God of Fishing

Chapter 2282: Dead end

Singing in the sea, there is a special race called mermaid chanters. There are many creatures in the ocean who like to sing, and there are also many creatures that can explode into the spirit attack through singing.

However, not many can form a large-scale race. Among large-scale races, there are not many that can produce a reasonable cultivation system. Even if there is a reasonable system, there are even fewer that can go a long way in this system.

It's like the Millennium Snappers also sing, but they don't have a specific system, and it's difficult to go very long. Of course, it is also possible that they were not born in the sea world.

Anyway, under a variety of conditions, the mermaid casters, in this ethnic group, and even in the dynasty of the gods, are all well-known races.


The mellow and frustrated song sounded, this 11-person team had no time to react at all, and most of them had an illusion in their eyes.

There are also superior and inferior illusions. Some illusions can resist as long as the will is firm and the spirit resistance is sufficient. In some illusions, it is actually a kind of spirit attack, imprinted in your spirit, almost the same as reality.

And the mermaid chanters are this kind of exclusive god-refining race, the power of the gods and souls is extremely powerful, so strong that they can dominate a sea area. The strongest in the clan is the strength of the emperor, which is also one of the fundamental conditions for the survival of the mermaid singer.


Because all this came so quickly, only four of the 11-person team blocked the singing. They are Feng Xingliu who is dressed as a meteor, that there is only the Qingcheng girl who is the pinnacle of the sea, the leader of the team, and a female sister in the Open Heaven realm who possesses a divine soul and a treasure.

At this time, it was too late to take back these sea-breaking realm powerhouses. Because they fell into the illusion in an instant, and forcibly retracted, then they had to forcibly penetrate their spirits.

Under him, the sea monster Kwai rises up, and the demon plant of the transforming star, if there is no such person as Feng Xingliu hidden in this team, it will open the sky, enough to suppress the whole team.

Feng Xingliu didn't know it himself? So he reacted faster than everyone else, and a blazing spear appeared in his hand. The fire was very fierce, a strange purple fire that was crazier in contact with water. The gun fired waves for thousands of miles, and it seemed that the flame demon was coming, and the terrifying flames directly burned the power of the soul that was trying to infiltrate here.

The sea monster Kwai Wandao tentacles each sprayed a water arrow, just listening to "bang bang bang" bursting continuously.


With a single shot, the sea monster demon sunflower was directly penetrated, and her body was blown up. Following the demon sunflower, she jumped into the void and fled.

It's not that it doesn't want to take these people, but it feels that if it forces it again, it will die the next moment.

However, the battle was not over yet, and there was a resounding echo in this sea area.

The squad leader who had just been killed, carried a hundred echoes, and was beaten back abruptly, only to see him bleeding from his seven orifices, and his suit on his body was smashed to death.

Feng Qingcheng folded his hands together, and a strange white flame erupted from his body, and the magic sound could not be added.

Hearing the captain said in amazement, "It is the Echo Demon, the Echo Demon of the Mermaid Chanter. It takes eight mermaid chanters from the same realm to create this Echo Demon. How can the mermaid chant find our small team? We are just a small team!"

The captain was shocked and puzzled. As he thought, there were at least eight mermaid casters in the Open Heaven realm. Judging from the strength of the first mermaid caster, they may have been transformed into stars.

Eight of them appeared all at once. This was not as simple as eight ordinary open-day realms. The ordinary open-day realms might still be able to run away. But the Echo Demon Realm, which is equivalent to the Open Heaven Realm Realm, cannot be quickly broken through, and it will be slowly worn out.


As the squad leader, they are all injured like this. Where can other sea-clearing realm powerhouses withstand echo attacks of this level?

Feng Xingliu's face changed drastically, and he immediately shouted to Feng Qingcheng: "Enter my origin sea."

However, Feng Qingcheng shook his head: "It's not right, you can't run without me. Where is the jade slip on your body?"

But seeing Feng Xingliu propped up with one hand, he pulled out a flame barrier to protect everyone, his expression dignified: "Then I will defeat them."

Squad leader: "I will attack you in the opposite direction, Wu Niang, take good care of other people, and be ready to get out of the fight at any time."

Feng Xingliu broke through in an instant, exploding faster than the speed of light, and a ray of purple light appeared on the spear beam, with a ray of divine brilliance.


Suddenly, the entire Echo Demon Territory, the sound stopped abruptly, and replaced by a sound barrier, blocking where Feng Xing Liu Qiang pointed.


The power of horror erupted in the response to the Demon Realm, and because of the limited range, the power instantly swept the rear. The other Open Heaven Realm powerhouse called Wu Niang staggered slightly, almost unable to stop the shock of this terrifying force.

"Good defense."

At the same time that Fengxing flu was suffering, he didn't know that under his blow, the eight mermaid casters vomited blood, and almost failed to withstand the blow.

"Wait for the lights~"

Feng Xingliu's blow was unsuccessful, but followed by a rapid sound wave, it seemed to blast on the body of the team leader, but he saw his head explode and his body flew back.

When his head grew again, he said in amazement, "Singing the tide, why is there still singing the tide?"

Feng Xingliu: "What is the singing tide?"

Squad leader: "That is the power that can burst out of the mermaid chanters, the strong in the late stage of the star transformation."

Feng Qingcheng's heart immediately moved, and he stretched out his hand, and a white flame covered Feng Xingliu and the team leader and the others. The power of singing the tide couldn't even shake them anymore.

The captain breathed a sigh of relief, but he immediately held a fist to the void: "This lord, we are just an ordinary squad. I am their captain. I would like to dedicate all the resources to the lord. Please let me wait. Way of life."

Under the eaves, people had to bow their heads. In the view of the captain, this battle could not be won. Not to mention that there are still many powerful sea-penetrating realm on my side, how can the three sober Open Heaven realm on my own side be able to stop a strong late-transforming star?

He couldn't help taking a look at Feng Xingliu, but it was a pity that Feng Xingliu's current strength hadn't reached the late stage of transformation, otherwise, there might be room for recovery.

When Feng Xingliu saw that the team leader lowered his head, he immediately shouted: "Cultivation all the way, not asking for heaven and earth, not asking for help. Old Qin, this matter happened because of me, and I won't involve you."

"Because of you?"

The team leader hadn't reacted yet, and only saw Feng Xingliu holding a gun standing proudly, a phantom of a hundred meters of flame, rising into the sky, like a **** of fire, his aura soaring crazily.

Just listen to Feng Xingliu yelling coldly: "Wait for the younger generation, I have been chasing me for several years. Today, you have done what you want. But I want to see if someone can keep me."

"Vulcan Storm."


I saw Feng Xingliu's body, the flames steaming, and the horrible flames were suffocating. In an instant, the seawater formed a storm vortex in a radius of 100,000 miles from the peak. From the bottom of the sea to the surface, the sea was dyed red.

But I saw the voice in the Echo Demon Realm, burned by flames, intermittently. Vaguely, a crisp voice can be heard shouting: "Quick rewind, rewind, don't resist."

Feng Xing breathed fire in her eyes: "Go? Where to go?"


The flame storm took shape, and within the storm, the avenue stagnated. Those who wanted to break through the void, or even want to travel faster than the speed of light, discovered that this storm could swallow even the speed of light, and their avenue could not break away from this. storm.

"Boom boom boom~"

These people were turned upside down, and the eight great transforming stars of the Open Heaven realm powerhouse were instantly crushed by the flames, their souls were burned in the flames, and they were about to disappear.

But when he saw the only mermaid in the late stage of Transforming Star in the field, he screamed loudly.


At this critical juncture, all of a sudden, I saw a **** ship leaping into the air. On the boat, someone stepped on the void and punched thousands of miles, making a blue trace in the flame storm.

Seeing this punch, Feng Qingcheng suddenly appeared behind Feng Xingliu, and as she pushed with one hand, a shell stood in front of Feng Xingliu.


Amid the terrifying explosion, a vision suddenly broke out, and a gray-black beam of light bombarded again.

The next moment, I saw Feng Xingliu being bombarded with one blow. The body was crushed on the ground and dragged for thousands of miles, breaking dozens of mountains along the way.

Feng Qingcheng's expression changed, but his reaction was extremely quick. At the moment that power fluctuated, a green thread was buckled on Feng Xingliu's body.

She can't leave Feng Xingliu's side, otherwise the enemy will seize the opportunity. Once the enemy seizes the opportunity and catches himself, Feng Xingliu can only throw a rat avoidance weapon.

The moment Feng Xingliu flew out, Feng Qingcheng followed like a shadow and landed lightly on the ruins.

The flame storm, unsustainable, finally dissipated.

Just listen to the void, a jealous voice sounded: "It's interesting. But just after transforming into a star, you have this kind of combat power. If you are in the same situation, I am afraid that few people are your opponents. It is a pity, if you keep a low profile, I can’t keep chasing you. Hand it over! The artifact, the magic, the strange fire, and the girl. Well, I can let you go, but the girl must stay."

The old Qin members of this team were already shocked. They were shocked to discover that Feng Xingliu was a hidden super master, but the next moment, this super master was penetrated by someone.

"Black, Black Shark?"

Lao Qin swallowed, listening to the divine weapon, magical technique, and strange fire on the Black Shark, what kind of fairy baby are these? I have never seen it in my life!

However, he also understood in an instant, it turned out that this meteor only joined their team to avoid the pursuit of the Black Shark.

"You dream."

A piece of ruins exploded, and although Feng Xingliu had a big hole in his body, he still stood proudly. The arrogance on his body made him look like the **** shark.

After that, UU reading www.uukanshu.com Feng Xingliu casually took out a jade slip and said, "What are you? You dare to rob me? Believe it or not, I asked someone to come over, and you paid it to your hometown? Coveted me. Baby, have you preached yet?"

The man on the Black Shark smiled: "I know that your family is definitely extraordinary. As long as you hunt you, the Black Shark in this seat will leave after a big deal, and travel to the wilderness. Even if there is an emperor in your family, what can you do? I guess you have the emperor jade slip, but, do you dare to use it? The presence of the emperor will definitely affect other emperors. If you don’t use it, there will be a chance to escape. You use it, you and this little girl, No one can go away. Otherwise, why have you escaped to the present?"

The Black Shark powerhouse snorted coldly. Suddenly, his body shook, and the giant shadow of the demon shark appeared and instantly appeared beside Lao Qin.

I saw him pinch at will, directly picking up the old Qin, backhandedly suppressing everyone in this team.

Feng Xingliu's face changed slightly, and he listened to the black shark powerhouse saying: "Well, you definitely don't care about these ants?"

As he spoke, he saw that Old Qin was pinched and exploded, and his soul was pinched by the black shark powerhouse, unable to escape.

Feng Xing Liu said coldly: "You can only use this kind of tricks?"

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