God of Fishing

Chapter 2248: Results of the first stage trial

   When Han Fei saw Pan Litian, he understood all the situations encountered during this period.

   Indeed, as everyone guessed when they parted ways, all of this was a trial method under Pan Litian. In other words, these methods were not deployed by them, but they were used.

   When Han Fei came to the island, he saluted Pan Litian: "I have seen Lord Litian."

  Pan Litian nodded slightly: "Yes! You are the 37th one. Now that you are here, go to the camp and wait!"

   Pan Litian's so-called camp was in the woodland not far away. With a glance of Han Fei's eyes, he saw Bai Ranran who had already arrived here. Even besides Bai Ranran, Tianhong and Li Shenhao had already arrived, and only Pan Ying had yet to arrive. The speed of these few is faster than I thought!

  Han Fei felt that Bai Ranran and Tianhong might be there, but he didn't expect that Li Shenhao would also be there. It seems that this big fat man is much smarter and more powerful than he thought.

   Han Fei took a few steps and saw Li Shenhao rushing over: "Brother Ye, are you here too? What difficulties did you encounter on the road?"

   Han Feixin said, I really haven't encountered any difficulties. After all, if you get an accurate and detailed map of the sea area, you only need to go straight to the Demon Moon City.

   But since Li Shenhao asked, Han Fei had no choice but to respond casually: "A little trouble."

Li Shenhao immediately smiled and complimented: "If you are in a small trouble, you will definitely not be able to defeat Brother Ye. Brother Ye, you guessed right at the beginning, what sea monster fortress really depends on Xinghai to determine our position. And here we are. The journey was really arranged in advance. Only the dream island is not our trial. Everything we encounter later is in the calculations of Lord Litian."

   "Isn't the dream island?"

  Han Fei was a little bit puzzled. It was clearly a trial ground. Although I don’t know why the people in Primitive City were there, it was obviously one of the trials.

   Li Shenhao smiled and said, "Brother Ye, we actually ran in the wrong direction at the beginning. Do you still remember another campsite outside of Dream Island?"

  Han Fei: "Ascetic camp?"

"Yes, that's it. That's the initial trial site of our Scavenger City. It's just that we took the wrong path at first, and we may have gone to one of the trial sites in Primitive City, and then inexplicably treated them as a trial site. It's done."

   Han Fei: "..."

   Seeing Han Fei's speechless expression, Li Shenhao smiled: "I also just learned that this Magic Moon City turned out to be our city of scavengers in an outside camp."


   This time, Han Fei was really shocked. The Magic Moon City was made by the City of Scavengers? What kind of airplane, shouldn't this be a city group formed by forces above the wilderness?

   Han Fei immediately swept across the island. There were a lot of powerful people on this island for more than 60,000 miles. He swept through the sea with the perception of the sea, and many people immediately resisted.

   But this is the case, Han Fei still saw countless weird races on this island. Among them, there are hundreds of humanoid tribes transformed into submarine creatures, as well as various demonized humans, birds transformed humans, zerg humans, and various murlocs. With this feeling, Han Fei seemed to have walked into the city of wanderers. It's just that this camp is much more broken than the city of wanderers.

  Han Fei's face was weird, and his heart moved immediately: "This Magic Moon City belongs to our side, then..."

  Han Feigang wanted to talk about another city, but he thought, should he know the other city? That city seems to be farther away, where did I know the other city?

   Seeing Bai Ranran's gaze towards him, Han Fei immediately moved his heart: "The primitive city and the city of wanderers, are they also surrounded by a camp outside here?"

Li Shenhao immediately smiled and said, "Brother Ye is really clever! The Primitive City does have a large camp called the Guardian Camp. It's just that the Guardian Camp is still a bit far away from us. I want them to pass by like us. A long trial. As for the city of wanderers, there seems to be no camp here."

   Han Feixin said, this fits the personality of the city of wanderers. As wanderers, they are all well-versed. Moreover, the City of Wanderers has the saying that they are serving in the military, and they must be keen to protect their homes from being violated. Therefore, anyone who grows up will go to places such as the cemetery and battlefield. Their experience is much richer than that of the Scavenger City and the Primitive City, which has a large number of family children.

  Han Fei didn't care about this, and didn't ask too much. Instead, he sat cross-legged casually, and said lightly: "Cultivation!"

   Li Shenhao didn't have any emotional changes because of Han Fei's indifferent attitude. This person seemed to be not a child of a big family at all, and there was a temperament that I licked everywhere.

   Without Pan Litian's permission, Han Fei and the others could not rush to Demon Moon City. After all, their group is really strong. Although Moyue City is a camp in the wilderness of the Scavenger City, it is also managed as a city, and the race here is complicated. The sudden influx of so many powerful people is bound to bring a certain impact to the people of Demon Moon City.

   Moreover, in order to give Han Fei and the others the final trial, Pan Litian persecuted the powerhouses of Demon Moon City and sniped outside. Therefore, several waves of people who intercepted Han Fei before saw Han Fei extremely hated.

   Han Fei can probably guess the reason, the people from Scavenger City are not weak, they want to win these arrogances, it is too difficult. And it is much easier for these Tianjiao to take action against them.

   Since this is the case, this last trial outside Demon Moon City is bound to cause many Demon Moon City powerhouses to fall. They don't hate, that's a weird thing.

   About seven days from Han Fei's arrival, the city of scavengers has successively arrived in Magic Moon City.

   And Pan Ying arrived on the ninth day after Han Fei arrived. When Pan Ying arrived, the situation was more embarrassing. This is a lady of the big family who has never suffered, the true pride of heaven. Although he has great strength, he doesn't know much about the outside world.

   Looking from a distance, when Pan Ying saw Pan Litian, she shouted: "Grandpa, this is really just a simple trial. Grandpa you hurt me so hard, grandpa."

"To shut up."

   Pan Litian's face turned dark: "Everyone came here like this, but you can't? If you don't let you see the sins in the world, you can't even go to the dynasty of the gods. What is the ten thousand year comparison?"

   Pan Ying was humiliated all of a sudden, and she didn't know who to talk to when she felt aggrieved.

   Immediately, Pan Ying looked at Han Fei and the others, and then Pan Ying blushed, and her whole person was a bit unwell. Bai Ranran, Tianhong, and Ye Fengliu, it's all about running ahead of them, but why is Li Shenhao?

   Ye Fengliu also cooperated with Bai Ranran to kill the Open Heaven Realm powerhouse, how about Li Shenhao? At that time, just like herself, the person who slept on the island of dreams could walk in front of her, and she suddenly became bad.

   It seemed that he knew what his granddaughter was thinking, and Pan Litian snorted coldly: "Girl, don't underestimate anyone. Li Shenhao, who you look down on, came one day earlier than Ye Fengliu. Today, it's just the tenth day."

   Pan Ying: "..."

   half a month later.

   Magic Moon Island, a total of 98 people came.

   It has been almost half a year since everyone left the wasteland.

   Three more days later, when a total of 127 people came to Moyue Island, Pan Litian didn't wait. What can't be waited today, whether dead or alive, are all eliminated.

   Pan Litian actually thinks it's pretty good. He originally planned to have 110 people in his scheduled time. But it turned out that the quality of this batch seemed to be good, and it turned out to be 127.

   It's just that what Pan Litian didn't know was that a small sea monster fort in the wilderness was almost beaten through. If this is not the case, the result may really be about the same as he expected.

   At this moment, everyone is standing in front of Pan Litian.

Just listen to the latter said: "I believe that in the previous period of time, you should have experienced some setbacks or nearly died. In just six months, the 150-person team eliminated 23 people. You Boasting Tianjiao, do you know what this means?"

   Most people fell silent, and they never expected that this road would be so difficult. Many people are still a little scared now, and in many cases, their own choices almost cost their lives.

Just listen to Pan Litian shouting: "This is only half a year's journey. During the journey of the Divine Capital Dynasty, you have walked down less than one hundred people. As a result, 23 people have been eliminated. Do you still think that you are a Tianjiao? Do you still feel that you are invincible in the same realm? What are you proud of?"

   Han Fei didn't have any feelings for Pan Litian's blow. The creatures in the wilderness were seeking a living, and these Ten Thousand-Lin Clan Tianjiao were looking for a way, and had never thought that they would die here. Comparing the two, Han Fei felt that there were still so many people here, which was beyond his expectation.

   But I heard Pan Litian said: "Now the emperor can tell you that if the emperor hadn't deliberately laid down the road you have traveled, it would be a miracle that hundreds of people can come here today. UU reading www.uukanshu.com"

After a pause, Pan Litian sneered: "The emperor who was accompanying the emperor that day has already walked away at this moment. I don't know how far away. The emperor has waited for you for a while, just to tell you that this road is not easy to walk. From today onwards, you really have to go on the road behind. So that you know that in the wilderness, there are no creatures that can be trusted... The emperor can give you a piece of advice. Run when you meet the strong. When you meet the weak, kill them. Following this king’s advice, sometimes you can be guaranteed not to die."

   At this time, I only listened to Pan Ying said: "Lord...Lord Litian, can we enter this Demon Moon City?"

   Pan Ying’s first thought was to get a map of the sea area. Although she has experienced a lot of hardships, she is also aware of her shortcomings, and her grandfather will definitely not follow along, so the sea area map is very important.

   In the vast wilderness, wanting to get a map of the sea area means that you may have to go through many obstacles. Otherwise, who will give you the sea map? Isn't it written down inch by inch by someone strong?

   "Yes! Lord Litian, can we enter Moyue Town?"

   "If we can enter the town, we can exchange resources."

   Suddenly, there were discussions among the crowd, and most of the people who talked were the children of the big clan.

   However, Pan Litian grinned, "No."


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