God of Fishing

Chapter 2287: Wannian Competition Qualification Order

Feng Xingliu suffered a sullen loss, and said that he was embarrassed this time, and there was nothing to say along the way.

Feng Qingcheng, on the contrary, was nothing like the name sounds. One was not pretty, and the other was too much talk.

"Brother Han Fei, how did you and my sister meet?"

Han Fei: "Ha, we have experienced a trial together."

Han Feixin said that although she tested me, it was a trial too!

Feng Qingcheng: "Just because it's so simple, my sister gave you an artifact? You know this Feng Yu long sword, but she was her first artifact, and many people asked her for it, but she didn't give it. Me too. If you want to pass it, Feng Xingliu will pass it too."

Feng Xingliu immediately said in a bad mood: "Don't talk nonsense, I didn't ask for it, I didn't."

Feng Qingcheng snorted, "You didn't want to be there, and then went to hit a Star Flow Sword by yourself, but it was not well-known."

Feng Xingliu exploded at that time, like a furry cat: "Feng Qingcheng, I warn you! Don't talk nonsense, there are things I can't want in this world? I just don't care about that knife."

Han Fei sighed, he hasn't been beaten by the society! I really don't know how the children of these big powers opened up the sky, anyway, they will also open up the sky.

However, thinking of Feng Xingliu's local tyrant's handwriting, 100,000 miles of resources are given away as soon as they are given away, Han Fei doesn't feel weird. Isn't he okay to compare with a local tyrant?

No, Feng Qingcheng ignored Feng Xingliu, and continued to ask Han Fei with his head tilted: "Brother Han Fei, you haven't said why my sister gave you the wind and rain sword?"

Feng Xingliu's ears were slightly pricked up, and he was also curious, can Feng Yu be so kind?

Han Fei smiled and said: "This is a long story. Maybe... She is very lonely. It's rare to meet someone who is also lonely like me, and she is a confidant for a while."


Feng Qingcheng and Feng Xingliu both listened for a moment. Several groups, what does it mean to come up and give me the whole loneliness?

However, Feng Qingcheng admitted to being smart and said: "Understood, my sister thinks that the world is full of mediocre aptitudes. It's rare to meet Han Fei brother, you are such a great arrogant, if it is me, I will also be a confidant.

"Ahem, ahem..."

Feng Xingliu coughed to remind Feng Qingcheng, pay attention to the words, what makes you a confidant? Don't fool this kid.

Feng Qingcheng ignored him and continued: "Brother Han Fei..."

Han Fei was a big head at the time, so why are there so many problems?

Just listen to Han Fei said: "We have to leave this singing sea area, this is the sea area where the emperor sits. If your identity is discovered by the foreign emperor, it will be difficult."

Feng Xingliu: "Aren't you going to slaughter the emperor? The emperor came, he came."

Han Fei suddenly hehehe, what is the name is coming, just now, it was to save you, and when I came, I used the Void Mark, the big brother took the initiative to count your sister's head.

Now that you have been rescued by me, the emperor will come again, and use the Void Mark that is counted on my head, am I stupid?

Han Fei immediately said: "I'm blowing a fish!"

"Ah this~"

Feng Qingcheng and Feng Xingliu stared at Han Fei, is this appropriate? Do we all think you can really kill the emperor?

Feng Xingliu's face changed slightly: "The emperor is really here, won't you take it all together for the three of us?"

Han Fei: "Yes! So hurry up!"

Feng Xingliu: "..."

Feng Qingcheng: "..."

It's the first time for them to see such a righteous and brave person who can blow a fish, Tu Di? The stalwart image created by Han Fei just now collapsed in an instant.

As a result, Feng Qingcheng entered the Origin Sea, and Han Fei and Feng Xingliu quickly left the singing sea area.

On the other side, Feng Yu is rushing towards the East China Sea Shenzhou. Yes, she has not yet arrived in the East China Sea Shenzhou. Considering the safety of the two troublemakers at home, shortly after the younger brother opened the sky, she is also anxious. .

However, she had run wild for less than four months, when the voice of the big brother suddenly appeared in her mind that day. Just listen to the senior brother: "October, the younger brother has found your younger siblings and has been out of danger."

"Huh? So fast?"

Feng Yu couldn't help being speechless. The two of them informed him through the family crest that they must have encountered a lot of danger. Little Junior Brother, is this easy to solve?

It seems that I underestimated this little junior brother! In less than four hundred years, his growth rate seems to have exceeded his expectations!

half year later.

The place that was actually very close to the Divine Capital Dynasty was estimated to be only 0.2 light-years away. For the Divine Capital Dynasty, this was equivalent to the outskirts, not very far outskirts.

In the past six months, Han Fei knew where Feng Yu and his family came from from these two silly white sweets. They are from the South China Sea Shenzhou, and in Zhonghai Shenzhou, they also have a place in their family.

This race is descended from the gods, some descendants, when they are born, the blood of the awakened gods is inherited, so they grow up to be extremely powerful.

And Han Fei knew that Feng Yu probably went there three hundred years ago.

Feng Yu went to Shenzhou in Zhonghai. It can be said that all the superpowers of the four major Shenzhou in the east, west, north and south will continue in Shenzhou in Zhonghai.

And Zhonghai Shenzhou, often in the four great Shenzhou, introduces some real peerless arrogance. The outstanding ones in the trial of Zhonghai Shenzhou can not only show the reputation of the family, but also gain richer resources, more powerful exercises, and more magical skills.

Anyway, in one sentence, Zhonghai Shenzhou is superior to the four great Shenzhou.

The reason why Feng Xingliu and Feng Qingcheng wanted to sneak up to the East China Sea Shenzhou was because Feng Yu had performed quite well in the trials of the Zhonghai Shenzhou. It is said that he crushed a lot of arrogances and was extremely dazzling.

As a result, the threshold of Nanhai Shenzhou Fengyu's family was almost broken, and their contacts were all top-notch divine lineage clans. It was for this reason that Feng Yu could not rush to East China Sea Shenzhou early.

Many of the family's eyes were on Feng Yu, so they didn't pay attention to Feng Xingliu and Feng Qingcheng who had sneaked out.

When they found it at home, they discovered that these two goods had already stolen a lot of treasures at home, and I didn't know how far they went. Most people don't know where they went.

But because Feng Yu understood Feng Xingliu's temperament, he guessed where they were. However, if nothing happens, Feng Family will have a strong one who will come one step earlier than Feng Yu.

After all, there are two little babies running at home, and many people panic.


With a strange magnetic flame, Feng Qingcheng easily suppressed the three sea-piping peak powers.

Feng Qingcheng: "Hand over the Ten Thousand Years Grand Competition Qualification Order, and I will spare you not to die."

But I saw that someone in the field looked ugly, but still unwillingly took out a light red round bead with the word "bihai" on the bead.

This is the qualification order, and only with this can you be eligible to participate in the Ten Thousand Years Competition. Without this, you won't even be able to register. Before, Han Fei didn't know this at all, otherwise, he wouldn't care about the number of places, just come over and grab it.

No, Han Fei has robbed them dozens of times.

Regarding the battle for qualification orders, the Divine Capital Dynasty did not impose restrictions.

However, this qualification order has special restrictions. That is, the Venerable Realm can only grab the Venerable Realm, the Sea Opening Realm can only grab the Sea Realm, and the Open Heaven Realm can only grab the Heaven Realm. It also stipulates that fights in all realms can only be in the void. It must be carried out in the middle of nowhere, otherwise it will be dealt with seriously.

As for how to distinguish between those who open the sea and grab the elders, and the strong ones who open the sky, it is a question of the qualification order itself. This is because every qualification order is said to be a bit of the soul of Tobu the Great, and others can't take it away, and others can't break it. If you dare to open the sky to kill the sea, or the sage of the sea, the qualification order will be detected in the first time and will be automatically imprinted on you.

At that time, any strong man in the sky, could you beat Emperor Tobu? Once branded by the qualification order, the end is directly obliterated.

But this rule only takes effect within 0.3 light-years from the East China Sea Shenzhou.

But one thing is that in places like the Scavenger City, all they get are qualification orders that are not activated.

You hold the token, as long as you enter within this 0.3 light-year, it should be said that you may have entered the Tobu Great Emperor's induction zone, the qualification order will be activated immediately.

The activation of the qualification order is of great significance, which means that when the qualification order is activated, only fights in the same realm can be carried out, which greatly guarantees the safety of those who come to participate in the Ten Thousand Years Competition.

Of course, the only bad thing is that the qualification order cannot be incorporated into the body. It will be temporarily imprinted on the owner's wrist. It is impossible to hide how many qualification orders each person has.

Therefore, the snatching of the qualification order is crazy.

The only good news is that within fifteen days after the qualification order was robbed, this person was still protected by the imprint, but if it exceeded fifteen days, he could only ask for more blessings.

Most people entered a hunting land the first time they entered the Divine Capital Dynasty with a qualification order. But there are still some people who just wander in the outer wilderness, specializing in the same situation to start, and some even form a team to shoot.

For now, UU Reading www.uukanshu.com, Han Fei, and the others can be considered as a team. It's just that Han Fei and Feng Xingliu didn't fight in the open world. It is equivalent to playing their own.

Therefore, when Feng Qingcheng was fighting, no one would be afraid of the existence of Han Fei and Feng Xingliu.

At this moment, Feng Qingcheng waved his wrist: "I have 50 qualification orders, do I want to continue fighting?"

Han Fei immediately glanced at her sideways: "What is your name. Of course you want to fight, you have to keep fighting. My plan has been arranged. Then, we will be in the Ten Thousand Years Competition’s takeaway qualification order. When that happens, Do you know how many people are coming to buy? There are countless. That is countless resources."

Feng Xingliu frowned: "I always feel that this kind of behavior is not good, it's just a mere resource..."

"I bother."

Han Fei couldn't help tilting his head and looking at Feng Xingliu: "With only a few resources, the emperor can go to Xinghai to open up wasteland. So no matter how rich your family is, if you don't make progress, you can only use up one day. Man, you have to struggle and you can't eat what you have at home. , What is that called? That is called gnawing the old."

Feng Qingcheng immediately raised his hand: "Brother Han Fei is right. You can't chew on the old."

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