God of Fishing

Chapter 2216: The resurgent former powerhouse

Han Fei is good at fighting and even better at breaking out.

An opponent who can kill directly, without special circumstances, will not be worn to the end.

But this time is different. Fighting with brute force is the most energy-saving way, so Han Fei is not in a hurry. It doesn't matter if he fights for an hour, as long as he can kill the two evil spirits.

Of course, he still tried first to see if there was any great technique that could suppress this humanoid evil spirit.

When the Avenue of Time and the Avenue of Space were taken out to fight, Han Fei clearly discovered that the Avenue of Time had no effect on this evil spirit. Perhaps, this thing was originally a special kind of spirit body, and their bones will not show signs of decline due to time.

The space avenue, although useful, is not powerful enough. The way of space is more adept at fighting ingeniously, using the power of the void to cut the enemy, or block the opponent in a certain space.

However, the humanoid evil spirit directly shattered his own space blade with a long sword of evil spirit.

In a round of confrontation, no one got the benefit. Han Fei changed hands and used Tianqi Avenue and Gravity Avenue.

Then I found that these two avenues were barely able to suppress the opponent, but the opponent's theoretical realm was obviously higher than his own. Therefore, these two paths have little effect.

Apocalypse magic can indeed purify the opponent, but it also depends on the opponent's level. Even in the same realm, if you want to purify the evil with apocalyptic magic, it also needs to waste a lot of life, so it is not worth it.

Therefore, Han Fei discovered that in the end, the road to invincibility was the best. When the invincible Daoyun is added, the fist is full of destructive power, with a trace of powerful blessing that others can't compete.

"Boom boom boom~"

"Clang clang clang~"

Two humanoid evil spirits fought violently with Han Fei all the way. They wanted to force Han Fei with evil spirits.

But Han Fei didn't persuade him, and forcefully swallowed the evil spirits with the ancient battle body.

Because there is no reason to run the highway, Han Fei's strength is actually weaker than these two people. Therefore, from the beginning of the battle to the present, it can only be said that the two sides have played equal parts, because Han Fei has too many great techniques.

But the evil spirit is only the evil spirit after all, even if consciousness is born, he does not have so many great arts and tactics controlled by a real living person.

Therefore, Han Fei really obliterated the two for about half an hour.

He wants to fight slowly, and he has the idea of ​​continuing to regain his spirit during the battle.

It's a pity that when Han Fei was in the midst of a fierce battle, the emperor said, "You won't be able to kill these two evil spirits for three days and three nights if you fight like this. When it comes to the negative power. Moreover, the intensity of the evil spirit here is getting higher and higher. These two are definitely not real dangers, and there is a stronger one behind."

Han Fei was shocked, isn't this strong? You know, to be able to tie with his normal state, Han Fei does not brag, even among the hundreds of lords in the City of Scavengers, he definitely ranks in the top fifty.

Moreover, these two humanoid evil spirits can actually fight against themselves, which shows that their ranks may be higher.

But even so, is it just a little girl?



Han Fei ran the avenue secretly, his aura soaring wildly.


Only a bright golden light burst out, and a humanoid evil spirit was directly exploded on the spot.

With the avenue running, Han Fei burst out with five times the combat power, and the body of gold and jade was too much to carry. In actual combat, he can definitely practice with Xingyu. How can he carry it?

Han Fei defeated this evil spirit with all his strength. Before the bones collapsed, there was a strong aggregation phenomenon in the air. The monstrous evil spirit was like a thread, and he wanted to connect the bones closely.

Han Fei's invincible fist marks burst out, and the power of soul extinguishing in Invincible Daoyun forcibly wiped out part of the evil spirit, preventing the reunion of this humanoid evil spirit.

"I fight, I fight, I fight..."

Han Fei went up and blasted hundreds of punches directly. Even so, Invincible Dao Yun could not completely obliterate the evil spirit bursting from that humanoid evil spirit. It was the emperor bird who took the shot and swallowed the person's spirit body to get the evil spirit.

On the other side, there was another evil spirit who fought Han Fei violently. During Han Fei's shot, he also suffered seventeen or eight knives, but the evil spirit couldn't cut it.

Xu knew that the danger was coming faster, Han Fei suddenly accelerated the pace, and the Avenue of Time was acting on him. Almost instantly, the golden fist marks turned into golden streamers.

"Boom boom boom~"

I saw that during Han Fei's shot, the emperor was swallowing the sea wildly, and God knows how much evil he swallowed.

It could have been fighting for three days and three nights, but it was because the emperor bird had done it within ten breaths.

"Papa Papa~"

I only heard the sound of clapping hands.

After that, someone said lightly: "Invincible Road, you are the only human who came in these years, and the only one to walk the Invincible Road."


Han Fei was shocked, he was about to take a break and recover to his best condition in order to deal with the big culprits behind him.

However, now a person appeared silently, so close to him, that he didn't even notice it, which was too terrifying.

With such a terrible degree, Han Fei immediately wrapped the mark of the void with his spirit, ready to activate at any time.

In the depths of the abyss of strong evil spirits, a human man was slowly walking towards him.

Han Fei can be sure that he is a human being, and his body is not completely intact. This person is thin, and the skin is gone in many places on his face. The blood and flesh inside are dried up, but the red evil spirit can be seen condensed into a liquid state.

The emperor warned: "The evil spirit becomes blood and remains indestructible. This person is extremely strong, and he has cultivated into the blood evil body. He may have reached the edge of the sermon. Do you have the means to fight?"

Han Fei was shocked, and there was only one method, called Big Brother. When he came to the edge of the sermon, wouldn’t he be someone at the level of Zhao Honghuang?

Although Han Fei's natural combat power is good, but in the strongest state of the outbreak, he is only the top ten lord level, which is not good to be ranked, but he will definitely not be in the top five.

Now, when I met someone of Zhao Honghuang's level, I didn't have to fight at all.

Han Fei squinted his eyes and said, "Are you a human?"

The man's hideous face made a smile very hard, because the skin and flesh on his face were all dried up, and it was not hydrated at all. How to laugh?

Just listen to him: "Yes, I am a human race. So I am very pleased with your arrival."

Han Fei was shocked. There seemed to be only two possibilities for human beings here.

One is that after this world is destroyed, someone comes to explore, and finally falls inside. This person is obviously not the evil spirit, but has swallowed the infinite evil spirit and lived to the present.

On the other hand, this person was the one who fought here when the world was destroyed. Maybe this was the first group who came to this world and theoretically fell into this world. But how long has that been?

Seeing that there seemed to be no words, the human said: "Don't guess, I am a person in this world. The enemy destroyed this world and plundered the origin of the world here. I found a trace of life in the core of the world. When I woke up, In this world, only boundless evil spirits are left, and there is no living creature. Is it sad?"

I saw Han Fei suddenly open his eyes: "Are you from this world?"

That person: "Accident?"

Han Fei: "Originally it was Human Race dominating the world?"

The man's voice was slightly hoarse: "Naturally, there used to be trillions of human races here, but unfortunately, they were all burned in the end."

Han Fei didn't know whether he should believe this man or not. He just listened to him: "The ancient things are too long. Now the outside world, the human race is declining. You are the strong human race in the past. After the recovery, why don't you leave the customs?"


Just listen to this humanity: "The reason why I can wake up is the recovery of the origin of the world. Without the origin of the world, do you think I am still a human being? At this time, do you think I can go?"

However, Han Fei remembered the voice of the Emperor Sparrow in his heart: "Fake, the evil spirit has become blood, no matter how the life source is poured into it, it will not change the fact that he has become a blood evil."

This person would not know the communication between Han Fei and Emperor Sparrow's mind, because it was not a sound transmission.

Han Fei analyzed that this person didn't know if he really didn't know the Emperor Sparrow, or if he didn't know him. If you don't know him, then this person is probably really a native creature here, not a person from the sea world.

If it is false, then this person has been deceiving himself from start to finish, surely the purpose is not pure.

Emperor Sparrow is known as an ominous life form, and he must know more about these dark things. Therefore, Han Fei believed that whether this person was awakened or not, the purpose of this person must be impure.

Therefore, Han Fei said: "Senior! Since you still need to recover with the help of World Origin, the younger generation won't bother you to recover."

"Jie Jie~ Are you leaving in such a hurry?"

Han Fei; "Senior won't go out, and I can't take the origin of the world. Is it possible that seniors want to keep me?"

Just listen to this humanity: "I have been observing you for a long time. Although the current strength is still weak, there are so many physiques, spirits, combat power, spells, and treasures. People like you~www.readwn.com~ should be The pride of the human race, right? Even in the heyday of the human race in the past, it would be rare to be like you in thousands of years..."

Han Fei: "Senior is absurdly praised."

The man laughed in a low voice: "Boy, I don't need to kill you. But, let's exchange our souls, what do you think?"

Han Fei squinted his eyes slightly and exchanged spirits. As the name suggests, this special lady is to exchange his **** body for himself and give him his body.

Although this person explained that he was a human race, he did not care to expose his intentions.

Just listen to him: "Although your strength is not weak, even if you have a full-scale explosion, it is still not enough. You haven't transformed into a star yet? Can't stop me. For the sake of your family, you and me will annihilate your soul. It’s better to exchange spirits and souls. Your mission will eventually become my mission. I will complete them one by one. You can rest assured of everything."

Han Fei was silent for a long time, fighting for his life, he didn't seem to lose.

Therefore, Han Fei said, "It is impossible to change. You may have a higher level, but if you haven't fought, how do you know?"

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