God of Fishing

Chapter 2219: Origin Lake

Han Fei had learned a lot from this star orb, and even felt that this transformation star seemed to be nothing more than that.

Of course, this primordial star bead not only allowed Han Fei to understand the path of star transformation. This primitive star orb also contains a lot of soul power.

But, according to what Han Fei currently knows, isn't the strength of soul power determined by the number? Why does this star bead say that it possesses a higher level of supernatural power?

Could it be that people like Gu Tingnan and the others don't know that this supernatural power is strong or weak?

It's a pity that Han Fei hasn't found the answer to this question yet, and this star orb has almost been digested by himself. And Han Fei felt that his soul power was soaring.

It is said that he can improve part of his soul power, but Han Fei feels wrong. This is more than a part of his own soul power. It feels like his own soul power is self-replicating. In a short time, Han Fei feels his own soul. Power skyrocketed by a million.

Is this okay? Han Fei tried to suppress and even summoned the Demon Refining Pot to swallow.

However, the Demon Refining Pot did not move. So Han Fei hurriedly called the Emperor Bird, Xiao Hei Xiao Bai, and the old Yuan who had just fallen asleep, to wake them up and share the pressure for themselves.

In the end, Han Fei felt that his soul power might have increased by nearly 2 million points before it could be stopped.

When this star orb was completely digested, Han Fei looked at his message for the first time.

Owner: Han Fei

Level: Level 101 (open sky)

Canghaiwan Genealogy: 200016

Chaos gas: 1.83 million

Spiritual power: 6486012

Perception: 6.5 million miles

Power: 3092625 waves

First Spirit Vein: Primordial Vein

Second Spirit Vein: Vein of Eternal Darkness

The first talent soul beast: Twin Yin and Yang Spirit Devouring Fish [Level 95]

The second talent soul beast: Emperor Sparrow [level 99]

Main practice: "Void Fishing", the eighth layer, "Time Fishing" [Imperial Artifact]


When Han Fei saw this message, the whole person was not good at the time, and it was all over. Isn’t the Jiugong Qi Luck Ruler a Ping Gua? God knows that the power of the soul has soared like this, how can it be able to calm the divination?

As a result, Han Fei wanted to stand up and found that he couldn't control his body at all. The intensity of the soul has been ridiculously high.

Han Fei tried to use his soul to control his body. As a result, the power of the soul condensed, and in his mind, he condensed the mark of a jade stone bridge.

"Huh! Is this the origin brand?"

When Han Fei saw the imprint of the jasper stone bridge, he knew what it was. This should be the original mark that Mo Qi told him, and through Nezha's memory, Gu Tingnan said that the power of the soul exceeds 5 million, and it is possible to see the original mark of the strong in the same realm.

Now, I don't know whether the strong in the same realm can see through it, but the mark of his own origin has first appeared.

It's just that this mark is just a mark, and it doesn't play much role.

Han Feixin said that this thing is a treasure, so he must use part of the power of the soul to protect this mark from being attacked.

And now, what Han Fei couldn't laugh or cry was that he still underestimated the power of this primitive star orb. He now allowed his soul and physique to form a huge gap. The two can no longer maintain a good balance.

Han Fei stood up trembling slightly, feeling top-heavy, as if he could fall while walking.

He wanted to try to control this imbalance, but when he raised his hand, an energy storm was set off, which was not easy to control.

Han Fei quickly began to suppress his own strength, from the Open Heaven Realm to the Open Sea Realm, from the Sea Realm to the Sea Realm, before reluctantly adapting.

"The son of a tortoise, I have lost this opportunity."

The reason why Han Fei dared to break into the desperate situation was because of his hole cards. But he is in urgent need of growth, so he rushed in with the mentality of seeking wealth and danger.

Now, the chance was obtained, but the chance was a bit too much, causing his own strength to be extremely unbalanced, and there was a sharp decline.

"This won't work. If you encounter the Open Heaven Realm again, I'm afraid you will not be able to beat it."

Han Feixin said, if at this time, the evil spirits of the Open Heaven Realm rushed over. I'm afraid I don't even have the power to fight back, and I will be beaten as fat as a sandbag.

At this moment, Han Fei suddenly moved his heart when he saw the body of the strong ancient human race.

"It seems that you still have the puppet way you can use?"

Immediately, he began to sit down again, and then began to refine the corpse. This refining directly removed Han Fei's 300,000 soul power. You know, when Han Fei was refining Xue Fei, he didn't spend 10,000 points of spiritual power. But this one, consumed 300,000 points of his own soul power at once, which shows that his strength is strong.

However, because of this, he has an extra master who is at least comparable to Pan Litian's level. Because Han Fei is not sure how strong this person is, Zhao Honghuang's strength is unknown, so he can only compare with the strongest emperor he has ever fought.

Han Fei realized that this ancient human race should have Pan Litian's strength.

After all, the current self, with all the means, can't shake this fellow under the frenzied eruption.

However, this puppet is not a puppet of the living dead, he is just a simple puppet and needs his own spirit to drive.

The only special thing is that this puppet is a body of blood evil spirits, and his evil spirit is too strong, Han Fei tries to control him to shoot those evil spirits.

As a result, I didn't know if I didn't make a move. When I made a move, those evil spirits didn't dare to resist, and they chose to surrender.


Han Fei took a breath of air at the time. Good fellow, this blood evil body is a bit too powerful!

Immediately, Han Fei's heart moved: "The outside world is still fighting, and business matters are important. It is not convenient to stay here for a long time. I have to find a way to get the world origin here first, and then go to the origin sea."

When it was over, Han Fei thought, this ancient human puppet carried himself up, just like the kind of carry on his neck.

Because the power of the soul is too strong now, Han Fei is not ready to move his body, he takes out the fishing rod with his thoughts, the fishing rod breaks into the time with his thoughts, and the seafaring instrument with his thoughts.

Because there is no such strong people as the ancient human race to stop him, Han Fei's speed is not slow. Moreover, when the ancient powerhouse was chasing Han Fei, a force that exceeded the speed of the limit broke out.

Han Fei doesn't understand, what speed is that? Why can you exceed the limit of speed.

The first thing he thought of was the three powers he saw when his speed reached the limit.

One is a void at the extreme speed, with stars and dots in it, like a sea of ​​stars. In addition to Xinghai, there is also a white hole, I don't know where to lead. In addition to the white hole, there is also a ladder, and I don't know where to pass.

This question, Han Fei is going to ask the seniors and seniors of the Void Temple carefully when waiting for the next ten years. It would be fine if Han Fei hadn't touched the speed beyond the limit, but now that he had touched it, he couldn't be treated as if he hadn't touched it before.

However, because he needs the guidance of the Vientiane Navigation Device, Han Fei is not good at letting this puppet burst out with power beyond the limit.

In other words, he can't actually break out, Han Fei can let this puppet fight, but the battle is instinctive. And if you want this puppet to explode beyond the speed limit, you must first understand it yourself.

Two hours later.

When the ancient puppets carried Han Fei to an underground lake, Han Fei felt endless vitality.

"This is the origin of the world?"

Han Fei looked at the clear lake, and the light green mist was escaping from the surface of the lake. Around this small river, some creatures seem to be sleeping.

Among these creatures, there are fierce beasts, birds, fish, and crustaceans. However, some of them are still in their rudiments, some are about to take shape, and some have not even been able to distinguish what they are.

But every creature is like a tube, as if drawing the power from the origin of this world.

Han Fei looked at a monster like a monster at random, and the message appeared in his eyes:

[Name] Wisteria thorngrass (bringing)

[Introduction] In the origin of a world, a kind of spiritual plant-like creatures born randomly from the origin of the world and the way of heaven here. Such creatures are born at the origin of the natural world, and once conceived, they will eventually become one of the dominant creatures in this world. The current gestation time, 64201, is in gestation, temporarily unconscious.




[Realm] Seeking

[Combat Skills] Breeding


【Remarks】The creatures being bred in the source of heaven and earth

After reading this information, Han Fei couldn't help taking a deep breath. This is like, at the beginning of the birth of the world, the nature that bred the gods was the same in Hongmeng.

One world can nurture the creatures of one world. Compared to other creatures in this world, this kind of creature bred by heaven and earth is equivalent to a godlike existence.

Han Fei couldn't help being shocked, the world gave birth to life, the so-called heaven and earth treasure, chaos spirit treasure and so on. Even the Canghai Ten Thousand Clan was born in this way?

Han Fei looked around and found that there were only about 8 living creatures that seemed to have almost formed, and there were about a dozen other creatures that had not yet seen their shape.

And these ~www.readwn.com~ are around the small lake of the origin of this world. In the mid-air of other places nearby, there are some small bubbles floating in the air, and Han Fei can also see some creatures. It's just that the strength and quality of those creatures are much lower.


Han Fei saw a small bubble break, and then saw a light disappearing here. It should be a living life, which was created in this way and went directly to the outer world.

Han Fei couldn't help thinking of the few Open Heaven Realm powerhouses outside. How were they born? Could it be directly born in this way?

Han Fei was shocked. He was speculating whether Yuanyuanhai would become like this at the end of its development.

Oh no, what Han Fei is even more suspicious is that these so-called non-primitive cemeteries are not the original sea where many strong men in the past have fallen?

Although they have fallen, the Primordial Sea is still operating, and some new creatures are still being born. In a sense, perhaps, those who have fallen may not necessarily have truly fallen. Will they be reborn again after a long period of time in their original sea?

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