God of Fishing

Chapter 2274: Seal the gods

Chapter 2274 Sealing The Gods

This transaction between the **** and Han Fei, of course, would not be seen by other people, so it would appear that his god's identity had no sign.

Therefore, when Han Fei jumped onto the top of the gun pole, a gleam of golden light obscured everyone's sight.

But Han Fei’s voice can be heard, just listen to him: "Everyone, although I can break this seal, but it will not be so fast. It will take ten years to go fast, and it will be a hundred years slow. It’s impossible to be sure."

"Ten years, a hundred years?"

Of these people who are still alive, some of them secretly breathed a sigh of relief, while others' expressions tightened. Yes, even if this person is a genius, he will have an epiphany within six years and can avoid the gun rhythm here, but this is a seal to suppress the gods. Does it mean that it can be broken?

However, some people's resources can't wait for that time at all. Suddenly, someone hurriedly said: "Dear friends, my resources are exhausted. If anyone wants to divide some of my resources, I will give a great technique and a piece of the best Dinghai strange treasure."

For a while, everyone's mind became active. Although Han Fei couldn't break the seal directly, he gave them hope.

Suddenly, the emperors rejuvenated and felt that as long as they were willing to make money, they could always stick to it for a hundred years.

Han Fei would naturally not pay attention to such things. In fact, what does the life and death of these people have to do with him? Above the wilderness, there is no difference between good and bad people. They wait and wait, but they can't wait.

Now, it's a game between myself and this so-called god, and I don't care about them.

But seeing Han Fei sitting cross-legged on the pillar, a small ball appeared in front of Han Fei, Han Fei recognized that it was a small world, this thing merged into the origin sea, and has the magical effect of consolidating the origin sea. .

But this small world is obviously not big, because the **** only said that he gave Han Fei 50,000 li resources.

These 50,000 li resources are naturally 50,000 li resources after 270,000 li.

For Han Fei, this is already a considerable amount of resources. After all, killing a powerhouse at the level of An Taiping and Qiu Shoucang would not get so many resources. After all, the farther back, the more terrifying the increase in the number of resources.

Han Fei estimated that these fifty thousand miles were at least the wealth of a powerful late-stage transformation star.


Han Fei introduced this small world into the original source sea, only to feel that the small world exploded in the original source sea. With his thoughts, Han Fei felt the value of this resource is good, and many precious and rare mines gathered in it.

Opening up the origin sea is a long-term process. Since this **** cannot see through the origin sea of ​​Han Fei, naturally he cannot see through the acceleration of time in the origin sea of ​​Han Fei.

Even if Han Fei deliberately pretended to open up the origin sea, one year later, the resources in Han Fei's body were also used up, and the origin sea also naturally opened up to 320,000 miles.

This breakthrough made Han Fei's overall strength slightly improved again, his strength increased by hundreds of thousands again, and his power of soul also increased slightly.

The natural increase in strength brought about by the opening of the Origin Sea is a fairly solid cultivation base, so Han Fei couldn’t wait for this **** to give himself a 100,000 li resource, so that his soul power and physical power might be possible. Break through the 6 million mark. It may even be more balanced between the two.

one year later.

Han Fei slowly opened his eyes, seeming to wake up from his practice. He was a little puzzled. It stands to reason that he was already waiting for the so-called "god" to question when his original source sea opened to 300,000 miles.

With this "god" method, one can certainly observe the sea of ​​stars and perceive the changes in the sea of ​​origin. Even if his own origin sea has not yet transformed into a star, but the opening of the space of 50,000 miles should be hidden from this guy.

However, this "god" did not speak out, making Han Fei puzzled.

"Senior God, are you always there?"

The old voice, as if worn for centuries, fell in Han Fei's ears: "You didn't try to transform the stars."

In a word, it expresses this god's mastery of whether Han Fei is transformed into a star.

Han Fei smiled and said: "You may not believe it. After the junior origin sea reaches 300,000 miles, there is a sudden understanding in my heart. If the junior origin sea can reach 400,000 miles, it may be a great opportunity to transform into a star."

At this time, Han Fei seemed to have forgotten the truth that the "god" said before.

After pondering for a moment, the so-called **** finally said: "You are deceiving me. You have actually understood how to use the Heaven and Earth Dao pattern and how to crack this spear light. Human beings, you can know the fate of deceiving the gods. ?"

Han Fei smiled: "Oh! Senior, are you bluffing me? The junior is timid and can't stand the bluff. When you were so scared, the junior suddenly forgot about the method of breaking the seal."

The **** groaned for a moment: "Human, what do you want?"

Han Fei smiled and said, "Well, seniors will open up 500,000 miles of resources for me, and juniors will surely remember."

At that moment, Han Fei seemed to feel some kind of anger, but he didn't care. It is a matter of time to tear his face. When he uses those fifty thousand li resources unscrupulously, he is ready to tear his face.

God: "Human! I calculated that your luck is extraordinary, and then I took you. I can take you, and I can destroy you."

Han Fei sneered and said: "Oh! Really? Senior, you want to destroy me? This simply disappoints the junior."

While speaking, Han Fei's energy skyrocketed, the avenue was running, and his strength was fully burst, with one hand, there were precious treasures, condensed into guns, and there were heaven and earth patterns, engraved on it.

"What are you going to do?"

At this moment, the **** was horrified, he didn't expect Han Fei to dare to attack him directly. He didn't expect that this person would even seal himself after cheating himself?

Originally, he could only use some of his powers because he had already broken free some seals. If he was forced to seal again, how would he play?

"Stop. Humans, stop"

In other words, Han Fei's sudden eruption caused all the emperors to wake up in their imagination. They couldn't help but stare at the spears that condensed in the terrifying void.

Someone exclaimed: "This is, to seal the gun light here?"

"What's the matter? Is that fellow Daoist breaking the seal?"

"Sure enough, he realized that he could use such a spear light to come out."


In the next second, a golden light burst out, directly obscuring everyone's sight. In the golden light, the so-called **** shouted: "Humans, you have never turned stars, who gave you the courage to fight the gods?"


At this time, the spear pierced, and the **** continued: "Human, do you think anyone can seal me? I want to suppress you, but it's a little effort."

"It's a matter of raising your hand, then you are raising it!"

Han Fei sneered, and his thoughts moved, there was a strange power between heaven and earth, directly injecting some power on him. For a time, Han Fei's body was shining brightly.


It turned out that the golden light that could not be pierced was taken away by Han Fei in the blink of an eye. At this moment, Han Fei only felt that his body carried a terrible power. This kind of power makes my actions a little difficult, and I feel like my body is stiff and petrified.


The pressure of horror was pouring on Han Fei's body, it was the "god" who was making the shot. However, how could he know that Han Fei directly deprived him of his defense? Therefore, this shot is doomed to be in vain.

On the contrary, it was Han Fei's sealing gun, which suddenly pierced the golden body of this "life".

At the moment this seal was pierced, Han Fei clearly felt that the golden light pouring on him was weak, and his strength was at least 30% weaker.

"How can it be?"

The **** roared.

Just listen to Han Fei laughed and said: "Senior, I haven't turned stars yet, but I can also let you continue to be sealed for ten thousand years, one hundred thousand years, one million years. The old man suppressed you with five spears. The younger generation is my strength. Humble, UU reading www.uukanshu.com five seals are definitely not enough. I can use fifty, five hundred, five thousand, fifty thousand, do you always think?"

Han Fei didn't have the slightest fear at this time, and his mouth was full of mockery.

Just listen to the creature still wanting to struggle: "How dare you?"

Han Fei continued to stretch out his hand to condense the spear pillar, branding the Heaven and Earth Dao pattern, and smiled in response: "From the moment I understood this seal technique, I knew it. The person who performed this technique just used it casually. Just like me. Now like this, you can borrow the Heaven and Earth Dao Mark at will. Therefore, the person who seals you does not regard you as an opponent at all. This only shows that you are weak to him."

When it was over, Han Fei continued: "You know that most of these people cannot break the seal, but you still dare not let these people leave. Are you afraid that they will find the powerhouse of the emperor? So you are afraid of the emperor. Also. In other words, your strength is not enough to allow you to keep the emperor, even if it is an ordinary emperor, you don't dare to gamble."

Finally, Han Fei stood up suddenly: "So, no matter what your real strength is, you are really weak now anyway."

When saying this, Han Fei was very sure. Of course, although he guessed that now may be the weakest time for the "God", but this is also the master who can forcibly detain many Open Heaven realm powerhouses. If he wants to have the qualifications to negotiate with him, he must create one for himself. Better conditions.

And this condition is to seal him, only if the strength of this "god" is greatly reduced, can he have hope.

So the second spear post pierced without hesitation.

Just listen to Han Fei said: "Senior god, I can only make this gun at hand. Maybe you can break through it in a few days, but at least I caught the opportunity. If I want to, your veteran will be completely sealed. Now you only have to be obedient. Maybe it will be possible to break the seal."

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