God of Fishing

Chapter 2114: Difficult choice

Han Fei had no experience with this kind of thing. Before, Sister Qinglian and the others said that there was nothing, but it didn't take long for a chaotic green lotus to be fed.

Now, how long is this? My own son is swallowing Dao Dao, he **** the spirit of immortality, and he **** Xia Xiaochan's life.

Before, Senior Sister Qinglian and the others said that because Xia Xiaochan is now full of sacred blood, the children he gave birth to are the sons of sacred spirits. Needless to say, that is definitely talented.

Perhaps, precisely because the birth of the Son of God is too difficult, the nutrients he needs are terrible.

Han Fei didn't dare to neglect, so he went out to find medicine and contacted the big brother directly.

Anyway, for this group of seniors and seniors in the Void Temple, this did not seem to be a major event, and Senior Sister Qinglian sent a chaotic green lotus at hand. Such high-level treasures of heaven, spirit and earth, definitely can't be found in the sea of ​​riots, you can only pin their hopes on them.

after one day.

Inside the bronze door.

Only two senior sisters, Qinglian and Honglian, came here this time.

As soon as I entered, I heard Senior Sister Qinglian say: "Little Junior Brother, I heard that your wife has encountered some problems again?"

Han Fei scratched his head and said, "Senior Sister Qinglian, I didn't want to trouble you about this. But my child seems to have too much demand for vitality and resources. A chaotic green lotus was only a year away. I absorbed it cleanly, and it didn’t take long. I brought it into my original sea, speeding up time, trying to accelerate his birth. It’s just that the rhyme of Taoism, the aura of chaos and the aura of fairy spirits that breed in my original sea In just three days, I was almost completely sucked up. My wife’s lifespan was abruptly sucked away for nearly ten thousand years. The place where I live is relatively poor in resources. I am afraid that something will go wrong. Brother asked two senior sisters for help."


I saw Qinglian and Honglian swaying in the pool.

Senior Sister Qinglian said in surprise: "Is the talent so high?"

Senior Sister Honglian said, "You said that you can accelerate time in the ocean of origin?"

Han Fei did not deny that anyway, he would come to the sea world and take the Avenue of Time by himself, 80% of which was revealed, so he said, "I walked by many fellow practitioners. The Avenue of Time is also one of my avenues."

No one else knows about this, but the elder brother knows it. It's all from his own family, so naturally he didn't hide it.

This time, without waiting for Senior Sister Qinglian and the others to answer, the senior brother asked in person: "The Dao of Time is a very strong way. It should be your son who inherited this way in advance, so the consumption will increase sharply. What avenues do you have? "

Han Fei was taken aback, is my son so awesome? This hasn't been born yet, is it about to embark on the road?

Senior Sister Honglian said: "In the sea world, there are thousands of avenues, but you can say it's okay. Even if it's the time avenue, many people walk.

Han Feixin said that this is not the time to conceal, so he said: "I have the Avenue of Time, Avenue of Apocalypse, Avenue of Yin and Yang, Avenue of Power, Avenue of Gravity, Avenue of Space, and the road of speed is not so good. Refining the body..."

Qinglian: "..."

red lotus:"……"

Han Fei pointed his fingers and counted more than a dozen avenues at once, and even the elder brother who counted couldn't help but raise his hands.

Qing Lian and Hong Lian looked at each other, and they were speechless. Qinglian said: "You still have to find a big brother, your Dao is quite strong. If it is inherited by your child all at once, the vitality and energy the mother needs to provide is an astronomical number. Even if you give you another one. A chaotic green lotus, I'm afraid it won't help."

Han Fei's heart sank, and another chaotic green lotus won't help? Is it so serious?

Han Fei couldn't help but look at the big brother and directly clasped his fists: "Please help from the big brother."


The senior brother said indifferently: "The mother's body is weak, because the potential of opening the sea has not been released, and because of the complete recovery of the blood after the opening of the sea, the child who should not be conceived is conceived in advance. If you want your child to be born smoothly, or your wife's certificate Dao, but the offspring has been conceived, and the maternal energy is needed. Before birth, it is almost impossible to prove Dao. Only relying on the accumulation of resources, your child will not be able to obtain the ultimate inheritance of a powerful mother, which will reduce his talent. I can... give you Two choices."

Han Fei's face was solemn: "Brother, please speak."

Just listen to the big brother: "One, I will give you resources to keep your mother and child safe, and your heirs can be born smoothly. The aptitude will not be weak, but because there is no true potential blessing of the mother, it is not the best state, but it is also the son of the gods. Second, seal your wife’s body and your heirs, cast spells for your brother, take your wife’s soul, rebuild through the womb, reincarnate in the sea world, wait for her to prove, and unite again. At that time, your wife’s qualifications will be enough to carry the needs of children, heirs Born, with excellent natural resources and hopeful gods."


Han Fei "gummed" at the time, swallowed, and almost bluffed him with a sentence of hope.

But Han Fei's first reaction was: "Take her soul completely, what if she falls halfway?"

Big Brother: "You can leave a thread, even if it fails, you can reshape it, and you can still choose the first choice."

Han Fei's heart moved: "Why do you want to rebuild with a fetus?"

Senior Brother: "Reincarnate and reincarnate thoroughly. The shortcomings at birth can also be made up for."


Han Fei picks his eyelids, is this okay? Can you still play like this after reincarnation?

But Han Fei still entangled: "Big brother, what if she gets along with others after she is reincarnated and before proving the Dao? The road to proving the Dao is long, so long, I am afraid that everything is hard to say?"

Senior Brother: "If you close her sex, you can practice better. But there are also drawbacks. Even if you find her in the future, how to open her **** is a problem."


Han Fei's expression changed: "She has no memory?"

Senior Brother: "Yes, after she embarks on the path of spiritual practice, she will quickly realize that her soul is lacking. If she is persistent, she will search for it all her life. But if she accepts it and releases the memory hidden in the deepest place, it depends on it. is you."

Han Fei's whole person is not good.

One is that I am barely born now, but the maternal qualifications limit the maximum potential of the child, but the advantage is that the birth is smooth.

The other is to wait for Xia Xiaochan to rebuild the path, not only to solve the problem of her congenital deficiency from the womb, but also to solve the child's upper limit of potential, and hope to become a god. However, he had to find a way to awaken Xia Xiaochan's sex.

Wake up **, the big brother said that it is difficult, it is certainly not easy.

This was a difficult choice, but Han Fei knew that this choice was not in him, but in Xia Xiaochan.

If it is his own, does he think that the sea is not strong? Xia Xiaochan is also the son of the gods, even if the potential fails to reach the peak due to various reasons, but if he gives birth to an heir and rebuilds, it will definitely be no problem to open the heavens. Proving the Dao should be enlightened by oneself, not necessarily without hope.

If you take the second place, it's actually not too bad.

Just as Han Fei was hesitating, the senior brother added: "If you choose the first one and use resources for conservation, it may take a long time for your heirs to be born."

Han Fei: "..."

Han Fei was not well at that time, isn't this taking the old path of Xia Hongzhu?

Xia Hongzhu originally gave birth to Xia Xiaochan because of insufficient divine blood, and the pure imperial code was maintained for 100,000 years.

Now, because of lack of potential, Xia Xiaochan has conceived in advance the offspring that can be born at least in the emperor realm, and it has to be maintained for tens of thousands of years.


Just listen to Qinglian sighed leisurely: "I thought it was just a chaotic green lotus that could solve the problem, but I didn't expect it to be so complicated."

Honglian: "The road to the strong has never been easy. It is a fluke to have children directly. Junior brother, no matter what you choose, you can actually do it. But..."

"but what?"

When Han Fei saw Honglian hesitated to say something, it seemed that there was something he didn't say.

Hong Lian looked at the senior brother and said, "Can you let the younger brother know now?"

The big brother thought a little, and nodded slightly.

Han Fei didn't know what was so mysterious, as if he shouldn't let himself know in advance.

Just listen to Honglian: "Little Junior Brother, the battle of the gods, do you know?"

Han Fei's heart moved, Chu Hao had told himself, so he nodded: "Know one or two."

Honglian said: "Then you should know why the gods fell?"

Han Fei: "I know a little bit, but I only know what's related to ominous ~www.ltnovel.com~Honglian: "It's not without reason that the gods are going to die. Although the sea is big, the darkness is about to move. As I said before, the concepts of the Three Temples are different, and they are talking about the way to deal with the fall of darkness, or the choice. I can only tell you that maybe one hundred thousand years, maybe one million years, the ominous will eventually invade the sea, and darkness will eventually come. There are some things that the gods can't hide, let alone open the sea, open the sky, and preach the truth? My Void Temple is also an ominous blocking. Sister's meaning, you might consider the second option, after all... your heirs are hopeful gods! "

Han Fei's heart touched, and Senior Sister Honglian's words were obvious enough. It means that if the ominous thing comes, even the gods can't escape, how can others escape?

The implication is to tell yourself that if there is a god, you may resist the ominous. I also reminded myself that if I can't stop it, everything is vain, and I and Xia Xiaochan, including my child, will eventually be annihilated in ominousness.

Han Fei was shocked: "Thank you, Senior Sister for telling... Senior Brother, can I think about it for a few days?"

The big brother nodded slightly: "This secret cannot be spread, nor can the Void Temple be spread."

Han Fei nodded: "Naturally."

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