God of Fishing

Chapter 2246: About the wilderness

"How can it be?"

   This middle-aged man, probably guessed that Han Fei would not die, because this is a pervert who can carry their eight great open world powerhouses to fight.

   Even, from the very beginning, they knew how could they be weak if they dare to participate in the Open Heaven Realm Ten Thousand Years Grand Tournament.

   But at this moment, Han Fei's displayed combat power subverted their imagination. This made them realize the difference between mortals and Tianjiao.

   This middle-aged man, although only half of the power exploded from the source of the sea, it is also a terrifying astronomical figure.

Just listen to Han Fei said: "In comparison, you are not smart. Although I may want more, but you at least pay a price! Thinking that more people, or transformation of stars, can kill me, who is it? Your unrealistic idea?"

   It was too late, it was fast, only to see that Han Fei's figure disappeared in the blink of an eye, and the void was in a distorted state.

   The middle-aged man was shocked: "No, it's faster than the speed of light. Retreat~"


   Someone didn't react, but felt that someone had penetrated deep in the soul. The moment he exploded, he thought to himself, I am in the Open Heaven Realm, and I can resurrect. As long as I resurrect, I will immediately surrender to the money.

   However, this person didn't even know that his mark of life was directly destroyed by Han Fei, and he would never be able to recover.


   successively penetrated the three great open-world realm powerhouses, and one of them fell. The octopus roared to condense the demon bead, and fought to the death. Only saw that Han Fei appeared in front of them again.

  The middle-aged man was a little surprised. Han Fei didn’t continue to shoot, but no matter what the reason, he just heard him hurriedly say: "You want resources, I will give them."

  Han Fei raised the corners of his mouth and smiled lightly: "That's right! Peace makes money, why do you have to fight and kill?"

  The middle-aged man is terrifying. He has always been a hunter. When facing the real strong, he has no resistance at all. The strength of this person made him feel unprecedented fear.

   "Could it be that this is the Tianjiao strong who participated in the Ten Thousand Years Competition?"

   In this life, a middle-aged person has never met such a person, and he has not transformed into a star. You have become such a strong person. After that, how strong are you?

  Han Fei didn't have the idea of ​​killing these people. The reason was that these people also let themselves and others make a living, whether it was out of fear or other factors, at least they did.

   And the reason why I found it back is because I was robbed once. I am a magnificent person. I can give money and become a wealthy boy, but I must not be robbed. This will make myself very faceless.

   In the end, this middle-aged man only collected 90,000 li of resources. Of course, these resources are not a lot of resources for Han Fei. The further the Kaitian Boundary is, the more the amount of resources needed is an astronomical figure. This small sea monster fortress could get him 110,000 miles of resources, which was beyond Han Fei's expectation.

   At this moment, Han Fei stood on the head of the big octopus, and said lightly: "Take out your sea map."

The middle-aged man did not dare to neglect, so he immediately took out a jade slip and said: "This fellow Taoist, this map of the sea area covers two large wanderer camps, spanning the sea area for half a light-year, and is the only one here. I can get a handy map of the sea area."

   Han Fei's perception is swept, this sea area map does cover two large Wanderer camps, one of which is Han Fei's previous goal, Magic Moonlight City. Among them, there are 1,009 islands, 117 common wilderness camps, 203 large-scale wanderer boats, 58 sea monster fortresses, and 1 mobile castle.

   Among them, wanderer ships, sea monster fortresses, and mobile castles have no fixed locations. They may be anywhere in this sea area. This light-year distance is equivalent to their territory.

   It’s just that Han Fei still feels that this half-light-year range is a bit outrageous.

   Even if I have mastered the speed of light now, it is only three times the speed of light. It takes at least two months to cross such a sea area. If you change to an ordinary sea-opening realm, even if the speed of light moves forward, it will take half a year. Can open the sea normally, how can there be such a fast speed? This also means that it may take three to five years for most people to cross such a sea area.

   Among them, there is a large camp for wanderers. It only takes about eight days to travel at the speed of light from where you are now.

   Han Fei immediately understood. It seems that this place should be the first battle of these trial members in their chaotic wasteland.

   According to the sea area map that Han Fei has, from the chaotic wasteland to the wanderer camp, there are more than 160 islands and 23 ordinary wanderer camps on the way.

   I want to come, in places like Dream Island, there are many more on this sea area.

  Han Fei couldn't help thinking that perhaps the crisis Mo Qi was talking about was just a ruthless crush on the chaos wasteland by the outside world. Han Fei guessed, although the ones who came out this time were all considered to be Tianjiao-level powerhouses. But just such a short distance, it is estimated that at least one-fifth of the people can be eliminated.

   Of course, behind this elimination is rapid growth. Only between life and death can such a rapid growth. It can be seen that the 150 people selected by the City of Scavengers are not really the number of people participating in the Ten Thousand Years Competition.

   If you can really go to the Kingdom of God, Han Fei estimates that half of it is not bad. Even, Han Fei suspected that it would be pretty good to be able to leave a third in the end.

  Walking down from such a remote sea area, how many difficulties and obstacles walked past, can indeed create some open-sky realm powerhouses.

   It's a pity that such a trial is also of little significance to Han Fei. The only advantage is that Han Fei can find some people around to practice his hands and sharpen himself. Since the wilderness is so dangerous, there must be a lot of fighting. Maybe, I can catch up with before the Ten Thousand Years Grand Tournament, to achieve a complete balance of body and soul.

   Although he could not go to the extreme, but he wanted to appreciate the power behind the way of balance.

  Han Fei: "Since you already know that I am going to the East China Sea Shenzhou to participate in the Ten Thousand Years Tournament, then, do you know how far is it from the Shendu Dynasty?"

The middle-aged man smiled bitterly and shook his head: "If you walk in a straight line, it would be about eight light years away. Unfortunately, I have only been there once. This road is too dangerous. I was taken all the way, captured by the sea beast fortress, detained by the mobile castle, and fought in various wilderness camps. I was lucky enough to not die before I made up such a small sea monster fortress."


  Han Fei was not well at that time, how big is this sea world? Just go to the dynasty of the gods, is it so far? Han Fei was thinking, if the people who came with him knew that the dynasty of the gods was so far away, how would they react?

   For the first time, Han Fei felt that in 50 years, he was in a hurry, and if he was not careful, he would not be able to catch up.

   As for the experiences the middle-aged man said, Han Fei didn't care. There are too many dangers and opportunities along the way in life. As the saying goes, there are unpredictable circumstances. He also wants to see what the so-called mobile castle is like.

   Even in this sea monster fortress, there is a star-level powerhouse. The mobile fortress, I am afraid that at least the powerhouses on the edge of the sermon are sitting in town, right? If you can't make things right, you can even have the emperor in charge, this can't be underestimated.

  Han Fei has a lot of questions, so he caught the middle-aged man and prepared to ask clearly.

Han Fei: "Since you live in the sea of ​​origin of this octopus, you are not afraid that this octopus will eat black, and with the power of sea of ​​origin, you will be suppressed and wiped out. At that time, you will be all of you to him. To make up for it."

   This time, I listened to the octopus saying: "I am the companion spirit."


  Han Fei couldn't help but look at the middle-aged man, and said in his heart that this octopus turned out to be the companion of this man? Then this person is better than he thought.

   If this middle-aged man was desperately fighting with himself just now, he might still be able to deal with himself.

Just listen to the middle-aged humanity: "Under normal circumstances, only your own companion is the most trustworthy. Others only need to trust me or sign a permanent vow with me to stay in my sea monster fortress. From then on In the future, everyone will become one, survive and develop together."

  Han Fei is surprised, it can still be like this? The weak are usually attached to the strong. Doesn't this mean that there are actually many people in this big octopus?

   Han Fei couldn't help asking: "How many people are there in your settlement?"

As the saying goes, the middle-aged people can only respond: "About 80,000 people. But there are not many of them above the sea level. Every time you play, you can only play by the strong. This is OK. Show your strength."

   Han Fei probably understands it. No wonder it is called the sea monster fortress. It turns out that there are more than 80,000 people living in this octopus.

   It is no wonder that the middle-aged man throws a rat-avoidance device and dare not fight. This one cannot be dealt with, but it is not a person who died.

   But this is a world where the weak and the strong eat the strong. I killed an Open Heaven by myself, UU read www.uukanshu. Com is bound to lead to this middle-aged sea monster fortress, the strength is greatly reduced. There is no way. Who told you not to listen to the lecture just now. Give the money earlier, isn't it all right?

Han Fei: "Let's go! How to hunt, and continue to hunt! Not everyone can find your position like I did, and not everyone can be one enemy to ten. Today, you will wait, as long as you Dare, you may be robbed back soon. This is a trial, and big people won't care about it."

   The big octopus and the middle-aged people had the same mind, they said goodbye to Han Fei respectfully for the first time, and then quickly fled.

   It wasn't until they ran far away that they felt all over their bodies. They only felt that they could live this time, and it all felt that the person was showing great compassion.

   Big Octopus: "Xu is the first time this person has left the Chaos Wasteland. I don't know the dangers of the wilderness, otherwise, we are afraid we will be dead."

   And the middle-aged man also nodded and said: "Too strong, he must be a peerless strong man cultivated by the superpower in the chaotic wasteland. God knows how this kind of person found us."

   Let the big octopus leave, Han Fei returned those resources to the Origin Sea, and did not choose to hurry up immediately, but entered the Origin Sea to practice nearby.

   For normal people, it will take at least a month, or even two months, to perceive the nearest large wilderness camp.

   In the past two months, I might as well practice in Yuanyuanhai.


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