God of Fishing

Chapter 2195: Blood Biting Pill

When Han Fei saw that pill, even though he didn't know what it was, and no matter why he was a tenfold pill, it was definitely not a good thing anyway.

As Zhao Honghuang said, he did not believe in absolute loyal ministers, so he had to control himself with drugs.

This was supposed to be a next thing, but when placed in the world of cultivators, it was clearly placed in front of you, but it seemed to be taken for granted.

After Han Fei took the pill, information emerged in his eyes.

【Name】Ten-Rank Jieking Pill (False God Pill, Blood Biting Pill)

[Introduction] The pseudo-pill for crossing the Nine Tribulations, also known as the Ten-Rank Tribulation Pill, refined by alchemists with world origins. This pill contains great energy and great power, and at the same time it has extremely terrifying karma and poison. After taking it, while stimulating the body's potential, there will also be intermittent fire attacks. The poisonous fire broke out, the demon descended, and the karma burned. Taking this pill, the karmic fire and poison will not be eliminated, and the sky will be hopeless.


【Quality】Top grade

[Contains Tiandao Qiyun]

[Remarks] Taking this pill can greatly stimulate your potential, but it will also stop you before opening the day.

When Han Fei saw the tenth-grade Tribulation Pill, his heart became cold. As expected, Zhao Honghuang was not a good thing.

Just listen to Zhao Honghuang’s words: "This pill is a great tonic, and also a great poison. It is refined from the origin of the world and can greatly stimulate your potential. However, this pill also contains great poison and stimulates potential. As a result, you must be baptized by the gods and burned by the fire of karma. Without a specific antidote, it is difficult for the sea-clearing realm to resist such a poison.

When it was over, Zhao Honghuang squeezed out another medicine bottle: "This is a bottle of antidote, which can relieve the pain of this pill. However, this antidote can cure the symptoms and not the root cause, at most, it will relieve your pain for a hundred years. The world has no chance to take it for nothing. If you get the chance to splash the sky from this seat, you naturally need to bear the corresponding consequences. Do you dare to use this pill?"

This is a very tacky routine, but this routine is very capable of handling others. As long as Zhao Honghuang does this for another person, he has to die.

Whether he wants it or not, he will only be absolutely loyal to Zhao Honghuang and the Wanlin Clan in the future.

However, Han Fei is different. He was originally Open Heaven Realm. Moreover, this pill's karma is so poisonous, he can use the Yin and Yang grinding disc to refine it for him.

No matter how bad, what kind of erysipelas counts under the shining of one's own apocalyptic magic?

This thing is indeed incomprehensible to the general sea-clearing realm, but to Han Fei, it is just a big tonic pill, let alone one, ten pills are not a problem.

Of course, this kind of tenth-grade Tribulation Pill is also very rare, and it can be refined with the world's origin, at least the fact that this pill can stimulate potential is not gone.

What Han Fei lacked most now was the origin of the world, so he didn't hesitate to swallow the tenth-grade Tribulation Pill.

When Zhao Honghuang saw Han Fei expressionless, he swallowed these poison pills, which was actually a little surprised. In his opinion, a role like Han Fei is indeed an absolute arrogant. It's actually a pity for Tianjiao to swallow this pill now.

Although he was able to untie this pill in the end, the erysipelas remained, but it was not easy to resolve. He might not be able to see the Pihai Realm, but when he reaches the Open Heaven Realm, it will inevitably affect his potential.

However, this was not something that Zhao Honghuang considered. Although he said that there was no absolute trust, he still felt that this Fengliu was changed from the human race after all. If there is no bond with the human race, he does not believe it.

Therefore, the best method is to control the wind. As long as he is in control, there will only be one more powerful Open Heaven Realm powerhouse in the Scavenger City in the future, which should last for many years.

Seeing that Han Fei swallowed the Ten-Rank Jie Pill without hesitation, Zhao Honghuang threw the antidote away and said: "When the poison is on, just take it again."

I saw Han Fei clasped his fists: "Master Honghuang, I don't know the reason?"

As far as Han Fei showed his attitude, he wanted to become stronger, and Zhao Honghuang was happy that Han Fei was so focused.

Just listen to him: "Let's digest the medicinal effects of the ten-grade Jie Dan. There is no one or two years, you should not be able to digest it. After three years, this seat will naturally give you a chance."

"Master Xie Honghuang."

After Han Fei left, Chen Yan appeared quietly.

Just listen to Chen Yan said: "Lord Honghuang, it seems that this Fengliu is really indifferent. The blood swallowed pill said to eat and eat, and I didn't even think about the consequences. It seems that I am ready to go to the end."

Zhao Honghuang nodded slightly: "That's good, the province has cultivated a traitor who is easy to betray. By the way, the No. 9 Recovery Land should be opened in three years, right?"


Chen Yan couldn't help looking at Zhao Honghuang, and was a little surprised: "Master Honghuang meant to let him go to the 9th Recovery Land? However, Ye Fengliu's current strength has not yet entered the Top 100. Although the 9th Recovery Land Normally, but that is the place for selection? This is the object of the three competitions. Generally, the top kings are also dispatched. He is now entering, is his strength weaker?"

Zhao Honghuang shook his head indifferently: "It's okay! Although the blood bite pill is not good, it is good at stimulating potential. It can be worth the two world origin fruits. If he uses it, he will naturally have an experience. Moreover, Do you really think that this son's strength has been fully burst out?"

"Isn't it?"

Chen Yan was a little surprised. Judging from the battle between Han Fei and Guo Meng just now, Han Fei's power seemed to have reached its limit. Even if it is stronger than Guo Meng, it is not much stronger.

However, just listen to Zhao Honghuang's words: "Don't forget, he is the sky channel. With the sky channel's operation and control of energy, he should be able to perform the previous blow again."


Chen Yan's heart moved, as if he had forgotten this. The Heavenly Meridian possesses extremely strong recovery ability, and is far superior to others in terms of invoking the aura of the body, the aura of chaos, and the movement of power.

According to this calculation, Chen Yan calculated it a bit, even if Ye Fengliu couldn't make it into the top 100 now, but three years later, after digesting the blood and devouring the pill, I am afraid it will be almost the same.

Suddenly, Chen Yan gave his hand: "Master Honghuang is wise."


Han Fei, who had taken the Blood Devouring Pill, returned directly to his newly-smashed Dongfu No. 238 after returning to the inner camp.

As soon as Han Fei entered the cave, he felt that this place was actually a place where the spring water was surging, and there was a kind of inexplicable vitality circulating here.

This kind of vitality can draw aura, and even have the power to connect with the endless void, and can draw out the aura of chaos.

And Han Fei, sitting cross-legged, closed and restricted. He already felt a weird power, and seemed to be drilling into his limbs and two great spiritual veins.

"Yin and Yang big grinding wheel."

It's too late, it's fast, in Han Fei's dantian, at the moment when the Yin and Yang millstone appeared, the infinite karmic fire and poison of the blood swallowing pill, and even the power of the world origin, all gathered from the Yin and Yang millstone.

"Crack, click~"

Han Fei breathed a sigh of relief when all the poison in his body was sucked by the yin and yang grinding disc.

Three days later.

In the yin and yang grinding disc, a bluish-yellow group of weird poison appeared in the grinding disc.

I only saw that Han Fei was holding a piece of plasticine-like liquid Shenhui in his hand. When I first saw Liquid Shenhui, I had already tried many times and had already figured out how to make Liquid Shenhui.

Putting this creamy white holy liquid brilliance into his mouth, it can be said that every pore of Han Fei exudes brilliance.

This karmic fire is so poisonous that it slowly dissipates under the purification of a large amount of divine glory.

"Apocalypse magic."

In this way, swallowing blood and devouring pills, and directly swallowing the origin of the world, are two different concepts.

The pill is complicated, and the release of the drug is not so direct. It took Han Fei more than three months to completely absorb this blood-buttering pill without any side effects.

When Han Fei opened his eyes again, the corners of his mouth raised slightly: "It seems that these ten-rank Jie Dan, the medicinal effect is really good, and it has increased his potential and overall strength by nearly 10%. In the future, if there are ten, or a dozen of these tenth-grade Tribulation Pills, the potential limit of one's current Origin Sea should be fully released."

If it were to be replaced by the World Origin Fruit, the number might have to go upwards of 20.

Three years later.

Han Fei finally left the customs according to Zhao Honghuang and Chen Yan's expectations.

When Han Fei just left the customs, many people were taken aback, and some were speechless: "This guy has left the customs, shouldn't he start to challenge again, right?"

Someone sighed: "It seems that this guy has no time to spare except for retreats and fights. If he continues to fight like this, he is afraid that even if he is in the top 100, he may not be willing to give up."

However, ~www.readwn.com~ this time, it was beyond the expectations of others.

As soon as Han Fei left the customs, he saw a woman of the Wanlin clan wearing a mask and enchanting posture, a macho man carrying a heavy helmet and holding a steel pillar, and a slender man of the blade clan with blades in both hands. come over.

Among the three, the headed woman is from the Ten Thousand Scales, and should be the most beautiful woman of the Ten Thousand Scales that Han Fei has ever seen. It's a pity that the upper half of his face is wearing a mask.

And that burly man was also from the Ten Thousand Scales clan, but that power aura, compared with Tu Meng, was completely at two levels. Han Feixin said, not surprisingly, these two are both players in the top 100.

And the man of the blade clan is not simple. In law enforcement camps, the Ten Thousand Scales are generally qualified to come in. A foreigner of the Blade Clan wants to come in, I am afraid it will not be easy.

I only heard someone exclaiming: "Bai Ranran, Ghost Blade, Tianhong? Why are they here?"

"Hi! The strongest trio of the first team, when did they come back?"

"The top ten, how can you be interested in Ye Fengliu?"

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