God of Fishing

Chapter 2143: News from the first place

In the mountain palace, Han Fei read from Xue Fei's memory the few people who joked with Xue Fei in the air.

Among them, a strong, even slightly fat lord is Zhang Wei from Farm No. 68. This person is in the middle of the lord of the city of scavengers. However, this person climbed all the way up from No. 109 Farm. He used to pull Xue Fei and attacked the emperor in the City of Wanderers. Xue Fei killed an Open Heaven Realm in that battle, so he was named the lord of Farm No. 80. This shows that this person's scheming means.

The other, with a cold face, was Long Yunfeng from No. 72 Farm. This man was vicious and domineering, had a bad temper, and was easily irritable. He had hunted with Xue Fei and Zhang Wei before.

For the remaining two, there is a close friend of Xue Fei, but there is also a guy with a cold face. It is Qiu Chen who came to the No. 101 farm in Shancheng to borrow resources before this tidal wave. This Xue Fei is not at all. Cooked.

Xue Fei was consciously unfamiliar with this person at the time. Why did he come to borrow resources from himself, but he didn't quite understand, so he refused at that time, but he didn't expect this person to be there.

There is one person left, Zhang Li from Farm No. 86. This person and Xue Fei are familiar with each other. The two have explored the primitive cemetery many times. They have a good relationship. It should be the best relationship between this group and Xue Fei. one of.

Han Fei's heart moved, how did these four people get together?

"Xue Fei" showed the token of the lord at the gate of the city of scavengers. Suddenly, several sea-breaking kings who defended the city dropped their heads again and again: "Supply lord."


After displaying the sign, "Xue Fei" came to the mountain palace where the few people were in a few steps.

Just listen to "Xue Fei" first said to Qiu Chen: "Brother Qiu, I wonder if your resources have been borrowed? My resources are really scarce, otherwise I will definitely come to help!"

Qiu Chen snorted coldly in his heart, you help out, and when you are in the mountain city, you are greeted with a smile. When it comes to resources, I am short of it. If it is not forced by the situation, I really don't want to see this guy.

However, Qiu Chen gave a dry smile when he met, "Brother Xue, don't care. Brother Long has borrowed part of me. My No. 101 farm can barely get through the difficulties."

"Xue Fei" couldn't help but glance at Long Yunfeng. In Xue Fei's memory, Long Yunfeng and this Qiu Chen should have a relationship that couldn't be beaten.

Also, it was a little strange that the few people got together today, how could they bring this Qiu Chen together?

"Xue Fei" couldn't help saying: "Lao Zhang, Yunfeng, Brother Li. Why are you so leisurely today? Who are you waiting for?"

Zhang Li: "Have you not seen it yet? We are just waiting for you."


Han Fei couldn't help being surprised. What are these people waiting for Xue Fei somehow? How do they know they are coming today?

Just listen to Zhang Wei said: "Old Xue! I said you were more active in previous years. Why is this time so late? We have been waiting for you for five days."


"Xue Fei" said in astonishment: "You guys are waiting for me on purpose? I heard you right! When did Xue Fei become so important? How many older brothers are worth waiting here?"

At this time, the cold-faced Long Yunfeng categorically said: "Waiting for you to go hunting. More than 20 years ago, we made an appointment and do a big vote. This time, the opportunity is here."

Han Fei's heart moved immediately, too late to see Xue Fei's memory, but his eyes lit up and he whispered: "Oh? What opportunity?"

Long Yunfeng took a deep look at Xue Fei, then looked at Qiu Chen and said, "Isn’t Brother Qiu’s No. 101 farm that was hunted? Externally, it was Brother Qiu who wanted to be in power and was secretly counted. In fact. ,it's not true."


Han Fei's heart moved: "Is there another secret in this matter?"

Zhang Wei and Long Yunfeng couldn't help but glance at "Xue Fei", saying that you were too stubborn to refuse at the time, so Qiu Chen didn't tell you this at all. The look in the two of them seemed to be speechless, and the heart said that you can't refuse it more slowly? It's not that our old brothers are thinking about you, otherwise Qiu Chen will not take you.

Han Fei looked at Qiu Chen and guessed the reason for the first time, co-authoring this game, in fact, to make Xue Fei and Qiu Chen turn into a battle.

Qiu Chen said: "Brother Xue, you guys are all famous hunters. You don’t join forces once or twice. The number of strong people planted under your hands is also quite large. What I said must be It's done by experienced hunters."

"Oh? I would like to hear the details."

"Xue Fei" seemed to have completely forgotten the grievances with Qiu Chen and listened.

Zhang Wei glanced at Han Fei who had turned into a severe winter, and with a wave of his hand, he pushed Han Fei away and closed the room.

Han Fei's heart moved, a bit interesting, it seemed like a big deal.

Zhang Wei: "Old Xue, only the five of us know about the next thing. Although Yan Dong is your able man, he is not yet able to participate in this matter."

Han Fei sneered, Lao Tzu is everywhere. This Xue Fei is now my external incarnation. You are welcome to tell me secrets.

Unexpectedly, as soon as I arrived in the city of scavengers, a big event happened before my **** was hot.

Just listen to Qiu Chen's words: "The tax envoy of my No. 101 farm did not die of competition among the same race. But...someone in the Primitive City is taking action."

"Xue Fei" pretended to narrow his eyes, "Primitive City?"

Zhang Li: "Old Xue, don’t be surprised. In fact, this time, it was not just Brother Qiu’s 101 that the tax envoys fell. Even on my side, two sets of tax envoys fell. At first, we suspected. It was made by the people in the city of wanderers. After all, it is also true that we raised the human race in captivity and mine for us. However, brother hatred left a mind..."

Zhang Li’s words gave Han Fei valuable news, that is, the hostility of the City of Wanderers to the City of Scavengers comes from the city of Scavengers enslaving the human race.

Qiu Chen nodded: "I was watched by an Open Heaven Realm in the Primitive City, but he didn't know that I still had an external incarnation. I intercepted a person secretly. After searching for the soul, I found out that these people were actually From the primitive city. From the memory of that person, I learned that they seemed to be looking for a primitive cemetery in secret, and somehow they found me there."

Han Fei: "Since it is a secret search, why do you deal with the tax collector?"

Qiu Chen: "Search for the soul!"

"Their purpose of attacking the tax collectors is just to search for their souls. The tax collectors are the group of people who are most familiar with the farms. If you want to know the information of the farms, it is best to search for the souls of the tax collectors. There are some things, I can't It’s not clear to say that in my 101 farm, I did find a place that looked like a primitive cemetery, but it was most likely the original place. Because of this, none of my tax collectors were left. The net stone income has been looted...I have to avenge this enmity."

"What. The original place?"

Han Fei's heart moved, he had to think of the riots. Just before the tidal wave, he and others left the rioting sea. Just after I was waiting for someone to leave, someone from the Primitive City came to investigate, and he didn't hesitate to sweep a city of tax collectors to find the target. Isn't this coming for the sea of ​​riots? Or did he wait for someone to come out, and what did he touch that made the people in Primitive City notice it?

If it is really coming for the riots, then the identity of these powerful people in the primitive city would be obvious. Besides settling in, Han Fei can't think of another one?

Outside the palace, Han Fei couldn't help narrowing his eyes slightly. Could it be said that the exit of the sea of ​​riots is not the only one, there are also 101 farms?

The beginning! These people in the sea world are persistent in their pursuit of the original land. An initial place represents a lot of abundant resources.

Moreover, from Xue Fei's memory, Han Fei discovered that they were attached to the original land, not just because of the resources of the original land. It is also because of the origin of the Great Dao in the original land, which is the foundation for the survival of living things.

People born in the original land don't want to destroy the world, but outsiders don't care! In order to become stronger, outsiders can do everything they want.

In fact, this kind of world origin will not allow them to have an extremely explosive improvement. But if there are more people stealing the origin, the world will slowly lose its vitality and eventually collapse.

Therefore, when Qiu Chen mentioned this matter, Han Fei had a "thump" in his heart. Now, Qiu Chen only found himself and others, and the situation has not expanded yet~www.readwn.com~ I have to find a way to hold it back.

Fortunately, the Beastmaster is still holding on to the sea of ​​riots, and then he has to find a way to bring these people over, and then kill them all.

Han Fei couldn't help but said, "Initial place? How many people know about such a big thing now?"

Seeing the spirit of "Xue Fei", Zhang Wei and Long Yunfeng also smiled slightly, knowing that they couldn't help it.

Qiu Chen said: "I only found some clues now, but I can't fully confirm that it is the original place. It is because the people of these primitive cities did it, I am a little bit dazzling. This matter, I temporarily say, It’s the people from the City of Wanderers who are taking action. However, there will definitely be doubts. Therefore, we have to attack quickly and divide the initial land first. However, before dividing the initial land, we must first remove the original city. Kill the people, otherwise the matter will be easily leaked."

Han Fei: "If you search for the souls of the people in Primitive City, will they not be aware of it?"

Qiu Chen: "I cut off the memory of that person. Not only that, but I also stuffed some other memories in, which is a reminder of the location information of the original place. In the past three years, I deliberately inspected the Quartet, those People don't dare to act rashly for the time being. But when I come to the city of scavengers, they will definitely do something while I am away.

Han Fei couldn't help but wonder, why did Qiu Chen find five people for a place of origin?

Seeing Han Fei's doubts, Qiu Chen said: "The Primitive City really wants to take action. There will not be only one Open Heaven Realm. Therefore, I can't do this alone."

When Han Fei heard this, although it seemed that something was wrong, on the surface, he still reacted quickly: "Then what are you waiting for? Once I have finished my job description, I can set off immediately...brother brother, If this happens, count me Xue Fei owes you personal love."

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