God of Fishing

Chapter 2116: Leave, 1 finger shakes the sea

Since Han Fei and Xia Xiaochan came to the Shark Royal Family, they were naturally prepared to let Xia Xiaochan be sealed in the Shark Royal Family. In this way, at least there will be no conflict with the royal family.

As for Han Fei's words, in the eyes of Xia Hongzhu, whether there is any credibility, you only need to know when Xia Xiaochan is sealed.

If the emperor really made the move, how could the movement be small?

And if Han Fei had done something unfavorable to Xia Xiaochan on the territory of the royal family, it would be impossible for Han Fei to leave today in the three major open heaven realms.

The main reason is that Han Fei has no reason or reason to do anything unfavorable to Xia Xiaochan. Since he opened the sky, his bloodline level is not low.

After all, the gods are all human beings, and Han Fei has already reached the open sky. The higher he goes, the stronger his bloodline level. Moreover, Han Fei is too young to covet the blood of the so-called gods.

Moreover, if what Han Fei said is true, the emperor can help Xia Xiaochan complete a thorough reconstruction. The benefits to Xia Xiaochan are undoubtedly huge.

Therefore, Xia Hongzhu has no reason to object.

After thinking about it for a long time, Xia Hongzhu said: "Okay! Since you said that the emperor can make a move, then I will seal the royal family. I need to see the exact infinite power that can protect her for at least ten thousand years."

Han Fei nodded, ten thousand years, at that time, he wanted to survive. Han Fei believed that he also had a way to protect Xia Xiaochan, and he didn't necessarily need a big brother to make another move.

When Xia Hongzhu agreed, Han Fei sighed slightly. For others, this was a very good thing. But for him and Xia Xiaochan, they may only be able to understand their feelings.

Han Fei and Xia Xiaochan looked at each other: "You have to come to me soon!"

Han Fei nodded: "Don't worry, you are re-cultivating, no matter how talented you are, can you still be faster than me in proving? I will find you soon."

Xia Xiaochan suddenly smiled: "I will look for you too."

Xia Hongzhu: "Okay, things shouldn't be too late, although one or two days will be fine, but the longer it is, it will be bad for you and your children."

After speaking, Xia Hongzhu looked at Han Fei: "Are you ready?"

Han Fei glanced at Xia Hongzhu, then at Xia Xiaochan and said, "Wait for a while, and I will come as soon as I go."

After a while.

The origin of Han Fei is in the sea.

Han Fei now rarely uses the Demon Refining Pot once. This time, he needs to refine the demon pot to help him refine the equipment.

Because most of the resources in Han Fei's Origin Sea had already been consumed when he returned to Yuan, most of He Daoyuan's Origin Sea resources that he seized afterwards were mostly pure resources.

The only thing that hasn't been returned to the source is a gravitational magnet, which is the stone that suppressed the king crab.

Han Fei threw the gravity elemental magnets into the demon refining pot, and his heart moved, massive amounts of spiritual energy and chaotic energy poured in from the original sea, and finally a large amount of Yin-Yang Dao Yun fell into it.

After half a day in the original sea, finally, two yin and yang fish and jade pendants with a size of black and white, two and a half fingers large appeared.

Gravity magnet is the material for refining divine tools. A stone suppresses a giant beast, can you see its weight?

In the eyes of Han Fei, there was information emerging:

【Name】Yin and Yang double wear

[Introduction] The Pisces Nothing Card is made by the fusion of gravity element magnets, Yin-Yang Avenue, and tempering. It has the ability to protect the master, can store a certain amount of energy, and protect the master when it is extremely dangerous. The two wearers attract each other, and there will be induction within a certain distance.

【Quality】Medium artifact

【With Soul】No

[Effect] Protect the Lord, reserve energy



[Remarks] The protection of the yin and yang double wear is based on the amount of energy stored, and the limit of shelter is also different.

The corners of Han Fei's mouth slightly evokes, and if there is no evidence of such a terrible thing as extinction, how can we recognize each other in the future?

I saw Han Fei stretch out his hand to grab the Primordial Sea, almost all of the chaotic air and fairy air, as well as a lot of spiritual energy, poured into it.

In the sea world, there are many dangers. This brand says that although she can only store and distribute energy and reuse it, she should find the secret.

One day in the origin of the sea, the outside world is only a short moment, so when Han Fei goes there, it only takes a stick of incense.

Because the gravity element has not yet recognized the master, it is very heavy! Even if the Demon Refining Pot was basically gone for him. But the essence is the essence. When Han Fei held the yin and yang double wear, the sea was trembling. It is also due to Han Fei's physical training, and he has already opened up. Otherwise, the ordinary king would take it and don't even want to run fast.

Xia Xiaochan: "What did you do?"

Han Fei: "Here, recognize the Lord."

When Han Fei took out the yin and yang double wear, Xia Xiaochan couldn't help but was taken aback: "This is..."

Han Fei: "Looking back, I'll look for you. What if you turn your face and don't recognize anyone? Don't worry, you and I will be one for each of you. I'm not afraid that you will not recognize it. Also, when I look back, I will look for the big... A birthmark, double protection, can ensure foolproof."

When Xia Xiaochan heard this, she immediately said: "This is also OK?"

Han Fei: "People are the emperor."

When Xia Xiaochan dripped blood to recognize the Lord, Xia Hongzhu, Chun Huangdian, and Emperor Li Qing all shrank their pupils. At that moment, the blood of the gods in Xia Xiaochan's body was actually sucked by half? What is the origin of this jade pendant?



When the holy beam of light descended, the blood of the gods in Xia Xiaochan's body reproduced. It took more than 50 breaths for Han Fei to spend at least 3,000 years of his life before Xia Xiaochan completed this master recognition.

As soon as it was finished, Xia Xiaochan said in shock: "Artifact?"

Han Fei smiled and said: "In the sea world, there is no artifact that can't be mixed. This jade pendant has no other great use, it is equivalent to an amulet, safe and safe, and will be born with you."

Xia Hongzhu thoughtfully, where did Han Fei get these artifacts? When the Hundred Monster Races fought, they abruptly took out an artifact, and even blew one. Could this kid forge an artifact?

After a while.

Only Xia Hongzhu, Chun Huangdian, and Li Qing were present in the forbidden land of the majestic royal family. They also really wanted to see the means of Emperor Zun.

Han Fei glanced at Xia Xiaochan for the last time, secretly urging the mark of the Void Temple in his mind.

"Master, I am ready, I will choose the second one."

Immediately afterwards, the voice of the big brother appeared in Han Fei's mind: "Are you ready?"

Han Fei: "It's ready. But please also ask Senior Brother to leave a mark on her body, and I have just refined an artifact, can you take it along?"

Big Brother: "Yes!"

Han Fei's heart suddenly moved: "Big brother, I heard that the sea is huge, how can I find her then?"

Senior Brother: "Wei Brother will help her vote in a very powerful force, but she can only act in secret. Therefore, when the time comes, Brother Wei can only give you a rough range."

Han Fei must have said, "A range is enough."

Han Feixin said that with the scope, coupled with his own voyage instrument, it shouldn't be difficult to find Xia Xiaochan.

Han Fei: "Brother, it's okay."

When Han Fei made up his mind, suddenly, the forbidden area of ​​the mackerel royal family began to tremble, and an indescribable terror pressure fell.

What kind of power is it, I haven't seen it yet. But on the sky above the sky, there appeared a chain of golden chains, which were clearly the chains of God of Order that Han Fei had ever seen.

"Order God Chain, so many?"

Xia Hongzhu couldn't help being shocked, how could anyone directly confront the way of heaven?

Han Fei was surprised, this time it was much more than the chain of order that he wanted to hold back then. All over the sky are dense chains of order gods.

Above the chain of the **** of order, the void storm rolled up, and a big hand covering the sky slowly stretched out from there.


This is also the first time Han Fei has seen Big Brother take action. This movement, this scene, has changed a hundred thousand miles.


With a soft hum.

The **** chain of order in the sky, one after another, shattered.

At that moment, the sky seemed to be opening his pupils, and Han Fei directly suspected that it was the Eye of Heaven.


However, the elder brother gave a soft drink, and the eyes of Heaven's Path disappeared in smoke, without condensing, it collapsed.

Xia Xiaochan and even Xia Hongzhu were dumbfounded, and they were all wondering how powerful the man behind Wudi City really was. Could this be the power of the emperor?

When a big hand covering the sky stretched out, the palm seemed to be pulling, and Xia Xiaochan was directly immobilized, and a complete ghostly blue body flew into the sky.

"Han Fei~"

Xia Xiaochan's soul body was calling, and she couldn't bear it anymore at this time, but the big brother has come, and this is hard to violate.

Just listen to Han Fei shouting, "Don't worry, and wait for me to find you. Senior, remember to leave a mark for me."


The big brother played it very cooperatively, and then slowly took back the big hand.

At the same time that the big brother closed his hand, a piece of dead wood fell, and there was a branch at one end of the stake, and there was still a young shoot.

The big brother's voice is as bright as the voice of heaven: "The ancient tree of life can protect the body for 100,000 years. After it is closed, you can't open it without proving the Tao."


When the log-like coffin fell to the bottom of the sea, the big brother had already retreated.

The speed at which all this happened was actually extremely fast, Xiao Cicada had only had time to shout, and he had already appeared in the palm of the big brother.

When the big brother's palm retracted, the chain of order in the sky immediately sealed the void storm, and refused to disappear for a long time.

And Han Fei looked at the three of Xia Hongzhu again, his face was pale at the moment, his body was trembling slightly, his whole body should be drenched.

All of them could feel the rich vitality escaping from the ancient tree of life. Seeing is believing, but Xia Hongzhu did not believe in Han Fei. It's just this piece of wooden stake, which is more than an artifact.

Xia Xiaochan's soul is now out of the body, and perhaps some of the soul is in silence, anyway, she stands in the moment, motionless.

Han Fei's face was heavy, and he murmured, "This way, the mountains and rivers are far away. But waiting for me, I will be there soon."

Xia Hongzhu secretly breathed a sigh of relief, and then his eyes flickered: "Emperor, can you contend with the way of heaven?"

Both Chun Huangdian and Li Qingdi looked long, and seemed to be immersed in the power just now.

Han Fei walked forward silently, violent Xia Xiaochan, and gently put it into the ancient tree of life. He only heard his voice in a low voice: "I sealed the coffin~www.ltnovel.com~ Xia Hongzhu took a few deep glances at the silent Xia Xiaochan, and slowly said: "Okay! Take it to my palace. "

After speaking, Xia Hongzhu turned and left.


Just as Chun Huang Dian and Emperor Li Qing were also preparing to leave, the sound of sealing the coffin came. Just listen to Han Fei yelling in a low voice: "Pure Emperor Code, it's time to settle the account. I read your 100,000 years of hard work and protect the girl, I will spare you today... But you owe me a finger."

At that moment, Han Fei was full of hostility, the road was moving, the eyes of invincibility opened, and the world of law appeared.

The **** chain of order that hadn't dissipated immediately found the target, and it was about to tie up with Han Fei.

However, Han Fei pointedly probed the emptiness and hit the Pure Emperor's Code, as if he was about to release the hatred that Xia Xiaochan had left.


I saw a column of water that traversed the entire sky above the mackerel royal family in an instant, like a meteor on the bottom of the sea, flashing away.

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