God of Fishing

Chapter 2178: Started to reach 0 people list

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Although there are many living dead, their climbing speed does not seem to be fast, and the mountains seem to put pressure on them. Only when they stepped up to the top of this mountain would the real sea-breaking realm burst out.

Therefore, the difficulty level of this test is continuously improved. Since the first living dead came up, Han Fei would encounter very few enemies. The later, the more the living dead came up the mountain, the greater the pressure he faced.

When the first living dead appeared on the top of the mountain, it was about 20 breaths after Han Fei entered. At the moment when the pressure of the puppet-like living dead on him from the mountain disappeared, almost instantly, his strength soared to the peak, pinched his fist, and struck Han Fei.

As the first puppet, Han Fei is ready to make a head-on collision. In terms of the genius he has created for himself, he must not be weak in overall terms.


I saw ripples bursting on the mountain, and the body of the living dead was cracked, and the flaws appeared under Han Fei's punch.

"The power is not weak, the speed is not enough, there is Dao Yun produced, but it seems to be only a power-type Dao Yun. Can a puppet also have Dao Yun?"

Han Fei was prepared to adjust his power according to the power of the puppet, so at first, the power of the first punch was reserved. When he felt the power of the puppet, he adjusted his power limit in time.

Therefore, when Han Fei's second fist burst, his power state adjusted.


With only one punch, only the puppet was seen, it exploded directly, and continued to fall apart.


Secretly, Chen Yan, and even Zhao Honghuang, were watching Han Fei's move. When Han Fei hits such a punch, they can instantly determine the strength of Han Fei's strength.

The power of Han Fei's first punch is about 150,000 waves. If it is in the rioting sea, Han Fei's power is barely good, but in the sea world, even in the city of scavengers, this power is also very ordinary.

However, with the power of the second punch, Han Fei burst out with a force of 230,000 waves. In terms of Han Fei's three hundred years of opening the sea, he is already very good. You know, when Han Fei was at level 95, his strength was an increase in the range of 180,000 to 290,000 waves. At that time, Han Fei was already very powerful in the riots.

Therefore, the power of 230,000 waves burst out, even in the city of scavengers, in the sea-breaking realm, Han Fei's power has surpassed more than 40% of the strong sea-breaking realms.

However, in the view of Chen Yan and Zhao Honghuang, Han Fei's punch obviously did not use his full strength, so they estimated that Han Fei's power would be around 300,000 waves.

And if Han Fei's power reaches 300,000 waves, it means that his power is probably in the top 40% of the law enforcement camp in the City of Scavengers.

Although this power is still not very strong, considering the time when Han Fei became king, this cannot be simply judged by strength, but should be judged by Han Fei's growth rate.

With the appearance of the first living dead, the second and the third appeared one after another.

Only this time, the living dead roared, using the power of the soul to condense the spirit piercing, trying to penetrate Han Fei's soul.

"Huh? Simulate the living dead together with the souls?"

I saw an invisible impact storm appear in the void, and at the same time, the speed of the other living dead was obviously much faster. This person instantly appeared behind Han Fei and attacked with sharp claws.

I only saw that Han Fei didn't even look back, a long knife appeared in his hand between turning his hands slightly on his side.


Senran's sword intent erupted, and the speed at which the sword intent burst out was much faster than the speed of the living dead. As a result, he saw the living dead being cut off by Han Fei in an instant.

The living dead, who was good at the power of the soul, was shocked by Han Fei's spirit, and he was taken aback for a moment. The next second a long knife passed by, and was also cut off.

After being beheaded, the body of the living dead is directly dissipated. They are just simulated sea-breaking realm powerhouses, so they will not be reborn, just have the power of sea-breaking realm.

Therefore, when they are beheaded, there is no more.

Only then did Han Fei understand that the so-called Void Stele was ranked one hundred and killed more than 300 living dead. In fact, in theory, as long as your strength surpasses these living dead, as long as the power of the king bursts more than 300 times, you can hit that Void stele.

If it is facing a strong person in the sea-clearing realm, it can be comparable to the power burst of the same realm with more than 300 consecutive bursts, and the basic energy stored in the body may not be enough.

Therefore, when these living dead are fighting, they need to control the use of their own power.

In the void, Chen Yan is recording.

Power, between 250,000 waves and 300,000 waves.

The strength of the soul currently seems to exceed 500,000 points.

Introductory swordsmanship, sword intent bursts out, good understanding of swordsmanship.

However, it is just the beginning. If Han Fei has to fight even the first three sea-breaking realms, then he won't be able to fight later.

After that, I saw these three types of living dead ascending to the top of the mountain one after another, only to see their numbers ranging from two, three, four... to a dozen.

I only saw that Han Fei's shot began to become quite conservative. From the beginning, the power burst out, around 250,000 waves, and 220,000 waves, just enough to penetrate the power-type living dead.

Divine Soul attack intensity and combat speed have also been adjusted accordingly.

In the void, the corners of Chen Yan's mouth raised slightly: "Do you think this will kill more living dead for a long time? Then you are too underestimating the Death Mountain test."

After just a stick of incense, Han Fei had already penetrated hundreds of living dead in the Sea-Piercing Realm. At this time, Han Fei was not tired yet.

However, when the 101st living dead appeared, when Han Fei attacked with a power of 220,000 waves, he was surprised to find that his punch failed to penetrate the man. .

"Huh? The strength of the living dead has increased? And the increase is not small."

"Boom boom boom~"

A moment later, when Han Fei beheaded a dozen of the living dead, Han Fei couldn’t help but feel his heart moved. The strength of the living dead generally increased by more than 10% to nearly 20%. Han Fei’s burst of power needed to reach 260,000 waves. In order to penetrate a living dead.

With a move of Han Fei's heart, the power of the sea-clearing realm suddenly increased by 20%, which is no joke. Co-authored, every time one hundred living dead are killed, their strength will be significantly improved.

Calculating according to the list on the Void Stele, the 100th place only penetrated more than 300 living dead. It seems that the difficulty will be getting higher and higher.

Moreover, the appearance of the living dead does not give you time to rest. You must fight continuously, adjust your own strength in time, and know how to control the use of energy stored in your body.

Even when there are more and more living dead, there are as many as a dozen people, and the top ten will take action together, even if they are the living dead, this cannot be underestimated.

In the same time around a stick of incense, Han Fei once again killed a hundred living dead with an average strength of 260,000 waves and a spirit of more than 600,000.

At this point, Chen Yan has actually nodded slightly. At least, he felt that the seedling sent by Xue Fei was pretty good.

However, Zhao Honghuang did not respond, which was in his own expectation. Xue Fei was able to sacrifice 300 years of taxation, specifically to cultivate such a seedling. If even 200 living dead cannot penetrate it, it is obviously a bit exaggerated.

In Zhao Honghuang's view, he just wanted to see if Han Fei could hit 300 people. This was his standard of measurement.

When the living dead after the 200th one appeared one after another, Han Fei's power rose to 310,000 waves. Moreover, the scales on his body began to redden slightly, and his eyes were also reddening slightly.


Chen Yan was surprised: "Bloodline power? Or a secret method? If it is a secret method, obviously it can't be long, but if it's a bloodline power..."

After the 201st living dead appeared, the speed of the living dead appeared faster than before. The strength has become stronger, the speed of climbing to the top of the mountain has increased, and the number of living dead that Han Fei needs to fight at the same time has increased significantly.

Han Fei knows that if it can be played easily at this time, then there is a problem. He must show something special, that is, the power of the burst of blood, making Chen Yan and the others mistakenly think that they are a potential burst.

"Boom boom boom~"

"Boom boom boom~"

Only in the field, Han Fei's fighting speed is getting faster and faster, and his explosive power must also be constant above 310,000 waves and 750,000 points of mental power. This kind of high explosive state requires sticking to a stick of incense, in Chen Yan's view. In general, only the top 30% of the city of scavengers can reach this point.

And if he wants to break the limit of 300 living dead, Han Fei's standard of strength can basically enter the city of scavengers, within the 5000 people in the sea.

"Puff puff~"

When Han Fei killed more than 260 living dead, the sword way began to change, from the previous sword intent to the current sword way mysterious and the emergence of the true meaning of the sword path, it seems that the strength has been raised to the strongest state.

At this time, Han Fei had begun to pretend to be frequently attacked by the living dead.

But it was also at this time that Han Fei's physique showed power.

Just listen to Chen Yan said: "Master Honghuang, this child seems to be extremely strong, endurance and unloading ability, even more than my ten thousand scales. I am afraid it will penetrate 300 living dead, it should be stable.

Zhao Honghuang nodded slightly: "Otherwise, Xue Fei would not spend such a big price to train him."


When 301 living dead appeared, Han Fei was panting like a roar, and his body almost turned into a light and shadow to twist on the top of the mountain.


I only saw that the scale armor on Han Fei's body ~www.readwn.com~ completely turned red, and a red mist began to escape from his body.

At this time, Han Fei no longer used the power of the soul to fight against the living dead who were good at the soul. Instead, he clings to his soul and uses his physique and sword skills to kill the living dead.

It was Zhao Honghuang, who couldn't help but frowned slightly when he saw this: "This person said that he had eaten some kind of life essence and blood by mistake. Now it seems that there are signs of returning to the ancestors. His combat power has increased with the intensity of the battle. It is a passive improvement. Although it cannot last for a long time, this bloodline is powerful."

At this moment, Han Fei also really entered the role he created. Among the more than 300 living dead, Han Fei blitzed left and right. He was often beaten, but was carried down because of his physique. With a backhand, he can also burst out the bleeding power and strike back.

Chen Yan became serious at this time. There are 350 people. Does this Chen Yan want to rush into the 100 list all at once?

Chen Yan had no choice but to move his face. This potential was a little beyond his imagination!


With Han Fei's roar, finally, with Han Fei almost completely wounded, fighting for the last bit of strength, with a long knife in his hand, covering this mountain, and crushing the four kings in one blow, the number of their kills, Frozen at 357 people.

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