God of Fishing

Chapter 2409: Plant war is ominous

In order to fuse endless water, Han Fei has consumed more than 7,000 years of life and can no longer delay.

   Fortunately, although the vitality is consumed quickly, the reward for killing the demon by himself is not small. An average of more than a dozen demons is equivalent to a world origin fruit.

   If this is hunting a few hundred, it is equivalent to changing the vitality for repair. Han Fei thinks it's worth the change, anyway, it's not difficult for him to replenish the vitality thing.

   once again put a group of centuries-old vigorous liquid spirit into his mouth, and Han Fei rushed out.

   an hour.

   Five hours.


   Outside, Han Fei has been in for such a long time, and it has aroused discussion. The people who chased them all came back, but Han Fei didn't return. Even Feng Xingliu looked at the ominous barrier from time to time, frowning from time to time: "There is no information on the flame emblem, I will ask again."

   After a while, Feng Yu got only two words: "Don't worry, I will explore again."

   Feng Yu wondered, is there a way for Junior Brother to resist the ominous?

   Feng Xingliu: "What's wrong? What did he say? Why is it still not coming out?"

   Fengyu: "He should have a temporary way to fight against the ominous, let's take a look first."

   Zhou Run and the others are disturbed, because they currently know too little about Han Fei. The reason why Zhou Run dared to make the judgment that Han Fei should be the leader was that he had investigated all the information from Han Wuyou and the Tian clan who had challenged him, and he had captured the fact that Han Fei had been to the prophecy room.

   After a comprehensive judgment, he felt that Han Fei might not be a good person, but who would be a really good person at the Open Heaven Realm?

   He only knew that Han Fei was a complete lone ranger, but it was impossible for the lone ranger to call the Bantian clan. It shows that Han Fei has the confidence to deal with the Celestial Clan.

   In summary, Han Fei still has a big secret behind it, and through understanding Han Fei, I know that he particularly likes resources and the like. This can also show that Han Fei is taking the initiative to obtain resources, which means that he will not use the power behind him when he is not a last resort.

   This kind of person is either a hidden force, who has been released for experience. But at the level of Han Fei, what else needs to be experienced? It is estimated that the reward came, that is, the sermon came.

   Therefore, such a person does not need to be an enemy, as long as they get in touch with them, there is only good for them, but no harm. And the potential of himself and others is not bad, Han Fei will not refuse, after all, Han Fei's current investment may get unimaginable returns in the future.

   But, after all, they still don't know much about Han Fei.

   The ominous barrier that even Zhao Qinglong had to wait outside, Han Fei directly went in, and he went in for so long. Although they are very confident in Han Fei, Zhao Qinglong and Feng Yu are both outside. With the passage of time, this degree of self-confidence is also rapidly declining.

  Even, on the other side, even Zhao Qinglong couldn't help frowning, as if wondering, does Han Fei have a way to suppress the ominous power? Otherwise, would he be willing to spend countless vigor to fight this moment?

   Including the Celestial Clan, the aristocratic family is also a little bit confused. It has been so long and hasn't come out yet. Is it because of the origin of the world that this servant has no life?

   Only Feng Yu has absolute confidence in Han Fei. Although she didn't know what other cards Han Fei had, it was never easy for someone to join the Void Temple. Since Han Fei dared to go, she was sure that even if it was really dangerous, there would be a big brother, so she didn't panic at all.


   Inside the ominous barrier.

   Han Fei has traveled a long distance, and the number of monsters killed has reached 180 along the way. Many times, seven or eight demons came together to kill.

   But under the perfect suppression of Void Thieves, with the assistance of God's Rosary and Apocalypse. Basically, the demons within ten cannot shake Han Fei at all, let alone parasitic or something. Even if they touched Han Fei, they would be immediately destroyed by the Demon Refining Pot.

   When Han Fei entered here and discovered that there were so many demons here, he knew that this was his own battlefield, and how dangerous others thought it was. He only felt that these demons were his own resources.

   When Han Fei killed more than 200 demons. Han Fei himself estimated that if it were converted into World Origin Fruit, it might be nearly 20.

But there is one thing that makes Han Fei very curious, that is, since he met the wave of more than 30 monsters, there are the later stage of Huaxing and Dzogchen, he has not met the later stage of Huaxing and Huaxingda. Complete demon. This is also the fundamental reason why he moved so fast and beheaded so efficiently. Otherwise, his speed definitely cannot be so fast.

  As the saying goes, art masters are bold, Han Fei seems to be able to suppress the ominous force in all directions, and he keeps rushing to the place where the energy surges.

  Even, he decided that even if it consumes tens of thousands of years of vitality, he will not hesitate to make a foray into it. Here, he still has a chance to comeback. But once he goes out, he probably won't have the chance to compete for the origin of the world here again.

   When the time comes, not only those aristocratic families will not allow it, but the heavenly clan will definitely target themselves. You may be able to block one Transfiguration Dzogchen, but how can you block two or three in a row at once?

   Among the group of people, there are a lot of them, except for Zhao Qinglong, who are hostile to him. It's not that Han Fei doesn't want to fight anymore, it's that there is a huge disparity in combat power.

   Therefore, my own opportunity is now, this moment.

   half an hour later.

   Within Han Fei's natal star, although the river of life has not increased, the power of the world's origin is getting stronger and stronger.

   The origin of the world, contains the great principles, the laws of the heavens, and the vitality of all things, which are the foundations of the birth of the Dao. A mortal taking this substance can reach the sky in one step, and at least obtain the 9th-level spiritual channel, and some chances can get the sky channel. Taking this substance, the natal star will be integrated into the natural law of heaven and will greatly enhance its own potential...

   Han is not intuitive, when he was fighting, too many daydreams appeared in his mind. The way he shot himself, his speed and body skills, and his fist skills... the use of these strengths and skills all made him feel a sense of openness.

   From the very beginning, World Origin was just a purely tapping potential. At that time, Han Fei only felt that his potential was constantly improving.

   But now, when the source of the world has absorbed more than a certain amount of energy, Han Fei only felt that something beyond potential was born. It seems to be the cognition of everything in the world, the cognition of the self, the cognition of the great road.

   Unfortunately, when Han Feizheng wanted to move forward and let more and more demons come to kill, he suddenly woke up from this special state.

   His first reaction was that he had consumed nearly 15,000 years of life without knowing it.

   Then, he saw that a bright lake appeared in the darkness. The range of this lake is more than a hundred miles, and the water inside is rippling. In the surrounding area of ​​the lake, some normal spiritual plants grow. Those Lingzhi were not contaminated by ominousness.

   For example, within the circle of this lake, the most dazzling thing is a sunflower plant.

   The sunflower, where it faces, will burst with dazzling light at any time, and where this light shines, there is ominous power to be purified.

   There is also a sapphire blue fruit. The inside of the fruit sprays thin blue light, like a fan-shaped scanning machine. When the light sweeps through, all the darkness that is illuminated will be directly evaporated.

   There is also a weird translucent fruit tree on which a bubble will grow every once in a while. Yes, that thing does not grow fruit, he grows bubbles. Once those bubbles are formed, they will fly out automatically.

   Once the bubble enters the ominously shrouded area, a large amount of ominous power will be absorbed, trapped in the bubble, and then purified.

  Similarly, there are still a lot of demons there.

   Han Fei just swept his eyes at random, and found that there were as many as tens of thousands of demons here, UU reading www. uukanshu.com They are in the dark, and from time to time they attack those demon plants.

   This is an offensive and defensive battle in a pure sense. The devil condenses and pierces the soul, surrounding the lake, constantly shooting. Maybe one or two demons shot, it's nothing. But when the number of demons reached tens of thousands, and then shot together, the picture was simply unbelievable.

   Han Fei stared at the sunflower dumbfoundedly. This sunflower, his mother's own power, had taken at least 60% of the ominous power and magic source attack. How strong is this sunflower?

  Also, the sunflower is more than just defense. Occasionally, there will be a golden light burst, that is, its sunflower seeds are detonating.

   A sunflower seed took away a large number of monsters, there must be dozens of them, and Han Fei was dumbfounded.

  As for the demons surrounding here, Han Fei saw that most of them were in the late stage of transformation, and even mixed with a lot of transformations.

   And, from other directions, occasionally new demons are coming.


   Han Fei's whole person was not good at the time, no wonder he hadn't met a few demon in the late stage of transformation before. It turned out that they all gathered here.

   Until this moment, a demon finally noticed Han Fei, this uninvited guest, blended into their war.

   For a time, as many as 20 monsters of the later stage of Huaxingda level looked at Han Fei. Looking at the posture, this is to surround Han Fei.

   "Uh... I'll take a look, or else, you continue?"

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