God of Fishing

Chapter 2393: evolution

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Han Fei had seen Emperor Bird Crossing Tribulation, and he could imagine the arrogant appearance of Emperor Bird crossing the Tribulation in the sea of ​​stars.

Now, Xiao Hei Xiao Bai is different from Emperor Sparrow.

When the first purple thunder came, Xiao Hei Xiao Bai burst into full of vitality. Moreover, there was a strange light shining on the two bodies, and a thunder catastrophe was slowly absorbed and digested by the black and white light.

However, in fact, it was not as easy as Han Fei saw with his eyes. Xiao Hei Xiao Bai seemed to just want to test the power of this thunder robbery.

After the first thunder tribulation, I saw Xiao Hei Xiao Bai immediately turned into two black and white mists. The two interact with each other, coiling around, turning into a picture of the yin and yang of the supreme yin and yang.


The second heavenly tribulation fell on this great yin and yang map, only a few ripples were set off on the surface, and then the power of this heavenly tribulation seemed to have been completely swallowed.

In this process, Xiao Hei Xiao Bai did not use the resources given by Han Fei at all.

After that, there is the third, fourth, and fifth heavenly calamity. Until the seventh heaven tribulation, Han Fei found that Xiao Hei and Xiao Bai didn't use the huge resources he gave them, which made Han Fei feel a little anxious. It's all at this level, why don't you use resources?

Moreover, this has already eaten seven purple thunders in a row!

Because he couldn't see the specific power of these seven thunder tribulations, Han Fei could also estimate by his feelings. The power of this day of robbery, about Mo should be a little bit stronger than he was at the beginning, less than 20%, but it should be 10%.

It's just that Xiao Hei Xiao Bai's coping style shocked Han Fei. They turned into a yin and yang picture, and then ate all the tribulations that had come down, and they had not exposed a trace until now.


Even if it was the Eighth Heavenly Tribulation, there were still no exceptions, and it was also eaten by Xiao Hei Xiao Bai.

Until the Ninth Heavenly Tribulation, Han Fei thought that Xiao Hei and Xiao Bai's Tribulation might have passed like this. After all, the robbery of mysterious creatures, no one knows what it will be like.

But the next moment, I saw a big fish out of the water in the yin and yang picture, with a slender body, white fin tails, transparent scales like white crystals, and black strokes on the edges. This big fish is like a dragon out of the water, winding up into the sky.

The last heavenly calamity just revealed its embryonic form in the sky, and only saw the inexplicable big fish transformed by the little black and white, and bit it. After Xiao Hei Xiao Bai emerged from the purple catastrophic thunder again.

There was a feeling in Han Fei that Xiao Hei Xiao Bai had changed.

When Han Fei took a closer look, he found that their information had changed.

[Name] Twin Yin-Yang Sky Swallowing Fish

[Introduction] This is the descendant of the ancient mystical Yin-Yang Sky-swallowing fish, black and white Pisces coexist, white fish is docile, black fish is cruel, and the spirit symbiosis, only one side is alive, the other side is immortal. The yin and yang have the heaven and the earth, so the yin and yang can swallow the infinity of the heaven and the earth.

【Level】Level 101


【Storing the Spirit’s Air】Unlimited

[Food] Everything can be swallowed

[Combat Skills] Supreme Yin and Yang Wheel, Spirit Swallowing Body, Combination, Gemini Divine Art, Yin and Yang Grinding Disc, Devouring Heaven and Earth

[Remarks] The black fish is not visible, except for the owner, it can only be seen through with the yin and yang divine eyes conceived by the heavens and the earth, or a person whose strength is far beyond one's own body. After being combined, the combat power is greatly increased and you can freely manipulate the yin and yang techniques.


Han Fei's eyes lit up. This means that Xiao Hei Xiao Bai has evolved, right? Yin and Yang Sky Swallowing Fish, then it is no longer a Spirit Swallowing Fish?

When Han Fei saw that these two could store fairy qi infinitely, he didn't think there was any problem. Because the spirit of the fairy spirit has an upper limit for the Open Heaven Realm. Generally, if you store hundreds of thousands of channels, it is enough to spare. Han Fei didn't know how much he could store.

In addition, the combat skills have one more devouring world, what exactly it means, Han Fei still doesn't know, but still needs to study. But Xiao Hei and Xiao Bai now have their own sense of independence, so just ask them later.

It is a note that after being combined, he can freely control the yin and yang art, but Han Feixin said that his art on the yin and yang avenue, in the final analysis, is almost entirely provided by Xiao Hei Xiao Bai's own combat skills.

For example, Taishang Yin-Yang Wheel, such as Gemini Divine Art, such as Yin-Yang Grinding Disc. Of course, there are also a few sword techniques such as Yin and Yang Reincarnation Knife, and I don't know if it will become stronger after being combined.


Before Han Fei could think about it, he saw two small, matte and porcelain dolls appearing on the yin and yang picture. Follow the yin and yang diagram to slowly dissipate.

Han Fei couldn't help but widened his eyes: "The foggy grass has turned people?"

Xiao Hei and Xiao Bai are easy to identify. Xiao Bai is the kind of special lady, and Xiao Hei is the cold type. It is difficult to distinguish between the two.

The two little people in front of them are probably five or six years old. Xiao Bai was naturally dressed in white, with black embellishments on his forehead, and a thin black vertical mark on the center of his eyebrows.

Xiao Hei is naturally black, with white vertical lines on the eyebrows.

The two little guys, as they walked out of the comics, their big eyes flickered and their small faces were pink and tender.


Xiaobai screamed sweetly and hummed and ran towards Han Fei.

"Hey, girl, come, dad hug...hahaha..."

Xiaobai jumped and jumped into Han Fei's arms. With one stroke, Han Fei hugged Xiaobai around.


With Xiao Bai sitting on his shoulders, Han Fei couldn't help but look at Xiao Hei: "Xiao Hei, do you want to raise it high?"


Xiao Hei glanced at Xiao Bai, and refused coolly, indicating that he was not a naive person.

However, I saw Han Fei grabbing a big hand, and Xiao Hei was also picked up.

"Hey! I'm an adult..."

Xiao Hei was yelling at Han Fei, but Han Fei didn’t care. He ran a few laps of the roller coaster in the sea at speeds of light. Bai giggled for a while.

Xiao Hei snorted, then hugged his fists, but did not refuse.

After running a lot of laps, Han Fei put them aside for the two little guys, and then said: "Why don't you use so much resources from my father just now? Isn't that bad?"

Xiao Bai said sweetly: "Dad! We have been eating! It's just that we have been eating the catastrophe. It's hard to digest, so I don't have the appetite to eat your resources."


Han Fei couldn't help raising his eyebrows: "Eat the catastrophe?"

Xiao Hei said coolly: "Finally, I rushed into the robbery and ate the demon."

Han Fei: "???"

Han Fei's whole person was not good at the time, and they all said that he had never heard of eating robbery! I thought that these two little guys must have suffered too, but I didn't expect them to eat the catastrophe as food.

But thinking about it this way, wouldn't they be equivalent to using Heaven's Tribulation to temper the body? And it's the kind of body quenching that doesn't waste a single bit. Therefore, the current combat power of Xiao Hei Xiao Bai is theoretically much stronger than that of the normal transforming star powerhouse.

Han Fei: "Then you put the resources into the Origin Sea now. These resources should be enough for you to reach the Transformation Star."

However, Xiao Hei is so cool: "No need."


Han Fei slapped Xiao Hei's ass: "How do you talk to Daddy? I just need it when I say it."

Xiao Hei was speechless: "I really don't need it, we can devour the world now."

Han Fei looked dumbfounded: "What do you mean? It's great to be able to swallow heaven and earth? Don't eat resources if you swallow heaven and earth?"

Xiao Hei: "We can now eat the stars in the sea of ​​stars, and eat the avenues on the stars, so resources are of little significance to us. We don't rely on this to open up our natal stars. We have our own natal stars."

"Huh? No, you wait a moment... You eat stars? You eat Dadao?"

Han Fei couldn't help but his eyes were green, why not go to heaven?

But soon, Han Fei realized that something was wrong: "What do you say, you have your own natal stars?"

Xiao Hei proudly said: "It can also be said to be the avenue of life, we don't call it stars. Our avenue is growth. As long as it continues to devour the world, this road can grow freely."


Han Fei was fascinated at the time, the natal star of free growth, oh no, the road of free growth. Therefore, people actually don't have the concept of stars, they are Tao themselves. In other words, UU reading www. uukanshu.com’s natural Dao body from childhood to black and white means that they are the avenue itself, and they don’t need to transform stars at all...


Han Fei was a little dumbfounded: "Then you... are you hungry now?"

Xiao Bai: "Dad, Xiao Hei can eat your star nucleus energy."

Han Fei's heart moved: "Hey! By the way, can you two refine the impurities in Daddy's star core?"

Xiao Hei hummed: "That's not easy? It's just that we also need to stabilize our strength. Lei Jie is just to temper the body and condense the soul, and it needs a lot of energy to stabilize."

After a while.

Han Fei saw that Xiao Hei Xiao Bai turned into a huge yin and yang picture, directly wrapping his own natal star.

"Ah this..."

Han Fei was also a little dazed for a while, now he doesn't even need the yin and yang grinding plate? Shouldn't these two little guys eat their own star cores?

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