God of Fishing

Chapter 2402: Extreme Soul Refining?

"No! Enter my seal bell."

   Zhou Run is amazed, what are these demons? How come you suddenly come to such a close place, there is nowhere to hide.

   As soon as the sealing bell came out, it barely covered the three of Zhou Run, Wu Bufan, and Li Chen. But Cao Mengde, Mu Nan, and Luo Dafei could not cover them.

   Luo Dafei yelled violently, his soul condensed into a barrier, and the soul burst open in front of him, forcibly resisted, but he was immediately shocked, blood spurted, and he rolled his eyes directly.

   Cao Meng was able to try to resist this spirit power with the Nine Heaven Seal, while Mu Nan used the Great Way of Water to protect himself.

   However, Han Fei knew that the devil’s methods didn't stop there. They would be parasitic if they were contaminated. At that time, he might not be able to tell whether they were parasitic or not. Only one by one can use apocalypse magic to purify them.

   can be compared to wasting apocalyptic magic to purify, it is better to help them directly block it now.

   It was too late, it was fast, Han Fei divided into three, Void descending technique, descended two clones. The three major identities forced their hands, fist like a star mark, with the spring of flesh and blood, abruptly exploding these spirit shocks.

   However, the situation of the battle is not optimistic, because Han Fei's perception is swept away, and he discovered that among the group of demons, there are actually two late stage transformation stars.

   In the divided state, the two identities can't stop the demon in the late stage of transformation.

   Here, Luo Dafei and the three were just saved. They only heard Han Fei shout: "Luo Dafei, protect my body."

   Luo Dafei lifted his spirits and rushed directly in front of Han Fei, fighting his severely wounded body, laying down a spiritual barrier, and then bursting out: "Zhou Run, hurry up and cover up Laozi and Fei."

   At this time, it's not a time to succeed, if there are too many demons, they simply can't handle it. Zhou Run quickly brought in Luo Dafei and Han Fei.

   No, Luo Dafei hurriedly spouted blood, then took out a bottle of pill from the natal star, and swallowed it directly into his mouth.

When    was over, he said in amazement: "It's so strong, there is more than one in this group of demons in the late stage of transformation."

  As soon as Luo Dafei's voice fell, he saw that, on the other side, Han Feiyang, the **** of golden light, one enemy twelve, and his fists were shining in all directions.


   Luo Dafei exclaimed: "This, why can Yang Shen fight like this?"

   In Luo Dafei's cognition, whether it is Luo Family or Ghost Channel, they may be able to condense Yang Shen. But that's also the Yang Shen cooperating with Divine Soul Great Art to attack and kill.

   How can there be such a thing as Han Fei, Yang Shen is separated from the body, and the fist stamp suppresses the Quartet? It's not a physical body, this is a battle of souls!

Cao Mengde’s eyes were fierce: "We don’t even know you, how do we know. However, Fei used this trick when he was on Doulong Street. That’s how he beat Yi Qianxing back then. Even Fei did. Eat Yi Qianxing's Law Bodies."

   Zhou Run sighed: "It's not easy to explain, it may be some kind of magic! Besides magic, what else can be explained?"

  Actually, although Han Fei was trained as a Yangshen, there were two monsters from the later stage of the Transforming Star.

   This is not like a physical warfare, it can be avoided. Spiritual attacks are almost inevitable, and they can almost come directly ignoring the space.

   Fortunately, Han Fei’s Yang God is not an ordinary Yang God, so under the bombardment of a frenzied fist mark, he swept away five demons directly.

   "The law is forbidden here."

   Han Fei Dao, madly running, out of nothing, effective again.

   For a while, Zhou Run and the others were dumbfounded, and they saw Han Fei carrying an endless storm of spirits and devastating spirits, he backhandedly killed all the spirits of the late non-huaxing stage.

   The remaining two demons were about to run away, they had never seen such a terrible opponent! It's simply inexplicable, and it's impossible to use the Great Soul Technique.

   In this case, Zhou Run and the others looked at each other. In the team of 12 monsters, there were only two monsters from the later stage of Transforming Star. Why don't they run? Keep it to be killed?

   However, Han Fei grinned, "Time stands still."

   The Avenue of Time is rare, no matter how the demons have dealt with it, just let them stand still and cannot break free.

After that, I saw Han Fei appearing in front of one of the demon spirits, with fists like flowing light, "Da Da Da" directly hit the metamorphosis star on the late stage demon, and the smoke disappeared, leaving only the power of the masterless soul and the world. The origin, gathers oneself.

   There is still the demon left, and he seems to realize that he can't run away. Preparing to give it a go, he used all his power to pierce Han Fei's eyes.

   However, this piercing power was actually pinched by Han Fei's Yang Shen's hands.

   At that time, Han Fei didn't know how big the shadow area of ​​the demon's heart was. He might not be able to figure it out at all. Why could the demon still handle it like this?

  Even, outside of the demon realm, there is also a burly middle-aged man, slightly sighed: "Dharma and body double kill? This kid really understands the emperor's soul method!"


   Anyway, Zhou Run and a group of melon-eating people saw that 12 demons were cleansed by Han Fei in a blink of an eye. The shock in my heart was beyond words.

   If they haven't killed the demon, then forget it.

   However, they have personally played against each other, the devil, to be honest, they all feel a little strenuous one-on-one, and others are one-on-twelve, which is nothing human at all.

   Luo Dafei swallowed: "I, I think the Luo family's great soul technique is extremely weak compared to Fei Ge's Na Yang Shen fist mark."


Wu Bufan took a big pipe in his mouth and took a long sip; "I have to take a pipe to calm down, is this really a magical technique? Is it so powerful? One-on-twelve, and two stars The later demons?"


Cao Mengde also swallowed and said, "I have a bold method. You said, Brother...he, is he a soul refiner of the ultimate way? What kind of physical warfare is all appearances, all to cover up the practice of the ultimate way. The blind eye of the soul."


   Even Zhou Run couldn't help but glance at Cao Mengde. This guess is not unreasonable. The battle of the spirits will only be more difficult than the normal battle.

   Although Han Fei can also be hostile to the top ten metamorphosis stages plus the two metamorphosis metamorphose stages in a normal battle, there is no reason why he can win so fast.

   Mu Nan's heart was horrified. To be honest, when Qin Xun and Wang Xiang ran, he was also moved.

   However, he felt that Han Fei was killed by Thousand Monsters. It was a bit too unscientific, as if it were too easy to die. When I look at it now, I'm so witty, can he die for this kind of person?

   In the future, if he hadn't seen Han Fei be killed by the emperor with his own eyes, he would firmly believe that Han Fei would die. He felt that in the Open Heaven Realm, no one could kill Han Fei, a person who was so powerful as to be so perverted.

   And Han Fei, only feeling that his soul has grown a lot, he actually surpassed his own power. And the absorption of the origin of the world made him feel that the stars of his life were not just as simple as a little more vitality. He felt that the conversion ratio between soul and power seemed to increase again.

   "Huh! It has reached several world origin fruits, the devil is really a good thing!"


   When Han Feiyang returned, everyone next to him looked at him in shock. Han Fei couldn't help raising his eyebrows: "What are you looking at?"

   Luo Dafei lifted his spirits: "Brother Fei, I will definitely not say anything."

  Han Fei was puzzled: "What are you talking about?"

   Luo Dafei: "Of course it's the soul-refining thing that you took to the extreme way, brother!"

   "Extreme Dao Soul Refining?"

  Han Feixin said, "When did I go to the extreme path to refine my soul, did I show it to you?" I don't know it myself.

Han Fei rolled his eyes directly: "If you don't understand, don't pretend to understand. UU read www.uukanshu.com, this is not the ultimate soul refining. Forget it, I will tell you this secret when you turn to the Great Consummation. . Of course, you have to go to Huaxing Dzogchen first."


   Everyone was shocked, fucking, does Han Fei still teach himself and others such magic skills?

   And Han Feixin said, this is the double kill of the emperor-level law and body, which is really rare and strange.

   Han Fei has no time to talk nonsense with them now, this batch of demons has been killed, there should be no other demons around here. As soon as he stretched out his hand, he greeted endless water.

   When the endless water appeared, the endless water vitality around it immediately gathered surgingly, and the speed of the convergence was like the water vapor of the entire waterfall rushing into the endless water.


   Suddenly, I just listened to Mu Nan said: "Brother Fei, are you, Chaos Yuanshui?"

   When Mu Nan spoke, Han Fei suddenly looked up. This was the first person he met here who knew Chaos Yuanshui.

   Before the riots in the sea, everyone knew the reason of endless water. At that time, they all rushed through the imperial palace together, and then the Chaos Yuanshui fell into the Wujintian, the desolate city.

   But in the sea world, Han Fei has not yet met a person who called out the origin of endless water.

   Before in Doulong Street, although Han Fei used endless water, the endless water was not in this form at that time. The endless water at that time was bathed in divine glory and formed a wave of rivers and oceans, so it was difficult to distinguish.

   Han Fei: "Do you know Chaos Yuanshui?"

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