God of Fishing

Chapter 2341: visit

"By the way, Senior Sister, I am going to see a few people in these two days."

"Who? What are you doing?"

Feng Yu found out that he, a little junior, is not an ordinary person who can do things. Obviously it is a casual repair, but he is bold. He provokes the Gate of Heaven before he transforms into a star. Just after transforming into a star, he picked Doulong Street and killed the star of the Great Perfection. Now that I see a few people, I have to report to myself, telling Feng Yu instinctively that something is definitely going on.

Han Fei grinned: "Senior Sister, do you remember that I said that in the Scavenger City, I met a strong man who is suspected of being the Temple of Time?"

Feng Yu nodded slightly: "Remember, I checked it out. The chaos wasteland where you are now is indeed a city of scavengers. Although there is an emperor sitting in the town, it is a polluted land, and most people rarely go there. Exploring in the wasteland, and the people over there seem to be very low-key."

Han Fei nodded slightly: "The environment there is a bit worse. It must be more inferior than the outside world. But it is also the most dangerous place in the East China Sea Shenzhou. During the tidal wave eruption every 100 years, there is almost a Jedi. However, time I don’t know why the temple patronizes. If the person I know is from the Temple of Time, she may have been there for ten thousand years. I suspect that the Chaos Wasteland has any special secrets."

Feng Yu nodded slightly, and when Han Fei said that, she also felt that something was wrong. If Han Fei knew that person was from the Temple of Time, why did he stay in that remote place for so long?

Feng Yu: "I will arrange this, and I will give you news before the end of the Ten Thousand Years Competition."

Han Fei grinned and said, "Thank you, Senior Sister."

Han Feixin said, it's good to have someone on it. Although the Phoenix Protoss is not a super power in the East China Sea, it is also a super power, isn't it? It is definitely easier for them to get some information about the situation than they do.

After expressing this meaning, Han Fei said: "One more thing, I have had a deal with the person who seems to be the Temple of Time. This trip to the God Capital Dynasty, I want to meet a few people on her behalf."

Feng Yu's eyes flashed: "You represent her? What exactly is it?"

Han Fei shook his head slightly: "I don't know, just report her name and show her tokens."

Feng Yu said silently, "Do you also trade with her?"

Han Fei: "It won't work if you don't trade! There, she is the only one who sees through my identity. She is a very smart and difficult person."

But Han Fei suddenly said: "However, I think the danger should not be great. I tend to be more inclined to, this is a kind of test."

Feng Yu couldn't help looking at Han Fei: "Temple of Time, introductory test?"

Han Fei nodded slightly: "If the other party is really from the Temple of Time, I suspect that this so-called meeting is a test, but not necessarily an introductory test. But anyway, when I go, I should know it."

Feng Yu: "Would you like to tell Big Brother?"

Han Fei: "I don’t need it at the moment, in case they don’t have this purpose. I want to look at their purpose first, and then decide how to deal with it. But let’s talk to Sister Sister in advance about this, and let’s show it first, regardless of whether the opponent is or not. I will never go to the Temple of Time."

Feng Yu smiled and said: "That is, no matter how strong the Time Temple is, how can it be stronger than my Void Temple? I may not be able to see it now, but it is said that after preaching, we will see the clues, anyway, our Void Temple is the strongest."

Of course Han Fei felt that the Void Temple was the strongest. He had already analyzed this issue.

Among the three temples, the immortal temple should be the weakest in theory, at least the personal combat power is definitely not as good as the void temple and the time temple. This is easy to understand, because there are so many people in the Immortal Temple! You have so many people, it can only show that you have strong group warfare ability and can use crowded tactics.

Of course, there are certainly strong undead among them, but the upper limit of combat power is definitely not enough for the Void Temple.

As for the Temple of Time, they are more like powerhouses wandering in time, and their main talent abilities are not in combat. For example, like Mo Qi, or foretellers, this kind of person is more like a wise man. Of course, the combat power of the Temple of Time is certainly not weak. It's just their strength, Han Fei thinks it should be the strength of skill, not the strength of real combat power.

But the Void Temple is different. Just look at Feng Yu and you will know that the transformation of the star is complete, and the Dao is justified. Moreover, if judging from the real time of cultivation, she is using time to accelerate her cultivation, Feng Yu is cultivating with her natural growth time. According to the things the senior brothers and sisters gave to Feng Yu, it can be seen that Feng Yu's proving the Dao should be very fast.

Even Feng Yu was about to prove, Han Fei thought that all the other brothers and sisters were naturally emperors. Especially the big brother, if it wasn't for the existence of no gods in this world, Han Fei felt that the senior big brother's grade should be a god.

After having a relationship with Feng Yu, Han Feigang wanted to go for a stroll and brush up on his presence. But his own 306 courtyard, unexpectedly came guests.

This guest was an acquaintance, Wushuang and Wang Beichen.

Han Feixin was right to say that the Crossing should have arrived in the Shendu Dynasty, so everyone on board should have arrived.

Feng Yu didn't want to get acquainted with these people, so he took Feng Xingliu and Feng Qingcheng away first, because in the next few days, Han Fei had to deal with his own affairs.

You still need to pay attention to the test of the Temple of Time. If there is something wrong, you have to ask the big brother to help.

Feng Xingliu: "Oh! I stayed very well with Han Fei, I don't live in the second room of Tianzi."

Feng Yu snorted: "You shut up, these days and Korea are not okay, don't you two hang around there. Also, you just awakened for the second time in your bloodline, so you can consolidate my cultivation."

Feng Qingcheng: "That's right, you quickly consolidate your cultivation base. Otherwise, how long will it take you to catch up with Han Fei?"

Feng Xingliu: "Hey, you little girl, now you have turned your elbow away? Didn't Han Fei give you a magic weapon, you are talking to him now."

Feng Qingcheng: "I'm telling the truth, and it has nothing to do with the artifact. Although you have penetrated Doulong Street, but you forgot who was helping you in the end? By the time you were halfway through the fight, they had already finished the fight. ."

Feng Xingliu's old face suddenly sank, and his heart said, but I played even harder! I'm more dazzling.

Feng Yu glanced at Feng Qingcheng in surprise: "Han Fei also gave you the artifact? What artifact and quality?"

Feng Qingcheng's heart moved, and a lotus seed appeared, and she only heard her say: "This is a soul-suppressing lotus seed, a lower-grade soul-protecting artifact. But it should be a suit. If you get it together, you can probably make a set of top-grade artifacts. But this kind of thing. It is very difficult to get things together."

Feng Yu nodded slightly. Indeed, this kind of lotus seed soul protector is indeed uncommon, but it is extremely rare if it can be assembled into a set.

The corner of Feng Yu's mouth raised slightly. It seems that Junior Brother is still very loyal! Giving my sister an artifact to help Feng Xingliu awaken for the second time, it seems that the senior brother said it well, and the younger junior brother is very good in luck and strength.

Han Fei's residence, Wushuang and Wang Beichen came.

When Han Fei saw it, he immediately greeted him: "Oh! The crossing ship has finally arrived. You two came here by pinch!"

Wushuang smiled slightly, and he seemed a little shy: "The speed of the Crossing is naturally slower. But as soon as we arrived in the Shendu Dynasty, we heard that you had beaten Doulong Street alone and killed the Heavenly Clan in the street. Yi Qianxing, a perfect powerhouse. Unexpectedly, you still hide a lot of strength!"

Han Fei laughed: "Really? I didn't hide it, but that Yi Qianxing's name is not true."

Wushuang's heart, hehe, misnomer? Do you think I don’t know who Yi Qianxing is? Although this guy did not make it to the top of the list, he has always been suppressed in the clan. But secretly, it is recognized by many people as the number one powerhouse in the East China Sea Shenzhou Tianzhu.

Wang Beichen was much more straightforward. He opened his mouth and said: "The main reason is to come and see if you are hurt. It seems that you are in good condition. I am looking forward to meeting you at the Wannian Competition."

Han Fei smiled and said, "What are our brothers bothering to fight for? There is time to discuss each other. If you don't fight against so many people in Wannianda, what do you call me? Haha..."

Wang Beichen's expression eased, even his stiff face showed a slight smile.

Unlike Wushuang, Wang Beichen simply came over to see if Han Fei was injured. After all, he knew the danger of killing Yi Qianxing. When he came to see, he simply regarded Han Fei as a friend.

This is also the reason why Han Fei and Wang Beichen get along with each other frankly.

However, Wushuang always gave him a kind of mystery, so although on the surface he was a friend, in fact Han Fei still had a sense of distance from her.

Wushuang: "Why didn't you see Feng Xingliu and Qingcheng? Are they not there?"

Han Fei: "Well, Feng Xingliu is indeed seriously injured, and he is recovering right now. Feng Qingcheng must be watching next to him!"

Wushuang smiled and said, "I heard that Feng Yu is also here for the strongest person on the list?"

Han Fei: "Well! The top ranking in the sky is unfathomable. I just sat there for a while, chatted a few words, and then left."

Han Fei didn't keep it secret, who didn't know that he had a good relationship with the Phoenix Protoss right now? With Feng Xingliu and Feng Qingcheng as the guide, his contact with Feng Yu seemed to be a matter of course, no one would doubt anything.

But if it is deliberately avoided, it will arouse the vigilance of interested people.

Wushuang and they just greeted for a while, and then left.

After knowing that they were gone, Han Fei also didn't understand. This Wushuang seemed to have no purpose. He came over and took a look and chatted for a while, which made him wonder, is this girl really not hiding any thoughts?

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