God of Fishing

Chapter 2127: Mountain city

After killing the last frogman scavenger, Han Fei quickly left the place.

Just listen to Han Feidao: "From the news obtained from the soul search, within the jurisdiction of the Scavenger City, it is difficult for the Human Race to rise. Therefore, in the Scavenger Sea, the possibility of the Human Race rising is extremely small. However, In the City of Scavengers, it is not that there are no strong human races. Most of them are strong human races enslaved by the Ten Thousand Scales. Also, the territory of the Scavenger City is getting more and more biased as the sea area becomes more and more biased. Small, the quality is getting worse and worse. The mountain city is located in a remote area, and the strength of the lord should not be strong. However, there is a problem."

"what is the problem?"

Han Fei: "Several of us are humans. Even the elders of the Snail Emperor have a very high degree of transformation. However, I found that it is not that the creatures of the sea world are not capable of transformation, but that they like to keep the original. Ethnic characteristics can be easily distinguished. Especially in the scavenger sea area, human beings are regarded as the bottom of the society, and no one will be completely human, so they will be looked down upon by other races."


   Wang Yijian hummed lightly, as if he was very unhappy with this situation.

  Han Fei: "So, in view of this situation, if we want to enter the mountain city smoothly and control the mountain city, it is naturally impossible to have a full-form human body."

  Kongshen: "I should be recognized as a humanoid."

   Han Fei nodded, but then said: "But Senior Snail Emperor is afraid that it won't work. There is no snail race here in the mountain city. Therefore, if the Snail Emperor reveals some characteristics of the body, it will also be regarded as a different kind."

   Taiyuan: "You mean, we better imitate a humanoid creature?"

   Han Fei grinned: "I think the frogmen are OK."

   Snail Emperor: "So ugly."

  Han Fei: "You're old and magnificent, and you still care whether it's ugly or not? Anyway, as long as you control the city lord of the mountain city, everything is not in my control?"

   Sword God: "Han Fei's saying is true. After all, it is the outside world, and there is still a place where the emperor sits. That is a living emperor whose strength is immeasurable."

   Wang Yijian nodded slightly, and had no objection to this.

   Taiyuan: "This frogman clan scavenger team has only five people, and we have one more person."

  Han Fei: "I don't use it, have you forgotten my Gemini magic?"

  Thinking about this, everyone was relieved. With Han Fei’s current realm of strength, even if they were difficult to detect when he performed the Gemini Divine Art, let alone there is only one Open Heaven Realm powerhouse in the mountain city?

   half a day later.


   A small city surrounded by mountains, with a range of about 3,000 miles, appeared in the field of vision of Han Fei and others.

The architectural style of   shancheng is actually not much different from that of a small village. It is mainly built from the original ore of Jingshi. It's just that the shape of the building and the degree of luxury naturally far exceed those of the village.

  In the mountain city, commerce is complete, and there are even a large number of pure stones for sale in the store. Han Fei and the others saw a large number of Jingshi mines, or war knives, long swords, spears, and scimitars made by Jingshi.


   When Han Fei and others arrived at the mountain city, Pihai Jingqiang immediately appeared at the gate of the city.

try{mad1(\'gad2\');}catch(ex){}   This is another frogman king.

This person appeared here, and saw Tai Yuan and others who had transformed into the frogmen clan, and suddenly complained: "Lao Yang, you really will choke time. In ten days or so, the tidal wave will come. I'm afraid you won't come back. . What, how did you get this trip?"

  Han Fei and the others did not expect that this frogman scavenger would still have acquaintances in the mountain city. Taiyuan didn't search for the soul of this frogman leader, so he didn't even know this person.

   At this moment, I only heard him secretly communicate to Han Fei: "This person, maybe something bad will happen."

  Han Fei was attached to Taiyuan's body, and at the moment he was still confused, but he quickly decided: "This person will leave it to me..."

   Taiyuan smiled at the frogman: "The harvest is not bad. If it weren't for the approach of the tidal wave, I might have to stay outside for a while."

  While speaking, Tai Yuan and others walked towards the frogman king.

   However, just as a few people approached the frogman, the man turned his attention to Wang Yijian. Because Wang Yijian is too blunt, his acting skills may be a bit substandard. Or the temperament of the sword repairer is too outstanding, too fierce.

  This made the frogman king couldn’t help but say: "What's wrong with Eight Pro? Why does it seem something is not right?"

   The more the frogman king looks, the more he feels wrong. This temperament seems to be wrong!

   However, just when he was hesitant, he suddenly felt a crisis of dying. In that moment, a certain terrible power penetrated into his soul.

   At that moment, he wanted to resist, but suddenly there was a strange sound in his mind. He couldn't even make a sound, and he felt that he was losing control of his body.

After dozens of breaths, Han Fei quickly searched the frogman's soul, and then transmitted the voice of Tai Yuan to the few people: "Finished. This frogman is one of the guards of the mountain city, and your incarnation. In fact, the team is not very familiar, only I have known each other for nearly a hundred years. Because this frogman team often hunts here, it is a little familiar."

   Han Fei has had an experience of controlling a frogman king. At that time, because he underestimated his opponent, the line of nothingness was broken away by the opponent.

   But, how can Han Fei make the same mistake twice? Moreover, he is now in the Open Heaven Realm, and it is not his turn for a frogman king to break free from his hands.

   Han Fei was thinking about scavengers entering the city, it should be a common occurrence, but he almost was exposed by a frogman. Fortunately, he reacted quickly and controlled this person.

   No, as soon as he took control of this person, Han Fei said, "Give me some energy spar."

   Taiyuan saw that the frogman on the opposite side was controlled by Han Fei, and the meaning in his smile was unknown, so he took a sun and the moon backhand and gave it to Han Fei.

  Han Fei grinned suddenly, and pretended to say: "Lao Yang, let's go! Are you going to your yard or sitting there with me?"

   Taiyuan: "This journey is quite exhausting. Let's go back and rest for a few days."

   Han Fei: "That's also good."

At this moment, whether it is Han Fei, Taiyuan and others, they all know that there is an open world perception that has swept over. I don’t know if Han Fei controlled the frogman and was detected by the lord of the mountain city, so several people acted a little. a bit.

   Fortunately, this perception comes and goes fast. As soon as Han Fei received the benefits, his perception faded.

try{mad1(\'gad2\');}catch(ex){}   "hu~"

   Han Fei’s voice transmission: "The location is in the city, I will guide you through. Let’s rest for a few days, and I will explore the reality of the lord of the mountain city."


   The mansion of the lord of the mountain city, a powerful man from the Ten Thousand Scales tribe, his gaze returned from the entrance of the city.

   He only heard him chuckle: "Such a little favor, Xiaohui, expect you to be on the table of the frogmen? In the next life."

   just listen to this person opening his mouth: "Come here."

   Immediately, there was a powerful person from the Sea-Piercing Realm Ten Thousand Scales Clan walked in.

   just listened to him: "From today, the mountain city is closed, preparing to fight the tidal waves, only allowed to enter, not allowed to leave. The tax commissioner team, only two groups have not come back, right?"

   This humanity said: "Yes, only Erqing and Heiyang have not returned now. It is estimated that it will only be in these two or three days."

   "Yeah! Go! Start to build a city defense, and all the people will join the war."

   "Yes, my lord. Then this year's harvest..."

   The corner of the mountain lord's mouth slightly evokes: "Forty percent confiscated."

   "Yes, my lord."

   The so-called confiscation actually means flowing into the lord’s mansion and becoming the personal resource of the lord of this mountain city. At that time, he would take out 10% to reward some capable men, and the remaining 30% would go into his own pocket.

   You must know that under the tidal wave, countless ominous creatures invaded ~ www.ltnovel.com ~ 30% is already a terrible number. Of course, it won't work if you get more. After all, this is a nationwide war of resistance. These people in the city need to allocate some resources for cultivation. If you take too much, this will inhibit the overall strength of the mountain city, and the tide will resist it in a hundred years, and the strength will be weakened, and the gain will not be worth the loss.


   After guiding Taiyuan and the others to the resting place of these frogmen scavengers, Han Fei had already performed the twin divine technique and touched the lord's mansion surreptitiously.

  Because the lord of the mountain city is also a strong person in the open sky realm, and the sensitivity of the strong sea realm is not low. It can be seen from being watched at the gate of the city just now. Therefore, Han Fei did not let go of perception along the way.

   But even so, Han Fei also saw some alien races in this city. Some had two big horns on their heads, some had blue-faced fangs, some had a perfect shape, but they had a tail, and some had hands like blades...

   Anyway, Han Fei discovered a characteristic. In the mountain city, most of them are humanoid creatures. Perhaps the human form is more suitable for combat, so there are few pure aliens.

  Han Fei knows from the search for souls that within a few days, all the people in the mountain city will join the war and resist the tidal waves.

   But it’s okay, anyway, during the tidal wave period, the mountain city will definitely be in a closed state. As long as you control the mountain city lord during this period of time, you just don’t know what strength the mountain city lord is in now.

   At the Open Heaven realm, I want to control the lord of the mountain city quietly. I am afraid it will not be that simple. For this trip, I have to find out the approximate strength of the lord of the mountain city.

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