God of Fishing

Chapter 2125: Terran, never surrender

As the emperor and the human race, it is Han Fei's Dao heart. There are people of other races, so how can Han Fei ignore the human race?

The crowd who were holding Jingshi around, all gave way to the road at this moment, and saw Han Fei approaching the entrance of the village in a few steps.

Han Fei: "It's you who belittle my human race?"

Zhao Jing's complexion changed drastically. Han Fei was a foreign scavenger. She knew that Han Fei and the others were definitely not afraid of tax messengers. However, the tax envoy represents the mountain city. Above the mountain city, there is a city of scavengers. Han Fei provokes the tax envoy. They can leave, but Xiaohai Village can't. Otherwise, how can she bear the humiliation?

Zhao Jing just wanted to speak and repelled Han Fei. However, Han Fei looked over, and Zhao Jingru was struck by lightning and could not speak.

Zhao Jing vowed that she had never seen such a look in her life. Those pupils were like an abyss and could not see clearly. She even had the urge to bow down.

"Oh! It turns out that your Xiaohai Village has another sea, I said, why can't you even pay this year's tax. Hmph, boy, do you know who you are talking to?"

Han Fei: "Do you know who you are talking to?"

In Han Fei's eyes, this person is dead. Xiaohai Village may have the sufferings of Xiaohai Village, but can’t it just go through the mountain city? Rather than saving one village and slaughtering one city, anyone who is not my human race can kill anyway.

The tax ambassador of the Wanlin clan looked cold. Isn't this a person from Xiaohai Village? It seems to be the same. If Xiaohai Village is a new king in a mere hundred years, they will not know it.

Just listen to this tax envoy: "Boy, I don't know where you came from, but I am the tax envoy of the Ten Thousand Scales Mountain City and provoke me to the Ten Thousand Scales. Do you want this Xiaohai Village to be destroyed with you?"

This tax collector is not stupid. He has only three people. This person doesn't know where he comes from, and he doesn't know whether he should fight or not. But since this person is a human race, and he will compete with himself for a word, it shows that he is very concerned about the problem of human ancestry.

However, Han Fei hummed softly: "With you, dare to threaten me?"

This person's heart is speechless, what's the matter, while opening the sea, you are still crazy? As long as things are up today, immediately after the tidal wave, he will bring people to level this small sea village.

At this time, Zhou Hai came back, but because he didn't dare to fight back, he was hurt a bit. At this moment, I was seeing Han Fei looking at the three tax collectors aggressively.

Han Fei: "It is a crime to belittle the human race. Do you wait for the three to apologize, or am I going to thwart your bones and ashes?"

At this time, because of Zhao Jing's words, every household in Xiaohai Village came to pay the tax with the little pure stone saved at home, and they saw such an overbearing scene.

This scavenger even intimidated the tax collector. Although they are also worried, isn't this putting my Xiaohai Village in danger? But why is it so relieved?

But I saw a tax envoy shouting: "Bold, threaten the tax envoy, I think you don't want to live anymore. No matter who you are, can you still be bigger than my Wanlin Clan, Wanlin Great Emperor?"

I saw that Han Fei stretched out his hand and grabbed it. The person who spoke, his blood stagnated, his flesh and blood were tight, and his soul seemed to be held directly by someone. His body flew in an uncontrolled volley.

Just listen to Han Fei's voice Binghan: "Who allowed you to interrupt when I was asking?"


Only seeing that person, dignified the sea, his body burst suddenly, and only saw the void formation method congealing instantaneously, that person, with his body and soul, detonated in that square inch of land. The surrounding sea water didn't even move.


At that moment, both Zhao Jing and Zhou Hai were dumbfounded, so how could this be a way to open up the sea? With a wave of hands, the Pihai Realm fell on the spot, how could this person be Pihai? Who is this group of Han Fei?


"The tax collector is dead?"

Many teenagers, young people, and adults in Xiaohai Village are all dumbfounded. This is a tax collector! The super powerhouse of Pihai Realm, this human scavenger just clenched his fist, and he died?

From the rear, Tai Yuan said lightly: "Han Fei is just a bit too impulsive, he is used to being strong, now that mountain city will not be slaughtered."

Wang Yijian: "Very good! The Wanlin Clan makes people behave like oxen and horses."

Snail Emperor: "After all, this is still another person's site! If this is to flatten the mountain city directly, wouldn't the emperor in the city of scavengers know?"

Sword God: "So, be fast."

Kong Shen squinted: "Since these tax envoys said that the tidal wave is still half a month away, that is to say, we can actually take action in this half month. As long as we get the sea area map of the Chaos Wasteland, Just leave here when the time comes."

A few people can only think so. It seems that they have to leave today.

The remaining two tax collectors were frightened directly. The leader of the tax collector looked at Han Fei in shock, and his body trembled slightly: "You, you are not, not Jihai."


When Han Fei's terrifying coercion came, his murderous intent directly made the knees of these two tax envoys unstable. Regardless of how they persisted, in the end, they "pushed" and knelt on the ground.

As soon as Han Fei stretched out his hand, Han Fei walked towards the two of them step by step: "You arbitrate yourself, maybe you can die a little bit better. The opportunity has been given to you, but unfortunately, you don’t know how to cherish it. In the next life, remember a little bit. Put it clean."

Seeing Han Fei stretched out his hand and pressed it on top of these two people, the tax envoy headed by him was frightened and roared: "Kill the tax envoy, Shancheng will not let you go, and the Great Emperor Wanlin will not let you go ."

"Noisy. Open your mouth and shut your mouth, Wanlin Great Emperor, is Te Niang's Great Emperor your father?"


Only seeing Han Fei press both hands, these two sea-clearing realm powerhouses, just like the one just now, detonated their bodies instantly, and even the surrounding sea water could not shake.

I only saw that several times the star shell flew out of the void, Han Fei dropped one to Zhao Jing casually, and said lightly: "Human race, never surrender to his clan. Over the mountain city, I will solve it. As for you, forget today. Do you remember everything that happened?"

Zhao Jing's mood is extremely complicated at this moment. This is the only human emperor he has ever seen in his entire life. She knew that if she wanted to save Xiaohai Village, the powerful Wanlin tribe on the other side of the mountain city had to die.

Therefore, at this moment, Zhao Jing said deeply to Han Fei: "From today on, everyone in Xiaohai Village will forget everything that happened today. Thank you for your help. Human race, never succumb to other races..."

Zhou Hai, Ye Lan and others are also shocked at this moment, their hearts are complicated, beyond words.

Ye Lan was even more dreaming. She never expected that she would bring a human emperor back.


Zhao Jing and others saw a flash of golden light, and then Han Fei disappeared out of thin air, without even noticing the void fluctuations.

When Zhao Jing came back to her senses and looked at her residence again, where there were still people, Han Fei and the group of six people all disappeared without a trace.

At this moment, Zhao Jing was shocked, if he were the king, it would be impossible to leave all so quietly. Therefore, not only Han Fei is the emperor, but also six people in this group.

Zhao Jing shook the star shell in her hand, a little at a loss, the six kings of the human race suddenly appeared? Are they hiding themselves, or some other reason?

She seemed to see a glimmer of hope, a glimmer of hope for the rise of the human race, and there are already strong men who have risen in secret and resisted in secret.

Perhaps, one day, I can see that the rule of the Ten Thousand Scales will be overthrown by the Humans. Even if this hope is small, it is also hope.


Zhao Jing took a deep breath, turned her head, and shouted in a cold voice: "From now on, everyone in Xiaohai Village has forgotten what happened today. No conversation, no voice transmission, don't think about it at all. Xiaohai Village~ www.ltnovel.com~ There have been no outsiders recently. Otherwise, if one person leaks, everyone in Xiaohai Village will not escape death..."


A million miles away, Han Fei and the other six stopped.

Just listen to Taiyuan said: "The three fell at the same time, I'm afraid the lord of the mountain city has already noticed it. We have to rush at full speed and quickly kill the lord of the mountain city. Otherwise, once the matter reaches the city of scavengers, the consequences will be Unthinkable, we don't know the strength of Emperor Zun."

However, only seeing Han Fei spread his hands, he saw three drops of blood appearing in his hands.

Snail Emperor: "Huh! These three are not dead?"

Just listen to Han Fei: "It's not time for us to do it. The Emperor's methods are indeed unpredictable. I am not sure if he has the ability to penetrate the entire scavenger sea area. Therefore, I will keep these three people and wait until later. Shancheng, consider the long-term plan."

Sword God: "But the lord of the mountain city will be destroyed sooner or later, otherwise these tax envoys will not return, he will still find the clues."

Han Fei nodded: "So we have to go to the mountain city now. Didn't it mean that the tidal wave can still arrive for half a month? Even if we want to kill, we have to take advantage of the tidal wave. Of course, it doesn't have to be. Kill, if you make it a puppet..."

The eyes of the Taiyuan people lit up.

Yes, if they were made into puppets, they would not disturb the city of scavengers, but would also have a place in the Chaos Wasteland. When the time comes, whether to go or stay, how to operate it will be of great use.

Moreover, in Han Fei's original sea, wouldn't it happen that there was an expert in corpse refinement? I didn't expect Hongyue's road to be of great use at this moment.

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