God of Fishing

Chapter 2355: Team competition, waste material alliance

In Han Fei's eyes, how to play the team matches in the qualifiers does not make much sense.

As Li Shenhao analyzed, the true purpose of the team competition is actually to tap the elite and test the comprehensive ability, adaptability and so on of this type of strong.

But even after the second round of the qualifiers, half of the people were brushed. However, the number of strong players who continue to participate can still reach more than 370,000.

Han Fei thought to himself that no matter how much he brushed, half of them would be brushed off in the next two rounds, and there would still be close to 100,000 people left.

Therefore, at this stage, whether it is the third or fourth round, no matter who you form a group with, there is no reason to lose. Therefore, Han Fei doesn't care with whom to form a group.

one day later.

The second round of qualifiers for Pihaijing is over. Compared with the number of people eliminated in the Open Sky Realm, the number of eliminated people in the Open Sea Realm appears to be particularly bluffing. Good guy, we eliminated 4.5 million people and countless contestants. In this qualifier, we found the gap between ourselves and the real strong.

This kind of cognition, looking at the vast wilderness of the sea, is very difficult to be born, and can only be intuitively felt in the comparison between the 10,000-year-old dynasty of the gods and the countless strong people.

Anyway, the second round of qualifiers severely affected the self-confidence of many people.

When the Nezha clone and Zhang Daqian clone's information were synchronized, Han Fei discovered that in fact, the content of the three levels of qualifiers were basically the same, and they all used the same screening method.

Han Fei didn't care about this.

Today, Han Fei continues to lie down, watching the changes in his life. My heart moved, but it was Feng Yu who actually came here, and came with Feng Xingliu who had just left, and Feng Qingcheng also came. Is this the party for hot pot?

"Little Junior Brother, lie down?"

Han Fei got up and said in doubt: "Senior Sister, didn't I tell you, a few guys in the Temple of Time, it is possible that they are paying attention to me."

Feng Yu responded indifferently: "It's okay, I called Feng Xingliu and Qingcheng to come together."

Han Fei's heart moved, thinking about whether to set up a formation, and chatting with Feng Yu alone, he felt that Feng Yu should have something to tell himself.

But immediately, I only heard Feng Yu say: "Han Fei, can I introduce a rich woman to you?"


Han Fei rolled his eyes, what is this? Just this, Xingshi rushed over?

Feng Qingcheng also unexpectedly saw that Han Fei and Feng Yu were the same, and said to her that the relationship between her sister and Han Fei was so casual?

Feng Xingliu said directly: "Well, the rich woman you want to introduce is not yourself, right?"

Feng Yu slapped directly and called out, "It's not big or small."

Even though Feng Xingliu's bloodline awakens again, it can't stop Feng Yuhuaxing Dzogchen's strength from being crushed!

He was directly slapped and slapped on the ground. The unwilling Feng Xingliu shouted directly: "Attack me, you are a sneak attack."

Feng Yu didn't bother to take care of the goods, but smiled at Han Fei and said, "It is the princess Lanxin who went to Doulong Street with me last time. I, the dynasty of the gods, the royal family is orthodox, and the blood is amazing. Are you interested? If you marry her, Han Fei, you can fight for 10,000 years less."

The corners of Han Fei's mouth twitched. God has struggled for ten thousand years, and I still have a lot of things to do. Besides, I am a married person.

Han Fei: "Farewell, this Princess Lanxin or something, you should introduce it to Feng Xingliu! I think Feng Xingliu is a great match."

Feng Xingliu: "???"

Immediately, Feng Xingliu did not expect that Feng Xingliu actually licked the corners of her mouth: "Um, I don't mind! I also noticed her at the time, so she should barely be worthy of me."

Several people set up a hot pot and a barbecue grill, and then Feng Yu said without hesitation: "I heard that you two have mixed up with a group of dudes from the Shendu Dynasty. Do you have to form a team in the third round of qualifiers? "

Han Feixin said, "Didn't Feng Xingliu tell you?"

Feng Xingliu: "Do you need to talk about such a small matter?"

Feng Yu smiled faintly: "You don't necessarily need to say anything, but you two will definitely not be in the same team."


Han Fei and Feng Xingliu couldn't help but glance at each other. What do you mean? Didn't the group of dudes say that they could find a relationship? They can find relationships to join their team, wouldn't they also unite Feng Xingliu?

Feng Xingliu couldn't help saying: "Why don't we group together?"

Feng Yu: "Because the two of you are too strong together. The rule of the third round of qualifiers is to match the strong with the weak. Like me, you can only match the bottom few of all the current contestants. As for you, It’s almost the same. It will only match those with the lowest strength. But if you both rank within the top ten thousand, this kind of combination is impossible."

Han Fei was puzzled: "Not randomly assigned?"

Feng Yu: "If you and I are randomly assigned, what's the point of this third round of qualifiers?"

Han Fei couldn't help saying: "So, I am alone with a bunch of waste materials?"

Feng Xingliu also said, "Is this a bit strenuous?"

Feng Yu looked at these two people jokingly, "Well! It's quite difficult. If nothing else, because you have united part of the dudes. This has caused some of the great clans of the Divine Capital Dynasty to turn their attention to you. So, this In the third round of qualifiers, you may be targeted."


Han Fei was not well at the time. In Feng Xingliu's dazed expression, he took a deep breath and said, "You have to notify them and you have to add money."

Two days later.

Han Fei's natal stars are developing well, energy is slowly accumulating, the ground veins have basically been integrated, and the ground vein spring water is also being transformed, and the efficiency is very high.

The corners of Han Fei's mouth raised slightly. When the energy in one's own natal star is completely precipitated, and the entire natal star is subjected to a certain amount of energy baptism, the star core can almost be born.

Han Fei couldn't help but sigh. Once the star core was born, the step of transforming himself into a star was completely completed, and his strength should have taken a small leap.

Of course, if the God of War really had a way to quickly condense the essence of gold and jade, then this small leap could become a big leap.

Han Fei is a little looking forward to the early birth of the star core. At the same time, he also hopes that these qualifiers will take longer. The longer the qualifiers, the greater the probability of breaking through before the Ten Thousand Years Grand Tournament officially starts.

"Sir Han Fei, the time for the third round of qualifiers is almost here."

The Jiaziyuan where Han Fei and the others are located is served by a dedicated person, although most of the time, they don't need someone to attend.

"Oh, I see."

Han Fei responded and slowly got up and headed to Island 101.

It is still the black tower, this is the third time Han Fei has seen him. This time, the number of participants has dropped significantly, by more than half.

If nothing happens, the four rounds of qualifiers should all be held in this tower, so that the Kingdom of God will be easier.

As soon as Han Fei arrived, he found a special breath on his qualification order, like a frequency. This made it easy for Han Fei. Among the 370,000 people, he could find someone with the same frequency as himself.

It feels like you put a few giants among 10,000 ordinary people, and you can see it at a glance.

"Brother Fei! Brother Fei, I will be with you!"

"Brother Fei, me, and me are here."

"Brother Fei, we have been waiting for you for a long time. I feel relieved when I see you."

"No brother..."

Han Fei looked around and looked at the same frequencies: "Cao Mengde? Wu Bufan? Luo Dafei...Well, these are all there!"

Why do you confirm this? That Wu Bufan still had a big pipe in his mouth, that Luo Dafei was fanning with a golden fan, and that Cao Mengde was looking at a female nun not far away. There was also a guy named Li Chen, who also had two sea walnuts in his hand, making a circle in his hand.

"Ah this..."

As for Feng Xingliu's side, they have gathered at this moment. A total of seven people on his side have gathered together at this moment, and they are walking towards Han Fei and the others.

Wu Bufan and the others had already surrounded them for the first time. They all smiled and felt very comfortable inside. They said that this third round was stable.

Han Fei said indifferently: "You show your wrists, let me see your rankings."

"Ah this..."

Cao Mengde and the others were taken aback for a moment, but then they showed their wrists without much hesitation.

"Good guy, when Han Fei took a look, Nima was shocked."

"372565? 371981? 376019..."

There are six people in a row, and the numbers start with 37. Feng Yu said that she could only be paired with the countdown, and now it seems that it is so. No wonder these few are sure that they can team up with themselves just by looking for relationships. Nima, he should have been matched with one person at each stage, but he was matched with six waste materials at once, which directly caused the combat effectiveness of his team to drop by 80%.

Wait, Han Fei discovered that there seemed to be another person here, and everyone else turned their heads to look at it. It was a girl who didn't seem tall, had delicate features and handsome features, and was very energetic.

It's just that the girl seemed to be a little frightened when she saw Han Fei and their strange group. The one who smokes a big pipe, the one who eats walnuts, the fan is cool, and the one who squints at her... She felt that she had come to the wrong team.

Just listen to Wu Bufan squinting his eyes and said: "No, which family are you from? Why do we still have you in our team?"

Han Fei was taken aback, surprised: "You don't know?"

Luo Dafei: "I don't know, Brother Fei, we thought there were seven people with you. I don't know why another one popped up."

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