of the Outer Realm made all the great fairy palaces of the inner realm understand the situation.

   Bei Luochen is dead, and a real King Yijian suddenly appeared from the Sword God Palace, who slaughtered the emperor with one sword. Apart from Taiqing Wuji and Chaos in Inner Domain, who can be the enemy?

   The chaotic sky has long been closed. Taiqing Wuji joined forces with the Hundred Demon Race, and as a result the Hundred Demon Race was destroyed, and now he is powerless.

   If it weren't for He Daoyuan, the action is fast. Forcibly gathering the three immortal palaces of Golden Crow, Dream Weaving, and Medicine King, these three betrayed them, that is a sure thing.

   Even if the fire of Jin Wutian is not strong, under such circumstances, he will not give birth to the heart of being an enemy of Han Fei again, but will think about how to take refuge in Han Fei like Hong Yue.

   Helpless, conditions are not allowed!

   Except for Jianglongtian, shortly after Zhao Jianglong returned, he had secretly contacted the Sword God Fourth Palace and was able to escape Taiqing Wuji's control. Such as the Golden Wutian, before Taiqing Wuji defeated, how could they not think that they would lose!

Just listen to Liuli said: "Now that Taiyuan is conquering the sky, the sword **** and Wang Yijian are strong, but it is not that simple to kill the emperor with one sword. The reason why Wang Yijian was able to kill the king with one sword before was because his sword was too powerful. It’s been a long time since he got out of the sheath. And Yun Tianhe is a hidden Open Heaven Realm powerhouse. If Yun Tianhe and Xuan Qingzi join forces, they can barely fight Wang Yijian to one place. Even if these two people are not against Wang Yijian... But, the sword **** The predecessors may have lost to He Daoyuan. Therefore, we dare not act rashly on our side."

try{mad1('gad2');}catch(ex){}  "Oh?"

   Hearing this, Han Fei couldn't help being shocked: "Senior Sword God lost to what Daoyuan? Has Daoyuan's strength become so strong after he became a demon?"

Just listen to Zhao Jianglong's solemn voice: "Although I don't know what the specific situation is. However, He Daoyuan's situation is mostly the same as when I was in the early days of Jianglong Tian. They turned on some extremely dangerous things, although they could not. There are dragons descending like Jianglongtian. However, He Daoyuan himself should have communicated with a certain existence in a similar way, and entered the magic way. Not to mention doubled his strength, it has also increased by at least seven or eight. Cheng. If it weren't for the sword of the King of Dread, He Daoyuan might not dare to make a move."

  Han Fei narrowed his eyes after all. Does the Beastmaster know this?

   However, if it is only through sacrificial offerings to communicate with the outside world, the Beastmaster is not necessarily clear. It seems that Fengshentian has always been in contact with Anjia, and it is a truth to practice the **** descending technique.

  If He Daoyuan's strength doubles, it is indeed not to be underestimated. This guy is not an ordinary Open Heaven realm, but the former leader of 36 Profound Heavens, and his strength is stronger than Bei Luochen.

  Han Fei: "Now that Zhimengtian and Yaowangtian can't come into contact at all?"

   Liuli: "Just like the Outland, Taiqing Wuji, plus these three immortal palaces, have gathered together. There are hundreds of millions of people there. If you shoot now, I'm afraid it will also affect the innocent."

   Zhao Jianglong: "If a battle is forced, it is inevitable that He Daoyuan will do something extraordinary. We can't kill him and ignore the lives of hundreds of millions of people."

   Han Fei nodded slightly, which is a bit tricky. If it is a fair fight, how about He Daoyuan even if his strength doubles? Your strength will double, but I won't?

  Double the strength, can it break the snail king's shell?

   But, if He Daoyuan used these billions of sentient beings to threaten him, would he fight or not?

   Han Fei was silent for a while, and then said: "No matter what, I will talk to the person who meets He Daoyuan first."


   Three days later.

   Tai Xuan Tian, ​​Sword God, Wang Yijian, Han Fei, Snail Emperor, Kong Shen gathered here.

Just listen to the Sword God Road: "Since you are walking on the Avenue of Human Emperors, then the hundreds of millions of people in the Five Immortal Palaces such as Taiqing Wuji, you must not give up, otherwise, even if your path is unbroken, I am afraid you will not be able to go on. Up."

   Han Fei nodded: "I know, I know what He Daoyuan wants. He just wants a chance, a chance to fight with me one-on-one, life and death."

   "Why do you see it?"

   Even Wang Yijian couldn't help but raise this question.

The corners of Han Fei's mouth raised slightly: "Even if he wants to use these hundreds of millions of people to hinder my Dao Xin, he is facing me face-to-face. Otherwise, I will be slaughtered in advance, and I will not be able to do so. In fact, it will not hinder me. He Daoyuan understands this truth. , So he will meet with me. Maybe, he is still counting on killing me and getting the Vientiane Navigation Device."

   Sword God: "Why didn't you slaughter the great immortal palaces, hundreds of millions of people, and cut off your royal road. Then fight with you?"

  Han Fei: "Unless he doesn't want to live? If he doesn't want to live, why should he fall into the devil's way? Once the hundreds of millions of people fall and I wait, how can he have a little bit of life?"

try{mad1('gad2');}catch(ex){}  The corner of Han Fei's mouth evokes: "If you want to fight with me, please satisfy him."

   Snail emperor: "Fight with you in a decisive battle? I must take you to the place he arranged."

   Taiqing Wuji, currently there are only three Open Heaven realms left. He Daoyuan wanted to single out with Han Fei, and would inevitably find a place where the Open Heaven Realm could not intervene.

   Han Fei can think of, or, this Dao Yuan has already prepared a place for war. Either you enter the cracks of time with yourself.

   Of course, anyway, his purpose is to fight alone with himself.

   Han Fei couldn't help but sneered: "When opening the sea realm, I was not afraid of it. I entered the Open Heaven realm, and my own avenues were separated. No matter how strong the path is, it is impossible to kill him, unless this old boy has already proclaimed."

   However, if you really preach, the movement is so great that no one will know about the riots. Even if no one knows here, it is impossible for the Beastmaster to not know.

   Therefore, this battle can be fought.

   Just listen to Han Feidao: "Seniors, Xuan Qingzi is not enough to prove it. I don't understand Yun Tianhe, but he should be stronger than Bei Luochen. If I take He Daoyuan away, the rest will be handed over to you."

   Wang Yijian: "Xuan Qingzi, just one sword."

   The emperors were speechless, and if they could say this, he was the only one who repaired the sword. Everyone really didn't doubt this.

   Just listen to the old snail saying: "If the Daoyuan is taken away, UU reads www.uukahnshu.com Human Race several big fairy palaces, the old man can control the void, and block the two big open worlds, the problem is not big."

   Although the old snail is slow, if he really stands up and fights him, Han Fei has no chance of winning. Everyone has said that if the riots hadn't restricted his performance, he would be at least at the level of King Wu and Xia Hongzhu if his strength was fully utilized.

Han Fei has always been decisive, and only listened to him: "That's it. I don't want any of the Taiqing and Wuji to open the sea. I don't want any of them. I will punish them. If this battle is won, the Venerable Realm needs to be screened one by one. The human race is unified, and it is now. ."

  Han Fei has decided, and the others have not objected. They recognized Han Fei's strength, and Han Fei's mastery of Time Avenue and Apocalypse Divine Art was not weaker than that of the King of Humans back then.

   The King of Man back then could compete with Xia Hongzhu at his peak. Today's Han Fei, even if he has just opened the sky, he will fight a demon He Dao fate, even if he can't win, there will be no chance of falling. The Avenue of Apocalypse, known as the Way of Immortality, is not a joke.

   half a day later.

   Han Fei shouted: "The whole army will attack, and the troops will be sent to the Taiqing Palace."

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