God of Fishing

Chapter 2297: I, Han Fei, slap your Celestial Clan in the face

At that time, people like Yi Yuan were not well, they were completely stupid. Especially Yi Yuan, he was flipped three times!

When Han Fei glanced over, Yi Yuan was suddenly excited. I knocked on Nima. Why did he look at me again? I'm just an ordinary Tianjiao, yes, I'm just an ordinary Tianjiao.

Yi Yuan couldn't help but remember what Han Fei said last time, if he catches himself again this time and his resources are less than 50,000 li, he will be killed directly.

He swears that he really didn't take this sentence to heart. It's just that he was in the ocean of origin and just added another 50,000 resources this month, which happened to happen, um.

Seeing that Yiyuan took the initiative to pull out resources, other people said that someone would take the lead, so just pay for it!

Someone thought, I was just being threatened, if it weren't for Tianjiao in the clan to be detained by this madman, I would definitely go up and fight him desperately.

Here, the strong Celestial Clan lined up to hand in resources and the qualification order, and Feng Xingliu was immediately shocked.

"Could it be that this is a soldier who defeats others without fighting? It turned out to be like this?"

Feng Xingliu's heart suddenly moved, and he felt that he had learned another trick.

"Hey, wait, the resources have been collected by Han Fei, what am I earning?"

Suddenly, Feng Xingliu's face changed drastically: "Han Fei, you save some for me, save some for the wind to strike the sky, Fire Phoenix Divine Art."


When someone saw the Hengkong Divine Phoenix, they immediately exclaimed, "What? Phoenix Protoss? This is a member of the Phoenix Protoss of the South Sea Shenzhou. Fuck, it turned out to be a child of Shenmai, and this man is a child of Shenmai. "

"Oh! If this is a Shenmai child, then"

Many people changed their eyes when they looked at Han Fei, saying that this must also be the case of Shenmai's children not running away. If it weren't for the children of Shenmai, how could it be possible to wear three in one? If it is not a child of Shenmai, how can it be possible to master the world of Faxiang and Earth? If it weren't for the children of Shenmai, how could he dare to be so unscrupulous?

Over there, during the battle of Fengxing Meteorology, even if Yi Shui Liu had the blessing of Tianmen, he still couldn't stop it. He felt the surging fire element almost burned through his soul. The soul-protecting artifact in his mind has already flown out of his mind at this moment, and it has emerged in the outside world.

However, Feng Xingliu remembered that Han Fei said that this time he was not allowed to kill, so he held Yi Shuiliu and blasted him to Han Fei's side.

Han Fei had expected that Feng Xingliu was going to be unable to hold it anymore, so he condensed a sacred spear again in his backhand, and nailed Yi Shui Liu with a "pouch" sound.

So far, the four great arrogances of the Celestial Clan who came this time have all been nailed to the seabed by Han Fei, attracting the crowd around the emperor, with awe and awe.

Secretly, someone left secretly, but Han Fei didn't care.

Feng Xingliu couldn't wait to rush to Han Fei: "I will collect the resources for you, and I will collect them for you."

Han Fei didn't care either. The attraction of resources was actually not great for Feng Xingliu. The reason why this guy wanted to collect resources was simply to feel the pleasure of collecting resources.

Afterwards, if he speaks at will, even if he says he is going to buy two boats, he can lose tens of thousands of miles of resources, and he is not taking money as money. Han Fei estimated that this guy had never personally spent money to do anything before. Maybe the family treasure house was open to him, and he had no idea at all.

If it weren't for Han Fei's words of not cheating on the old, Feng Xingliu would still not care.

"Yes, take it! Take it all for you"

After a while, when Feng Xing shed a lot of resources, he slowly settled the accounts next to him.

And Han Fei pointed to those in the Celestial Clan, and pointed out: "Yi Yuan, come here, and I will know you."

At that time, Yi Yuan's whole person was not good. What do you mean by knowing me? I'm not familiar with you! How can it be as if I am yours?

However, at this time, I have to stand up even if I bite the bullet! Yi Tianlong and their four great arrogances were found by mobilizing the relationship themselves. Well, now these four people, if something happens, it's not enough to die a hundred times.

Yi Yuan bit his scalp and said: "Your resources have been given to you, what do you want to do?"

Han Fei curled up his lips and said, "You all follow me."

When it was over, Han Fei got out of the void with his big hands, brushing at the nailed places of Yi Tianlong and the others, and photographing them all.

Then, on the bow of the deck of the big ship of the Celestial Clan, four strings were inserted in a row.

Just listen to Han Fei: "Wait, everyone gets on the boat."

Seeing the people of the Celestial Clan hesitating, but not daring to leave, Han Fei couldn't help but sneered: "I said that I won't kill you, but he won't, mother-in-law, just give it to the Celestial Clan, what's your face?"

For a while, someone asked, "What do you want to do?"

Han Fei: "I want you to stay on board. If you don't mind flying for many days, then fly in the sky."

Someone's voice sank: "I'm waiting for so many people here. If he dares to kill, he will become a mortal enemy. Now he hasn't been a killer, so he probably cares about this relationship."

Someone pondered: "Now we are threatened by him. We can't run or fight. Let's get on the boat!"

When everyone got on the boat, they saw Han Fei turn his hands, with thirty-six sealed guns falling from the sky.

Suddenly, these heavenly people shouted: "What do you want to do?"

Han Fei sneered: "You are all my prisoners of war. Stay on the boat for me. When someone comes to redeem them, no one will redeem them. Then they will be killed."


"It's a special mother."

"This is fine too?"

"Isn't it enough to threaten us? Does he still want to threaten our clan?"

However, after a while of twittering, these people's hearts sank. This time, the clan might have to come to redeem them. After all, there were too many people under control this time, and they were very fast forty. If the clan did not show up, that day the clan would suddenly fall to nearly forty Open Heaven Realm Tianjiao, this loss is really too great.

Next to him, Feng Xingliu tricked them into boarding the ship from Han Fei, then sealed it, and then carried out a threat. This set of procedures made the furnace perfect, and the time was astonishing. Wu, can resources be obtained through blackmail?

He couldn't help calling out Feng Qingcheng, but as soon as Feng Qingcheng appeared, he saw the four powerful men nailed to the deck. Feng Qingcheng wasn't stupid, how could he not even distinguish between the sea-opening realm and the open-day realm.

She looked at the dozens of powerful men on the ship and the four who were nailed through here, and couldn't help saying: "Here! I just entered your Origin Sea for a while, what are you doing?"

Feng Xingliu said: "Nothing! It's as simple as fighting to collect money. I, Han Fei, want to imprison them all and blackmail them for resources."

Feng Qingcheng's whole person was not good at the time. He tilted his head and glanced at Han Fei. After seeing it, he glanced at Feng Xingliu, who seemed a little excited, and couldn't help saying, "Blackmail the Celestial Clan?"

Feng Xingliu: "Yes! I think this wave will make a lot of money. When I am in the Hui clan, my father will definitely say that I have grown up and can make money on my own."

Feng Qingcheng rubbed her head at that time, no, she had to rest for a while, her mind couldn't keep up. Feng Xingliu had never done such a big thing since he was a child!

Feng Xingliu might not know what kind of existence the Celestial Clan was, but she did, Feng Qingcheng. The Phoenix Protoss is no better than the Celestial Clan, in fact it can only be said to be equivalent.

The Celestial Clan has been in the East China Sea Shenzhou for so many years, and there have been more than one or two peerless powerhouses. The emperor of the heavenly clan is not one or two. Han Fei is stunned with the heavenly clan with Feng Xingliu.

In other words, Feng Qingcheng pointed to the four strings and said: "What are these four?"

Feng Xingliu proudly said at the time: "Huh! These four claim to be the supreme arrogances of the heavenly clan, but their strength is inferior."

Seeing Feng Qingcheng's little fire-breathing eyes, Feng Xingliu said: "Okay! The strength is not bad, still quite powerful. Unfortunately, it is still a lot worse than me, so I lost my hand, UU reading www. uukanshu.com is also a matter of course."

Feng Qingcheng naturally knows Feng Xingliu's strength. Although his elder brother reveals the temperament of Secondary Two in his bones, his strength is indeed strong, and he is extremely talented and possesses the veins. He has always been cultivated as the absolute core seed of the Phoenix God Clan. Yes, that is the master of what you want.

Therefore, Feng Xingliu said that these few people were barely inferior to him. Feng Qingcheng understood at the time that co-authoring these two was to end up with the heavenly clan’s great arrogances, and then smoothly suppressed dozens of ordinary tianjiaos. Then use this as a bargaining chip to ask for resources from the Celestial Clan.

However, how much impact this will bring, how could she not think of it. Although the Phoenix Protoss is not afraid of the Celestial Clan, there is no need to offend the Celestial Clan at this time.

Immediately, Feng Qingcheng exclaimed: "Brother Han Fei"


As soon as Feng Qingcheng said this, all descendants of the Celestial Clan cast their eyes on Han Fei, including Yi Tianlong who was nailed to the bow of the ship.

Feng Qingcheng: "???"

Han Fei’s voice was long: "It’s because you heard that, you can change your name, sit still, and my name is Han Fei, and I will only fight the face of the Celestial Clan. You’d better hope that you will not be met by me in the future, otherwise, you will meet one by one and one by one. Doubles and a pair."


The onlookers knew that this must have been a major contradiction between Han Fei and the Celestial Clan. If there were no contradictions, Han Fei would not be able to slap the Celestial Clan in such a red face.

Moreover, in front of so many people, Han Fei dared to say and do it, then he would not be afraid of the heavenly clan targeting him. Everyone couldn't help feeling awe-inspiring, and dared to openly challenge the Celestial Clan, this guy is awesome!

Feng Xingliu hadn't thought about robbery and blackmail, so he could take it for granted, and he was rightly confident, and immediately shouted: "My Feng Xingliu"


But Feng Qingcheng slapped his arm with a backhand: "Shut up."

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